Causes of night toothaches Why do teeth hurt more at night than during the day? Reasons for this -
A dream in which the sleeper sees or feels his teeth, according to the dream book, has a special meaning.
Stomatitis is an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa, often of infectious or allergic origin.
Soft plaque that is not removed in time turns into stone over time. In the oral cavity
Restoring damaged or lost teeth often takes quite a long time, and it is understandable that
Why does a tooth that has no nerve hurt when pressed? The occurrence of pain immediately after treatment
Symptoms of sore throat in adults, causes and treatment Sore throat in adults does not always occur in
11/26/2018 The main specialization of our clinic is carrying out complex dental implantation in a few days.
Alpha Bio implants have been produced in Israel for more than twenty-five years. They have a huge
For acute inflammation of the oral cavity - stomatitis - honey decoctions and