Psychological causes of stomatitis in adults and children

Psychosomatics of oral diseases

Oral diseases are associated with problems in communication and social interaction. What difficulties become prerequisites for psychosomatic stomatitis in adults:

  • being ignored by a partner;
  • futile attempts to prove something;
  • irritation;
  • resentment;
  • fatigue.

Fatigue, which inevitably arises after long arguments and conflicts, forces a person to retreat. And along with this, stomatitis often develops - inflammation of the oral mucosa, presented in the form of ulcers. This inflammation is necessary for a person to remain silent, restore the strength spent on the conflict, and finally give vent to the accumulated negativity (but in bodily form).

Sometimes stomatitis occurs in a different way: you have been nurturing some idea in your head for a long time, one might say, arguing with yourself, and then you decided to express it, but received condemnation. Thus, the psychosomatic cause of stomatitis may be unrealized personal potential, unspoken or rejected opinion.

The psychosomatics of stomatitis is similar to the principle of the development of nervous allergies. Depression, suppressed emotions, anxiety, fear and other stress factors turn on the body's defense systems. But what stomatitis will be like (there are 4 forms of rashes and 4 reasons for the development of the disease) depends on the characteristics of the immunity of a particular person. Ulcers occur due to anger and guilt.

It is important! The prerequisites for stomatitis are disputes, quarrels, scandals, conflicts, nervous breakdown, constant tension and an unfavorable psychological climate in relationships.


  • Stomatitis on the tongue. Psychosomatics of the disease as interpreted by researchers
  • Getting rid of stomatitis on the tongue, psychosomatic diseases of the oral mucosa, with the help of “Spiritual Integration”
  • Traditional medicine advice if a pimple pops up on your tongue

Stomatitis, as manifested psychosomatics of the victim’s tongue, is a disease of the oral mucosa, which manifests itself as an inflammatory process in the form of ulcers on the tongue, gums , palate, and inner sides of the cheeks.

Most often, this disease occurs in a person with a weakened immune system, according to orthodox medicine.

And psychosomatics, the science of the relationship between bodily illnesses and mental state , has made much deeper progress in the study of this disease.

Famous researchers were able to reveal the sources of this unpleasant disease in a popular and accessible way in their books.

Stomatitis as a body protest in children and adults

Stomatitis occurs more often in children, but adults can also encounter this problem. Stomatitis can be a form of protest in response to certain events (psychosomatic stomatitis):

  • frequent conflicts;
  • situations from which you see no way out;
  • dirty and unpleasant situations;
  • situations in which you had to scold someone, insult, or be sarcastic;
  • aggression in response to offensive remarks addressed to us;
  • misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones, suppression of your opinion, silencing in the literal and figurative sense;
  • the desire to hold back unpleasant emotions and words;
  • forced silence due to fear of losing some benefits.

Pay attention to the phrases with double meanings that we sometimes say: “I hate to say this,” “work has an unpleasant aftertaste,” “my tongue doesn’t dare say it.” We ourselves indicate to which the body responds with protest in the form of stomatitis. You just need to be more attentive to yourself.

The causes of illness in a child lie in the peculiarities of the psychological climate in the family. A tense environment, conflicts between parents and suppression of the child inevitably lead to oral diseases.

What else causes childhood stomatitis:

  • change in usual living conditions: moving, changing school or kindergarten, parental divorce;
  • change in daily routine and routine: lack of sleep or lack of games, visiting numerous clubs and sections;
  • overprotection and coercion, upbringing in the “family idol” style;
  • a ban on doing what you love (“I know better what you need”);
  • misunderstanding and non-acceptance on the part of parents, busy parents;
  • contradictory educational positions of parents, family and school;
  • Conflicts in relationships with peers: they are not allowed to speak out, they criticize, insult, or do not listen.

In adults, stomatitis is more often caused by difficulties at work and in relationships with a loved one. The state of the oral cavity is affected by conflicts and contradictions.

Are all diseases caused by nerves?

All diseases are caused by nerves - a phrase that is familiar to almost everyone.
The nervous system is involved in any emotional reaction, be it joy, anger or anxiety. The influence of psychological reactions on the formation and course of the disease is studied in such a direction as psychosomatics. The term consists of two words “psycho” - soul and “somatics” - body, bodily. According to this theory, the causes of diseases are hidden within the individual. In other words, bodily disorders arise due to problems and disharmony in his soul. The psycho-emotional state directly affects the state of health, for example, depression has a depressing effect on the immune system. Freud at one time provided the theory of the unconscious that is well known to everyone today. His model became decisive in the development of psychology and psychotherapy.

Causes of psychosomatic reactions:

  • scandal/conflict;
  • body language is a reflection of the state of the psyche;
  • conditional benefit;
  • heavy accumulated experience;
  • suggestion;
  • self-punishment;
  • systematic use of phrases with double meanings.

Stress signals the body that problems may begin. Stressful situations reduce immunity and lead to the development of various diseases. During conflict and other unfavorable situations, increased amounts of adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood, which undermine the functioning of protective functions. After the stressful situation goes away, the indicators return to normal, but the consequences make themselves felt after some time.

The most common diseases that arise due to stress are migraines, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, herpes, stomatitis, and gastrointestinal diseases. Signs of stress are: headache, pressure surges, rapid pulse, lethargy and fatigue, sleep disturbance, cyclothymia (mood changes).

