Detailed instructions on how to make braces at home

It is a pity that not everyone in our world is naturally blessed with beautiful and straight teeth. Many people resort to considerable effort and great expense in order to have a more or less aesthetic smile. After all, uneven teeth are not only unsightly in appearance, but also cause serious changes in the bite, which in turn leads to various diseases. Of course, only an orthodontist can perfectly straighten the teeth, for example, by installing a braces system. People often ask whether it is possible and, if so, how to make braces at home?

More recently, people were embarrassed to wear braces. They considered this system ugly and unaesthetic. Therefore, even when talking, they tried to cover their mouth with their hand. Today you can notice completely different behavior. Braces are considered not only a necessary device for straightening teeth, but are also trendy devices that add a certain zest to a person. Now people are proud of the braces on their teeth and show them off to everyone.

Today you can often find a variety of information about home teeth straightening. Let's try to figure out how this is done.

To be objective, let’s say right away that it is possible to create braces at home, but you won’t be able to correct your teeth with home braces, but you can add some shock value to your image. Homemade braces are good to wear to a disco or to a photo shoot.

Bracket - what is it?

In dentistry, this is the name for a fixed dental prosthesis intended for orthodontic purposes. Each such device serves a specific purpose, predetermined by the doctor. It can straighten crooked teeth and hide the voids between them. They often use additional devices such as locks, springs or elastic chains. This allows you to give your teeth the correct shape.

Important: Self-regulating mechanisms are used today to fix braces.

Instead of ligatures, as before, elements for fixation are used. Thus, much less time is spent on their installation. And the main thing is that if fixation is lost, it can be corrected independently. Fast and painless.

The principle of operation of bracket systems

Human teeth can move independently, and this happens throughout the entire life cycle. They are not firmly attached to the jaw. Displacement of teeth can occur during their eruption, during treatment, due to certain efforts, especially prolonged pressure. Such loads are also possible under normal conditions. That is, when eating and chewing solid food, a gradual displacement of the teeth is observed.

Over time, the dentition loses its shape, the teeth become crooked, and gaps appear. All this can be corrected only by installing braces. They allow you to restore the position of your teeth and return them to their original position. This is possible thanks to directed pressure. But it must be constant and long-lasting. With the help of braces, the tooth is pressed into the bone or, on the contrary, squeezed out. They are also able to change the inclination of teeth in any direction.

If there are gaps between your teeth, dental retainers will fill them. They will tighten the teeth, and if the retainer is worn for a long time, this condition and location will become permanent. That is, the problem will be completely eliminated. Braces are an effective method of dealing with any changes in the position of teeth in the human oral cavity.

General idea about fake braces

Fake braces are structures that look like an orthodontic system. They are made independently or bought ready-made.

Plastic and various metals are used for manufacturing. False structures are used to create a fashionable image, at themed events, and for photo shoots.

History of origin

For the first time, fake braces began to be worn in Southeast Asia. The fashion for them was introduced by such stars as Andiga Kangen, Earn The Star, Gwen Stefani. They are also associated with the aggressive “dek wehn when” motorbike subculture.

Counterfeit products are designed to create the image of a rich person. For example, the cost of real structures in Bangkok is more than $1,000. This amount is equal to half the annual income for most residents of the country.

A huge demand for products has created a black market. On it, fake systems cost about $100.

The fakes turned out to be life-threatening. After the death of teenagers in Thailand, their sale is prohibited by law.

Violation is punishable by 6 months in prison and a $1,600 fine.

But some enterprising young people are not afraid of statistics, and they resort to creating beautiful dental jewelry on their own.

Instructions for making braces

How to make braces? Not very difficult. You can make devices from available items.

Here is a list of materials that will be needed during the process:

  • Large size paper clips.
  • Wire.
  • Paper plate or other convenient surface.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Super glue.
  • Pliers.
  • Orthodontic wax.
  • Beads (preferably different colors).
  • Earrings in the shape of a butterfly.

So, let's describe the technology of how to make braces at home.

