There is nothing unnecessary in the mouth. A Barnaul dentist told how one rotten tooth can ruin the whole body

A day later, he died from suffocation and extensive purulent inflammation of the throat and face.

Igor’s uncle came to the editorial office of “Nasha”. The strong man could hardly hold back his tears: talking about how, as a result of a banal tooth extraction, his family lost a loved one was incredibly difficult.

There are, on average, fifty such extractions a day in the city dental clinic, but this tooth turned out to be truly fatal for everyone.

“I don't care about anyone being punished. “You can’t bring Igor back,” Nikolai said, trying to hide his pain. “I just want our grief to serve as a good lesson to other people.” So that they can demand, defending their rights.”

But it was necessary not to endure, but to insist!

Holding back tears, the relatives reconstruct in order the story of the last two days of Igor Dubovsky’s life.

It is very difficult to speak in the past tense about a person who just a few days ago was full of life, strength, and health. It is even more difficult to imagine what enormous grief befell Igor’s family and his mother during these holidays: after all, for a mother’s heart there is nothing worse than outliving her son. Moreover, when he was overtaken by such a stupid, such an absurd death because of someone’s negligence, callousness, indifference and desire to “quickly rest”, hastily getting rid of an unwanted patient.

On June 22, when Daugavpils residents were massively purchasing groceries in joyful anticipation of the long league weekend, Igor began to be bothered by a seemingly ordinary toothache. My cheek began to swell. On the advice of friends, he went straight to the emergency room of the Daugavpils Regional Hospital. But no one there even looked at his tumor and offered no advice. Igor was simply turned around and kicked off to the city dental clinic. By the way, they actually deployed their colleague, because Igor also worked in the healthcare system - he was a driver in a city psychiatric hospital.

What to do if Igor was such a person: very calm, unable to “bump his fist” and get his way, embarrassed to cause unnecessary trouble to others. That is why he did not insist, but, patiently enduring severe pain, went to the other end of the city, to the street. Lachplesha.

And here I would like to ask our doctors the first question (apparently, rhetorical): “Dear sirs, what about the patient’s legal right to receive emergency medical care? How about the same legal right to freely choose a doctor and medical institution? Or has it already been canceled in Daugavpils?!”

Yes, according to the rules, a referral to a hospital is given either by a family doctor or a specialist. But if a person is in a lot of pain and he has already come to you! Is it really not possible to just carefully examine, understand, advise, give advice on how to remove the tumor, or at least give painkillers. And don’t push away from the patient like hell from incense. You're still at work! Or is normal human behavior in a hospital emergency room already “outlawed” in our country?!

In what cases is removal justified?

Despite the popularity of such a service as wisdom tooth removal, there are not many real indications for this procedure:

  • extensive damage to the tooth by caries (including generalized);
  • serious deformation of the tooth or the impossibility of its treatment;
  • incorrect position - the extreme molar can grow at an angle or even horizontally, simultaneously putting pressure on neighboring teeth, causing discomfort and pain;
  • sometimes the wisdom tooth does not fit in the dental row and grows directly into the gum, causing severe pain;
  • nerve damage, inflammation or cyst.

Incorrect position of the extreme molar can provoke changes in the bite and disruption of the dental system. As a result, the patient may develop diseases of the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles.

“They don’t die from this!..”

In dentistry, Igor had an appointment with Dmitry Shingarev, a certified doctor with extensive professional experience and an excellent reputation, a truly excellent specialist. As the doctor himself now says, he did not notice any tumor. And Igor was again embarrassed to say that he felt very bad, believing that the doctor knew better. To be honest, he was afraid of dentists since childhood.

The tooth was safely removed, and the patient was told to rinse the wound with chamomile infusion. All. The freezing worked, the pain began to subside, and Igor, sighing with relief, went home.

However, at home, the tumor not only did not subside, but began to increase. Igor suffered all night, but endured until the last, because the doctors seemed to have done everything that was necessary. Chamomile didn't help. During the day the swelling spread from the face to the neck. Igor could not stand it and again went to the clinic, which that day worked according to the weekend schedule - the doctor on duty was on duty until 15:00.

Now no one can say for sure which particular employee or visitor to the dental clinic told Igor that they wouldn’t be able to see him anyway - goodbye. Only one thing is known: he gave in again and patiently went home.

In the evening, Dubovsky began to experience severe suffocation. The ambulance that was called could not help him and was forced to call the resuscitation team. But the latter were also powerless...

The epicrisis (doctor's report) indicates the cause of Igor's death: asphyxia (suffocation), extensive purulent phlegmon (inflammation) of the throat and face.

As the pathologist told Igor’s relatives, they don’t die from this.” Apparently, the doctor meant that such problems are easily solved by modern medicine, and such cases should not end in death. If only... it weren’t for a series of examples of banal medical negligence, sometimes reaching the point of basic disregard.

