How much does a Light Seal cost at the State Clinic 2021 in Moscow

As always, we will try to answer the question “How much does a Light Seal cost in the State Clinic 2021 in Moscow.” You can also consult with lawyers for free online directly on the website without leaving your home.

How to care for the light seal directly determines how long it will last. It is quite possible to increase the service life - you just need to follow simple recommendations. First, brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening. Secondly, visit your dentist regularly for preventative purposes. And try not to consume brightly colored foods and drinks. A good habit is to use mouthwash after every meal. Take care of your teeth - avoid too much stress. Of course, you shouldn't chew nuts and candies.

How long does a light filling last? The service life of the light polymer is on average 3-5 years. In some patients, the tooth may not bother them even longer – 10 years or more. Everything here is individual and depends on many factors - regular hygiene, proper nutrition, strong teeth.

How to place a filling

And now let’s debunk perhaps the most famous myth about light-curing composites - they can be placed not only on the front teeth, but also on the chewing teeth. But here, of course, there are nuances. And they depend on the size of the filler particles (discussed above).

The composite filling material that we use for the restoration of chewing teeth (Estelite Asteria, Japan) is also above the average price segment. It gives high-quality results and good aesthetics, and can be used for artistic restoration.

For example, we use the latest generation nanocomposite material Enamel+ HRI for artistic restoration. A filling made with this material completely adapts to the color shade of the tooth. This material can also be used for routine filling and restoration of the shape of chewing teeth. This is a highly adhesive material, which allows it to adhere well to tooth tissues and give minimal shrinkage.

What types of light fillings exist?

Depending on the purpose of the filling there are:

  • For direct elimination of defects (used on chewing teeth). This material consists of large (macro-filled) particles, due to which it can withstand heavy loads and is resistant to abrasion.
  • To restore the central group of teeth , or restoration. This polymer consists of microfilled particles. Such fillings are used for the smile area. They are distinguished by high-quality aesthetic characteristics. The cost of restoring anterior teeth is more expensive than chewing teeth. This is due to the large time and labor costs of a dentist’s work. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right shade of the material so that the restored tooth looks natural. This is done by applying layers to create the effect of transparency of the enamel.
  • Modern universal polymer materials . They are characterized by high strength, withstanding heavy chewing loads, and aesthetics.

Fillings also differ in their chemical composition . Thus, the most popular are Japanese (Fuji and Noritake), American (Kerr, Dipol, Bisco and GC America) and German (Degussa). The cost of polymer material made in Japan and Germany reaches 6,000 rubles without installation.

How much does caries treatment cost?

When caries spreads deeper than the surface of the tooth enamel, tooth filling is required. There is no need to delay this process, since caries formations tend to increase, and more extensive treatment will be necessary. The dentist will conduct a consultation, tell you how much the filling costs, explain the specifics of the treatment, and, if necessary, prescribe an x-ray.

Treatment of moderate caries

  • Anesthesia;
  • Drilling out all tissues with caries using a drill;
  • Removal of root canals and pulp from the crown;
  • Determining the size of the root canals using x-rays and an apex locator;
  • Mechanical drilling of channels;
  • Cleaning the canals with an antiseptic;
  • Afterwards, an antiseptic, for example, Crezofen, is placed in the canals;
  • A temporary filling is performed.

For example, we use the latest generation nanocomposite material Enamel+ HRI for artistic restoration. A filling made with this material completely adapts to the color shade of the tooth. This material can also be used for routine filling and restoration of the shape of chewing teeth. This is a highly adhesive material, which allows it to adhere well to tooth tissues and give minimal shrinkage.

Therefore, when choosing which filling to put, the rule of the golden mean is more than appropriate, with some reservations. If you need to put a filling on the front tooth (smile area) - this is also called artistic restoration, then it is better to choose the most expensive filling, then there is a greater chance that it will not darken and will not stand out against the background of the tooth. That is, the more expensive the material, the more pronounced its aesthetic qualities.

What is a light seal

State clinics that provide dental services have also updated their material and technical base. Despite this, you can often find “dinosaur doctors” there who, “at their age,” no longer want to learn new modern techniques and treat the old-fashioned way.