Oral diseases as a protest of the body

In psychosomatics, the mouth has one of the most obvious metaphysical explanations. He is responsible for speech. Accordingly, diseases of the oral cavity indicate that we are holding something back, using foul language, holding back by gritting our teeth, being sarcastic, etc. Let's look at the theories of three famous psychologists: V. Sinelnikov, Louise Hay, Liz Burbo.

Dr. Sinelnikov's theory

According to V. Sinelnikov’s theory, any disease reflects a person’s bad thoughts. Mouth ulcers indicate bias and contempt for something or someone. At the subconscious level, grievances, caustic remarks and complaints, caustic comments, and anger have accumulated. Wounds on the tongue and the pain that accompanies them indicate a loss of taste for life.

Solution to the problem: accept responsibility for the disease, identify destructive thoughts within yourself, eliminate phrases with double meanings from your speech.

Louise Hay's theory

According to Louise Hay, stomatitis speaks of suppressed anger that was not allowed to come out and a suppressed opinion that was not allowed to be expressed. At the same time, stomatitis can be a reaction to a biased attitude towards the world, a closed mind and refusal to accept new information. Stomatitis on the gums – lack of a clear life plan, indecision.

Affirmations for healing: “I feed on love”, “I rejoice in the generosity of my life”, “I speak freely and do not hold a grudge against anyone”, “I welcome novelty and new concepts, I am ready to perceive and assimilate them.”

Liz Burbo's theory

According to Liz Burbo, the mouth symbolizes the ability to swallow and digest ideas. Moreover, ideas can be either your own or someone else’s. In this case, stomatitis may indicate rash decisions and an inability to accept new things. Stomatitis in the form of ulcers speaks of bad thoughts, obsessions, fear, thoughtless aggressive defense, and caustic criticism of another person. This may also be a consequence of feelings of guilt for dirty words.

Solution: you need to develop psychological flexibility, learn openness and critical, but not categorical processing of information. Learn to express your opinions and feelings. You are not obligated to please your interlocutor and predict his reactions to your words.

How to treat psychosomatic stomatitis

Stomatitis is not life-threatening, but it brings discomfort, especially if it reaches an advanced stage and becomes chronic. If relapses occur frequently, then we are definitely talking about psychosomatics. This means psychotherapy is needed.


The following methods have proven positive in the treatment of stomatitis:

  • Gestalt therapy;
  • NLP;
  • hypnosis;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • body-oriented psychotherapy;
  • transactional analysis.

For serious psychological disorders, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants may be needed. But only a psychotherapist can prescribe them.

In psychosomatics, the upper lip symbolizes our hidden desires, and the lower lip symbolizes the environment of our development. If we are angry with ourselves for saying something unnecessary, we bite our lips. But to prevent stomatitis, it is useful to speak out. Give yourself permission to express whatever you want. Especially angry words.

You don't have to insult someone. Use the unsent letter method: write everything you think, indicate the addressee, but do not send the letter. Or you can swear into the void, imagining the offender in front of you or taping his photo to a chair. The bottom line is the same: you need to get rid of those words that are on the tip of your tongue.

To correct your thinking, you can try this exercise:

  • Write down any nagging beliefs, such as “I'm afraid to express my opinion.”
  • Choose a positive analogy: “From now on, I express my opinion boldly, directly and without confusion.”

This way you can create affirmations for each problem yourself. This exercise has a good effect, as it responds to an individual approach.


If stomatitis occurs as an allergy in response to some product, then the allergen must be excluded. And treat your mouth with an antiseptic. It is unacceptable to have contact with a person who has stomatitis. Even if you know the psychosomatic background of the disease, the possibility of a medical background cannot be excluded.

It is important! Until you eliminate the psychological causes, ointments, tablets and other medications will not help. They may temporarily eliminate the symptoms, but stomatitis will soon return with renewed vigor. Or even worse: it will become chronic.

Prevention of dental problems due to nerves

For prevention purposes, you need to take care of your physical and mental health:

  • harden and strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize work and rest schedules;
  • adjust eating habits;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • restore normal sleep patterns (at least 8 hours);
  • eliminate stress factors (stop painful relationships, leave a job you don’t like, change your social circle);
  • monitor oral hygiene (brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, use floss and mouthwash every time after eating);
  • undergo an annual preventive examination with a dentist;
  • promptly seek treatment of teeth, gums, and oral cavity.

It is necessary to learn to resist stress, overcome it and minimize harmful factors in life. In difficult situations, it is permissible to take herbal sedatives. But even in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is important! Never tolerate anything. Immediately say what you don’t like and/or leave. Understand that your well-being and self-love are more important than any relationship, work achievements, or anything else. You are the only person who will be next to you all your life and every second.

Traditional medicine advice if a pimple pops up on your tongue

  • Grate half of the potato tuber on a fine grater. Every day, for a week, twice a day, for about five minutes, keep a tablespoon of grated potatoes in your mouth.
  • Finely chop the aloe leaf. Add 1 tsp. olive oil. Stir until smooth. Use to lubricate mouth ulcers.
  • Pour half a glass of hot unrefined sunflower oil into the same volume of crushed burdock root. Insist for a day. Next, heat to a boil. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Use to lubricate the oral mucosa.

As we see, stomatitis, as manifested psychosomatics of the victim’s tongue, is formed as a result of the protest and reaction of the patient’s body to stress and strong negative emotions.

If medical treatment brings only temporary relief, and the illness returns again and again, do not be discouraged. Take the Spiritual Integration ” training. Take advantage of this unique chance to save yourself or a loved one from this problem. And not only from her...

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