Tooth extraction during pregnancy: is it possible to remove it and when should it be done?

Most gynecologists recommend prevention and treatment of the oral cavity before planning conception. This is due to the fact that during gestation a lot of calcium and other trace elements are lost to the baby, leaving some possible deficiency in the mother. That's why she often has problems. Dental intervention is undesirable due to the need for anesthesia, X-rays and some other manipulations. But in extreme cases, it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth or incisors during pregnancy (the second name is extraction). In the article we will consider the indications for this procedure and the features of its implementation depending on the timing.

Possible reasons

The toothache experienced by a woman in an interesting position can cause muscle spasms throughout the body, including the muscles of the uterus and other internal organs, which is very undesirable and can cause hypertonicity. The presence of an inflammatory process also leads to an increase in body temperature, bacterial infection of the gums, suppuration - all this has a bad effect on both the mother’s condition and the development of the fetus.

Therefore, dentists and gynecologists suggest that it is better to allow tooth extraction during pregnancy than to start the situation and lead to unbearable pain and inflammation.

What are the reasons for this:

  • The inflammatory process can move from one area to another, affect different parts of the oral cavity, and cause diseases of the larynx.
  • A bacterial infection that accumulates in the gums and causes suppuration enters the woman’s blood through the mucous membrane, and through the placenta to the baby.
  • If the pain is severe, the girl may not eat as well, which will lead to an insufficient supply of nutrients and microelements.
  • The mother’s poor emotional state is transmitted to the child (with negative impressions, the hormone melatonin is produced).

All this explains why extraction is needed in a number of cases.

What you should never do

A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from doing the following things, as they can lead to malformations of the fetus:

  • Take analgesics without a doctor's prescription. All drugs of this pharmacological group have many side effects.
  • Apply painkillers to the inflamed gum. Such advice is available on the Internet, but you cannot follow it. Such compresses increase inflammation and create conditions for the formation of ulcers. In addition, the active compounds of the medications used will be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and negatively affect the health of the fetus.
  • Warm the affected area. Heat increases local blood circulation and helps the purulent tumor grow faster.

Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable. This is important for all women in an “interesting” position to understand.

Indications for tooth extraction in pregnant women

Due to possible infection of the wound, as well as due to the use of anesthesia, doctors do not always pull out incisors and molars (including third ones, that is, eights), but wait until delivery, but sometimes this is simply necessary if:

  • Very extensive and deep carious processes have led to gum inflammation.
  • Pulpitis has formed - this is a purulent lesion of the root system.
  • The bone tissue is significantly destroyed.
  • New growths have appeared that make it difficult to close the jaw.
  • The pain is constant and cannot be relieved with acceptable painkillers.

It is a very unpleasant situation when you need to pull out third molars, because they have an extensive system of roots that can touch adjacent teeth. Often you have to make an incision, and the resulting wound can fester, then you will need to prescribe antibiotics. Their use is extremely undesirable (especially in the 1st trimester). Therefore, eights are removed only according to indications:

  • Abnormal growth, during which the adjacent second molar may be destroyed.
  • The appearance of an inflamed “hood”, suppuration.
  • Acute pain.

Pericoronitis - a complication

Pericoronitis (pericoronitis) is a condition in which the soft tissues surrounding an erupting tooth become severely inflamed. Very often, this diagnosis is made to patients who have begun to see “figure eights” in their mouths. It is characterized by symptoms:

  • sore gums;
  • swelling;
  • specific taste in the mouth.

For pericoronitis, surgery is most often indicated. During this procedure, the doctor excises the “hood” covering the unit to facilitate its eruption. Also, with this complication, there is sometimes a need for removal.

Classification of pathology

Pericoronitis is classified into:

  • serous;
  • purulent.

The disease always develops from the serous form. This is its initial stage. A large amount of serous fluid accumulates in the mucous tissues. Pain occurs when palpating the affected area.

