Why does a tooth hurt under a crown and what to do about it?

Every person has had an inflamed gum at least once in their life. This usually occurs due to brushing too aggressively, using a hard toothbrush, putting too much pressure on the soft tissue of the floss, or eating very hard foods. If the causative factor is eliminated, the gums quickly heal and the inflammation goes away. But there are situations when the gums near the crown of the tooth become inflamed, but there were no obvious reasons provoking this condition. In this case, you need the help of a dentist.

Why do gums hurt under dentures?

Among the main reasons influencing the development of gum pain after prosthetics are:

  • Incorrectly installed prosthesis. Errors in choosing the size and shape of the structure cause discomfort. Crowns press and rub the gums. The situation is aggravated by the fact that with frequent consumption of solid foods, toffees and other foods, the position of the structure changes, which causes chafing and wounds on the mucous membrane.
  • Allergic reaction. Intoxication occurs if the patient has a tendency to be allergic to cobalt, copper, chromium, nickel and metal alloys. It is also enhanced when installing metal ceramics.
  • The case is dangerous. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, there is a risk of developing Quincke's edema.
  • Diseases of the gums, mouth and teeth. If a foreign object is installed during an infection of the oral cavity, the disease can develop into gingivitis, fungal stomatitis, cyst, candidiasis, caries. Symptoms may vary. For example, soft plaque accumulates under the denture; when you press the plate, the pain intensifies, the gums bleed and swell. Periodontal tissues are deeply affected, and ulcers appear on the alveolar processes.

Signs that your gums are inflamed

To decide what to do if the gums under the denture become inflamed, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the pathology.

The main symptoms indicating an inflammatory process are:

  • Redness appears in the prosthetic area. It can spread to surrounding tissues.
  • Drops of blood are noticeable when brushing your teeth, turning into constant bleeding.
  • Feeling of discomfort, pain when chewing food.
  • It is possible to relieve inflammation for several hours, then the situation worsens again.
  • Gradually, bad breath begins to appear, which does not disappear after the usual procedure of brushing your teeth.
  • The tongue feels swelling of the gums.

If the situation repeats frequently, then the pathology is likely complicated. In advanced cases, the main symptoms include chills, hyperemia of the surrounding gum tissue, increased body temperature, and the gums of the entire part of the dentition become inflamed.

The patient may notice a change in the angle of the artificial tooth, as well as the appearance of gum pockets. Pieces of food get into them, which creates a negative environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

In case of an allergic reaction to the prosthetic material, a rash, burning, dryness, and itching on the skin of the face is observed. You should immediately seek help from your doctor.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Urgent medical attention is necessary if tooth pain under the crown is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sore, swollen, reddened gums are a sign of inflammation of the periodontal tissues; It is better not to start this process, it can spread, causing various complications;
  • increase in body temperature - a slight increase indicates the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the tissues; if a high fever appears, then most likely the process has acquired a purulent character; it is very dangerous;
  • facial asymmetry - may be a consequence of tissue swelling with severe inflammation of soft tissues after prosthetics; it also occurs with injury or inflammation of the facial nerve associated with various dental procedures; If not treated promptly, facial asymmetry related to the facial nerve can last a lifetime.

How to get rid of pain

It is important not to take independent action. Treatment of gum inflammation from dentures is carried out by a dentist, who first of all conducts an examination, identifies the cause of the pathology, and only then prescribes therapy and answers the question “how to treat.”

To cure the inflammatory process and eliminate pain caused by improper installation of the structure, correction of the prosthesis is undertaken. If the cause of the pathology is an allergic reaction to metal and its alloys, then there is only one way out - the manufacture and installation of a metal-free structure made of zirconium dioxide.

In a clinical setting, specialists treat and irrigate gums for regeneration and remove necrotizing tissue.

At home, patients use:

  • Medications. The use of antibiotics and painkillers is prescribed by the dentist only if the gums under the dentures hurt as a result of complications.
  • The most popular use of rinses, creams, gels and ointments, balms with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The following popular brands accelerate the healing of gums - “Metragil-Denta”, “Miramistin”, “Cholisal”, “Forest Balsam”, “Malavit”, “Chlorhexidine”. Regular use and surface treatment helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and destroy bacteria accumulating under the structure.
  • The use of special toothpastes (“Lakolyut”, “President”, “Parodontax”) helps reduce bleeding gums and relieve inflammation. The medicinal paste is used for a month. It is impossible to treat the gums after this time. You can add a drop of tea tree oil to a pea-sized amount of product. This is a natural antiseptic that is actively used in dentistry.

The application of collagen plates and pads under removable dentures is recommended by the doctor in case of constant friction. They perform the function of protecting the mucous membrane and disinfecting the surface. The plates are applied three times a day to the mucous membrane.

Treatment of toothache under a crown

The method of dental treatment is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and the causes of pain. Often, the crown needs to be removed. The following procedures are carried out:

  • The filled material is removed from the canals and the canals are cleaned;
  • If the crown does not fit tightly, it is removed and reinstalled;
  • If a flux or cyst is diagnosed, antibacterial or anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, the purulent contents are removed;
  • The decayed tooth is replaced with an artificial one.

The duration of treatment depends on the complications that appear. This usually takes 1-2 weeks. The result and quality of treatment depends only on the professionalism and attentiveness of the dentist.

