Why can't my nose breathe when I'm teething?


  • Golonova Yulia Yurievna

    otorhinolaryngologist, clinic director

5.00 (Votes: 2)

In the first year of a child’s life, when his first milk teeth are cutting, a fairly common picture is swelling of the gums at the site of teething, profuse salivation, the child’s capriciousness, the desire to put everything in his mouth and chew in order to relieve itching and discomfort from the gums. Due to excessive salivation, coughing and even (very rarely) vomiting are possible, when there is really a lot of saliva and the child chokes on it.

When to take the drug

Instructions for use describe cases when Fenistil drops can be used to treat children.

You can give the product to a baby in certain cases.

  1. For allergies. This category includes reactions to medications or after eating certain foods. Fenistil can also be given to children with urticaria. If any substance in the composition provokes individual intolerance, the doctor prescribes analogues, the most popular of which is Zyrtec.
  2. Fenistil is used to eliminate skin itching of various origins. This category includes rubella, consequences of insect bites, eczema, dermatitis, and smallpox.
  3. The product is also given to children to prevent seasonal allergies.
  4. Doctors prescribe Fenistil drops for teething. The components of the composition help relieve redness of the gums and eliminate swelling. If your baby is suffering from teething problems, Fenistil will provide indispensable help.

Runny nose during teething

Due to the fact that nasal congestion is still considered atypical for the teething process, and especially if the nasal congestion has not gone away within 3-4 days, the child should be shown to a specialist otolaryngologist in order to exclude the infectious and allergic nature of the disease, and also to make sure that nasal congestion does not provoke inflammatory changes in the tympanic cavity, which, unfortunately, can be completely asymptomatic. In a specialized ENT clinic, using a video endoscope, an otolaryngologist will examine the nasopharynx for hypertrophy of adenoid vegetations, which, although rare, still occurs at such an early age; If ear pathology is suspected, a tympanometry study will be performed. All these methods are safe and are used in children from birth.

Remember, if a child has a runny nose during teething and other symptoms that worry you, it is better for the child to be examined by a specialist otolaryngologist in a specialized ENT clinic, where conditions have been created and all the necessary equipment is available for monitoring children, and where you will be provided with assistance and prescribed treatment in a timely manner .

Main contraindications

Before using Fenistil for treatment, the instructions for use should be carefully studied. Despite the wide range of effects, the drops have certain contraindications that you need to be aware of.

Among them are the following:

  • asthma;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • diseases related to the bladder;
  • lung diseases;
  • child's age up to one month;
  • woman's lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to individual components contained in the composition.

The use of drops for infants and older children must be treated with extreme caution.

Excessive exposure to medications negatively affects the formation of immunity. If the baby is not yet a year old, treatment with Fenistil drops is possible only after consultation with a doctor. You will need to take tests and determine whether this will negatively affect the child’s body. Next, the doctor will prescribe a dosage, which must be strictly adhered to.

If the doctor considers that it is better to use analogues for treatment (for example, Zyrtec), you should not argue with him.

Possible side effects

Fenistil is considered one of the safest products for newborns. In rare cases, the following side effects may be observed:

  • nausea;
  • constant dryness in the mouth;
  • hyperactivity;
  • breathing problems in children;
  • skin rash;
  • convulsions and frequent dizziness;
  • severe pain in the temporal lobe;
  • constant drowsiness.

If the patient has noticed one of the listed side effects, it is better to resort to treatment with other medications. Analogues of the drug Fenistil are characterized by excellent pharmacological properties, and among them the drug Zyrtec is very popular.

The best drops for teething: Fenistil, Boiron Dantinorm

Most parents, on the advice of E. Komarovsky, give preference to well-known medications such as Fenistil, Boiron Dantinorm, Parlazin. They are ranked:

    Fenistil is recognized as the best antihistamine for children from 1 month. It perfectly relieves swelling and redness of the gums at the very peak of teething, and helps reduce the pain threshold in babies. Naphthyzin nasal drops are often prescribed along with this drug, but only if there is congestion of a physiological nature (no viral runny nose, no nasal discharge);

Teething teething drops are very important for babies. They relieve pain and improve the mood of the little ones

Children say! A child, putting on a shirt upside down (collar down) and trying to somehow get out of it: - Mom, this is a very difficult shirt, we can’t do it without your intelligence!