If a woman does not go to the dentist on time, the serous form turns into a more dangerous one - purulent. Then the swelling becomes even stronger, and the body temperature periodically rises. A “hood” begins to cover the bone tissue, under which there is a large amount of pus.

The purulent form is treated exclusively surgically . After opening the “fistula,” the tissues are washed and the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Considering that such manipulations are extremely undesirable during the period of bearing a child, it is important not to start the disease and consult a doctor at the first sign of it.

Is it possible to have a tooth removed during pregnancy?

Each case is individual. When pregnancy is going well, and from the dentist’s point of view, extraction is necessary, then it’s worth deciding on it. The procedure is permitted if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the baby.

Why do teeth deteriorate during the prenatal period?

Very serious changes and restructuring of the body are taking place. Hormonal levels change, immunity decreases, and calcium deficiency appears. All this leads to a decrease in resistance to bacteria, the development of caries, and also to the fact that hard bone tissue becomes more loose. Therefore, women, especially primigravidas, should be attentive to a dental examination before conception.

At what stage of pregnancy can teeth be removed?

In an emergency, you have to undertake treatment and tearing out at any stage. But there is a better one. In obstetrics, the entire prenatal period is divided not into months, as we are used to, but into weeks (40 in total). They, in turn, are divided into three trimesters.


It is considered the most important, since at this time the structure of all the cells of a small organism is laid - the emergence of an embryo. Also, the risk of fetal rejection - miscarriage - is most likely, so girls need to especially take care of themselves - not only to normalize their physical condition, but also to protect their psychological and emotional state.

The child is formed and actively takes all the substances that enter the woman’s bloodstream. But the placenta has not yet been formed (the chorion is in its place), so practically nothing prevents the penetration of bacteria to the baby. Everything will be reflected badly:

  • any anesthetic;
  • X-ray;
  • fear of visiting the dentist.

But it is strictly forbidden to endure acute pain; this can cause spasms and hypertension, which will lead to miscarriage. Therefore, we will answer this - it is undesirable to have a tooth removed for pregnant women in the first three months, it is better to wait until 16-17 weeks, but in emergency cases, effective measures must be taken, minimizing the negative consequences if possible.


Everyone agrees that this is the most appropriate period for dental intervention. At this time, the risk of gestation interruption is significantly reduced, and the placental barrier is formed. It very well prevents various substances from reaching the fetus, including painkillers. In addition, at this stage the belly is not yet very rounded - it will not interfere with the girl. Not only removal, but also any treatment is recommended to be carried out right now. The only serious limitation is that we do not recommend enamel bleaching, since the dye can get into the blood.

Is it possible to remove a tooth during the third trimester of pregnancy?

On the one hand, anesthesia is used completely without fear, since the placenta is well protected from the penetration of medications, and all organs and systems are almost completely formed and their development can no longer be disrupted. But, unfortunately, the likelihood of premature birth increases, because under stress (fear or pain) the uterus can contract.

If you need to sanitize the oral cavity after 34-35 weeks, it is recommended to wait until after delivery.


  1. Pregnancy and wisdom teeth - how to recognize the process of active growth
  2. Pericoronitis - complication 2.1. Classification of pathology
  3. What can an expectant mother do on her own?
  4. Removal
  5. What you should never do
  6. Competent treatment
  7. Rehabilitation after surgery

It happens that wisdom teeth begin to actively grow during pregnancy .
This is due to the fact that “eights” are cut later than other units. The process of their active growth can be triggered by hormonal and metabolic changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The process of the appearance of eighth units in itself cannot be called negative - it is a variant of the norm. But for many expectant mothers it occurs with complications. It was also not uncommon for units to stand at the wrong angle and put extreme pressure on their “neighbors.” And this is an indication for emergency removal.

How does the extraction take place?

To begin with, the doctor and the patient choose the appropriate time for treatment. It is also very important to choose a mild anesthetic so that it works well, but is also allowed for use by pregnant women (the medicine should not cross the placenta).

