The perfect smile: how to get it and how much does it cost to make your smile perfect?

A smiling person is more successful than one who constantly frowns and keeps his lips pursed in displeasure. This statement has long been proven by a number of sociological surveys and statistics. But what if a person frowns and smiles not because he is constantly in a bad mood, but because he considers his smile ugly and is embarrassed by it?

People are embarrassed about their own smile for various reasons, but most often due to some kind of dental problem. Caries, darkened fillings, chips on teeth, yellowness, unattractive shape of teeth - all this negatively affects the aesthetics of a smile and forces us to hide it. But all these problems are solvable and correctable; modern dentistry is capable of giving anyone a perfect, Hollywood smile.

What dental technologies help create the perfect smile and how much does it cost to make your smile Hollywood? We will tell you about this in detail in our article.

Trends in “dental fashion” – what are the requirements for a smile among different nations, and what is fashionable now

For the vast majority of people in the world, white and straight teeth are the dental standard. It's beautiful, plus it's a sign of health. But this was not always the case and not everywhere. For example, a number of nationalities had such a fashion - black teeth, sharp “shark” teeth, “rich” gold teeth. And even now there are interesting trends - crooked rows, decorations with diamonds and rhinestones, tattoos, stickers, metal dental guards with jewelry inlays, piercings in the mouth. Next, we’ll talk about interesting customs and modern smile decorations – which teeth are in fashion now.

Why is it important that occlusion is correct?

Incorrect occlusion creates a lot of problems for a person.

  • Chewing function is impaired. Poorly chewed food, entering the digestive tract, causes disturbances in all its departments.
  • Damage and abrasion of dental elements and injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity may also occur.
  • In addition to organic problems, improper occlusion develops psychological disorders in a person. Typically, the jaw looks unattractive and disrupts the symmetry of the face. A smile looks ugly. Problems appear with the pronunciation of sounds. All this forms complexes and develops self-doubt.

A photo of a side view before and after correction of pathological bites clearly demonstrates how much a person’s face changes after correction.

Golden "grin of wealth"

Surely, people who remember life 30-40 years ago know what teeth were in fashion at that time. Gold crowns and bridges are the most popular prostheses, a symbol of prosperity, even wealth. It is fair to add that the choice of material in our country was then poor - either gray metal or noble gold with a long service life. Now it has been replaced by even cheaper materials, but with the same durability and incomparably better aesthetics (we will return to this later).

Interesting to know! Some peoples, for example, gypsies and residents of Central Asia, still prefer gold crowns. The most likely reason is that, if necessary, the “gold tooth” can be sold. But in Afghanistan and Pakistan, women with gold crowns were condemned because... believed that they had “low social responsibility.”


Such a concept as correct bite includes a number of features and characteristics, based on which one can determine the degree of deviation from the norm in the development of the masticatory system. There are a small number of anatomical and physiological indicators that signal whether a person has formed the correct bite or not.

Bringing clarity to this issue is very important, since an incorrect bite seen and corrected at the wrong time can cause a number of troubles and even provoke the occurrence of serious diseases. Changes to your bite are best done at an early age.

Modern orthodontists have a large arsenal of tools and design mechanisms and accessories available that can eliminate this problem. Correct bite also helps to normalize the psychological state and helps increase self-esteem.

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Which peoples sharpen their teeth and why?

Some ethnic groups actually sharpen the crowns of their front teeth almost to a “shark” sharpness or file them down. Why do this? According to beliefs, this drives away evil spirits or indicates a high (or special) social status. For some tribes, the reasons for the ritual are lost in time. Specially pointed crowns were found among the Mayan tribes, and now they are sharpened among a number of nationalities in Vietnam, Sudan, and South Africa (only for women). In Bali they simply limit themselves to filing. But everywhere the procedure is carried out “live”, without pain relief.

Fashion for a black smile

The fashion for black teeth existed in Japan for almost 1000 years - geisha and noble ladies regularly blackened them with a varnish containing vinegar and iron filings. It was believed that the color black, as a symbol of constancy, indicates a wife's fidelity to her husband. It was believed that blackening strengthens teeth and extends their service life. Aristocrats and samurai also inked their smiles and eyebrows upon reaching adulthood. This tradition is known as “ohaguro” and was relevant almost until the 20th century. Nowadays it can only be seen in Japanese theaters or at masquerades and less aggressive means are used for blackening.

Until recently, there was a fashion for black teeth in Asia.

The fashion for black teeth began in England at one time. This happened in the 16th century during the reign of Elizabeth I. The Queen loved sweets, and her teeth quickly deteriorated and began to look unpresentable. But she did not hide this flaw, and the courtiers and aristocracy picked up the new fashion. Following them, simply wealthy Englishmen began to indulge in sweets, because the “blackness” of their smiles brought them closer to the nobility and elevated them above those who could not afford to consume sugar often.