Symptoms of the onset of baby teeth

First of all, parents need to be able to recognize when the teething process has begun. The appearance of the first teeth has the following symptoms:

  • inflammation and redness of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • change in the child’s appetite (the baby may refuse food altogether or, conversely, try to eat inedible);
  • biting and attempts to gnaw everything on the part of the child (due to the fact that the gums itch during teething);
  • not a significant increase in body temperature for a period of 1-2 days (due to the fact that an increased amount of biologically active substances is released in the body);
  • slight (up to 3 days, with a frequency of up to 3 times a day) diarrhea, due to the fact that salivation increases and a lot of saliva enters the child’s gastrointestinal tract;
  • mild runny nose (clear nasal discharge for about 4 days);
  • wet cough (also due to increased salivation);
  • lack of sleep (due to discomfort).

What problems can arise during teething?

  1. Teeth cutting too late. A period of more than 2 months from the moment when they should have started to erupt is considered late.
  2. Teeth are cutting too early. Although there are cases when a child is born with teeth already erupted. But still, if teeth begin to appear for the most part too early, this is a cause for concern.
  3. The appearance of teeth outside the dentition.
  4. Incorrect formation of newly erupted teeth.
  5. Violation of the order of eruption of the incisors or the absence of one of the teeth.

If symptoms (fever or runny nose) last longer than a couple of days, the child should be seen by a doctor immediately!

Indications for the use of anesthetic drops during teething in children under one year of age

The use of dental drops during teething for infants is indicated only in acute cases. It is not recommended to take them just like that, especially without consulting a doctor. Such drugs are indicated if children experience the following symptoms:

Read also: Is it necessary to treat caries of baby teeth?

Parlazin drops for teething are prescribed by a doctor; it is not recommended to take medications for a baby without his knowledge.

  • salivation increases;
  • the temperature rises to critical levels;
  • there are inflamed areas on the gums: redness, swelling;
  • causeless crying, constant whims throughout the day.

Of course, such symptoms may also indicate more serious illnesses, so it is better to ask your pediatrician for advice. It is also important to study the instructions for each selected pharmaceutical product and evaluate the list of contraindications.

Note to moms! In addition to dental drops, when infants erupt their first teeth, medications are prescribed in gel form: Dentol, Cholisal, Kalgel, and sometimes they are prescribed in combination to minimize pain.

Treatment regimen with Parlazin, Fenistil and Dantinorm

Each teething drop for infants has nuances of use. Let's look at how to take popular remedies for babies up to one year old.

Let's smile! My older brother's son went to first grade. He motivates him with various joys - toys, little things, and so on. And my father promised me in first grade that if I graduated from school with honors, he would allow me to insert a gold tooth, like Uncle Dima’s. The enthusiasm did not wane for many years.

Parlazine dosage

It is not recommended to use the drug before 6 months, and from this age, 5 drops (2.5 mg) once a day are prescribed; children from one to three years old are recommended to take 2.5 mg of the drug twice a day.

Parlazin teething drops should be given in individual dosages, depending on the age of the baby

Instructions for Fenistil

Antihistamine drops Fenistil are indicated in the following dosage: babies from 1 to 4 months, 3-5 drops, from 5 to 9 months, 5-10 drops, children from 9 months to one year, 9 to 12 drops once a day. In addition, the dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the baby (for more details, see the instructions for the drug or study the material here).

The photo shows Fenistil dental drops. They play the role of an antihistamine and are excellent for removing swelling from the gums.

We give Dantinorm baby

The course of treatment with this remedy is three days: on the first day, the capsule should be divided into three doses, and on subsequent days, reduce the dosage to two doses, while reducing the amount of medication. The drug should be dripped using a pipette under the baby’s tongue.

