Coconut activated carbon for teeth whitening: benefits of use

What is the name of the carbon used to whiten teeth?

This charcoal is known as activated charcoal for teeth whitening or coconut charcoal for teeth. It is important to clarify that this has nothing to do with what we use at home to light a fire. Activated carbon for teeth whitening is used for medical purposes.

Activated carbon has been used as a dietary supplement for many years. However, due to its miraculous detoxifying and cleansing properties, it is able to absorb oil and is being introduced into the beauty world, making it a trend.

Review of Coco Light Teeth Whitening Product

Coco Light is an innovative development by leading specialists that provides effective teeth whitening and a Hollywood smile. It is a loose black powder based on activated coconut charcoal, produced using the latest, modern technology. This unique new product quickly earned the respect of men and women around the world and entered the top of the best whitening products for home use. In just one course of use, without the slightest harm to the enamel, Coco Light will kill all pathogenic bacteria, protect against the development of caries, eliminate yellow plaque, make teeth 4-5 shades whiter and give a snow-white smile.

How to whiten teeth with activated coconut charcoal

The procedure for teeth whitening with activated coconut charcoal is very simple. To achieve this you must have the following ingredients:


  • 1 bowl
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 capsule or activated carbon powder

Instructions for use

The idea is that the activated carbon does not spill when placed.

Place the capsule or coconut charcoal on the brush as usual. The bowl is something you can spit into when you need to, as it is normal to feel discomfort with coconut charcoal. Finally, rinse your mouth well with plenty of water, clean your toothbrush well and let it dry very well.

If you consistently use coconut charcoal, you will notice within a few weeks how your teeth will look whiter and brighter.

How to use tooth powder

To ensure that tooth powder does not cause harm, it is necessary to use it correctly:

  • The composition should be selected in accordance with the condition of the teeth, gums, and existing diseases. For example, in case of some gum diseases, it is necessary to minimize the traumatic mechanical impact, so abandoning the paste in favor of the powder is not advisable.
  • Highly abrasive products should be chosen only if you need to clean the enamel from heavy deposits and stains. They can be used by smokers to solve the problem of yellowing teeth.
  • It is not recommended to use abrasives for daily hygiene. It is enough to clean once every 3-5 days, and for daily use, give preference to paste. This combination of products gives an excellent whitening and preventive effect.
  • The powder easily absorbs moisture. This not only affects its properties, but can also cause bacteria to multiply. Do not dip your toothbrush in powder before use. The product must be diluted with a small amount of water to a paste-like consistency.
  • To achieve maximum effect, brush your teeth with the powder for about 3 minutes. Experts recommend changing the product on the brush twice in one session. The brush should be soft, this will help reduce the mechanical load that the abrasive has. After finishing brushing, you can further brush your teeth with a non-abrasive toothpaste. This should be done if significant deposits are visible on the teeth, the enamel has darkened or stains have formed on it. Be sure to rinse your mouth very thoroughly.

Which is better - tooth powder or toothpaste? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The choice depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the condition of the oral cavity. It is not always right to choose one of the means. In some cases, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved with the right combination.

Contraindications for procedures

Compared to other methods, using activated carbon is the safest. Even with minor wounds it does not have an adverse effect. But still, there are some tips when it is better to avoid coconut charcoal:

  • if your braces were removed not long ago;
  • Despite the safety, it is better for children to choose another method of cleaning their teeth. It is better not to affect the natural defense at a young age, which is easy to destroy.

Before starting the procedure, it is very important to consult with your dentist. The doctor is able to correctly assess the condition of the oral cavity.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of tooth powders have become overgrown with a considerable number of myths and speculations. Supporters and opponents of this oral hygiene product express almost the opposite opinion. In fact, its use is safe, but it is not without its drawbacks.

A high-quality abrasive has advantages over pastes:

  • High efficiency of cleaning the tooth surface. The powder copes well with plaque and can prevent the formation of tartar.
  • Good whitening ability. Thanks to its abrasive effect, the powder whitens teeth better, and the achieved result lasts for a longer period.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. The powder can prevent the development of many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. For some gum diseases it is recommended to use it as an application.

