How to take Acyclovir for herpes - instructions, dosage

How does Acyclovir work?

About 90% of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of the herpes virus. However, it only appears in some people. The “dormant” virus in the body becomes active due to prolonged exposure to cold, decreased immunity, stress, and illness. Antiviral drugs help normalize the condition of patients. The most effective among them is Acyclovir, which is an analogue of thymidine nucleoside. The drug is used against herpes during an exacerbation and:

  • prevents the formation of rashes (bubbles);
  • reduces the risk of complications;
  • relieves pain;
  • promotes the appearance of crusts in place of bubbles.

The biological availability of the drug ranges from 15 to 30%. It spreads quickly throughout the body, is processed in the liver and is excreted in the urine a few hours after use.

The doctor recommends the dosage of the drug and the treatment regimen, based on the nature of the disease, age and the presence of concomitant diseases (primary infection usually involves the use of significant doses of the drug).

Acyclovir is available in the form:

  • ointments for herpes on the lips, packaged in tubes (the concentration of the active substance is 5%);
  • cream sold in tubes (the concentration of the active substance is 5%);
  • tablets for herpes on the lips (mass fraction of the active substance is 200, 400, 800 mg).

Properties and composition of the drug Acyclovir

The medicine consists of:

active substance of the drug:

  • acyclovir;


  • milk sugar;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • Aerosil;
  • medium molecular weight polyvinyl lyrrolidone.

The drug can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.
Developed by a Nobel laureate, Acyclovir is aimed at combating the herpes virus by integrating into its DNA and suppressing the replication process. The spread of the virus is prevented and crust formation is accelerated. The area affected by the rash stops growing, and the pain also weakens.

Ointment and cream

Acyclovir ointment and cream for herpes are used for the external treatment of manifestations of the disease and differ in composition. Ointments are made on a fatty basis (vaseline, lanolin), while the cream has less fat content, which allows it to be absorbed faster.

The choice of one or another form of the drug is made depending on the place of application. So, for herpes on the lips, Acyclovir is used in the form of an ointment that not only fights viruses, but also has a moisturizing effect. This prevents the appearance of poorly healing wounds and speeds up recovery.

Cream is used in the treatment of genital herpes. It instantly penetrates the skin and does not spoil underwear.

The methods for using Acyclovir cream and ointment for herpes are the same. The product is applied to the skin, and a certain sequence is followed when applying it.

Before starting the procedure, wipe the affected area with a cotton swab soaked in heated water - this cleanses and prepares the skin. Then a thin layer of ointment or cream is applied to the skin (treatment is carried out every four hours). To avoid transferring the virus to healthy tissue, use cotton swabs and disposable gloves.

Treatment with Acyclovir for herpes continues for a week (a decrease in symptoms occurs on the second day). If the ulcers do not heal, treatment is extended to 10 days.

Briefly about the features of the virus

External signs of a virus living in the human body occur in the case of hypothermia, colds, and also due to depression or stress.
Herpes occurs in two types:

  • on the lips, in the mouth, on the tongue and in other parts of the facial area;
  • on and near the genitals.

Herpes on the lips can appear after sunbathing for too long; sometimes it can occur in a person who spends a long time in a room with an air conditioner running. The symptoms of this disease cause people many problems of a physical, aesthetic and psychological nature. This is especially true for women. External manifestations of the herpes virus occur when the level of immune defense of the human body decreases.

Infection occurs through contact of a healthy person with a virus carrier. Once in the body, the bacteriophage causes damage to cells, simultaneously spreading throughout the body.

During relapses, a rash appears on the lips and other mucous membranes. Today, medicine does not have the means to completely destroy the virus in the human body, so symptomatic medications that have a drying, disinfecting effect are used.

Among the medications used to combat the herpes virus, Acyclovir in the form of ointments, creams and tablets is popular among doctors and patients. The medication has a large-scale effect on the pathogen.