When the restoration has been carried out and there is a valid guarantee, the repair can be carried out in the same clinic, but you can get a new filling from domestic materials or fix a chipped tooth in every clinic or private office that provides services under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

They said I needed an inlay, they said approximately 9000 for a crown, I paid 1500 rubles for the first appointment, it was cleaned and sealed with a temporary filling, and the second tooth was said to also need an inlay, there were only two walls left. Before this, the dentist Ilyukhina did these teeth for me at the 6th dental clinic, I went to her for a fee, she is a top-category dentist, she ruined three of my teeth because I asked for receipts, she filled two teeth with blood and they remained red and one was dark, so now I remember her with curses, if she is not alive, let her turn over in her grave from my hatred!

What does the cost depend on?

  1. Manufacturer and country of manufacture of the polymer material.
  2. Degree of tooth decay: the most carious tooth needs more restoration.
  3. Clinic level.
  4. Material and equipment used.
  5. Tooth location (front ones will cost more, as they require more aesthetic work)
  6. Doctor's qualifications.

It is worth remembering that the installation of a filling is preceded by treatment, which, as a rule, is paid for separately. It includes anesthesia and canal cleaning.

How much does a filling cost in our clinic?

If you have a toothache, a previously installed filling has darkened or fallen out, come for a consultation at. The cost of treatment will be calculated based on the volume of the carious cavity and the material used.

Treatment of diseases such as pulpitis and periodontitis involves not only installing dental fillings, but also removing infected pulp, cleaning, disinfecting and filling root canals. The number and complexity of medical procedures directly affects the overall price.

We offer:

  • professional treatment of caries of any complexity for the whole family;
  • comfortable environment and pleasant service;
  • install a high-quality filling that best suits your budget.

Our dentists will be happy to restore health to your teeth. Especially for you, the Aristocrat-Dent clinic is open from 10:00 to 20:00, every day except Sunday. Call, make an appointment and come to our dentistry, the price of a filling will pleasantly surprise you!

What are the approximate prices

  • In Moscow, prices for installing a photopolymer filling vary greatly: from 1,850 to 8,000 rubles .
  • In St. Petersburg, such tooth restoration will cost from 1 thousand to 3,500 rubles .
  • In Khabarovsk, a light-curing filling costs 3,410 rubles .
  • In Tula, installing such a seal costs 2 thousand rubles .
  • In the Voronezh region, the cost of a light seal starts from 1,500 rubles .

Filling materials

A wide, sincere smile is an indicator of a person’s good mood and positive attitude. If there is a hole or chip in a tooth, then the first impression can easily be ruined, which can lead to problems in various areas of life. A high-quality filling installation will return charming aesthetics and prevent the development of dangerous pathologies. Teeth are not just a white row visible to others, but a complex system riddled with nerves and blood vessels. If any part fails, the entire mechanism becomes unusable. But installing a filling to plug the hole after treatment and sanitation can completely restore the aesthetic and chewing functions of the element. Plugs come in different sizes and shades - modern dentistry allows you to install a filling that is indistinguishable in color from your own enamel. However, the main quality criteria are strength, reliability and durability of the product. These properties depend on the raw materials used. The following materials are used to install the seal.

  • Silicate cement is practically not used today. The material, well known to our mothers, quickly deteriorates, crumbles easily, and darkens under the influence of water.
  • Amalgam is another obsolete option that is not popular due to its metallic tint and high mercury content.
  • Plastic is a budget solution that is reliable, but has a tendency to change shade under the influence of dyes.
  • Acrylic resin is a composition that causes increased pore formation, which often causes caries and pulpitis, leading to loss of the element.
  • Ceramics is a durable material characterized by increased whiteness. Often used in aesthetic dentistry.
  • Reflective composition is the most common option, hardening under the rays of a special lamp. It is distinguished by high reliability and excellent aesthetics.
  • Glass ionomer cement is an innovative raw material based on polymer fibers. It has excellent adhesion and is used to treat caries and fill root canals.

INTERESTING! Dental treatment has been widely known since ancient times. In ancient times, fragments of cork tree bark were used to plug holes. In the era of Ancient Rome, healers installed fillings using foil and porcelain. Medieval healers filled the holes with molten lead.

Free dentistry under compulsory medical insurance policy in 2021: list of services, how and where to cure teeth

In a private clinic participating in the compulsory medical insurance program, you can install a light filling by paying only the cost of the material - the treatment itself will be free. Cash expenses in this case will be from 500 rubles. When paying for treatment, you must keep the payment documentation in order to later receive a tax deduction for this amount (relevant for working citizens).