Braces at home from a paper clip

  1. Bend the object into a straight line.
  2. Make the paperclip into the shape of a tooth row, that is, bend it in a U-shape.
  3. Go to the mirror and stretch your mouth into a smile. Assess how many teeth are visually visible. By counting them, you will find out how many beads you will need in the future.
  4. Take the beads and attach them to the paperclip. Remember to maintain the correct distance between objects, equal to the distance between the teeth. The beads should be located directly in the center of the tooth. Now raise the paperclip to your teeth and smile widely. Evaluate what has been done.
  5. Place the paper clip on the paper surface and glue the beads to the wire with non-toxic glue. The beads should stick very well to the paper clip. There should be enough glue. During gluing, the beads and paper clip should not stick to the paper surface. If excess glue suddenly forms, it must be carefully removed from the wire. Average holding time of a glued structure: 4 weeks.
  6. Make the beaded paperclip into an L shape using pliers. Make folds on both sides. At the same time, try to achieve a level base. Be patient and do the folds slowly.
  7. Take orthodontic wax (you can find it in pharmacies.) Make two balls from it. Thread the ends of your homemade braces through these balls. For fastening, in addition to wax, you can use chewing gum.
  8. The structure is ready. Secure it to your teeth for a comfortable feeling.

Sequence of making wire braces

  • Take silver craft wire. Give it a U shape.
  • Make hooks from the ends of the wire for fastening using pliers. In this case, there is no need to bend them until the very end.
  • Choose a suitable elastic band. Find a rubber band that is not too thick and is long enough that it stretches across all the front teeth.
  • Attach the elastic band to the wire. Perform movements carefully so as not to damage the structure. Hang the elastic on one hook, pull it tight and secure it on the next side. Squeeze the hooks using pliers. The elastic band should hold very tightly.
  • Take small earrings that look like a butterfly. Number of earrings needed: 6. Attach this number. In this case, the back of the earrings should be on the wire.
  • Make a fitting to align the butterflies. After assessing the result, make the necessary movements so that the earrings are in the center of the teeth.
  • Prepare brackets for the bottom row. The execution sequence differs little from creating braces for the top row. The only thing you won't need to do is attach butterfly earrings. The quantity made will be enough for the aesthetic appearance of the structure.

This is interesting: Narrow jaw: causes, methods of correction: devices for expansion in adults and children

Making Tips

You need to be careful when creating braces at home. During the manufacturing process, it is better to follow the tips listed below:

  • The parts used must be clean. An infection can easily be introduced into the oral cavity and subsequently treated for complications.
  • Wire, beads, earrings and paper clips should not contain sharp ends. Otherwise, you may seriously injure your mouth area.
  • The fastening of parts of braces must be done conscientiously. Small parts that fall off can get into the throat and cause suffocation.
  • If homemade braces are made by a child or teenager, the procedure must be performed under the supervision of elders.
  • Be sure to remove your braces from your mouth when eating.
  • Don't waste your time. Treat the process meticulously and painstakingly.
  • When doing this, try to make your homemade structure look like the real thing.
  • The shape of the paperclip or wire should not contain folds or irregularities. The surface of the product should look like a clear letter “U”.
  • Before bending the edges, you need to clean the tool and apply sandpaper.
  • Remove braces when eating.
  • It is better to eat before installing homemade braces.
  • You should be careful when bending a paper clip in your mouth because you can very easily injure yourself.
  • When trying on the design, try not to choke on the parts of the braces.

If you don’t want to make braces yourself, you can buy them in a store and put them on your teeth. But be aware that purchased braces greatly cover your teeth.

The principle of operation and fixation of braces

Braces are structures that apply measured pressure on the teeth. Teeth do not remain motionless throughout life, and maintaining their correct position depends on many factors (proper nutrition, eating hard foods, gum health). Inflammatory processes weaken the tissues of the oral cavity, and teeth can move.

Various loads over time lead to the fact that individual units rotate, tilt, and shift relative to their original position. At the same time, gaps appear between the teeth, in which food debris accumulate and pathogenic microorganisms multiply, which leads to the development of caries and inflammatory processes in the gums.

To correct the situation, the coronal part must be affected in a certain direction. Under the influence of a constant force, the unit begins to move. The bone in front of the tooth gradually softens, allowing the root to take a new position. The tooth “moves” to a new location.

