Is it possible to brush teeth with ultrasound during pregnancy?

  • About the procedure
  • Is it possible to brush your teeth during pregnancy?
  • Stages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning
  • Effect of the procedure
  • Cost of professional teeth cleaning during pregnancy

Every woman knows that it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy several months before conception. It is very important to prepare your body for such changes. The health of your baby largely depends on your condition. The girl visits various specialists, and, of course, she must meet with the dentist. In order to cure all teeth before pregnancy. The fact is that our bones and teeth consist of calcium, phosphorus and other components, and with the development of a new life, the body requires more of these useful microelements. Since most of the minerals will be spent on the structure of the baby’s skeleton, if they are deficient, the necessary components will be borrowed from the bones of the expectant mother’s teeth. As a result, the condition of the dental units will deteriorate, creating a favorable environment for the development of caries. That is why all dentists are attentive to the treatment of pregnant women. An excellent opportunity to maintain oral health throughout the nine months and in general is professional teeth cleaning during pregnancy. In this article we will talk about whether this procedure can be done for expectant mothers, whether it is safe, and what effect should be expected.

About the procedure

An excellent prevention of dental diseases is regular oral hygiene. The essence of the procedure is to remove plaque and stone accumulated on the enamel. A person cannot do this on his own, using only a toothbrush. The dentist uses a special tool for this – an ultrasonic scaler. It produces waves with a high frequency of vibrations, which affect the surface of the dental units, cleaning it from various deposits. The device has a tip with two holes, from one a special cleaning solution flows, and from the other, pressurized water. The combination of these two components allows you to effectively remove dirt from enamel. The power of the scaler is individually selected for each patient, while the dentinal layer of the tooth is not affected at all. Hygienic brushing of teeth during pregnancy is painless, but in some cases anesthesia may be used. After the procedure, the doctor polishes the dentition using special products.

Professional cleaning allows you to restore the natural color of your teeth by removing tartar and plaque. But if a person wants to make his smile snow-white and lighten it several shades, then you should use the whitening service.

Classification of contraindications

Practice shows that the effect of ultrasonic waves on the dentition, as a rule, does not cause patients discomfort or pain. Medical restrictions provided for the procedure are divided into two categories: relative and absolute contraindications. The difference between them is that with the factors of the first group, the patient can buy ultrasonic teeth cleaning immediately after eliminating the problem, while the presence of the second excludes the possibility of prescribing the procedure.

The list of relative contraindications includes:

  • The presence of viral and infectious pathologies transmitted by the respiratory route;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diabetes mellitus;
  • Inflammatory foci localized on the mucous surface of the oral tissues;
  • Diagnosed neoplasms, including cystic and other forms of pathologies;
  • Diseases of teeth, gum tissue and periodontal disease requiring additional treatment;
  • Extensive erosion of tooth enamel, as well as the presence of ulcerative lesions;
  • Previously prescribed therapeutic course, including taking immunosuppressants and corticosteroid medications;
  • Pregnancy and lactation, during which it is recommended to limit medical influence on the body.

The category of absolute contraindications, requiring the selection of an alternative technique, combines the following factors:

  • The presence of an electronic cardiac stimulator in the patient’s body;
  • Identification of serious pathologies affecting cardiac activity, including arrhythmia;
  • Complicated forms of tuberculosis and hepatitis pathologies;
  • Diagnosis of complex diseases associated with a risk to life;
  • HIV, AIDS, as well as other diseases classified as sexually transmitted;
  • Problems with respiratory function, including asthmatic manifestations;
  • Oncology, epileptic seizures and other dangerous pathologies.

In addition, the procedure is prescribed only to patients with a fully formed permanent dentition, which makes it impossible to provide the service in childhood and adolescence.

Is it possible to brush your teeth during pregnancy?

Many people constantly put off visiting the dentist, which can lead to serious problems in the future. If you regularly undergo preventive examinations, you will be able to prevent the development of the disease and take care of the health of your teeth. When planning a pregnancy, a woman has to visit various doctors; one of the required specialists is, of course, a dentist. In order for the expectant mother to have strong teeth, she should be treated for existing diseases and, for preventive purposes, undergo professional oral hygiene. If your doctor prescribes ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy, then you should not refuse. This procedure is completely safe and perfectly helps reduce the risk of caries. For cleansing, harmless preparations are used, which contain only natural ingredients.

In case of increased tooth sensitivity, the doctor can use local anesthesia; it does not pose a danger to the health of the child and the woman. Brushing your teeth during pregnancy has a lot of positive factors; it not only allows you to clean the enamel of plaque and tartar, but also restores the natural shade of your smile.


Waiting for the birth of your baby is a wonderful time, but this is not a reason to refuse the services of a hygienist. Of course, before the procedure, a woman should consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of complications. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy is not permitted in cases where the patient experiences one of the following conditions:

  • 1. violation of nasal breathing;
  • 2. HIV;
  • 3. asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • 4. ARVI;
  • 5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • 6. diabetes.

Many doctors do not recommend professional hygiene in the first trimester,

Contraindications to teeth cleaning in the clinic

Some doctors list pregnancy as a contraindication, but this applies to a specific number of procedures. Dentists at the Planet of Childhood clinic in Moscow select a cleaning method for expectant mothers that cannot harm their health and the health of their future children.

