Ultraneers – ultra-thin veneers for a perfect smile

Ultraneers are ultra-thin veneers made of e.max glass ceramics. Thin linings have a high cost, justifying their excellent quality. Specialists at the Implantmaster clinic consider ultraneers to be the most aesthetic and durable veneers, which is confirmed by patient reviews.

The desire to give teeth a dazzling snow-white shade and perfect shape forces people to resort to the most expensive, labor-intensive and lengthy restorative procedures.

Fortunately, modern dentistry does not stand still: existing treatment methods are being improved, the quality of materials is improving, and innovative technology is being involved in the restoration process. Today, it is possible to achieve the ideal condition of teeth thanks to special ultra-thin overlays.

Ultraneers are precisely such plates: despite the fact that the price for 1 tooth with such a microprosthesis is significantly overpriced, they allow you to adjust the shape and shade, as well as correct the bite. With the help of such ceramic products, each patient receives a perfect smile in a short time.

Dentistry "Implantmaster" implements innovative methods of dental restoration that allow you to restore them to their ideal condition in just 2 visits. At the same time, we carry out direct cooperation with top manufacturers, which guarantees a flexible pricing policy and contributes to obtaining an impeccable aesthetic result for a long time. Our key advantages also include the use of improved anesthesia methods and high-precision technology. Moreover, ultraneers will be installed by competent specialists with extensive work experience.

Further in the article we will introduce you to the main subtleties of using ultra-thin onlays on teeth. In addition, you will be able to study the specifics of pricing and find out the opinions of patients who have previously undergone the restoration procedure.

What are ultranir?

Ultraneers are an innovative achievement in the field of modern dentistry. They are ultra-thin overlays that reliably protect the surface of the teeth, and also improve their shade and shape.

The production of such plates is carried out in laboratory conditions, using IPS e.max glass ceramics. The development of this material was carried out in Germany. At the moment, it is the safest material for the human body, which, moreover, has unsurpassed strength, uniformity and a long service life. It is obtained by pressing under high pressure.

Difference between veneers, lumineers or ultraneers

All of the above plates are small in thickness and have an important property - they can improve the aesthetic parameters of teeth in the frontal zone. With the help of such plates, it is possible to “mask” such undesirable imperfections as curvature, darkening of the enamel, interdental spaces, cracks and chips.

Veneers are recognized as the forefathers of restorations. Such overlays are up to 1 mm thick and are made of zirconium or ceramic material. Aluminum dioxide can also be used in their production process. In order to eliminate the bulky effect, natural teeth are prepared before fixing such plates. This, in turn, does not suit all clinic visitors.

The next step in the field of microprosthetics was the production of lumineers. Such restorations first found application in Hollywood, which is why they are called “Hollywood veneers.” The production of such porcelain plates is carried out in the Cerinate laboratory (USA). In addition, e.max glass-ceramic material can be used in the manufacturing process of these overlays. A mandatory step when creating lumineers is taking dental impressions.

A distinctive feature of the above plates is their small thickness - no more than 0.3 mm, which eliminates the need for tooth preparation. When using such plates, a higher aesthetic result and a longer operational period (about 20 years) are achieved. However, the cost of such restorations remains high for most patients. Moreover, they are not suitable for everyone.

The appearance of ultranirs on the domestic market has made it possible to achieve impressive aesthetic results. They are identical to Lumineers, but are produced in our country. In the manufacturing process of these plates, ceramic material IPS e.max is used, obtained by pressing and characterized by increased strength. There is no need for preparation, since the thickness of such onlays does not exceed 0.5 mm.

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years

Endodontist, Therapist, Orthopedist

Varvyanskaya Anastasia Andreevna

Experience: 6 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

In what cases are ultraneers installed?

Despite the increased attractiveness of microprostheses for modern residents, they cannot solve complex dental problems. As a rule, ultraneers are installed only if there are minor deficiencies:

  • Cosmetic enamel defects (chips and cracks);
  • Hereditary or acquired darkening of shade;
  • Slight curvature of individual areas;
  • The presence of minor gaps between dental units.