This process can take up to several years, which is why people often resort to braces. These fixed structures are designed to correct the position of incorrectly positioned teeth.

Small plates of braces are glued to each tooth. Each part has a groove and a special arc passes through it. It is given the desired shape of the dentition. Because the teeth are in the wrong position, the arch becomes bent. Trying to return to its original shape, the arc puts pressure on the incorrectly growing units, forcing them to move.

The pressure force is approximately equal to that with which the blood presses on the capillaries of the periodontal ligament. Too much pressure leads to compression of the capillaries, stopping cellular activity. Insufficient pressure will not cause the units to move.

Most brace systems are of the vestibular type. In such designs, braces are attached to the front wall of the crown; they are visible when talking and laughing. There are also lingual braces, the plates of which are attached to the tooth from the inside. This design is almost invisible, but creates discomfort in the oral cavity, because... the tongue is constantly in contact with the device. Temporary disturbances in diction are possible.

The arch is attached to the braces using ligatures - special locking devices. In a lingual design, the system clasps onto the last tooth. In this case, the patient will not be able to see, much less get the ligature on his own.

Reasons for braces coming off teeth

Braces take up significant space in the mouth. It takes time to get used to them - a month is considered the minimum period. To ensure that the braces adhere firmly to the surface of the crowns, they are secured with special glue. After installing the structure, the doctor warns the patient about the limitations associated with treatment with braces. The safety of braces depends on following these recommendations. Why braces can come off:

  • during the first stage of connection, devices may be subject to pressure from incorrectly positioned units;
  • a bracket fell off - it was all due to careless manipulations with a toothbrush;
  • if the bracket came off, the food consumed was too hard or sticky;
  • the device may fall off when trying to remove food stuck between the teeth or under the arch;
  • The safety of the structure is affected by changes in the dentition, gradual correction of the bite, which can also cause a violation of integrity, and the bracket will fall off.

Consequences of violation of system fixation

What to do if the plate comes off? If the brace system breaks down, efforts aimed at straightening the row or correcting the bite will be in vain. The design on the teeth will change the pressure and direction of action, which will cause harm to the dentition.

Do not be alarmed if you find a part of the structure that has come off in your mouth; you should immediately consult a doctor. It will help restore the integrity of the system and tell you what to do next so that the situation does not repeat itself.

If you can’t see an orthodontist, you can try to repair the broken bracket yourself. There are 2 options for this repair: glue the plate using special wax or remove the lock.

The case when the arch broke in the mouth and a piece of it was swallowed requires special attention. In this case, you should urgently see a surgeon, take an x-ray and determine whether surgical intervention is indicated.

How to fix braces at home?

When it is not possible to immediately see a dentist, you can temporarily repair the damage at home. If a ligature system is installed in the mouth, the ligature must be released using small tweezers or a toothpick. The released ligature will allow the bracket to be removed.

To remove the ligature-free system, carefully unfasten the locking lock. Removed braces must be retained. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the structure may be able to be replaced. However, in most cases the system will have to be manufactured anew, because in a re-attached device, the load on each unit will change, and the fixation will not be secure enough.

Unstuck braces can be glued back using special wax, which specialists use to attach plates to crowns. Orthodontic wax can be obtained from your doctor during the installation of the system. Before gluing the fallen off plate, the crown should be wiped dry with a cotton swab or ear swab. However, it is important to remember that if the bracket has separated from the last unit, you should not do anything on your own without the help of an orthodontist.

If you cannot open the lock or remove the ligature yourself, you should not use strong force. It is better to leave everything as it is and consult a doctor as soon as possible. The less time passes from the moment of breakdown, the more likely it is that the defect can be eliminated without making a new structure.

How often do archwires on braces be changed?

During the treatment process , the arch on the dentition replaced rigid fixation is required. On average, there are only 3 planned replacements: at the beginning, middle and end of treatment.

Important! An individual treatment plan, the degree and type of defect determine how many times replacement is necessary.

The structure can also suddenly break down due to improper care, use, installation or poor quality material. If the arc is broken, it is no longer suitable, in which case an unscheduled replacement is necessary.

procedure does not take much time and is painless . The dentist opens the clasps on the braces and removes the old wire from the grooves. Instead, a new one is installed in the grooves and then secured with locks.