Don't they die from this? Maybe somewhere they don’t die... But in Daugavpils they do! Healthy, full of energy men...

Can you die from toothache?

You won’t hear any stories related to dentistry... Of course, some of them are true, some are fictitious...

Life stories

Recently, on one of the Yakut forums, a girl wrote: “Don’t even think about having your teeth removed in this dental clinic! (For ethical reasons, we do not indicate the name of the clinic). A friend of mine had it removed there, so she got an infection, then she had surgery. So much pus came out, and they cut her face, now there is a scar on her face... She was in the department of maxillofacial surgery in the republican hospital, half the wards were there after teeth were removed in this dentistry..." It is difficult to say for sure whether this call is to be believed or not. But when I was at school, I remember an absolutely true and terrible story about how one patient died in a dental clinic during a tooth extraction. Most likely, the death was caused by an allergic reaction during pain relief. There are also rumors that they can treat or remove completely healthy teeth.

Anton Agafonov: “The main thing is to work honestly”

Can this really happen and how to choose a dental clinic to stay alive and in good health? With these and other questions, we rushed to Anton Agafonov, head of the dental department at Victory Clinic .

Anton Aleksandrovich Agafonov is the head of the dental department, dental surgeon at Victory Clinic.

  • Certificates in the specialty “Therapeutic Dentistry”, “Surgical Dentistry”.
  • Professional retraining in the specialty “Therapeutic Dentistry” at the Medical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk.
  • Training courses on the Impro implantation system: “Surgical and orthopedic protocols, clinical and laboratory stages.”

— Anton Alexandrovich, why did you decide to become a dentist?

– As a child, I was very afraid of dentists, I was simply terribly afraid! Maybe because I was scared, I suddenly became interested: how can one work as a dentist? Therefore, from my school years I knew that I would become a dentist. Immediately after school I entered the NEFU Medical Institute.

—Are there doctors among your relatives?

— Yes, there are doctors in our family, on my mother’s side. Her maiden name is Palshina.

— Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gennady Anatolyevich Palshin is your relative?

- Yes, he is my mother's cousin and my uncle.

— What is the most important thing in the work of a dentist?

– The main thing is honesty and that there is no pursuit of the ruble. First of all, the doctor must think about the patient’s health, work efficiently and conscientiously.

About working at Victory Clinic

— When and how did you come to work at Victory Clinic ?

– I came to VictoryClinic in 2009, almost at the beginning of the opening of the dental department. At that time, one office was organized here, and the second one had not yet been launched. There was a nurse at Victory Clinic who also worked part-time at another dental clinic where I was working at the time. She advised me to work part-time at the Victory Clinic, and I agreed. I worked part-time for two years, and then switched to a permanent position. Today we have two adults and one children's office.

— How many dentists are currently working?

— Our department has four dentists on staff – two adults and two children. Tatyana Vasilievna Poryadina works with me, and the pediatric dentist is Olga Vladimirovna Panova.

— Are there many patients?

- Yes, we have a lot of patients. Over the years, we have built up a fairly good base of regular patients, who come to us not only for treatment, but also for consultations with families and even organizations.

About secrets at work

— A private clinic is a huge responsibility, an individual attitude towards all patients. How do you manage to combine this?

— Like all specialized doctors, we apply an individual approach to each patient. And, of course, the quality of treatment always comes first for us. If we treat poorly, then next time the patient will not come at all, right?.. Dentistry in our clinic meets the most serious requirements for the quality of service delivery.

— What do you use for complex treatment?

— In the complex treatment of dental diseases, medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, ultrasound, high rotation speeds of burs, and special high-frequency installations are used.

— How do you diagnose?

— We diagnose dental diseases in the clinic using a radiovisiograph. We have modern equipment from leading companies, highly qualified specialists, and always a calm, friendly environment. All this, probably, is the most important component of the successful and high-quality work of our clinic. The priority in our work is high efficiency of treatment, ensuring the convenience and safety of patients.

- It's all good. What are your plans?

- There are plans. I would like to open such areas of dentistry as orthopedics and orthodontics. But for now all this is in the plans.

— Is there anything else you would like to purchase from equipment?

-Certainly. For example, a dental microscope and devices for endodontic treatment.

May lead to death

— What anesthetic drugs are used during tooth extraction?

— For anesthesia, our clinic uses such anesthetics as ultracaine, articaine, ubistezin, and for pregnant women, children and elderly patients - scandonest.

- You may be allergic to anesthetics. What do you usually do to avoid a reaction?

– When a patient comes to us, we take an anamnesis. The data obtained from the anamnesis helps us approach in more detail the solution to the dental problem with which the patient came to us. At the same time, we must find out whether the patient has been treated before, what anesthetics he took, whether there were reactions or not, whether there are complications, heredity features, etc.