Twinkles, skyes, rhinestones and lights

Nowadays, fashionable shine can be added to a smile with the help of sparkling stones glued to the crowns using a durable compound. A variety such as twinkles are made exclusively from precious stones - rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds. There are also budget options - Swarovski rhinestones, artificial “precious” stones, rhinestones, crystal - skys are made from them. Some dentists illuminate teeth using miniature LED lights placed in the mouth.

“I tried Skyce back in high school, my mother made an appointment for me at the dentist. First, they polished it with something, then glued the pebble with strong glue. It really lasted a long time and sparkled beautifully. A classmate tried to glue a regular rhinestone with super glue. In general, then she had to go to the doctor to cut off the glue.”

Victory, review from

Contraindications for prosthetics

All existing contraindications relate for the most part to fixed prosthetics. Moreover, there are many relative contraindications – those that can be “bypassed” over time. For example, relative prohibitions on the installation of fixed bridges or crowns, as well as implants, are imposed on the following groups of patients:

  • children under 18 years of age, pregnant women: this is due to the characteristics of bone tissue and the ban on certain anesthetics,
  • for diseases of the oral cavity: caries, pulpitis, stomatitis - first you need to be cured,
  • for periodontitis and periodontal disease: with classic removable and fixed prosthetics, as well as with two-stage implantation. BUT! When implanted using one-stage protocols - for example, with basal implantation or all-on-6, these pathologies are not considered a contraindication.

There is, perhaps, only one absolute contraindication for removable orthopedic structures, which, by the way, also applies to non-removable ones - these are very serious mental disorders. Also, absolute contraindications, but for implantation, include the following:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus,
  • serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine system,
  • malignant diseases in the acute stage,
  • tuberculosis, HIV,
  • inability to carry out high-quality oral hygiene.

Grillz - precious linings

Another brilliant fashion trend is grillz. These are removable onlays made of metal and precious (or non-precious) stones, which are sometimes fixed on one tooth, but more often on an entire group. They are worn mainly for shocking purposes – by “star” personalities, bloggers, and theme party participants. When eating, such pads have to be removed so as not to damage the enamel. These jewelry are made only by orthopedic dentists, using individual casts of the patient’s dentition.

Grillz for teeth are very popular in subcultures

Stickers and tattoos

Tateeht or teeth tattooing was invented more than 40 years ago, but it is only nowadays that enamel designs have started to gain popularity. They can be plain or colored - dentists use special dyes and varnishes for fixation. If necessary, tattoos can be removed in a dental office without harming the enamel. Stickers for crowns are made by analogy - only these are ready-made drawings on some kind of base. It is not recommended to use ordinary smiley stickers, flowers, etc., household and manicure varnishes to decorate a smile, since a toxic effect is possible.

Crooked teeth and gaps as a fashion trend

Yaeba – the fashion for “double” or crooked teeth has been actively spreading among the female population in Japan for several years. The image gives a certain charm, makes the face more youthful and memorable, and the smile a little “cat-like”. The transformation is carried out by an orthopedic dentist or therapist who increases the outer surface of the patient’s incisors and/or canines. The peculiarity of this work is that the curvature should not disturb the bite - otherwise it will be difficult to chew food, and the teeth will begin to decay. Plus, the patient himself will have to improve hygiene in the “crooked” areas, where pieces of food will become clogged and bacterial plaque will settle.

There is a fashion in Japan for crooked or protruding teeth.

Interesting to know! Those with a diastema and three gaps between the incisors and canines do not always want to straighten them out. After all, such a feature often becomes a kind of highlight of the appearance and gives individuality. But if the anomaly prevents you from chewing and biting painlessly, then it is better to correct it. To do this, they install a braces system or carry out extensions with fillings, make veneers.

Orthodontic stage: bite correction

A physiologically correct bite is one of the important criteria for a Hollywood smile. According to statistics, malocclusion occurs in 90% of patients. These can range from minor problems to serious pathologies. In any case, if you decide to get a Hollywood smile, you cannot do without consulting an orthodontist.

Getting a beautiful smile doesn't always require wearing braces. Minor deviations can be corrected by other methods. After the examination, the orthodontist will give you his recommendations on the optimal methods of treating the bite in your case.

Mouth guards for bite correction

One of the correction methods is treatment with mouth guards. A set of mouth guards is made from dental impressions, individually for each patient. The polymer is soft but elastic. The mouthguard puts pressure on the teeth, so they begin to gradually move. But unlike braces, the pressure is gentle. Creating a Hollywood smile takes place without discomfort. Due to the fact that the polymer is transparent, the aligners are not visible on the teeth even when smiling.

Treatment with mouthguards has one peculiarity. The effectiveness of the correction directly depends on how carefully you follow the orthodontist’s recommendations. If you are not ready for this, it is better to use other orthodontic methods to create a beautiful smile.