Among the shortcomings is the loose consistency. Because of this, powdered products are less convenient to use compared to pastes. In addition, it is much more difficult to introduce additional therapeutic or prophylactic components into the composition. According to this criterion, it is seriously inferior to pasta. High abrasiveness can only be partially considered a disadvantage, since when used correctly it does not harm the teeth.

Modern tooth powders are safe, provided they are chosen and used correctly.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the composition of the tooth powder. The basis of the product is chemically precipitated chalk or clay. The base substance provides an abrasive effect, thanks to which plaque and dental deposits are easily removed from the enamel surface. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of tartar, but if such a problem has already appeared, no hygiene product can cope with it. In this case, you will need specialist help and professional cleaning. To ensure a preventive and light therapeutic effect, essential oils and fragrances are added to the composition. Soda, aluminum chloride, etc. can be used in the composition as abrasive components that increase bleaching properties.

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Where to buy powder for cleaning and whitening teeth Coco Light

You can purchase the unique Coco Light powder on the manufacturer’s official page, at a price of only 1,290 rubles. To order products, you must enter your name and phone number in the feedback form, and after clicking on the “order” button, answer the operator, who will call you back within no more than 15 minutes. After all the details have been clarified, you can expect the goods to be delivered to all regions of the Russian Federation by postal or courier service within 1 to 10 working days. Payment upon receipt of the parcel.

Alternative Whitening Options

Most people choose coal because it is considered the safest, and most importantly, the cheapest option. Alternative options are to use lemon, soda, and coriander. If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried these recipes, there is no super effect. Those who had heavy plaque on their teeth became a tone lighter; more than 60% did not notice the result.

So what do dentists offer? To effectively achieve lasting lightening of the enamel by 1-2 tones and without harming the teeth at all, we recommend professional cleaning of the oral cavity using the Air Flow system. Experts say that this manipulation should be done at least 2 times a year. In this case, the teeth will become lighter, and the risk of dental diseases will decrease to zero.

Results of use

The unique Coco Light powder is a complete and affordable alternative to expensive and not always safe whitening procedures in dental clinics. It has no contraindications for use and has no side effects. The use of an innovative teeth whitening product is recommended by video bloggers and dentists from leading clinics. As a result of using Coco Light powder:


All pathogenic bacteria, acids and harmful substances are neutralized;


Yellow plaque, tartar, stains will be completely eliminated, and the enamel will be strengthened;


Bleeding and unpleasant odor will disappear, tooth sensitivity will decrease;


Whiten your teeth, polish your teeth, and completely improve your oral health.

Yellow plaque, stains on teeth, bad breath, caries - you can forget about it with Coco Light charcoal and coconut powder for whitening. In just one course of use, it will clean your teeth, make them 4-5 shades whiter, give you a snow-white, dazzling smile, and protect against the development of caries and other dental diseases of the oral cavity. The result can be enjoyed for a long time.

Composition of whitening powder

Innovative Coco Light powder is a 100% natural, hypoallergenic product. Does not contain GMOs, chemical compounds, hormonal, synthetic and other harmful substances. It has an amazing effect: quickly, carefully, gently cleanses teeth and makes them white without damaging the enamel. The high effectiveness of Coco Light whitening powder is determined by the influence of the active substance included in the product:

Coir (shell fibers) of Coconut Nuts from the Philippines - due to special high-tech processing, it produces activated coconut charcoal, which has amazing properties. To enhance the effect of Coco Light, the coal is crushed to the state of microscopic particles and the result is the lightest, weightless powder. It has an amazing effect, providing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, protective, cleansing and whitening effects on teeth.

Natural organic acids - added in small doses, enhance the effect of the active substance, due to which the teeth become white, even the oldest yellow plaque and stains are eliminated.

Due to its absolute naturalness, Coco Light powder is completely safe to use. Provides 100% whitening without damaging tooth enamel. Can be used by men and women of any age category, teenagers, children over 6 years old, people with sensitive teeth. Coco Light powder has been clinically researched, tested, and has EAC certificates guaranteeing quality and safety.

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