— What if the patient does not know about the allergy?

– Then appropriate tests are carried out on the drugs that we plan to use. These tests are performed by an allergist.

– When I was at school, there was a case in Yakutsk when a patient died during tooth extraction. Could this happen now?

– This tragic incident did not occur due to manipulation, but there was an allergic reaction to the administered drug. Yes, there can be a lightning allergic reaction to anesthesia, it is called anaphylactic shock. And if you do not help the patient in a timely manner and do not provide appropriate qualified assistance, it can lead to death.

– Have you heard of such cases?

- Yes, I heard.

– Were there such people in Yakutsk?

– Yes, they also happened in Yakutsk, unfortunately.

— In private clinics?

– Which ones, according to professional ethics, it is better not to indicate. But I will say one thing: in private dental clinics where anesthesia is performed, they approach this very responsibly. And they also have more control. But again, everything depends on the doctor himself, his responsibility in his work.

How to choose a clinic?

— There are a lot of dental clinics and offices in Yakutsk. How to choose a good clinic or dentist?

–In dentistry, patients should be presented with a special stand. All licenses and documents must be indicated at this stand.

“Maybe you should ask the dentist for his diploma, otherwise maybe this isn’t a doctor at all.” What do you think?

– Now, as a rule, all diplomas and certificates are placed on such stands. This is done so that patients become familiar with the track record of doctors. But our patients often know everything about doctors through word of mouth. When new patients come to me, they often say this: they recommended you to me...

Can heal healthy teeth...

— Is it true that dentists can treat absolutely healthy teeth for financial gain?

– Yes, there is something like this in Yakutsk. A patient came to me and told me how during a consultation at one dentist she was told that two teeth needed to be treated. I looked and the girl’s teeth were healthy. The most you can do is clean it. In principle, any tooth can be drilled and a filling can be placed there. But, I think, only a doctor who disrespects himself can do this...

– What other tricks do dentists have?

– Unfortunately, as in every business, there are some nuances. But only those dental clinics that do not value their reputation do this. After all, the most important “trick” now is to work for quality! If you provide high-quality treatment, people will be drawn to you, but if you deceive and work poorly, then over time you will not have any clients left.

– Is it possible to get HIV infection or hepatitis in a dental office?

– If you don’t process the tools, then it’s possible. I can’t say anything about other clinics, but this can’t happen with us! In our clinic, everything is processed most carefully, because there are special standards, SanPiNs. We take sanitary and epidemiological requirements very seriously.

— Is it possible to whiten teeth using advertised preparations - pastes, gels? Are they even effective?

– I am not a supporter of bleaching. And toothpastes should be selected from a dentist, because the wrong choice can greatly harm your teeth.

— Can you bleach your home with baking soda or citric acid?

— I have a very negative attitude towards cleaning with soda or citric acid, because the enamel becomes fragile, these products thin it, and severe tooth sensitivity appears.

About a hunter who almost died from a toothache...

— Is it true that you can die from toothache if you don’t see a doctor?

– You cannot die from toothache as such. But you can get rid of the consequences if it gets too bad and an infection develops. I'll tell you a real case. One hunter was left alone on the island; the river had just started flowing. He had a toothache and spent a whole month alone, without help or medicine. He was taken to Yakutsk by air ambulance, he was almost dead, because the infection spread from the tooth to the neck, from the neck further, the man was completely infected. He lay in intensive care for a long time, they operated on him and saved him.

At that time I was on duty in the department of maxillofacial surgery of the Republic of Belarus No. 2. This hunter was admitted to intensive care through our department, and Oleg Igorevich Shirko and I then examined him.

— Is it true that caries has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart?

–Yes, caries affects the functioning of internal organs, and primarily on digestion. When pregnant patients come to me for sanitation, I tell them this: “You can infect a child with your immunity and teeth with pathogenic microflora...”

- Why don’t we, local residents, have such strong and good teeth?

– In the northern uluses, people drink lake water, but all the microelements in such water freeze out, they are not there. And if they didn’t eat meat, cottage cheese, didn’t drink milk, they would have no teeth at all. And the condition of teeth, yes, is greatly influenced by heredity. Although now we have everything - vitamins, supplements, heredity and nationality are also a powerful factor in the condition of teeth.

– How many times should you brush your teeth?

– The most correct thing is to eat and brush your teeth. Many people wake up in the morning and clean immediately, but it’s better after breakfast. If you can’t brush your teeth after lunch at work, then at least use mouthwash or chew gum for no more than 10 minutes. And many people don’t brush their teeth before going to bed, which is also very bad.

— You have been working as a practicing dentist for 10 years. Share your observation: who is more afraid of dentists – women or men?