Planned replacement usually involves installing new arches on two jaws . In case of an unscheduled one , only the one that is out of order is replaced.

Planned manipulations

At the beginning of treatment, weak and thin products with a round cross-section are used. Due to their elasticity and plasticity, they seem to prepare the teeth for the upcoming therapy.

During the period of using power elements, the patient may not feel any visible discomfort. Nickel-titanium products are used for these purposes.

Then the models are replaced by elements with a wider cross-section , increasing the load. They allow you to move not only the supragingival part of the teeth, but also the roots. With these products, the active part of bite treatment begins.

At the end of the course, square-section products are used . Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve final alignment of the bite and correct position of the teeth.

Replacing power products during therapy is not used only in some types of systems and for small bite defects.

How to insert an archwire into the last bracket

In patients, the archwire can often fly out of the last bracket, for example, while eating. In this case, you can insert it back yourself .

The lock on the last bracket never opens , so the part that came out will need to be inserted. Bend strongly and carefully insert it into the hole in the bracket lock (similar to threading a needle), using tweezers. If the arch is too rigid , you will need the help of another person, as you will need to apply a lot of force.

Important! If you are unable to put the arch in place yourself, you should contact an orthodontist at your nearest dental clinic . The specialist will very quickly restore the functionality of the braces system.

If the piece that came out could not be inserted and it began to rub orthodontic wax will help in this case .

If the archwire did not fly out of the last bracket

If the archwire did not jump out of the last bracket, then you will no longer be able .

In this case, you must definitely contact a specialist as quickly , since the incorrect position of the system will lead to distortion of the correction results and possible prolongation. To avoid injury, orthodontic wax is applied to the protruding piece.


Used for minor curvatures. These are silicone structures with a spring arch and individual pockets for each tooth. They are mainly used for children under 12 years of age, and are less commonly used for adult patients. Adult trainers are more rigid and are made of polypropylene. Trainers not only move teeth to the right places, but also help train the muscles and the entire dentofacial apparatus to the correct position.

Advantages of trainers:

  • Invisible when worn.
  • They do not cause discomfort.
  • Easy to remove and clean.
  • Minimum doctor visits.
  • Wearing mainly at night, during the day one hour is enough.

Tips for straightening teeth

Self-made braces at home will, of course, add pathos to the image. But you still need to straighten your teeth with the help of an orthodontist. In addition, it is important to know that dental defects are not always a genetic problem. It often occurs due to a number of factors:

  1. Excessive consumption of only soft foods. Solid food trains the chewing muscles well. The teeth are practically not subject to movement.
  2. Bad habits of a child: biting the lower lip, attachment to the pacifier, constant sucking of foreign objects.
  3. Frequent breathing through the mouth. A healthy person should breathe only through the nose.
  4. Lack of microelements, especially calcium. Its deficiency will certainly lead to thinning of tooth enamel and loss of stability.

To maintain straight teeth, you need to take preventive measures

  • Don't breathe through your mouth. The breathing process should be carried out through the nose.
  • You need to pay attention to uneven teeth early, in childhood. This preventive measure will help an adult have a beautiful smile.
  • Do not suck on foreign objects.
  • Do not let a small child suck on a pacifier or delay weaning.
  • Conscientiously keep your teeth and gums clean. Use mouthwash after meals.
  • Visit the dentist.

Our specialists:

Sudzhaev Sergey Romanovich - chief orthodontist

He graduated with honors from his residency at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics at Moscow State Medical University. Until 2013, he worked at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics at Moscow State Medical University, and also received patients in private elite clinics in Moscow. Full member of the professional society of orthodontists of Russia, the European society of orthodontists. A regular participant in scientific congresses and seminars. In his practice, he uses the most modern brace systems from leading manufacturers and corrects malocclusions in children and adults.


When can you remove braces?

The nature of the bite deformation, age and individual characteristics of the patient determine the duration of wearing braces. Therefore, the duration of orthodontic treatment is very variable - from 4 months to 3 years.

The doctor decides when to remove braces. An experienced orthodontist selects an effective treatment regimen that allows you to achieve the desired goal in the fastest possible period of time. If you follow all his recommendations, the day of removing the structure will not be long in coming.