Before installing ultraneers in Moscow, a specialist must carry out a thorough inspection and identify possible limitations. These include:

  • Malocclusion;
  • Unconscious closing of the jaws;
  • Excessive tooth wear;
  • The presence of any infectious processes in the body, diseases in the cardiovascular system, psychological disorders, etc.);
  • Inadequate oral care.

Indications for use

In what cases do dentists recommend their patients to use materials such as veneers or lumineers? Microprosthetics of this type are justified in the following cases:

  • restoration of teeth in the presence of chips, crowding, stains on the enamel, underdeveloped teeth;
  • the procedure helps restore the aesthetic appearance of teeth with fluorosis;
  • in the presence of interdental spaces, a high percentage of enamel abrasion;
  • installation of veneers or lumineers can replace the whitening procedure.

Installation stages of ultranir

To fix ultraneers on the teeth, the patient needs to visit a specialist 2 times. In this case, the procedure itself includes three successive steps:

1. During the initial consultation, the dentist determines how likely it is to install ultra-thin veneers and makes a plan for future interventions. In the absence of any pathological processes in the body and oral cavity, as well as restrictions on restoration, the doctor proceeds to the stage of creating an impression of the teeth.

2. Based on the resulting impression (we use a 3shape 3D scanner), an ultra-thin ceramic veneer is made. This stage lasts about 7-14 days.

3. The need for a second visit to a specialist is due to the completion of the process of producing ultra-thin veneers. In this case, the surface of the tooth is initially cleaned of plaque, after which ultra-thin onlays are fixed on the front side of the teeth using a special means. The final step of the procedure is polishing.

Pros and cons of ultra-thin veneers

The advantages of using such microprostheses include:

  • No need for tooth preparation;
  • Possibility of obtaining an enamel shade identical to natural;
  • If necessary, the ability to create the perfect snow-white tone;
  • Long operational period – about 10 years;
  • Achieving extreme strength, which is facilitated by the use of a unique modern material IPS e.max. In addition, this material is characterized by increased resistance to staining;
  • Saving financial and time costs, since ultraneers are produced in our country;
  • Shortened installation period;
  • No discomfort during the procedure;
  • Fully compatible with natural teeth.

Negative sides:

  • The cost of ultranir is significantly inflated;
  • Requires careful cleaning and careful handling;
  • They are not eliminated when it is necessary to eliminate complex deficiencies.

The main difference between the plates

The main difference between veneers and lumineers is the price . Next, the thickness of the dental onlays is different; for lumineers it is thinner, and for veneers it is thicker.

Veneers need to be placed on a ground tooth so that they do not appear large after installation; the thickness depends on the size of the plate. The doctor takes an impression of the tooth and makes a veneer based on the sample.

Lumineers are thin, do not require preliminary grinding, and an impression is made directly from the tooth.

The plates will last longer because they fit more tightly. This prevents pieces of food from getting into them and destroying the structure. The installation of lumineers will require more than two or three visits to the dentist. Veneers take longer to fix.

Ultranir service life

The uniqueness of the IPS e max ceramic material lies in its ability to withstand increased loads even with a small thickness of 0.3 mm. Moreover, such a metal-free plate is characterized by uniformity and the ability to maintain the original shade for 10 years or more. When done correctly, ultranir adheres tightly to the tooth surface, which guarantees long-term use and resistance to external influences. Taking into account the indicated indicators and the possibility of a professional approach, ultranir can have a service life of about 15 years .

In our dentistry, highly qualified specialists with impressive experience in the field of artistic dental restoration will work with you. They regularly take advanced training courses in the best foreign clinics and master the intricacies of working with innovative restoration materials. We also use modern equipment in our activities, which significantly improves the quality and accuracy of the procedures performed, and also guarantees a prolonged result.