Dantinorm teething drops are inexpensive and effective

The instructions for each drug contain contraindications related to the hypersensitivity of the baby’s body to a separate component of the substance in the drops during teething. If you have an allergy, you need to choose another medicine that will be as safe as possible.

Teething teething drops for infants: cheap analogues

The above drugs have analogues that are cheaper, but have the same effect. Doctors advise for children under one year old to try:

The approximate price of these medicines ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Attention! Many dental drops may contain valerian extract, which is unsafe for children, so before purchasing the drug, carefully study its composition; this is allowed in licensed pharmacies.

What drops can be used during teething in children?

Today there are various auxiliary products on the medicine market. Drops for teething in children are quite common. We will provide a list of such medications and list reviews from parents who have already tried them in practice.

After all, the problem of the appearance of a milk bite is associated with all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, changes in the baby’s behavior, and sleepless nights for the whole family. Every loving mother wants to alleviate the condition of her child, and modern drugs come to her aid in this.

But should the process of teething also be accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion?

No, such manifestations should not happen. And if nasal congestion is still present during teething, then first of all it is necessary to exclude the parallel development of a respiratory infection, as well as an allergic reaction, especially if you introduce complementary foods or new foods to the child, or if there is an increased number of respiratory allergens in the house, for example, the presence of domestic animals.

If there is neither one nor the other, then the vessels of the child’s nasal mucosa are really dilating and swelling appears due to such a provoking factor as teething, which should not normally be the case. Therefore, many otorhinolaryngologists are inclined to conclude that this is one of the signs of a child’s possible predisposition to vasomotor rhinitis. This vasomotor reaction usually goes away within 2-3 days after eruption.

Signs of teething

It is not difficult to discover that the first tooth will soon appear in the baby’s mouth. Indeed, in most cases, this physiological process is accompanied by a sharp change in the child’s behavior and state of health.

Primary incisors begin to emerge at approximately 6-8 months of age. This norm is quite vague and deviations of six months are acceptable. The symptoms of teething may also differ significantly. Each child experiences this period differently. But the most common signs are:

  • the gum turns red and swelling appears on it, in some cases there is blue discoloration and hematoma;
  • the child’s behavior becomes capricious and restless;
  • the baby suffers from itching and pain, which he tries to soothe with the help of various objects, so he puts everything in his mouth;
  • increased body temperature, but it usually lasts no longer than three days;
  • due to reduced immunity, teething can often be accompanied by viral respiratory diseases;
  • increased salivation and runny nose, as a result of inflammation and irritation of soft tissues;
  • diarrhea – often occurs during this period.

This medicine is considered an antihistamine, that is, it eliminates the symptoms of an allergic reaction to various pathogens. But it is often recommended to be used during teething in children, as it effectively eliminates runny nose, gum inflammation, and relieves swelling and redness.

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As a result, the child feels better, and he can eat, sleep, and study the world around him in peace. But you should not use this drug without consulting a pediatrician. After all, it also has strict contraindications:

  • chronic lung diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • pathologies of the bladder;
  • allergy to any substance in the composition.

Dantinorm Baby

A homeopathic remedy created on the basis of natural plant components - medicinal chamomile, Indian ivy, rhubarb, etc. Thanks to this, it has a comprehensive effect and helps the baby to more easily endure the unpleasant symptoms of teething.

We list the main effects of using this French remedy:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • eliminates pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the mucosa;
  • relieves pain;
  • reduces irritation and swelling of the gums;
  • reduces the feeling of itching;
  • Due to the vitamin complex contained in medicinal plants, it improves the functioning of the immune system, increases appetite and is a source of useful microelements.

Thanks to its natural ingredients, it is considered a safe remedy and can even be used to treat infants. But you should not exceed the recommended dosages indicated in the instructions. The drug is available in the form of ampoules with a solution or sachets with powder, from which you need to prepare a liquid product yourself.

