Why does lip swelling occur due to anesthesia, and what measures should be taken?

Surgeries and manipulations in the oral cavity almost always require anesthesia. For different procedures, different methods of anesthesia are used, for example, when performing cosmetic procedures (plaque removal, teeth whitening), an application technique is sufficient, when the anesthetic is applied to the gums in the form of a gel or spray. This method allows you to neutralize the pain sensitivity of the upper layers of the mucosa.

Swelling of the upper lip

More serious procedures (treatment and extraction of teeth, operations on the mucous membrane) require the introduction of an anesthetic deep into the tissues using an injection (infiltration and conduction techniques). Each type of anesthesia can cause swelling of the soft tissues of the face and oral cavity, including the lips. The reasons why the lip is swollen after anesthesia may be different.

Allergic reaction

Anesthetics are a common cause of allergic reactions, including manifestations in the form of tissue edema. As a rule, with allergies, after the administration of an anesthetic, swelling appears quickly, within the first thirty minutes and quickly spreads to the surrounding tissues. The patient himself, under the influence of anesthesia, may not feel any changes and notices that the lip is swollen only after the effect of the drug has stopped. An allergic reaction, accompanied by tissue swelling after anesthesia, will be noticeable to the dentist, he will take emergency measures and give recommendations for treatment.

In addition to a reaction to the anesthetic, the cause of allergic swelling of the lip can be an allergy to other agents used during the treatment process (filling material, antiseptics, and even latex gloves on the dentist’s hands). As a rule, allergic swelling is not accompanied by pain.

Why does lip swelling occur due to anesthesia, and what measures should be taken?

Surgeries and manipulations in the oral cavity almost always require anesthesia. For different procedures, different methods of anesthesia are used, for example, when performing cosmetic procedures (plaque removal, teeth whitening), an application technique is sufficient, when the anesthetic is applied to the gums in the form of a gel or spray. This method allows you to neutralize the pain sensitivity of the upper layers of the mucosa.

More serious procedures (treatment and extraction of teeth, operations on the mucous membrane) require the introduction of an anesthetic deep into the tissues using an injection (infiltration and conduction techniques). Each type of anesthesia can cause swelling of the soft tissues of the face and oral cavity, including the lips. The reasons why the lip is swollen after anesthesia may be different.

Allergic reaction

Anesthetics are a common cause of allergic reactions, including manifestations in the form of tissue edema. As a rule, with allergies, after the administration of an anesthetic, swelling appears quickly, within the first thirty minutes and quickly spreads to the surrounding tissues. The patient himself, under the influence of anesthesia, may not feel any changes and notices that the lip is swollen only after the effect of the drug has stopped. An allergic reaction, accompanied by tissue swelling after anesthesia, will be noticeable to the dentist, he will take emergency measures and give recommendations for treatment.

In addition to a reaction to the anesthetic, the cause of allergic swelling of the lip can be an allergy to other agents used during the treatment process (filling material, antiseptics, and even latex gloves on the dentist’s hands). As a rule, allergic swelling is not accompanied by pain.

Infectious process

The patient the next day after visiting the dentist may notice that the lip is swollen or pulled to the side if infectious complications have developed both after pain relief and the operation itself. In case of infectious inflammation, swelling of the lips will be accompanied by pain at the injection site or along the nerve fiber. The lip will be hot and tight to the touch. Body temperature may rise, and symptoms of intoxication will appear: weakness, chills, dizziness, nausea.

Due to the proximity of the oral cavity to the brain and other vital organs, if the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid progression of the infection.


A patient may experience a feeling that the lip is swollen if, during anesthesia, a needle enters a vessel and a hematoma forms in the tissues. In this case, the lip will have a local seal; if blood has accumulated near the surface of the skin, a bruise may be visible. The hematoma is accompanied by pain and tenderness when pressed.

The formation of a hematoma does not require treatment; the blood will gradually resolve and the swelling will subside. If pain and swelling persist for several days, their intensity does not decrease or increases, you should consult a doctor, as the bruise may fester.

Mechanical damage

Often the effects of anesthesia continue for several hours after surgery, accompanied by a lack of sensation. In this case, a person can injure his lip by biting it, or cause damage with cutlery or a cup of tea. After the anesthetic wears off, the lip will appear swollen.

Damage to the nerve trunk

As a rule, the patient may notice that the lip is swollen and the face is distorted if, during the process of conduction anesthesia, damage to the nerve trunk innervating the lower jaw and soft tissues of the lower lip occurs. Such an injury will manifest itself as pain in the area of ​​innervation of the damaged nerve; symptoms will persist for a long time (several months). The feeling that the lip is swollen may be accompanied by impaired sensitivity and limited range of motion in the mandibular joint.

Treatment of neuritis and neuralgia of the mandibular nerve is carried out by both maxillofacial surgeons and neurologists. As a rule, restoration of function will require long-term combined treatment with medications and physical procedures.

Infectious process

The patient the next day after visiting the dentist may notice that the lip is swollen or pulled to the side if infectious complications have developed both after pain relief and the operation itself. In case of infectious inflammation, swelling of the lips will be accompanied by pain at the injection site or along the nerve fiber. The lip will be hot and tight to the touch. Body temperature may rise, and symptoms of intoxication will appear: weakness, chills, dizziness, nausea.

Due to the proximity of the oral cavity to the brain and other vital organs, if the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid progression of the infection.

Why does numbness occur after dental implantation?