Prices for ultraneers at the Implantmaster clinic

Composite dental restorationfrom 4,750 ₽
Composite veneers (Componeers)15 000 ₽
Ceramic veneer “CEREC” (from zirconium dioxide, made using CAD/CAM technology)25 000 ₽
Ultraneers “E-Max” (made of glass ceramics based on lithium disilicate, does not require grinding of tooth enamel)31 000 ₽
Ceramic veneer on refractory (made of feldspathic ceramics, does not require grinding of tooth enamel)50 000 ₽

If you are interested in ultraneers and the price of their installation, be prepared for significant costs. At the same time, the cost may be influenced by the rating of the institution and the professionalism of the specialists operating in it. As a rule, ultraneers are made separately into plates, and the price for 1 tooth in Moscow can reach 35,000 rubles. However, composite veneers will cost you less than ultraveneers. But the quality of the above linings is significantly inferior to ultra-thin plates.

If a dentist offers you ultra-thin veneers at a cost below 25,000 rubles, such a price may indicate insufficient competence of a specialist or the use of low-quality materials.

Cost of installing all types of veneers »


But there are also disadvantages of such microdental prosthetics, namely:

  1. The fragility of the plates - under mechanical stress they can come off, and sometimes damage occurs in the form of breaks and cracks.
  2. Installation requires high professionalism not only of the dentist, but also of other specialists who will make the impression and the corresponding plate.
  3. Incorrect installation of veneers or lumineers can lead to the formation of a gap between the tooth and the plate and, as a result, destruction of the enamel, plaque deposition and the development of caries. In another case, the microprosthesis may cut into the gum, causing local bleeding. Also, with unprofessional fixation of materials, massiveness of the jaw is noted as a result of the application of plates to a poor-quality and insufficiently processed tooth surface.
  4. The installation of such plates is an irreversible process, since before the procedure the tooth is ground down quite strongly or treated with a special compound, thus changing its shape.
  5. The price of these materials is high. So, one veneer will cost about 15–20 thousand rubles, and a lumineer is even more expensive - 35 thousand rubles;
  6. If a plate chips or peels off, repair or correction is impossible - replacement will be required.

Dental care with ultra-thin veneers

To maintain the impeccable appearance of teeth with ultraneers, it is advisable to follow simple rules of care. These include daily brushing, flossing, or flossing. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth regularly.

But it should be borne in mind that if excessive forces are applied during care, the plate installed on the tooth may be subject to fractures. In addition, it is necessary to avoid eating solid foods after fixing ultra-thin veneers.


Let's list the main ones:

  • Bruxism. This habit of grinding or clenching your teeth tightly while sleeping is a barrier to getting veneers. Constant friction of teeth leads to damage to the thin plate.
  • The habit of chewing something aggravates the operating conditions of veneers.
  • Doctors do not recommend installing veneers on damaged teeth with a large number of fillings. This weakens the injured remains.
  • Bite disorders.
  • Active caries.
  • The predominant number of artificial teeth.
  • Insufficient oral hygiene.

Contraindications for installing different implants are similar . Some specialists are ready to install lumineers on teeth with a large number of fillings and other defects.

The procedure is not recommended for people with thinned enamel, loose teeth or changes in bite. Before the procedure, you need to consult with a specialist and consider all the pros and cons of such an operation.

Patient reviews of ultranir

If we talk about the installation of ultranir, then reviews of this service are generally positive. Patients note increased comfort during the procedure. The perfect aesthetic effect obtained after fixing such ultra-thin overlays deserves special attention. Teeth acquire a beautiful, even shape and an excellent snow-white shade, identical to natural. Also in favor of choosing plates is their long service life and ease of maintenance.

In Implantmaster dentistry, dental restoration using ultra-thin veneers is performed under a microscope, which eliminates the possibility of any errors. Instead of impressions, we use an intraoral 3D scanner 3shape and carry out computer modeling of the smile so that you can evaluate the result before installation. In addition, we use high-quality Emax glass ceramics in our work, which makes it possible to better adjust the shade and shape of teeth and obtain an impeccable restoration result.



After installing the veneer, the patient experiences reduced pain when eating hot and cold food and drinks. With good and proper care of your dentures, their service will last longer. The color of the plates is selected identical to the shade of the tooth.

Other advantages: the plates are thin and durable, fixation is quick, and can be used for a long time.

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