However, if a pregnant woman has the following diseases, then professional cleaning is prohibited:

  • epilepsy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies to certain substances and drugs;
  • asthma;
  • hepatitis;
  • HIV;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • any cancer;
  • presence of a pacemaker implant.

Before allowing or prohibiting a pregnant woman from having professional teeth cleaning, the doctor must conduct an examination. So, you definitely need to take a blood test: even if you do not have diabetes, but your sugar levels are elevated, it is better to refuse cleansing.

Cleaning for pregnant women never implies subsequent teeth whitening, since this will have to be postponed until the moment when the woman not only gives birth, but also stops breastfeeding.

Stages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

As we can see, professional oral hygiene does not harm the health of a pregnant woman, and even, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect. The procedure can take from 20 to 40 minutes, the duration depends on the degree of contamination of the enamel. Using a scaler, the doctor removes supragingival and subgingival deposits, then cleans plaque from the surface of the teeth.

The solution used, coming from a special apparatus, contains abrasive substances and is made on the basis of soda. It carefully cleans the enamel without damaging the mucous membrane. Finally, the specialist polishes the surface of the teeth and coats them with fluoride varnish.

How to care for your teeth after ultrasonic cleaning

During the recovery period after ultrasonic cleaning, the gums and enamel are slightly weakened, and because of this they are very easy to damage. Taking this into account, after removing plaque and tartar, you must follow some rules:

  • for several days after the procedure, it is advisable not to eat food that can lead to staining of tooth enamel (beets, carrots, coffee, black tea);
  • After every meal, brush your teeth;
  • To prevent food remnants from starting to deposit in the dental pockets again, after eating you must use toothpicks, dental floss, and special dental brushes for cleaning;
  • To prevent gum disease, you need to frequently eat solid foods, preferably fruits and vegetables.

  • If you properly perform oral hygiene, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for as long as possible, and visit the dentist only for preventive purposes.

Comprehensive services

Name of serviceCost, rub
Medium caries chemical curing filling1800
Deep caries light-curing filling3850
Pulpitis of a three-canal tooth (treatment in two visits) 2 visits7950
Implantation operation (1 operation)19900

Therapeutic dentistry

Name of serviceCost, rub
Initial consultation, drawing up a treatment plan1000
Application of an insulating gasket (1 tooth)100
Treatment of moderate caries with placement of a chemical-curing filling1700
Injection anesthesia (1 injection)300
Insulating gasket (1 tooth)100
Treatment of deep caries with placement of a filling made of light-curing materials (1 tooth)3450
Application of antibacterial drugs (1 tooth)300
Endodontic treatment of a three-canal tooth (1 tooth)2700
Temporary filling (1 tooth)400
Lateral condensation of three canals (1 tooth)400
Restoration with light-curing material (1 tooth)3550
Removal of dental deposits for mild periodontal disease (All teeth)3550
Removal of dental plaque in cases of moderate and moderate periodontal disease (All teeth)3650

Surgical dentistry

Name of serviceCost, rub
Tooth extraction (without anesthesia): - simple (1 tooth)3650
Removal of a mobile tooth (excluding anesthesia)3650
Tooth extraction (without anesthesia): - complex (1 tooth)1280
Tooth extraction (without anesthesia): - with the formation of a mucoperiosteal flap and suturing (1 tooth)4650
Dressing a wound in the mouth200
Treatment of alveolitis with socket revision2000
Intraoral incision with wound drainage2000
Biohorizon system implant USA (1 implant)18000

Orthopedic dentistry

Name of serviceCost, rub
Cast crown with minimum wage (without work) unit2600
Cast crown with plastic lining with minimum wage (without work) unit3100
Metal-ceramic crown on a cast frame (without work) unit5950
Prosthesis repair (base fracture, tooth welding) 1 type of work700
Complete removable denture (no work) denture9200
Nylon prosthesis (no work) prosthesis23000
Metal clasp prosthesis with locks (without operation) prosthesis30000

Effect of the procedure

It may seem to some that plaque is not dangerous, but its accumulation provokes the development of pathogens that destroy the enamel. A person also develops a characteristic bad breath. Therefore, the benefits of hygienic teeth cleaning should not be underestimated. During pregnancy, this service reduces the risk of caries and prevents the occurrence of oral pathologies. In addition, after ultrasound, the enamel becomes lighter and the dark pigment disappears.

At what stage of pregnancy should you have professional teeth cleaning?

The optimal time to perform the procedure is the second trimester or the period of pregnancy planning.
Hardware cleaning is not recommended in the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as in the period between 8-12 weeks, when the fetus’s organs and nervous system are developing. It is important to note that ultrasonic cleaning cannot harm the health of the fetus, since it is non-traumatic and painless. The main thing is to order ]from a reliable dentistry[/anchor], which uses new high-quality equipment and therapeutic materials.


Cleansing is necessary for patients before caries treatment, prosthetics, installation of dentures, braces or implants.

Among other indications for hygienic cleaning of tooth enamel with ultrasound, the following should be noted:

  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • periodontitis and progressive caries.

Teeth cleaning using ultrasound is also carried out after removing braces. When performing the procedure on patients with installed crowns or implants, special plastic nozzles are used for cleaning.

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