How to use Furacilin correctly for stomatitis?

Since stomatitis can be caused by a variety of reasons, there is no universal cure for this disease. But in any case, doctors recommend using solutions with antiseptic properties for stomatitis. Thus, furatsilin is often prescribed for treatment; it is recommended for both adult patients and children of any age.

For stomatitis of any kind, local treatment must be prescribed, which includes treating the affected area with antiseptic solutions. For children, it is recommended to treat the mucous membrane with a swab soaked in the solution. For older children and adult patients, rinses are prescribed. Furacilin is often recommended as an antiseptic.

Description of the medicine

The drug nitrofural is better known as furatsilin. The drug has pronounced antiseptic properties and is available in different forms. Pharmacies can offer furatsilin, released in the form:

  • alcohol solution;
  • tablets intended for preparing a solution at home;
  • spray;
  • ointments.

Advice! Furacilin is included in many complex antimicrobial agents. An example of such products is Lifuzol, Akutol, Furaplast, etc.

Preparations containing furatsilin are active against a wide range of pathogens, so it is often prescribed for stomatitis. An important advantage of the drug is that microorganisms cannot develop high resistance to the action of the drug.


Furacilin can be used as an external agent in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including diseases of the throat and oral cavity. It is prescribed for sore throat, gingivitis, stomatitis.


The drug is safe for external use, so it is widely used for patients of any age, including small children. The only contraindication to the use of this drug externally is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite or dizziness can only occur when the drug is taken orally. When used externally, undesirable effects can occur only in case of individual intolerance.

So, when rinsing, irritation of the mucous membrane can extremely rarely occur. If such signs appear, you should immediately stop using the product and consult a doctor so that a specialist can prescribe another drug with a similar effect.

If necessary, you can use nitrofural externally and during pregnancy. It may be prescribed for rinsing for pregnant women with sore throat or stomatitis.

How does furatsilin work?

Furacilin, consisting of nitrofural and sodium chloride, has pronounced antiseptic properties, so many believe that this is the best remedy for stomatitis. One of its main features is the ability to act on most bacteria known to medicine. For this reason, it is widely used for a variety of purposes, from treating wounds to gargling.

The drug not only eliminates symptoms; upon contact with pathogenic microflora, it dissolves the cell membrane, which leads to their death and a reduction in the number of colonies.

Several forms of the drug are used in different fields of medicine:

  • solutions (alcohol, water);
  • pills;
  • ointment;
  • aerosol.

In dentistry, solutions are most often prescribed - ready-made or prepared independently from tablets.

How to prepare the solution?

For stomatitis in children or adult patients, it is recommended to use a solution of the drug. To prepare it, you need to purchase furatsilin in tablet form.

Advice! Pay attention to the dosage of the medicine; manufacturers produce tablets of different dosages; the active substance content can be 0.01 and 0.02 grams.

Features of the preparation of the drug:

  • Please note that the tablets dissolve slowly in water; it may take several hours for the tablet to completely dissolve. To speed up the process, you should crush the tablets. To do this, just grind them with a spoon to a powder;
  • It is advisable to use distilled water, but you can also use regular water, purified and boiled, of course;
  • To ensure the most complete dissolution, it is necessary to heat the water to 40 degrees. In cold water the substance dissolves less well, and in hot water the medicine may lose some of its beneficial properties;
  • for a glass of water (200 ml) you need to take two tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 0.01 g, or one with a dosage of 0.02 g;
  • It is important to ensure complete dissolution of the substance; no grains of powder should remain in the liquid. You need to actively stir the liquid for five minutes;
  • To prevent powder particles from getting into the medicine, before the procedure you need to strain the solution through several layers of gauze.

For stomatitis, it is recommended to make the solution in small portions and use immediately after preparation, before it cools down. But if you don’t have time to prepare a fresh portion several times a day, you can make a solution for 1-2 days.

Advice! Per liter of water you will need to use 10 tablets with a dosage of 0.01 grams of the substance. If you have tablets with a dosage of 0.02 grams, then you will only need to take 5 tablets.

The prepared solution in a glass container should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, it is necessary to pour the required amount and heat the product in a convenient way (for example, in a microwave oven) to a temperature of 36-40 degrees.

To increase the antiseptic properties of nitrofural, the following can be added to the prepared product:

  • hydrogen peroxide (we use a 3% pharmaceutical solution, take a teaspoon of peroxide per glass of product);
  • tinctures of propolis or calendula in alcohol (7-10 drops per glass).

It is not advisable to add tinctures containing alcohol to the solution if you are planning to treat children. But for adult patients this option should be used.