It is imperative to carry out preventive procedures at home - rinsing with herbal decoctions and a solution with soda. If there is severe pain, it is allowed to take Paracetamol or Tempalgin, but in a strict dosage.

When a third molar needs to be removed, the dentist will cut through the gum, drill into the bone, and then use forceps to pull it out. After this, the doctor applies stitches to speed up the healing of the wound.

Effect of anesthesia

Sitting at the dentist's office, people are afraid of the discomfort and pain that always accompany dental treatment. But a solution has long been found - pain relief. How do pregnant women tolerate anesthesia? Are they allowed to take painkillers? Many dentists answer that such an injection is simply necessary. After all, expectant mothers will experience unnecessary anxiety and fear of feeling pain while waiting for their turn to see a doctor. And stress negatively affects the well-being and development of the baby in the womb, so she does not need worry at all and is even contraindicated.

Is it safe to give a painkiller injection to pregnant women? If we are talking about general anesthesia, then its influence can still negatively affect both the child and the expectant mother. But local anesthesia can be done using modern medications. They will perfectly anesthetize a small area of ​​the gum, since they act in a targeted manner, and will limit the pregnant woman from terrible torment in the dental chair during the treatment process. In addition, the dose of the drug is very small, so you should not be afraid that the drug gets to the baby along with the blood; its components will still not pass through the placenta.

Features: is it possible to pull out a tooth during pregnancy?

If the procedure is necessary, then during treatment it is necessary to focus on the special position of the patient and adjust the treatment scheme. This happens in order to minimize the risks of complications.

Therefore, a girl, even if her belly has not yet become round, must tell her dentist about the presence of a fetus.


X-rays are not recommended. X-rays have a bad effect on the body, especially when it is not yet fully developed. But good clinics, including Dentik, have more modern equipment. The radiovisiograph clearly localizes the area and does not dissipate flows, so the cure is tens of times less than with images using old equipment. The beam is narrow and does not affect the child, because the woman is wearing a special apron on the collar area and stomach, which protects from the rays.

Despite the relative harmlessness, doctors prescribe x-rays only in extreme cases, for example, when it is necessary to examine the root system of the figure eight, since it can be very branched, affecting the roots of neighboring molars, etc.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have their wisdom teeth removed under anesthesia?

Previously, lidocaine was used, which is not entirely convenient to use and can cause an allergic reaction. Now a new generation of local analgesics are in use, which are not absorbed into the blood and also do not have any negative effect on the baby. The only contraindication in the second and third trimester is personal intolerance to medications.

Typically, the choice of a specific drug depends on:

  • age;
  • the severity of the dental procedure;
  • the amount of adrenaline - the less, the better.

The most commonly used are Ultracain, Primacain, and Ubistezin.

Medicines for healing

It is very important to protect your body from possible consequences, including bleeding, inflammation, and pain. Therefore, it is imperative to use drugs for the fastest possible healing.

But, unfortunately, the most common drugs, such as Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta or Solcoseryl, are prohibited. A good solution is to use gels based on medicinal herbs or propolis; you can make homemade formulations. But you should start using them only after receiving recommendations from your doctor. Any self-medication can have a detrimental effect on the health of both mother and child.

When to postpone surgical treatment

If the doctor insists on removal, then so be it. Maintaining an infectious focus in the form of gumboil or other types of dental diseases is dangerous both for the health of the woman and for the health of the unborn child. Today, dentists have safe anesthetics that can be used, if necessary, in the first, second and third trimesters.

Indications for removal are:

  • broken root as a result of injury;
  • serious inflammation at the base of the root, which cannot be cured with conservative methods;
  • complete destruction and decay of the tooth below the gum level, when the root is not suitable for prosthetics;
  • root mobility;
  • incorrect position of the erupted wisdom tooth, which leads to permanent injuries to the cheek and causes chronic inflammation.

But each of these cases is not a direct indication for surgery. The doctor makes a decision on the treatment option based on the characteristics of the clinical situation.