On the first day, you can use up to three servings of the drug; on subsequent days, two servings per day are enough. The liquid is dripped under the tongue between meals.

It has an enhanced effect - reduces swelling of the gums, inflammation of soft tissues, redness, itching, and runny nose. But it is prescribed quite rarely for teething. After all, this is an antihistamine drug intended for the treatment of allergies. Doctors resort to it only in cases where the child suffers greatly from unpleasant symptoms and no other medicines can help him.

Parlazin drops, unlike the listed products, can only be used after the child has reached 1 year of age. There are also other contraindications - lactose intolerance, renal failure and individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

This is a homeopathic remedy from an American manufacturer, created specifically for babies suffering from painful teething. This drug is sold in the form of drops and has the following effects:

  • reduces inflammation and swelling of the gums;
  • calms the child;
  • softens itching;
  • reduces salivation and runny nose.

The composition contains herbal components (medicinal chamomile, staphysagria), as well as some useful mineral supplements (calcium phosphate, potassium, magnesium). They help alleviate the child’s condition, improve dental health and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

These drops can be used from the age of 4 months, and the effect occurs 15 minutes after administration. Use is permissible several times a day, but not longer than 10 days in a row.

Video: what can you do to help with teething?

The cost of each drug differs depending on the region and pharmacy chain. But the fluctuations are usually not too large. Here are the average prices in pharmacies in Moscow.

How to choose a teething remedy

The eruption of baby teeth is a physiological process that usually begins around 4-6 months of a child’s life and ends at about two and a half years. Regularly occurring symptoms of teething: restlessness (especially at night), increased salivation, itching, swelling and soreness of the gums. Any mother, naturally, wants to make this period of development easier for the child, relieve pain in the gums, and reduce the likelihood of sleepless nights. Therefore, mothers very often ask doctors questions: what to do when teething and how to help the child?

There are several solution options with their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Homeopathic remedies.

On the one hand, ingestion of diluted chamomile and other herbal ingredients will calm the baby, however, from the point of view of scientific medicine, they are unlikely to have any direct effect on the gums.

2. Systemic pain relievers (eg paracetamol, ibuprofen)
They are safer, but they will also act on the baby’s body in general, and not on the gums.

3. Gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine

These are local anesthetics that have an analgesic effect during teething.

But there are several nuances:

• Firstly, with frequent use, lidocaine and benzocaine can have a toxic effect on the body of a small child. In 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported 22 cases of severe adverse events to 2% lidocaine gels in children under 3 years of age. Side effects of lidocaine included respiratory distress, decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and convulsions. That is why the Department has imposed a ban on gels with high levels of it.

• Secondly, age restrictions: usually from 3 or 6 months. If your baby starts teething early, these medications will not help him. In addition, such gels can have a very specific taste, and the baby may completely refuse to use it again.

4. Gels based on natural extracts without synthetic anesthetics
These gels are based on extracts that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects.

For example, the new Italian gel for gums Dentinale® natura with herbal ingredients: aloe vera juice, boswellia and chamomile extracts, will help postpone the teething period without resorting to analgesics and anesthetics.

Dentinale® natura has a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The gel does not contain :

• synthetic painkillers

• sugar

• parabens

It is almost impossible to overdose on such a drug, it is harmless if swallowed, side effects are not described and theoretically can only be associated with individual intolerance to the components of the gel.

Pleasant to the taste and has no age restrictions.

Easy teething and good nights!


You can read the reviews at the link: https://www.babyblog.ru/td/itog/41

Drops for teething: ranking of the best

The appearance of the first teeth is a difficult event, both for the child himself and for his parents. Therefore, many are trying to find the most effective remedy that will help get rid of discomfort. This is especially true when teething for the first time, since in this case the gums hurt not for 1-2 days, but for a whole week, and maybe even more. This condition affects the general mood of the baby. He becomes irritable, restless, loses his appetite and sleeps poorly. Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents are looking for an answer to the question, which teething drops are the best? We'll talk about this below.