It's easy to use mouthguards:

  • Wear it on your teeth daily, for a period of time calculated by the doctor when developing a bite correction plan.
  • As the teeth move into the desired position, the set must be replaced with a new one.

The number of sets required to create an ideal smile will also be determined by the orthodontist at the preparatory stage.

Correction with braces

Braces are one of the most effective methods for treating malocclusion and creating a beautiful smile. It can be used even for serious pathologies. The correction period depends on the complexity of the case.

Traditional metal braces had one serious drawback - they spoiled the appearance of your smile. This caused psychological discomfort for many patients, and some refused treatment because of it. Modern braces are made from different materials. They look aesthetically pleasing on the surface of the teeth, and during long-term orthodontic treatment your smile will be beautiful, you won’t have to be embarrassed.

We offer braces from different materials: ceramic, sapphire. They will cost more than metal ones, but if a beautiful smile is important to you, it is better to opt for them.

Depending on the type of pathology, the doctor will offer you one of the types of braces:

  • Lingual. They are fixed on the inner surface of the teeth, so they are absolutely invisible while wearing. Such systems are suitable for the treatment of serious pathologies.
  • Vestibular. The brace lock is installed on the outside of the teeth and the arch is fixed to them.

Vestibular braces also differ in the method of correction. In ligature systems, the arch is fixed using ligatures. When the teeth move, the doctor adjusts the position of the arch. Self-ligating systems do not require correction.

Traditional metal braces are still used in orthodontics and can successfully treat malocclusions. When creating a Hollywood smile, we can recommend them if quick results are more important to you than aesthetics during treatment.

White and straight teeth – an immortal classic

The fashion for white teeth has existed for several decades and is not going to disappear anywhere. You can brighten your smile at home - with whitening pastes, strips, gels, pencils. Before whitening, you should consult your dentist, because... there are contraindications. But it is better to carry out the procedure directly in the clinic, under the supervision of a professional. And the effect of in-office whitening is 2-3 times “whiter” than that of home whitening. However, both methods must be carried out in accordance with the instructions and no more than 1-2 times a year - otherwise your teeth can be damaged.

Read on the topic: the benefits and harms of teeth whitening - what you need to know to get the smile of your dreams without complications.

Smile with ceramic veneers

Another way to brighten your smile and make it look smoother[1] is with permanent veneers and crowns made from zirconium dioxide ceramics. They are made only in dentistry using individual impressions from the dentition; their installation is carried out by an orthopedic dentist. Such dentures look very natural and last for 10-20 years. And this type of product, such as removable “veneers”, is just an advertising gimmick that has nothing to do with real veneers. People who believe in such advertising remain dissatisfied with the fact that “removable veneers” look ugly, even funny, and constantly fall out of their mouths.

Where to start working on creating the perfect smile?

If you dream of a beautiful Hollywood smile, like celebrities from the screen and covers of glossy publications, then the first thing you should do is cure your teeth from caries, restore those elements of the dentition that are severely damaged or completely absent.

If those teeth that are included in the smile area are destroyed by more than 50%, it would be more correct to restore them not by filling with a composite material, but by installing crowns. Severely damaged teeth will need to be filled with large fillings, which do not have a high-quality and reliable fixation and can break and fall out under stress. In most cases, fillings break and fall out along with part of the tooth, and if the root part is also damaged, then the tooth will have to be removed and then restored with implantation.

In addition, even fillings made from high-quality materials darken and sag over time. These changes negatively affect the aesthetics of the teeth and will be clearly visible on the front teeth that fall into the smile area.

Installing crowns will help avoid such problems and, moreover, will significantly improve the aesthetics of the dentition. After all, when making a crown for you, the dentist can give the structure a correct and beautiful shape that fits into the standards of an ideal smile.

To create a Hollywood and beautiful smile, it is recommended to install ceramic crowns, because crowns made of this material:

  • They have a high level of aesthetics. In terms of transparency and light transmission, dental ceramics are as close as possible to natural tooth enamel. Thanks to these characteristics, ceramic crowns look natural;
  • Ceramics have sufficient strength to flawlessly withstand the load that occurs when chewing food;
  • By placing ceramic crowns on your teeth to achieve a Hollywood smile, you will not encounter problems such as bluish gums or the appearance of a dark line at the edge of the gums in contact with the crown. These problems arise when inexpensive metal-ceramic crowns are used in the restoration of teeth in the smile area.

Naturally, before you begin dental treatment, in order to get a beautiful smile, you must undergo the procedure of oral sanitation and whitening. Beautiful teeth cannot be yellow and covered with plaque and tartar; in addition, sanitation and whitening will help you see the true shade of your enamel and choose the right materials for fillings and crowns.

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