Acyclovir tablets are used in the treatment of pathologies that develop as a result of infection with various types of herpesvirus, including colds on the lips, shingles and genital herpes. The main advantages of the tablet form of the drug are high efficiency at the initial stage of the disease and relatively low cost.

Once in the human body, the active substance of the drug penetrates the affected cells, integrating into the DNA of viruses and blocking their reproduction. A course of treatment with the drug allows you to achieve the following results:

  • accelerate the healing of ulcerations;
  • prevent the appearance of new rashes;
  • eliminate pain, itching, redness.

In some cases, Acyclovir is used to prevent herpes.

How to take Acyclovir tablets?

It is quite natural that any drug should be taken according to the rules. To achieve positive results for herpes, use the following treatment regimens (they are described in the instructions for use):

  • In adults, treatment for herpes that appears for the first time is 200 mg of the drug 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is five days. In the presence of immunodeficiency conditions, the dosage increases to 400 mg at a time. Treatment of herpes zoster - 800 mg of the drug every four hours during the day.
  • Prevention of herpes in adults - Acyclovir 200 mg four times a day. It is possible to change the regimen: 400 mg of the drug twice a day.
  • Treatment of primary herpes in children - 200 mg four times a day. The course of treatment is five days.

Take the medicine after meals - this reduces the load on the stomach. It is not advisable to take Acyclovir tablets on an empty stomach.

Taking Acyclovir for children under three years of age is strictly contraindicated.

The role of the active substance in the treatment of herpes on the lips

Herpes is one of the incurable diseases. This is due to the fact that the virus penetrates the structure of the central nervous system, remaining inaccessible to both the immune system and medicinal substances. During the period of relapse of the disease, the virus “descends” along the nerve fibers and enters the blood. This circumstance determines the effectiveness of Acyclovir for colds on the lips.

This drug, based on a substance of the same name, suppresses the replication (ability to divide) of the pathogen. This happens due to the fact that acyclovir comes into contact with the enzymes that the virus produces to ensure its own vital functions. The described process gives the following results:

  • the main symptoms of the disease (itching, burning, redness) disappear;
  • no new rashes appear;
  • healing of damaged tissues is accelerated.

Due to the nature of the development of infection, the medicinal substance is able to suppress the activity of only those viral particles that have penetrated the skin or bloodstream. Taking Acyclovir is justified in the treatment of mild and moderate forms of herpes. In complicated cases, other drugs are recommended. This can be explained by the fact that only 30% of the active substance comes into contact with the virus.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency caused by systemic diseases or chemotherapy. This is due to the fact that the body of this category of people does not produce a sufficient amount of enzymes necessary to suppress the activity of the pathogen.

Side effects

During treatment, side effects may develop. So, when using tablets, the following are not excluded:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • jaundice;
  • anemia;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • alopecia;
  • allergic manifestations.

If these reactions occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and seek help from a doctor, regardless of whether a cold on the lips or other parts of the body was treated with Acyclovir.

When using an ointment or cream, allergic reactions may develop: itching, redness, peeling of the skin. The consequence of improper treatment of rashes in the intimate area can be vulvitis.

When are injections used?

Injections against herpes infection are required only in case of frequent relapses or extensive lesions. This condition occurs in the absence of adequate treatment for a long time or in the case of low immune defense of the body due to HIV and after bone marrow transplantation.

This is a serious drug, so before starting treatment, such patients undergo a thorough examination. This method of therapy is chosen exclusively by a specialist, referring to the patient’s medical history.

Completing a therapeutic course with Acyclovir injections can delay the onset of relapse of the disease for up to 5 years if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle. For a longer period of remission, it is necessary to use non-injectable Acyclovir preparations every year for preventive purposes, but only as prescribed by a doctor.


Like any other medicine, the drug has analogues. As a replacement, use:

  • Zovirax;
  • Vivorax;
  • Gervirax;
  • Virolex.

Treatment and prevention of herpes with Acyclovir is prescribed by a doctor. Any attempts at self-medication can negatively affect the well-being and health of the patient as a whole.