– Both men and women are equally afraid! Some faint and cry, we calm them down. We are not only dentists, we are also psychologists. And there is no need to be afraid of us! We dentists need to be loved and visited twice a year, even if nothing bothers us. And then you will smile more often and not be ashamed of your smile...

Dentistry for adults and children Victory Clinic meets the most serious requirements for the quality of services. Experienced specialists will give you advice and recommendations on dental care and prevention of oral and dental diseases. Remember that early contact with the dentist for a preventive examination can protect you and your children from serious diseases. Modern equipment from leading companies, a calm and friendly environment, and highly qualified specialists are the most important components of the successful and high-quality work of the Victory Clinic dental department. The priority in our work is high efficiency of treatment, ensuring the comfort and safety of patients.

Welcome to Victory Clinic!

Our address: Lenina Ave., 61/2 (dentistry for adults),

Lenina Ave., 3/1 (dentistry for children)

cont. tel.:421-000 or 425-000.

There are contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Everyone is right, no one is to blame. But there is no person...

The mother and sister of Igor Dubovsky, who came to our editorial office, complained that they had met with Vaclav Yasvin, the head of the city dental clinic, but did not receive a clear explanation why a healthy 45-year-old man could die due to a pulled out tooth. The women, who had cried all their tears, wanted to look into the eyes of the doctor who pulled out the ill-fated tooth, but they were not able to meet him on Tuesday. On that tragic day for the Dubovsky family, Doctor Shingarev was completing his last working day before rest: long holidays awaited him, and on Monday he began his legal vacation.

And here is what Mr. Yasvin said in a conversation with Nasha Gazeta: This is an unprecedented case for our clinic. We are now conducting a serious investigation into this fact. I personally express my most sincere condolences to Igor’s loved ones. I interviewed the clinic staff who worked in those days. I have no reason not to believe the experienced doctor who is Dmitry Shingarev. But he did not notice a tumor on Dubovsky’s face, and therefore did not prescribe antibiotics to the patient. Regarding the appointment of the doctor on duty on June 23: we have an unspoken rule - doctors work until the last patient in the clinic premises. That day, the doctor on duty worked until half past four, and if Dubovsky had not left, he would have definitely been seen. As his relatives said, the man himself was very afraid of dentists, which is why he started the disease. he needed to be persistent himself and tell the doctor what was bothering him, and not leave the clinic.”

As Nasha Gazeta learned, yesterday Dr. Shingarev returned from vacation to personally meet and talk with the relatives of the deceased patient...

From the editor: Of course, we are not a spoiled people: we have been doing home renovations ourselves for a long time, we try to fix household appliances and cars ourselves. Why don’t we now start understanding medicine ourselves? But in this case, another question haunts me: if the specialist “didn’t notice anything suspicious,” then how can we, people far from medicine and dentistry, understand something? 40-60 removals per day... It turns out that doctors work like on an assembly line: if it hurts, remove it, and then let the patient fuss about it... Now all you hear around is: doctors think they are underpaid. But we, patients, know for sure that we pay too high a price for our medicine. Life...

No tooth - no problem

“Often older people think: I only have three teeth left, okay, I won’t even brush them.” Is it necessary to undergo treatment in this case?

— The oral cavity is not sterile, it has a special microflora, so it is always necessary to take care of it. Even if there are no teeth, because the mucous membrane can also be injured and lead to more serious diseases.

Radmila Labyntseva.

— It is believed that braces are a matter for children. Why does malocclusion occur in adulthood and how important is it to correct it?

— There are many reasons for malocclusion in adults. Most often these are consequences of dental development disorders in childhood. Mostly, malocclusion is diagnosed in people whose childhood was spent, again, in Soviet times.

At that time, the aesthetic component of treatment was relegated to the background; people were more concerned about health. Basically it was like this: the tooth got sick - it was removed. No tooth - no problem. If the parents had taken the child to the doctor in time, the malocclusion could have been corrected, the teeth could have been saved, and with them the health of the entire oral cavity.

In addition to external distortions, malocclusion can affect the quality of food digestion and even speech. This is also psychologically important, because a person with such a pathology is embarrassed not only to communicate, but also to open his mouth.

Dentist. Dental treatment.



“Nasha” contacted the Health Inspectorate regarding the incident. Here they explained to us that Igor Dubovsky’s relatives must write a statement, which they can submit to the Latgale branch of this inspection. But it’s better to send him to Riga right away.

“I have already warned my colleagues about this case, and we are waiting for their statement,” the Health Inspectorate employee told us at the end of the conversation.

We remind you that you should send your complaints to the Health Inspectorate at the following address: Klijānu iela 7, Riga, LV-1012, Veselības inspekcija. Contact phone: 67819671; fax: 67819672. Email address; website

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