When is Fukortsin effective for stomatitis and how to use it?

array ( 'ID' => '8594', '~ID' => '8594', 'NAME' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', '~NAME' => 'Fukortsin for chickenpox', 'IBLOCK_ID' => ' 43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults.

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.


Fukortsin is
a raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye).
It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.
acts as an antiseptic for chickenpox in children
adults It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

What is Fukortsin used for?

The pronounced antimicrobial effect allows Fukortsin to be used as a local antiseptic that fights potential infection of wounds and abrasions. In addition, the drug has a fungicidal effect, which means it can prevent the proliferation of fungus. The main purposes of Fukortsin are:

  • purulent wounds;
  • superficial damage to the skin;
  • erosion;
  • abrasion;
  • deep cracks;
  • fungal infection of the epidermis.

Diagnosed streptoderma is treated with the timely use of Fukortsin.


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox
give recommendations on
how to
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin.
It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top. You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,
but you should remember that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

Instructions for use

The solution must be used spot on. The following algorithm should be followed:

  1. Plaque in the oral cavity must first be removed. This will ensure maximum access of active substances to the affected tissues. You need to soak a cotton swab in tea tree or sea buckthorn oil. Then the plaque is carefully removed from the ulcers.
  2. Apply the solution to the affected area with a cotton swab. Do not touch healthy areas.
  3. After 40 minutes, other anti-stomatitis agents (creams, gels, sprays) are applied.
  4. After an hour, you can apply Candide or Kamistad ointment to the treated areas.
  5. If the doctor has not prescribed any additional medications, then after 2 hours you need to rinse your mouth well. Otherwise, the mucous membrane will be dry.
  6. Do not use the product more than 4 times a day. If overused, a burning sensation and pain may occur. If used improperly, Fukortsin can cause burns.

An allergy test is required!

A slight burning sensation may occur during application, but do not be alarmed by it. In a minute it will pass. Fukortsin is used to treat stomatitis in children over 12 years of age (in rare cases and as prescribed by a doctor from one year old) and adults. It is applied 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than ten days, for a child – no more than five.

The drug is recommended for use after 12 years. You must first do a sensitivity test. It is important not to use the medicine often and for a long time, since the delicate children's mucous membrane can be easily injured. For children, the duration of treatment is 5 days.

Note! Fukortsin is not used to treat stomatitis in young children! It is contraindicated for infants. This is due to the fact that its components are quite toxic.

You need to be especially careful when combining this remedy with other drugs. Unexpected reactions of active components are possible! Therefore, it is not recommended to use other medications simultaneously with Fukortsin without a doctor’s permission.

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?
Let's try to figure out which is better. The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.

Contraindications and special instructions for use

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and for children under 12 years of age (categorically up to one year, exceptions are possible after this age). Since the composition contains phenol, the product should not be applied to large areas.

The drug can provoke allergies, so you need to do a sensitivity test. Just apply a little product to the crook of your elbow and wait, if there is no itching, redness, or rash, the product can be used.

The medicine should be used with caution by those people who have hypersensitivity to its components. It is contraindicated for allergies and dermatosis.

You cannot use the drug for a long time, it can be addictive, which leads to a decrease in effectiveness.


Reviews about the use of Fukortsin for chickenpox,

mostly positive.
It does not dry out the skin and speeds up the healing process. When using Fukortsin, linen and clothes get dirty less than when using brilliant green. Also, many consider its very affordable price (about 50 rubles per bottle) to be a plus. ', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => '
Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults .

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.


Fukortsin –

raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye). It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.

Fukortsin for chickenpox in children

acts as an antiseptic. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

special instructions

It is highly not recommended to treat large surface areas of the skin with Fukortsin, as this will lead to intoxication with phenol, which is part of the drug, which will cause weakness, surges in blood pressure, respiratory distress and dizziness.

Before handling the bottle, it is recommended to wear rubber or polyethylene gloves to protect your hands from accidental contact of the dye with your skin. Like brilliant green, Fukortsin can stain objects that receive random drops while unsealing the bottle. Therefore, it is better to cover the table or cabinet on which the bottle will stand with a waterproof napkin.


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox

gives recommendations on
to properly
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin. It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top.

You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,

but it should be remembered that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

From real life

From the reviews, some conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Fukortsin in the context of the treatment of stomatitis.