Is it possible to withdraw early?

When wearing braces for a long time, patients want to quickly get rid of boring braces. But if the system is removed too early, the result achieved during therapy will be undone, the teeth will quickly return to their original position, even if most of the treatment has been completed. Therefore, braces cannot be removed ahead of schedule, since this will not ensure a sustainable correction effect.

Sometimes a specialist makes a decision to remove the system early based on the following circumstances:

  • allergy to structural elements;
  • ineffectiveness of therapy;
  • change of doctor due to the incompetence of the previous specialist.

On a note!

Important events may occur in a person’s life - weddings, meetings, etc., but, according to orthodontists, this is not a reason to temporarily remove the structure. Even a short-term release of teeth from the “captivity” of the arch gives a significant relaxing effect on the process of bite correction.

Do-It-Yourself Approach

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on how you can do it yourself, i.e. without professional help, remove braces. Technically this can be done. But doing this is strictly prohibited.

The reason for the ban is that such an action can severely damage the surface of the enamel coating, which is why the consequences of such a violation can result in unpleasant and very serious complications.

The process at home can result in damage to the gum tissue, mucous membrane and teeth themselves, and inflammation. It is simply impossible to remove dental glue residues on your own without professional equipment and without damaging the enamel.

Important! Only a specialist can properly unfasten the clasps without affecting the enamel, remove them, and remove the glue efficiently.

Are there possible complications during braces removal?

The process of removing braces is carefully monitored by a doctor. And if he is a professional, there should be no complications. However, a small chip of the enamel or injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is possible (for example, if the doctor touches them with forceps or an element of the system). Problems are possible only due to the negligence or inexperience of the specialist himself. To prevent this from happening, carefully choose the clinic where you plan to undergo treatment.

Patient opinions

Having studied numerous reviews about removing braces on specialized websites, forums and blogs, we can draw several conclusions:

  • Not all doctors know how to properly and accurately grind the surface of teeth;
  • Many patients blame their mistakes on the incompetence of the orthodontist;
  • You should not go to budget and cheap clinics.

Let's start in order. In decent dentistry, specialized attachments are used to remove glue residues and work with high precision. This avoids significant damage to tooth enamel. But it should be understood that enamel is not a perfectly smooth surface. Nature created it lumpy.

Therefore, after removing braces, the enamel is usually treated with remineralization agents. Special pastes and gels are also prescribed that perform the same function.

Second point. “I have crooked teeth again, it’s all the doctor’s fault.” Yes, it's a fact. Doctors do not always know how to work correctly with bite correction devices. But this has nothing to do with withdrawal. If after this procedure the teeth are straight, and then “suddenly” become crooked again, it is solely the patient’s fault.

The third point in removing braces is choosing a clinic where the braces will be placed and removed. If you go to a city dentist, you may not be surprised that your enamel will be damaged. This is far from the worst of what happens in clinics.

When choosing a place to go, you should start with highly specialized forums. Explicit advertising is banned there. Therefore, it will be difficult to make a mistake. Ask your acquaintances, colleagues, friends. Check with those who have consulted orthodontists. They will definitely scold bad doctors and praise good ones, completely sincerely.

We have given you comprehensive information about everything related to the process of removing various types of braces, making and wearing retainers. If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments or by email. Also, don’t forget about the opportunity to subscribe to our website’s newsletter.

Dentistry currently has extensive tools for correcting malocclusion. There are braces that are installed on the outer or inner surface of the teeth and are made of different materials.

It is worth saying that treatment with braces is long and labor-intensive because it requires a lot of time, patience of the patient and strict compliance with all the requirements of the attending physician. At a minimum, wearing braces takes a year, usually two to three years, sometimes more. In addition, it often turns out to be expensive.

Some people, especially teenagers, may simply get bored with braces, because wearing them involves the imposition of a number of prohibitions that relate to food consumption and oral hygiene. Some people will want to get rid of boring braces on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done. We must remember that only the treating orthodontist can make a decision about installing and removing the braces system.