The first hours after dental implantation, anesthesia continues to be active, especially if it was about installing several implants at once. As a rule, a conduction method is used, which ensures blocking of nerve endings for up to 5-6 hours. But the implantation procedure itself takes no more than 2-3 hours, so after it, numbness can actually persist: in some patients - for a couple of hours, in others - up to 5-6 hours. In both cases, this is the norm, and the duration of anesthesia depends on the condition of the body.

Slight numbness of facial tissues can persist for 2-3 days - it is inextricably linked with swelling. But if sensitivity is not restored, you should consult a doctor. The causes of this condition may be damage to the facial or jaw nerve: the sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of completely restoring tissue sensitivity.

Read more about what facial neuralgia is as a complication after dental implantation >>>

Swelling and numbness are the body’s natural reaction to the “invasion” of a foreign body, that is, an implant. Take a mini-vacation from work for 3-4 days, try to lead a more measured pace of life, give up business trips and important business meetings - give your body rest, because it needs strength to recover. If you want to reduce the risks of any consequences and complications to zero, try to carefully approach the issue of dental implantation, trust your doctor and follow all his recommendations.


A patient may experience a feeling that the lip is swollen if, during anesthesia, a needle enters a vessel and a hematoma forms in the tissues. In this case, the lip will have a local seal; if blood has accumulated near the surface of the skin, a bruise may be visible. The hematoma is accompanied by pain and tenderness when pressed.

The formation of a hematoma does not require treatment; the blood will gradually resolve and the swelling will subside. If pain and swelling persist for several days, their intensity does not decrease or increases, you should consult a doctor, as the bruise may fester.

Mechanical damage

After anesthesia, numbness may persist for several hours

Often the effects of anesthesia continue for several hours after surgery, accompanied by a lack of sensation. In this case, a person can injure his lip by biting it, or cause damage with cutlery or a cup of tea. After the anesthetic wears off, the lip will appear swollen.

Damage to the nerve trunk

As a rule, the patient may notice that the lip is swollen and the face is distorted if, during the process of conduction anesthesia, damage to the nerve trunk innervating the lower jaw and soft tissues of the lower lip occurs. Such an injury will manifest itself as pain in the area of ​​innervation of the damaged nerve; symptoms will persist for a long time (several months). The feeling that the lip is swollen may be accompanied by impaired sensitivity and limited range of motion in the mandibular joint.

Treatment of neuritis and neuralgia of the mandibular nerve is carried out by both maxillofacial surgeons and neurologists. As a rule, restoration of function will require long-term combined treatment with medications and physical procedures.


After surgery, swelling and tenderness may persist for several days

Tissue swelling is a natural reaction of the body to surgery. If complex treatment or removal of a molar tooth was performed in the oral cavity, extensive surgery on the mucous membrane, swelling of the lip may be a consequence of such intervention. In addition to swelling of the soft tissues, the patient notes pain in the surgical wound. In this case, the symptoms should go away on their own within a few days without consequences.

What to do after a child’s tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that can cause complications. It is used both in adult dentistry and in pediatric dentistry. But the main difference is that children sometimes cannot explain how they feel after visiting a doctor. This is why it is especially important to find out what to do after a child’s tooth is removed.

Basic recommendations

You need to be careful about caring for your oral cavity on the first day after visiting the dentist. A sterile swab is placed in the socket of the extracted tooth. It can be removed only after 20–30 minutes. It is allowed to take warm and crushed food after a couple of hours and provided that the anesthesia has worn off.

It is important to remember that after tooth extraction, it is forbidden to rinse your mouth intensively during the first three days. Of course, this applies to children who know how to perform this procedure. The prohibition of rinsing is explained by the fact that a blood clot forms in the socket of the extracted tooth. During intensive rinsing, it can move, exposing unprotected tissue. Bacteria present in the oral cavity easily penetrate the mucous membrane, thereby causing inflammation or alveolitis. To clean the hole, just take the solution into your mouth, hold it at the removal site and carefully spit it out. When visiting a doctor, do not forget to ask for advice on what to rinse your child’s mouth with.

Watch the baby. Under the influence of an anesthetic drug, sensitivity decreases not only in the area of ​​removal, but also on the cheeks. As a result, the child may begin to bite them, causing the formation of ulcers.

In order to avoid bleeding, you need to reduce the load for 5-7 days. If a child is involved in any sport, he or she must refrain from training for a week.

Do not heat the removal area, much less rinse it. After each meal, carefully rinse the mouth with boiled water. Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush, avoiding the socket.

Be sure to give all medications prescribed by the dentist after tooth extraction to your child. This will help shorten the recovery period and prevent inflammation.

Features of the recovery period

After visiting the dentist, it is important to find out which symptoms are normal and when you need to see a doctor. Immediately after surgery, swelling of the mucous membrane and slight soreness may be observed. In order to eliminate them, you can apply an ice compress to your cheek. The doctor may also prescribe painkillers tailored to the child’s age.

Often, immediately after tooth extraction, swelling does not subside and even increases on the 2nd–3rd day. Sometimes a bruise forms. All this is normal and goes away on its own.

But if the bleeding does not decrease after removing the tampon, you need to see a doctor. This is especially true for the second day after removal: there should be no discharge from the socket.

When molars are removed, mouth opening may be impaired in the first days after visiting the dentist. In some cases, there is pain when swallowing and even an increase in temperature to low-grade fever.

When to contact doctors urgently?

There are symptoms that you should see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • severe pain;
  • bleeding for 10–12 hours;
  • decreased sensitivity on the second day after removal;
  • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  • swelling spreading to the throat.

The listed symptoms indicate a complication that requires specialist intervention.

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