11 Best Teeth Whitening Strips - Convenient and Effective

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel
1Pasa TB-MYY-16LEDConvenient lamp included, best quality teeth whitening
2Poseida 12Most concentrated
3Iwiyi Professional Teeth Whitening KitFull set
The best strips from AliExpress for teeth whitening
1LEKGAVD Q37Q131Quick effect
2Crest 3D White LUXE ProfessionalMost convenient use
3EGOGUYS Teeth D Whitening StripsBest price
The best whiteners from AliExpress in the form of powders, pastes and serums
1MOONBIFFY Bamboo Teeth WhiteningBest Bamboo Powder
2BREYLEE BY1066Powder for removing stains and plaque
3She'Vaen TW075Whitening powder with pearls
4LANBENA SC003Fast acting serum

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Teeth whitening is a procedure that causes heated discussion, both among patients and among dentists. Moreover, opinions about its harm and benefits are polar. But if there is demand, then there will be supply. The Chinese could not miss such a niche for earning money. On AliExpress there is a whole section dedicated to teeth whiteners. Mostly inexpensive whitening systems are presented there, consisting of gels, a lamp and caps. Chinese sellers also have express means. These are whitening strips, bamboo sticks, pastes, gels, powders and pencils. On the page of each product they write about unique technologies and innovative developments. But how do they work?

The color of teeth is affected by the pigmentation of enamel and dentin. If by nature the dentition is far from white, then even the most active polishing will not give the teeth pearly whiteness. But they can be lightened a couple of tones. It’s also really possible to remove darkening from tea and coffee.

The rating presents the best teeth whiteners. However, if used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good. Before using the product, consult your dentist.

The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel

A teeth whitening system is a kit that consists of a gel or strips containing at least 10% carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, an LED or infrared lamp and a custom tray. Whitening occurs due to the release of active oxygen under the influence of light radiation from a lamp.

The bleach is applied using a tray, then the lamp is turned on. The enamel pores open, active oxygen penetrates inside and removes darkening. After the procedure, the dentinal tubules remain open, so some manufacturers complete kits with products containing minerals that strengthen the enamel (hydroxyapatite, calcium, potassium, magnesium).

Whitening strips Crest 3D White Whitestripes Professional Effects

I’ve been meaning to try these whitening strips for about two years, having read a very positive review from Lera skromni and a passing mention from Anya Zabolotnaya, but I never got around to it. Somehow, there were always other things that I wanted to spend money on, especially since in Russia the strips are resold significantly more expensive than they cost in the USA. But at the end of last year, I decided to pull myself together and agreed with the go-smile.ru store to test the strips.

To ensure the maximum and fastest effect, I was offered the strongest strips - Professional Effects, although I looked at Advanced Vivid as more gentle in terms of portability. But go-smile advised, if anything happens, to start using the strips every other day.

In fact, I already bought Advanced Vivid strips for my mother twice after Lera’s review - it seems, even from this very go-smile.ru. After the first course, my mother was delighted - the strips removed stains (my mother used to smoke a lot), yellowness, made her teeth lighter and smoother, and also, it seemed to me, evened out the difference in tone between the front teeth and fangs. I assessed the result first on Skype, but even with poor connection quality I saw it. Then I personally appreciated it.

Later, my mother asked me to buy the stripes for her a second time. But I couldn’t complete the second course - halfway through the course, teeth became sensitive and painful, and my mother decided to quit. Moreover, all the same, in my opinion, the color of the teeth was still better than before the stripes.

And finally, it was my turn -). What’s important is that my enamel was initially quite yellow, so I can’t say that I was hoping for much, but there was still a pleasant anticipation.

Crest Whitestrips ProEffects are used once a day - they are glued to the teeth for half an hour. Each separate envelope contains 2 translucent adhesive strips, one for the top, one for the bottom. When gluing them, I also slightly wrapped them behind my teeth to make them stick better, but in general, they held well anyway. ProEffects promises results after just three days of use.

My first effect came after the first use. My lower teeth hurt like hell -). I felt like in childhood, when I ate Isabella grapes at my friends’ dacha - then I couldn’t even bite into the meat. The most unpleasant thing was that the aching pain did not go away all day and only subsided the next day. But I'm persistent. I pasted them on a second time. Uhhhhh….

After scratching my turnip, I decided that I still shouldn’t smile full-on, I’ll give up whitening my lower teeth, which clearly don’t want to endure all this, and continue with stripes for the upper ones, especially since they didn’t feel anything. Every day I carefully examined my teeth after the procedure in the hope of a stunning whitening effect. There was an effect, but it was very mild. Also, the color of the teeth did not even out in comparison with the fangs, which are usually darker, and I really wanted this. True, I note that the teeth somehow became... as if they reflected light better, more shining. This was noted by my mother, to whom I went for New Year. She also said that the teeth look more beautiful, brighter - and better.