At the age of 6, my daughter fell ill with stomatitis. Ulcers and pustules appeared. The baby was in pain. The doctor prescribed Fukortsin.

Gently lubricated the wounds with the solution for five days. Already on the second day it was noticeable that the ulcers began to dry out. A good drug, fast acting, inexpensive.

Elena, 21

After suffering from ARVI, my oral mucosa became inflamed. Mom advised me to cauterize the pustules with Fukortsin, which I did. The drug helped very quickly. True, at first there was a slight tingling sensation, but everything was tolerable. I would not use it on the skin, as the medicine has a bright pink tint. But for the mucous membrane - just what you need!

Lilia, 34

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?

Let's try to figure out which is better.

The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.


Reviews about the use of Fukortsin for chickenpox,

mostly positive.
It does not dry out the skin and speeds up the healing process. When using Fukortsin, linen and clothes get dirty less than when using brilliant green. Also, many consider its very affordable price (about 50 rubles per bottle) to be a plus. ', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults.
The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. ', '~PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults. The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. 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Reviews, instructions for use', 'KEYWORDS' => ', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Fukorcin acts as an antiseptic for chickenpox in children and adults. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and speeds up the drying of the rash.', ), ) Chickenpox rashes cause a lot of inconvenience for both children and adults .

The rash is very itchy and itchy. If you scratch it, you can get infected and get many unpleasant consequences, the simplest of which are welts and scars. To avoid this, the chickenpox rash is lubricated with antiseptic drugs, which help reduce itching and speed up the healing of damaged skin. Such drugs include Fukortsin.


Fukortsin –

raspberry-colored solution (contains fuchsin dye). It contains: ethyl alcohol, boric acid, acetone, resorcinol, phenol and distilled water. Available in 10 and 25 ml bottles.

Fukortsin for chickenpox in children

acts as an antiseptic. It serves as protection against penetration of bacteria and fungi into damaged skin. For chickenpox, Fukortsin disinfects the skin and accelerates the drying of the rash.

A drug that can fight stomatitis!

Fukortsin solution is often prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children over one year of age. The product has a pronounced complex effect, dries well, eliminates fungal and bacterial infections, and reduces the likelihood of re-infection.

The solution is prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis, as well as herpes. In the latter case, characteristic crimson spots appear on exposed areas of the skin; in such situations, the product is often used in pediatrics.

The peculiarity of the medicine is that the solution is effective in treating all types of stomatitis. For candidiasis (children most often suffer from it), it is important to use a raspberry-colored solution. It is more effective in fighting fungal infections.

The product is very effective, acts quickly, and is inexpensive. But you should use it with caution to treat stomatitis in children under one year of age; Fukortsin can cause allergies in them.

The main active ingredients of the drug are boric acid and acetone (they have a pronounced antimicrobial effect). The drug contains phenol (effective against fungal infections).

Fukortsin is prescribed for:

  • stomatitis with purulent discharge;
  • microtraumas of the oral cavity;
  • fungal infections;
  • focal erosions on the skin.

For the listed pathologies, Fukortsin is used in combination with other drugs.

For stomatitis, the drug is prescribed for local use. Dentists prescribe the remedy for the development of pustules. The solution is carefully applied pointwise to ulcers and ulcers.


Instructions for use of Fukortsin for chickenpox

gives recommendations on
to properly
apply Fukortsin for chickenpox.
It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply Fukortsin. It is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day only to the blisters, being careful not to touch the skin. In order for the effect of Fukortsin to be more complete, an ointment or gel specially selected by the doctor is applied to the bubbles on top.

You can apply Fukortsin to a chickenpox rash,

but it should be remembered that it does not neutralize the virus that caused the rash, but only helps to get rid of discomfort and avoid infection.

What is better - brilliant green or fucorcin?

Zelenka or fucorcin for chickenpox?

Let's try to figure out which is better.

The basis of both brilliant green and Fukortsina is aniline dye. The action of both drugs is similar. However, there are also differences:

  • brilliant green can be applied to rashes in children from birth, and Fukortsin - only after a year;
  • Fukortsin contains more ingredients, which means there is a greater risk of allergic reactions;
  • despite the more persistent coloring, Fukortsin washes off more easily and stains clothes and linen less than brilliant green;
  • Fukorrcin can be washed off with baby cream, calendula alcohol solution, vegetable oil, etc.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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