Means for the treatment of stomatitis

The nature of the appearance of stomatitis has not been fully studied, but it has been proven that it is inflammatory in nature. The disease is a reaction of the immune system to the action of various irritants. There are several types of stomatitis, depending on the causes :

  • bacterial, caused by staphylococci and streptococci;
  • viral, caused by viruses (for example, herpes);
  • fungal, or candida, most often appears after taking antibiotics;
  • chemical - a consequence of exposure to alkali or acid;
  • radiation – a consequence of chemotherapy.

Furacilin is an antiseptic drug.
How to remove stomatitis quickly? This disease cannot be cured in 1-2 days. Treatment involves the use of a complex of drugs over a long period of time. The most common causes of the development of the disease in adults are exposure to viruses, bacteria, trauma against the background of reduced immunity.

The influence of general and local drugs - antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating - is aimed at combating them. Some especially common ones:

  1. Furacilin is one of the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs used for rinsing and irrigation. More details about it are given below.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide for stomatitis is used as a disinfectant, for rinsing in dissolved form or for applications.
  3. Hexoral, which has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
  4. Bioparox for stomatitis is prescribed as an antibacterial agent; it is also effective for fungal diseases.
  5. Chlorophyllipt contains plant components, the main one being eucalyptus extract, which helps destroy staphylococci.
  6. For stomatitis, soda is used to neutralize the acidic environment in which bacteria multiply.
  7. Imudon copes with the candida form, helps strengthen local immunity to prevent relapses.
  8. Rotokan is prescribed for stomatitis due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect provided by chamomile, calendula, and yarrow flowers.

In dentistry, furatsilin solution is widely used to rinse the mouth.
The etiology of the inflammatory process is not fully understood, so complex treatment is prescribed, involving the use of several drugs.

How to use the solution?

How to use furatsilin in the form of a solution for stomatitis? Recommended procedure:

  • It is recommended to use the solution to rinse or irrigate the affected area every two hours;
  • Before using the nitrofural solution, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water). This will remove mucus and allow for better effect of the medicine on the affected area;
  • rinse your mouth with furatsilin solution, the procedure should continue for three to five minutes;
  • After rinsing, you can apply a medicinal ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Furacilin solution for stomatitis

Ready-made formulations can be purchased at pharmacies. Once opened, they can only be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than ten days. The second option is to prepare the solution yourself from tablets. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Take a 0.02 gram tablet (or two 0.01 grams each) per glass of water.
  2. The tablets need to be broken into several parts, then ground into powder.
  3. The water is heated to a temperature of 30 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the medicine will lose some of its properties.
  4. Dissolve the drug in water.

    The prepared solution can be purchased at the pharmacy.

It is not recommended to use the prepared liquid immediately. It should stand at room temperature for 3-4 hours, after which it must be filtered using cotton wool or gauze folded in several layers. Before use, the required amount of solution is heated, but not more than 40 degrees.

There is no need to prepare a large volume of solution at once! The shelf life is 10 hours; it must be stored refrigerated in a closed glass container.

Another method is treatment with an alcohol solution, recommended for the formation of ulcers (ulcers). It contains ethyl alcohol (70%) and furatsilin (three tablets). The resulting liquid is infused for at least three hours. You cannot rinse your mouth with this composition; it is used to cauterize ulcers with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

The use of an alcohol solution is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

To increase efficiency, other components can be added to the solution:

  • calendula tincture (a few drops);
  • hydrogen peroxide (teaspoon per glass);
  • essential oils of juniper and tea tree.

"Furacilin avexima" are effervescent tablets that dissolve quickly.
Due to the popularity of the drug, other forms are also available. Not long ago, the drug “Furacilin avexima” appeared, which is an effervescent tablet designed for rapid dissolution. They contain auxiliary substances - sodium carbonate and bicarbonate, tartaric acid and others that facilitate dissolution.

One tablet of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. It is advisable not to store the resulting solution, but to prepare it before use. To prepare an alcohol solution, mix two parts alcohol and part water. The tablet is diluted in 330 ml of the resulting mixture.

The drug is in the form of an ointment

In some cases, furatsilin is prescribed in the form of an ointment. This treatment is usually used for traumatic stomatitis.

The drug in the form of an ointment contains 2% of the active substance, it has an antimicrobial effect, inhibits the growth of fungal flora, and is active against large viruses. Microorganism resistance to the product develops slowly and never reaches a high degree.

It is recommended to apply the ointment to the affected mucous membranes in a thin layer twice a day. The drug is used mainly to treat adult patients and children after 10-12 years of age. The drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to nitrofural.

Mucositis (inflammation of the oral mucosa)

Some cancer treatments, including radiation therapy to the head and neck, can affect cells in the mouth and digestive tract. This phenomenon is known as mucositis.

Mucositis can cause redness, swelling, tenderness, and ulcers on the lining of the mouth, tongue, and lips. You may experience discomfort in your mouth and throat, making it difficult to eat or swallow. These symptoms may appear 3-10 days after starting treatment. How quickly they go away depends on your immune system and the treatment you receive.

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