Teeth extraction for expectant mothers is performed under local anesthesia. The anesthetic used minimizes pain sensitivity and makes the procedure comfortable for the patient. If the problem arose in the first weeks after conception and the woman’s situation is still invisible to others, she must warn the dentist about it. The doctor will select a pain reliever that is not contraindicated and does not harm the development of the fetus.

Possible risks that may develop after teeth extraction for pregnant women

This procedure is classified as a surgical intervention; all possible complications must be taken into account:

  • acute allergic reaction to anesthesia;
  • fainting;
  • bleeding;
  • injury to the bone tissue of an adjacent tooth or gums;
  • neuritis;
  • alveolitis and other pathological conditions, inflammatory processes.

One of the negative consequences that obstetricians-gynecologists fear may be the occurrence of uterine hypertonicity. Simply put, these are muscle contractions, spasms, which are very similar in nature to contractions. In the early stages they can cause miscarriage, in the later stages they can cause premature birth.

Is it possible to have wisdom teeth pulled out during pregnancy?

Third molars have a very large and extensive root system. Because of this, the roots, which are deep, may also be positioned incorrectly - affecting the “neighbor”, going too far to the sides. Therefore, their removal is more complex, mainly requiring an x-ray, an incision in the gum, and then sutures.

But there is a second problem - when the massive figure eight erupts, it often causes suppuration, and neighboring tissues become inflamed. In such cases, it is impossible to delay and not treat the area; emergency measures must be taken.

What happens if you delay removal?

Sometimes the tooth does not have to be pulled out; it is treated. Proper sanitation of the oral cavity is less painful and dangerous for both the woman and the baby. Therefore, doctors try to use all available therapeutic agents so as not to resort to extraction. Even very deep carious lesions can be cleaned and the cavity sealed in order to “hold out” until childbirth.

But, as we said, there are indications in which it is strictly forbidden to delay the operation. Because in some cases there may be a serious infection of the tissues, bacteria enter the bloodstream, and pain causes muscle spasms, including the uterus.

We recommend that you act in accordance with your dentist's opinion.

What can an expectant mother do on her own?

Pregnant women should not self-medicate. But, if the eruption of wisdom teeth proceeds according to the classic scenario and does not cause negative symptoms, the woman can calm down. In this case, she does not need to run to the dentist.

To eliminate the occurrence of unpleasant sensations associated with putting pressure on the inflamed gum, you must try to chew food on the “healthy side”. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water or a decoction of herbs. It is also permissible to purchase a special pharmacy rinse for this purpose.

If the pain intensifies, medical consultation is indicated. If for some reason it is impossible to get it right now, the expectant mother can take a no-shpa tablet to reduce the pain. But this should be a one-time “action”.

Prevention methods

  • Every six months it is necessary to make an appointment at the dental clinic, especially before planning to conceive.
  • Balance your diet to eliminate possible deficiencies of calcium and other microelements.
  • Walk in the sun more, it helps to get vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.
  • The advice is not very relevant for pregnant women, but: get rid of bad habits. Smoking causes tooth decay.
  • Clean your mouth twice a day with a brush and paste, and after each meal with a mouthwash.

In the article, we told you at what week of pregnancy you can have teeth removed, how this will affect the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. And for quality dental services, make an appointment at Dentika.

Rehabilitation after surgery

If a woman was unable to avoid surgical treatment, she needs to pay maximum attention to the rehabilitation process. Recovery will be faster if the expectant mother:

  • will follow all medical prescriptions;
  • will provide complete rest to the damaged area (it should not be touched with hands, tongue, or foreign objects);
  • will not eat solid foods;
  • will carry out high-quality oral hygiene;
  • He will come for a follow-up appointment when the dental surgeon says so.

Take care of the health of your smile. If you are planning to conceive, treat any existing oral diseases in advance. If the problem arose after conception, be sure to get dental care - do not risk your health and the health of your baby.

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