The ProEffects course lasts 20 days in total. Unfortunately, I only got to the middle - on the 9th strip, my upper teeth also began to ache. On the 10th day, I decided that my torment was not worth it - I still wouldn’t be able to have teeth like the stars who always got perfectly white veneers. I am also satisfied with what came out after 10 strips.

I was not able to take adequate before and after photos - everything very much depends on the correct (and identical) lighting, and I am not an expert in this. Therefore, here is the maximum with before and after:

If it seems to you that you can’t see anything -) - then, firstly, forgive me, and secondly - well, apart from the brightness, I can’t see it either.

I don’t know yet whether I’ll ever decide to finish the remaining 10 stripes. Perhaps if I did it 20 days in a row, the effect would be more obvious. Moreover, many people I personally know highly praise Crest strips.

If you want to check it out for yourself, the go-smile.ru store gives a 5% discount to readers of the Beauty Insider blog. Indicate promotional code 123298 in the comments to the order or call it by phone. (And still start with Advanced Vivid, my advice to you.)

Benefits of use

Improving the shade of enamel using Crest Whitestrips has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the procedure is carried out in a familiar home environment and does not interfere with everyday activities;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • quick results compared to, for example, whitening pastes, the effect is noticeable after just a few uses;
  • noticeable effect - lightening up to 4-5 tones;
  • the product is safe for enamel;
  • lasting results, lasting more than a year;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • affordable price compared to a similar procedure in a dentist's office.

Alternative to Dental Procedure

Despite the high efficiency of the professional whitening procedure, not everyone can afford it due to its impressive cost. However, in addition to dental procedures, there are other solutions available on a limited budget. We are talking about Crest 3D-White strips. Their use allows you to avoid the mind-boggling expenses of teeth whitening in the clinic, but at the same time achieve an equally worthy result.

Anyone can use such a device; you don’t need to have any special skills for this. 3D-White teeth whitening strips are quite easy to use. All that is required from the buyer is to choose the right product.

For many years, Crest Whitestrips products were sold only in the USA, and they could only be purchased through foreign websites at an incredible price. In addition, the delivery itself took at least a month. Today the strips are sold in any pharmacy. The wide range can confuse someone who decides to try teeth whitening at home for the first time. Today, many types of Crest 3D-White dental strips are available, each of which helps to cope with a problem of varying severity. You need to select the product individually. It is important not to make a mistake with your choice - then the product will meet any expectations.

How to prepare properly?

Before starting the whitening procedure, you need to carefully study the instructions. If enamel lightening strips are used incorrectly, they can not only be useless, but also cause real harm to dental health.

The first thing to take care of is preparation for manipulation. Since the procedure will take place at home, it is important to carefully prepare your teeth. First you need to rinse your mouth well, and then make sure that there is nothing left between the teeth. Please keep in mind that before whitening with Crest 3D-White strips, you should not floss, nor should you brush your teeth with a toothbrush. The thing is that even with careful cleaning, microdamage to the blood vessels of the gums occurs. If you start bleaching immediately after this, the active chemicals will enter the bloodstream.

What do they represent?

Each package contains two strips - flexible transparent plates, the width of which is sufficient to cover the surface of the dentition from the outside and inside. The long plate is for the top row, the short one is for the bottom .

is applied to one side of the strips, covered with a protective layer, which, when interacting with tooth enamel, produces a whitening effect . The gel is safe for the enamel itself, and results appear after three times of using the strips (with a course duration of 10-14 days).

As a result of using this product, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the shade of the enamel by 1-6 tones , depending on the type of strips used and the duration of the course.

The procedure is essentially similar to that carried out in a dentist's office, but is adapted to be performed independently in circumstances convenient for the person.

Why do teeth darken?

Unfortunately, owners of naturally snow-white and healthy teeth are not so common. There are many factors that negatively affect enamel. Knowing about them, you can prevent the problem and keep your teeth in perfect condition. Let's give an example of the most common causes of yellowing or darkening of enamel:

  • Poor or irregular cleaning. Plaque on teeth that is not removed in a timely manner thickens and turns into a hard shell, covering the natural color of the enamel, making it duller.
  • Tobacco smoking. Heavy cigarette smokers have a yellow tint to their teeth, but over time it becomes brown due to the accumulation of tars contained in tobacco smoke under the gums and at the base of the teeth.
  • Drinking coffee, black tea, herbal infusions, wine and other products containing food coloring. You should not refuse such drinks, but after taking them you should definitely brush your teeth.
  • Caries. This disease leads to demineralization of hard tooth tissues and deterioration of the optical density of the tooth, and the appearance of stains on the enamel surface.
  • Inadequate dental treatment. Changes in the color of tooth enamel sometimes occur under the influence of certain substances that are part of filling materials.
  • Damage to the tooth. This is a common cause of darkening, which occurs due to injury to the neurovascular bundle. The tooth may change immediately after blood enters the cavity, becoming slightly pinkish or darker in color.
  • Taking antibiotics. Some antibacterial components can affect the condition of tooth enamel if used for a long time.
  • Endemic fluorosis. Judging by the reviews, teeth whitening with 3D-White strips will not bring any effect for this disease. In such cases, complex therapeutic treatment is indicated, and, if necessary, consultation with an orthopedic dentist.