Gum massage during teething

Since drug treatment cannot be considered completely safe, you should try more moderate options first. We have already talked about one of them above - these are teethers. In addition to these, other measures can be taken. For example, switch to chilled food and drink. This will help reduce the discomfort a little.

Gentle gum massage will also be an effective solution. Be very careful, since your baby's gums are very delicate, if you overdo it, there is a risk of increasing the pain. Therefore, you should approach massage wisely and with balance. And most importantly, with full knowledge of the methodology.

The massage consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation.
    If you decide that you will massage your gums with your finger, you need to trim your nails well, rinse thoroughly, and disinfect. It is very important to get rid of any dirt on your hand. But since this is quite difficult, there is a simpler and more convenient option - use special finger pads or napkins. They can not only massage your gums, but also gently clean your first teeth of food debris. Wet wipes "ASEPTA BABY" from 0 to 3 years help reduce pain during teething, effectively cleanse the oral cavity of food debris, and reduce the risk of inflammation. Each napkin is individually packaged; when using, you do not need to rinse your mouth with water. So you can have a massage not only at home, if necessary. Place the napkin on your finger, now you can proceed directly to the massage itself.
  • Massage.
    Both infants and older children need to move massage movements from the edges of the disturbing areas to the site of eruption. Lightly rub the gums, stroke or apply a little pressure. All these movements can be combined. Watch your baby's reaction and choose the option he likes best. You don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to reach all the places; the soft fibers of the finger napkin will help you massage hard-to-reach areas. Remember that the procedure should be carried out only where the roots of the teeth are. There is no need to massage the eruption site itself, as this can worsen the child’s condition, cause discomfort and make it difficult for the tooth to emerge.
  • Hygiene.
    As early as six months, you can accustom your child to the need for daily oral care. At this time, it is already recommended to use a special children's brush instead of a finger napkin, as well as toothpastes intended for children. For example, ASEPTA BABY paste, made on the basis of plant extracts. This product does not contain resin or abrasive substances, so it is excellent for newly erupted baby teeth that are still fragile. The paste has a pleasant taste, which will make the cleaning process more enjoyable. At first, watch the cleaning, and when the child grows up, he can do everything on his own.

Teething massage is an effective procedure that can not only reduce discomfort, but also reduce the use of medications. But it is very important to be extremely careful when performing a massage, both for infants and older children. Babies' gums are much more tender than those of adults. But if you do everything correctly, then after a fairly short time you will notice that the baby has become more comfortable, he has calmed down, and the teething itself is faster and easier.

Drops for teething: ranking of the best

According to statistics, most children still suffer from pain during this period. Of course, it will not be possible to avoid teething, but this process can be significantly simplified.

Modern pharmacology has developed a number of medications that have an analgesic effect. For infants, the most convenient form is drops, as they are quite easy to give to the baby. Many parents still prefer gels, but as practice shows, an allergic reaction develops more often to them than to drops.

The most popular and effective drops are:

  1. "Fenistil". When teething, this drug is prescribed quite often. It is an antihistamine, thanks to which it copes well with swelling and has an analgesic effect. This helps make nasal breathing easier. "Fenistil" drops during teething can be given to a child 2-3 times a day, depending on his age and weight.
  2. "Parlazin." This remedy is prescribed to those children for whom this period is associated with very severe symptoms. It helps reduce the permeability of vascular walls, eliminates swelling and restores normal breathing through the nose. The duration of action is 10-12 hours, which is why this remedy must be given only once a day.
  3. "Dantinorm baby." It is very popular among young mothers, as it contains substances that help reduce inflammation and swelling - chamomile, Laconia decastamen, medicinal rhubarb. Like the previous drug, “Dantinorm baby” acts for quite a long time, and according to studies, it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it does not cause any allergic reactions or side effects. Release form: capsules.
  4. "Bebident". Helps block the excitability of nerve ending membranes, thereby reducing the pain threshold. Therefore, even with pressure and palpation, the child will not experience pain. The product is applied using a cotton swab, onto which 1-2 drops are first applied. Use 2-3 times a day. BUT! "Bebident" can provoke a reaction in the form of skin rashes and hives. Therefore, before using such a remedy, you should consult your pediatrician.
  5. "Nurofen". This remedy is quite strong. But for infants, a suspension is used, which has a dispenser in the package for more convenient use. This medicine helps not only relieve pain and swelling, but also reduces temperature, if such a symptom is present during teething. It is recommended to give it to the baby every 6-8 hours, the dosage depends on the age of the child. Therefore, the suspension can be given at night for a restful sleep and in the morning when the baby wakes up. Nurofen can be given to children from 3 months of age, and they drink it easily, since this medicine has strawberry and orange flavors. The convenience of using this drug lies not only in its effectiveness, but also in the presence of a dispenser. Therefore, parents do not have to worry that their child will receive more medication than they should. Although Nurofen for teething does not contain dyes or sugar substances.

Read also: Darkening of tooth enamel

After all, the first teeth appear at a fairly young age, and the likelihood that parents know about the child’s potential allergies is still low. Therefore, before giving any drops to your baby, you should consult with your pediatrician.

First aid kit for a newborn: what to add

The article was prepared by pediatrician Yulia Aleksandrovna Ermolaeva

A newborn baby requires special care, so in anticipation of the birth of the baby, I advise every parent to create a baby first aid kit. It can be bought ready-made, it is called “Mother and Child First Aid Kit”.

The composition of a baby first aid kit depends on the manufacturer and, as a rule, includes a standard set: a syringe, pacifiers, pacifiers, eye pipettes, sponges, baby soap, cream, powder, thermometers for measuring body and water temperature, plastic film, dressings, bactericidal adhesive plaster , petroleum jelly, iodine alcohol solution 5%, potassium permanganate.

I propose to expand this list and give some tips for completing this set.

What will it take to care for a newborn baby?

  • Hygienic care supplies.
  • Sterile cotton wool and cotton pads. Sterile cotton wool is necessary from the first days of a baby’s life for daily morning toileting. You can roll small flagella from cotton wool, which can be used to clean your nose and ears; cotton pads are best used for washing your face and body, since cotton wool leaves particles of cotton on the skin.
  • Cotton swabs with limiters. These sticks can be used to treat the umbilical wound, and it is better to clean the nose and ears with cotton wool.
  • Wet wipes. The wipes should be special, baby wipes, without alcohol or perfume, very convenient when changing a diaper or on a walk.
  • Nail scissors. Scissors must be child-sized and have blunt ends so as not to injure the baby. Newborns' nails grow very quickly, so they will have to be trimmed several times a week!!!
  • Aspirators: nasal syringe or mechanical aspirator. These devices will be needed to remove nasal discharge when you have a runny nose. For daily toileting of the nose, use only cotton swabs.
  • A gas tube is necessary for intestinal bloating. You can use a regular syringe as a gas outlet tube. To do this, you can cut off the soft tip of a regular bulb (25-30 ml) and use it to remove gases.
  • Baby bath soap. For convenience, you can purchase a liquid soap with a dispenser; use soap when bathing once a week.
  • Vaseline and massage baby oil. Baby oil is useful for massage, as an emollient, and for removing “crusts” on the head of newborns. Vaseline oil is intended for wetting cotton buds when treating the nose and ears, lubricating the enema tip before use.
  • Diaper cream. There is a wide arsenal of cosmetics on sale for diaper rash and irritation that often occurs under diapers. Not a single baby is immune from this trouble, even if hygiene in the family is given great importance; among this variety, we recommend using “Bepanten”, “Dropalen”, zinc paste for prickly heat, for drying and relieving irritation and other children’s cosmetics.
  • Powder. Indispensable for skin irritation, can be used for daily use. It is better to purchase powder without aromatic additives.
  • Water thermometer and for measuring body temperature (2 pcs). Water is necessary to determine the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn. The optimal water temperature for swimming is 35-37 degrees. The thermometer for measuring body temperature can be mercury, electronic or infrared, according to your needs.
  • A children's urinal is a necessary device for collecting urine.
  • Set for treating the umbilical wound. Recently, toileting the umbilical cord with tap water and eliminating the need to treat the umbilical wound with antiseptic solutions has been widely introduced into practice. Despite this, if there is discharge, bleeding, or an unpleasant odor, I strongly recommend toileting the umbilical wound using the standard method. To clean the umbilical wound in the first aid kit you will need: - Hydrogen peroxide 3%. It is used for pre-treatment of the umbilical wound before applying antiseptics. It is desirable that the peroxide concentration be no more than 3%. — As an antiseptic, you can use a solution of brilliant green, 2-5% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. These solutions perfectly dry the wound and prevent inflammation. The potassium permanganate solution should be stored in the dark, since it is destroyed when exposed to light. A concentrated solution should be stored for a maximum of a week, and a diluted 2-5% solution should be stored for several hours.