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Release form

Acyclovir is available at the pharmacy in four varieties:

  1. Acyclovir tablets for oral use. Available in blisters of twenty tablets, weighing 200 (regular) and 400 (forte) mg.
  2. Eye ointment.
  3. Cream/gel for external use.
  4. Lyophilisate, for preparing a solution. It is administered intravenously.
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get colds very often - I can get sick four times a year. And every time a cold is accompanied by rashes and ulcers around the mouth .

A few years ago, a therapist advised me acyclovir as an inexpensive and effective drug.

In my case, this remedy helps get rid of cold herpes in an average of 5-6 days , and I don’t feel any side effects.”

Lyudmila Bashakova, Moscow.

started getting herpes rashes during a cold I

This symptom itself did not cause me any particular problems, but I was very embarrassed by these sores, so I began to use acyclovir ointment on the advice of my parents.

8 years have passed, and I still use this drug in such cases.

And although in the first couple of days the ointment burns quite strongly , then these sensations no longer appear, and the rash disappears in about a week .”

Oleg Yusupov, Solnechnogorsk.

Acyclovir for the prevention of herpes

Everyone knows that prevention of any disease is much easier and safer than its further treatment. This fully applies to herpes.

Vaccination can provide good protection against the virus. The vaccine must be injected once every 3 years. It is also important to observe hygiene procedures, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the immune system.

Certain medications can also prevent the virus from getting worse. These drugs include Acyclovir.

The dosage differs from that used in treatment. The medicine is taken for preventive purposes, 1 tablet 4 times a day, or 2 tablets 2 times a day.

There are discussions going on on the Internet...

How effective Acyclovir is in treating the worsening herpes virus on the lips can be judged by the reviews of ordinary Internet users.

When I was a student, I had periodic rashes on my lips. She was treated with Zovirax. It was an expensive drug, and its tube was very small in size. He acted well, however.

But once again I purchased Acyclovir. It has the same active ingredient, and its cost is several times less! This is an anti-crisis version of Zovirax, and it works no worse.

Olga, 27 years old

It was winter: my baby came home from kindergarten with a rash on his face. Upon examination by a doctor, it turned out that it was a herpetic infection. The child had about 10 pimples on his face. They started out red and then became watery and grew larger. All of them were in the circumlabial triangle. The doctor prescribed us Acyclovir tablets and ointment. The external remedy turned out to be not at all expensive and very effective, and together with the tablets the disease quickly subsided. The effect of the treatment was felt literally in 2 days: our ulcers had already begun to dry out.

But on the doctor’s recommendation, we followed the home regime for the entire 2 weeks. Although my son was prone to various allergic reactions, fortunately, they did not occur.

Anastasia, 30 years old

Overdose and side effects

Incorrect use of the drug (overdose) is manifested by such phenomena as: headaches, nervous overstimulation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsive syndromes, dysfunction of the genitourinary system (urinary retention, swelling), prolonged sleep, fainting.

If symptoms appear, immediately call an ambulance - otherwise death is possible. Further treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

With prolonged use of external preparations of acyclovir, local irritation of the skin, followed by peeling, is possible. Intravenous administration of the drug can contribute to inflammatory processes at the injection site.

Complications are possible in the form of damage to the central nervous system (overexcitation, hallucinations, increased aggression, drowsiness).


Acyclovir is contraindicated in patients who have individual intolerance to the substances of the drug.

The components have great penetrating power, so the product can harm the baby during intrauterine development and breastfeeding.

During these periods, acyclovir is taken only when vital circumstances arise (until now, there have been no negative effects on the fetus in medical practice).

Particular care is taken when prescribing medication to patients with dehydration and impaired renal function.

To prevent the formation of sediments in the genitourinary system, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids during the course of therapy.

During this period, the doctor monitors all changes occurring in the patient’s body and monitors kidney function using tests.

Careful monitoring is required for patients with a history (medical history) of mental, neurological disorders and cardiovascular pathologies.

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