Free treatment in a private dental clinic

  • initial appointment (in a clinic or at home, if we are talking about bedridden patients): examination, consultation, training in proper brushing of teeth;
  • treatment of gingivitis, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, abscess;
  • removal of teeth: milk, permanent or wisdom teeth;
  • removal of tartar;
  • removal of foreign bodies from dental canals;
  • realignment of the jaw (dislocations and subluxations);
  • local operations on soft tissues;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • radiography;
  • children's dental services included in compulsory health insurance: orthodontics with removable products, remineralization and silvering of teeth.
  • The color can be matched to the shade of the enamel, which makes the end result aesthetic and natural;
  • The plasticity of the material and the flexibility of the technology allows the composition to be used in a wide variety of situations;
  • The service life is from 5 to 10 years; with proper hygiene and small areas of restoration, the light filling usually lasts longer;
  • Unlike chemical ones, it does not dissolve in water, dries completely, is resistant to chips, and does not create internal pressure.

How does the installation work?

Before any operation, including before installing a filling, the doctor takes an x-ray and studies the test results, which can be taken at any of the clinic’s branches. As a result, a treatment tactic is chosen, which is necessarily discussed with the patient. An agreement is concluded for the installation of a seal, the price of which will not change under any circumstances. If further treatment, prosthetics or implantation is required, doctors of related specialties are invited for consultation. Installing a filling after caries treatment is a simple process, but modern technologies require the doctor to have the highest skill and knowledge of the latest techniques. Thus, the sandwich technique is increasingly being used, in which glass ionomer cement is placed inside the canal, and a reflective filling is installed on top. This method not only protects the element from the penetration of harmful bacteria, but also strengthens hard tissues due to the high fluoride content. Installation includes the following steps.

  • After the X-ray examination, the doctor administers local anesthesia. If the patient has allergies, treatment under general anesthesia is possible.
  • Using a drill, the desired area is drilled. Different tips are used to penetrate the enamel and dentin to the pulp.
  • Tissues affected by caries are removed; if the pulp is intact, it is disinfected. If necessary, a special protective gasket is used.
  • The photopolymer material is applied layer by layer, in 2–3 layers. After each, drying with a lamp is mandatory.
  • The finished product is sharpened and polished with a special apparatus to avoid damage to the tongue, cheeks, and lips. After this, the tooth is completely polished.

The process of installing a seal on video

IMPORTANT! In some cases, additional adjustment to the bite is necessary. The procedure allows you not to feel discomfort while chewing food. In some cases, the doctor invites you for a follow-up visit for observation and correction.

Free dentistry under compulsory medical insurance policy in 2021: list of services, how and where to cure teeth

If the dentist's office is located in the building of a regular clinic, no additional attachment is required. If the dental clinic is a separate institution, then attachment to it is necessary.

What is free treatment under compulsory medical insurance?

With free treatment in private dental clinics, you will still have to pay for some of the services, so it is better to clarify in advance which dental treatment services under compulsory medical insurance are included in the preferential package of a particular commercial clinic in order to avoid presenting a bill after just one or two preventive examinations.

  1. Call the indicated clinics to find out the relevance of the information and the list of services that are actually provided free of charge.
  2. Go to the public dental clinic to which the policy is attached and ask at its reception for a referral to a private clinic where the patient is going to have his teeth treated.
  3. Contact a commercial institution, sign up for an examination and undergo treatment

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Tooth filling: what are the prices?

To temporarily close a cavity, the material used must be resistant to moisture and not disintegrate from saliva, ensure tightness and be plastic, and can also be easily removed from the dental cavity.


Today this option is not popular, as it has a negative effect on the oral cavity and requires detailed, painstaking work. The cost of installing such a seal will cost approximately 500 rubles . But the price may increase if a more expensive metal is used instead of silver.

Light filling is one of the most popular in dentistry. Due to its excellent optical properties, it is used for artistic restoration, for filling front and chewing teeth, and in cases of significant damage to the crown. For complete curing, the composition is exposed to ultraviolet rays. This technology allows you to completely fill the cavity after tooth treatment, reliably isolate sensitive tissues, and completely seal them.

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  • Large selection of shades. A color is selected that is absolutely identical to the shade of the patient’s enamel.
  • Plastic. The dentist can slowly shape the filling material into the desired shape.
  • Safety. Light-curing composites do not contain hazardous substances and have virtually no contraindications.
  • Save time. Photopolymers are packaged in syringes. Therefore, the patient does not need to wait until the dentist prepares the filling material.

In the first 2 days after installation of a light filling, it is better to refrain from coffee, black tea, Pepsi, pomegranate juice and other products with dyes. Also, at first it is advisable not to overload the front teeth - do not bite off too hard food, such as kozinaki or grilled meat.

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