What to do if your denture rubs

It’s not just the first days of installation that are difficult for many patients. Often, removable dentures constantly rub against the gums due to their irregular shape. In this case, therapeutic treatment will not be successful, so dentists carry out a correction or a complete change of the prosthesis.

The plate is filed at the points of contact with the mucous membrane. Thus, the load on the gums will be redistributed and the problem will be solved.

After the manipulations, the specialist recommends a remedy to relieve inflammation caused by rubbing. For example, a gel for lubricating gums. It is important to see a doctor immediately, otherwise complications are possible - inflammation of the inner layers of the jaw apparatus, healthy periodontal tissues.

Reasons for installing a crown

A crown is a kind of cap that is placed on a tooth, covering and protecting its tissue. Installed in three cases:

  • If the natural crown of the tooth is destroyed by more than half and it is impossible to restore it with filling material or other restoration methods;
  • To improve the aesthetics of the dentition - correct the shape of the tooth, hide visual flaws;
  • When using prosthetics using a bridge. In this case, crowns are placed on the supporting teeth.

A crown can only be installed on a tooth with an intact root. If the upper part is significantly destroyed and the carious process has reached the pulp, before installing the crown, the tooth is depulped and the root canals are filled.

When installing a bridge, the supporting teeth are covered with dental crowns, even if they are not destroyed. If the tooth is relatively healthy, the dentin and pulp are not affected, crowns can be installed without depulpation.

Our clinic’s specialists do not recommend that patients install bridges, but offer alternative types of prosthetics if the supporting teeth are healthy. To place a crown, the doctor must prepare (grind) the tooth, that is, completely remove the enamel. Without a natural protective layer, even if covered with a crown, the tooth becomes vulnerable and gradually collapses. A bridge should only be placed on teeth that have “nothing to lose.”

Preventive measures

To prevent a negative reaction after the installation of dentures, you should follow the strict instructions and recommendations of the dentist. It is necessary to maintain oral hygiene to reduce the risk of inflammation.

To do this, the specialist recommends adhering to the following prevention methods:

  • Removable structures must be removed at night. Thus, the gums “rest.” This clause does not apply during the first week of installation.
  • You should periodically massage your gums. Using your finger will speed up blood flow and relieve tension from soft tissues.
  • When brushing your teeth daily to remove plaque, you need to pay attention to the interdental space and tongue. It is necessary to clean out food debris in the cracks, otherwise an inflammatory process will develop over time. A brush with fine soft bristles and a irrigator should be used to prevent stones. Cleaning time is at least 2 minutes.
  • When eating food, you need to distribute the load evenly on both sides of the jaw.
  • Rinse after every meal. Herbal infusions and purified water can be used.
  • Avoid foods such as chewing gum, nuts, crackers, gummy candies, and hard fruits.
  • If indicated, complete absence of dentition, bone tissue atrophy or anatomical features of the jaw, use fixing gels, creams, powders.

Following these dental care rules will allow your gums to quickly adapt to the structure. If cracks, breaks, or loose fit of the plates to the gums appear, you should contact a professional.

Some tips for wearing new dentures

  1. Chew food alternately on both sides! This will help the prosthesis take its place and minimize the risk of the prosthesis being thrown off the valve area.
  2. When you bite off solid food using your puller, it is better to use the canines and premolars rather than the incisors, biting as if sideways. Most often, the lateral teeth are located in a more central position in the prosthesis, and the dental technician moves the incisors slightly forward for greater beauty. This is more beautiful, but when biting, tearing moments occur and the prosthesis pushes out of its place.
  3. At first, avoid eating apples, carrots, and generally solid foods.
  4. Diction will change; at first, some sounds will not be pronounced. You need to give your tongue time to get used to the changes in your mouth. It is possible that some words and sounds will sound strange when spoken, especially the sounds of the letters “n”, “r”, “z”. But as you well know, only practice makes perfect! The more often you talk or read out loud, the faster you will start talking like you used to.
  5. To clean dentures, use tooth powder and a denture or hand brush. They are longer and wider, the bristles are denser, and cleaning the prosthesis will be quick. You can, of course, use a toothbrush, but its cleaning effect for plastic is insufficient, cleaning two dentures will take a lot of time, do not forget that you also need to clean the oral cavity.

Caring for removable dentures to prevent complications such as chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane

First of all, dentures should be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of deposits. Oddly enough, most of the dentures in patients who complained of redness of the gums and pain had plaque on the dentures. Nobody is saying that people don't brush their artificial teeth. But, obviously, they do it quite quickly, as a routine procedure.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that the surface of the prosthesis is curved and has depressions. A protein film accumulates in them, which hardens over time, and then begins to grow in thickness and area. It is very difficult to remove hardened deposits from plastic; sometimes you have to do this with a carborundum head, grinding through each depression, and before doing this, soak the dentures in hydrogen peroxide. But it is this plaque that causes gum inflammation.

Therefore, the patient must independently ensure that this protein film does not form. Once a week, the denture should be carefully inspected, especially the recesses where the cleaning brush may not penetrate. If plaque is found, you need to remove it with a gauze cloth with a cleaning agent and tooth powder or soda. You need to rub quite vigorously, and fix the result by polishing with toothpaste.

Denture cleaning tablets are sold.
However, both tablets and hydrogen peroxide do not remove the protein film itself, but only discolor and inactivate it. [email protected] Samara, Industrial district st. Novo-Vokzalnaya, 269 +7

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