Gentle Routine

This is another product for those with hypersensitive teeth. The purpose of creating these strips was to offer a unique whitening system for patients suffering from a painful reaction to cold or hot foods. If not so long ago people with tooth sensitivity did not even dream of a whitening procedure, today this remedy is one of the most effective for this problem.

The composition of the Crest 3D-White Gentle Routine plates is developed using a new formula that has a gentle effect on plaque and tartar deposits. Whitening strips effectively eliminate local darkening of the enamel, evening out the color of the entire dentition. Among the components contained in the gel are only natural substances and a safe amount of hydrogen peroxide, which do not harm the enamel and lighten teeth by 2-3 tones. The duration of one whitening course is 28 days, and each session of wearing the plates should not last more than 5-10 minutes. Many people see positive changes after just a week of use. Judging by the responses, the effect lasts about a year. The average cost of Crest 3D-White Gentle Routine strips does not exceed 3,000 rubles.

How is the whitening effect achieved?

The gel of whitening strips contains peroxides. After removing the protective layer, it begins to actively release oxygen ions, provoking oxidative reactions.

They destroy organic substances that give unnecessary pigmentation to the enamel, breaking them down into carbon dioxide and water.

As a result, the enamel becomes a lighter shade. In the dentist's office, the same substances are used for whitening, only the active components in them are activated under the influence of laser or light radiation.

One course of using the strips is enough to achieve a lasting effect, the duration of which is from a year or more.

Whitestrips Vivid

This is the latest variety of 3D-White whitening strips. These plates are suitable for people with any type of teeth. The gel with which the strips are impregnated contains only 10% of the active substance, which explains the gentle effect on the tooth surface. In addition, Whitestrips Vivid contains water to prevent dehydration.

Many who have tried to lighten their teeth with this product are satisfied. It is often emphasized that after a full course of whitening, the enamel remains intact and does not even have the smallest microcracks. Thanks to the use of natural ingredients in the composition, the use of whitening plates does not harm the microflora of the oral cavity.

With the help of such strips, you can whiten your teeth by no more than two shades. The plates must be worn for at least 30 minutes for 10-12 days. The manufacturer recommends taking several courses with weekly breaks. The product from the Crest 3D-White series is the most budget-friendly - its cost in pharmacies is about 2,600 rubles.

Contraindications for use

The teeth whitening procedure with Crest 3D-White strips cannot be called absolutely safe. This dental procedure is not suitable for everyone. First of all, bleaching with hydrogen peroxide is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • patients suffering from acute gum and periodontal diseases and extensive damage to tooth enamel;
  • with a large number of fillings, crowns and implants.

If you have an individual intolerance to at least one of the components in the composition, you cannot use lightening plates. The use of strips for epilepsy, bronchial asthma, high hypertension and other pathologies is strictly prohibited.

If wearing teeth whitening strips has led to a significant deterioration in your health, they should be removed immediately and further use should be discontinued. If you have a history of oral disease, unhealed damage to the mucous membrane or superficial tissues, it is better to postpone the use of plates.

We must not forget that thanks to this product you can only slightly change the shade of natural tooth enamel. As for the use of strips to whiten the surface of crowns or dentures, it is still better to abandon such an idea, since it will not be successful.

Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

These strips are recommended for use by people with hypersensitive teeth. According to reviews, whitening with Crest 3D-White Luxe Whitestrips does not cause any discomfort. While wearing the plates, it is not prohibited to drink water and other drinks that do not contain coloring pigments.

Those who have repeatedly undergone the procedure of lightening tooth enamel at home leave mostly positive feedback about this product. Dentists consider it one of the optimal solutions for home whitening. The plates are made using the latest technologies, thanks to which they adhere securely to the teeth. Wearing stripes is not noticeable during a conversation.

When you first open a box of whitening plates, you cannot help but notice their elongated shape, which allows you to immediately cover all areas of the dentition. You need to wear the strips for an hour, and the whitening session is repeated for 14 days. The first results can be noticed immediately. According to reviews, Crest 3D-White Luxe strips lighten teeth by six shades. In Russian pharmacies this product can be purchased at a price of about 4,000 rubles.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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