List of medications

Remedies for intestinal colic.

Preparations based on simethicone and dimethicone reduce gas formation by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles: espumizan L, bobotik, sub simplex. These medications are not absorbed, act only in the intestines, and therefore do not pose a health hazard. These drugs can be taken before, during or after feeding, as well as directly during attacks of intestinal colic.

Herbal preparations that reduce gas formation: plantex, dill water, baby calm. Please note that Plantex is contraindicated for children with lactase deficiency, which is very common in children.

For constipation. Glycerin suppositories can be used for constipation (for children - 1/7 part). Microlax - micro-enemas, very easy to use (for babies, half a tube is inserted). Not everyone needs Duphalac and other laxatives, so it’s not worth buying for a standard set.

Antipyretic drugs. Rectal suppositories containing ibuprofen, paracetamol: cefekon D, efferalgan, panadol, nurofen. Syrups based on paracetamol, ibuprofen: nurofen, ibufen, panadol, paracetamol, calpol, efferalgan.

For the nose. Solutions for rinsing the nose: aquamaris or aqualor, their cheap analogs saline solution 0.9%. Nazivin 0.01% is a vasoconstrictor for the common cold, prescribed for nasal congestion.

Against allergies. Fenistil is an antihistamine capdi for oral administration, prescribed for allergies, as well as before preparing for vaccination. Fenistil gel is used externally for insect bites and allergic reactions on the skin.

When teething - Kalgel, Dentinox.

The proposed list is mandatory. Perhaps not all drugs will be useful, but it is better to always have them on hand.

It is best to store the list of necessary drugs, devices and tools in a special box or box. The first aid kit should be placed in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.


Precautions when using dental drops

No matter how safe the product may seem at first glance, it can harm the baby’s body. After all, he was just born, his natural defenses have not been formed. And this is not to mention the fact that the chemical compounds included in homeopathic teething drops can be somewhat difficult for the child’s body.

That is why parents should remember the following points:

  • Any remedy is given when symptoms appear. You should not stuff your baby with medicines “for prevention” or for another disease. If the drops are not intended for colds, then they cannot be used to treat them. That is why it is important to carefully read the instructions for medications, especially the chapter on prescription.
  • At any age, it is important for a child to follow the prescribed dosage. If the symptoms do not go away, then you need to consult a doctor about changing the drops. A child’s body has its own individual characteristics, which means that what works for one child may not work for another.
  • If teething drops are used on a natural basis, then parents should make sure that their baby is not allergic to the active components of the medicine. Therefore, it is recommended to take new drops in the morning so that you can observe the baby’s reaction. If the condition changes for the worse, then there is always the opportunity to quickly take the child to a doctor or call him home.

The period when the first teeth appear is certainly difficult, but with the right approach you can easily cope with it. A calm and satisfied baby means calm and satisfied parents. Candles also have a positive effect during teething.

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