Braces are a system consisting of rivets that the doctor attaches to the surface of the teeth and an arch that corrects bite flaws. If you try to remove the rivets yourself, you can damage the enamel. The glue on which the doctor places them is strong enough, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the impact that the teeth experience when chewing food, brushing teeth, etc.

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The fact that only the doctor knows the condition of the patient’s dentition is also in favor of the fact that you cannot remove braces yourself. Only an orthodontist can determine the moment when the structure can be removed. It is worth considering that even if the teeth have already been straightened, the doctor will not immediately relieve the patient of braces - time is needed to consolidate the result.

After removing braces, it is almost always necessary to install a retainer - a special wire that is glued to the inside of the teeth. This device is necessary to consolidate and maintain the treatment result. It is important to remember that all long-term and expensive treatment can go down the drain if the patient decides to interrupt the treatment on his own and remove the braces.

After the doctor decides that the bite has been corrected and the braces can be removed, additional cleaning of the teeth from glue will most likely be required. This procedure will be performed directly by the attending physician. Sometimes, while wearing braces, the tooth enamel around the rivets is stained with food coloring. In this case, additional bleaching is required.

Why is such self-medication dangerous?

First of all, using improvised means to straighten teeth, if you try to make braces from them, can seriously disrupt the condition of your dental system. When you independently fix homemade braces with traction on your teeth, you can seriously move a group of teeth, which will lead to impaired jaw closure, deterioration in the appearance of your smile, and problems with the temporomandibular joint.

In addition, the use of home remedies as a braces system can cause serious injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area. This can be either a minor damage to the oral mucosa or a serious injury with subsequent infection of the wound and the development of diffuse purulent inflammation.

Self-fixing elements of homemade braces on your teeth with glue (as recommended in all manuals on how to make braces yourself) can negatively affect the condition of your enamel. Removal of such glue may be accompanied by the formation of scratches and chips on the surface of the tooth, which subsequently leads to the fixation of dental plaque in these places and the formation of carious lesions.

Thus, orthodontic treatment using improvised braces at home is completely unacceptable and impossible. Despite the fact that the braces system is an expensive medical treatment, there is simply no other way to straighten the teeth and normalize the bite, no matter what folk craftsmen promise. If you want your smile to be perfectly straight, contact a competent specialist and do not self-medicate.

Indications for wearing screw devices

As a rule, they are prescribed during the period of active change from a temporary bite to a permanent one. At this time, the jaw bones are still quite soft and pliable, and therefore it is possible to adjust the growth of the jaws if, for example, the upper one is too narrow and does not keep up with the lower one, or vice versa. Plates are often prescribed when there is a need to increase or decrease the size of the palate or straighten crowded and crooked teeth.

They are also used in a complex of therapeutic measures (before surgery) to restore the functionality of the maxillofacial apparatus in patients with cleft[1] of the alveolar process.

On a note! Sometimes plates of this type are used in adults. For example, if you need to change the location of one or more teeth, with minor bite pathologies. Or in addition to other methods of orthodontic correction. Often, at the final stage of treatment.

Straightening teeth without braces at home

I would like to note that a better option for straightening teeth at home than preventive measures has not yet been found. Preventing problems in children at an early stage, although it requires some effort, is ultimately cheaper than any other medical methods. At the same time, the basis of preventive measures is proper dental care using a toothbrush and toothpaste.

If it is necessary to correct a malocclusion, dentists recommend installing braces . At the same time, not everyone wants to wear glands in their mouth for several years and regularly visit the dentist. Before correcting crooked teeth, it is necessary to get rid of other diseases in the oral cavity. Today, there are several main ways to straighten teeth at home:

  • use of caps;
  • installation of veneers;
  • wearing trainers.

Naturally, there are other options for correcting teeth at home, but the above are considered the most accessible and common.



A few words about prices

Before you decide to get orthodontic braces, it is worth finding out the full cost of treatment. Moreover, the final price can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the pathology and the pricing policy of the dental clinic where you can put braces on your teeth. Thus, the approximate cost of the product itself is 8-10 thousand rubles. It should be borne in mind that during the entire period of treatment you will have to visit the dentist’s office from time to time to adjust the screed of the structure.

  1. Alkhash A. A. Prevention of caries and periodontal diseases in children during orthodontic treatment, 2002.
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