Hollywood smile - how to get snow-white teeth

The teeth used to be white, but now their color is closer to yellowish. Or the darkening is noticeable only in the root area, near the gums. Or you have never had a snow-white smile, but you dream of getting it... Why does the color of enamel deteriorate, and how to choose the color correction method that suits best?

Coffee negatively affects the color of enamel, but the aesthetic appearance of your smile can be restored

First of all, you need to determine why the enamel color is far from the desired one.

What kind of smile can be called a Hollywood smile?

The phrase “Hollywood smile” is known to almost everyone today.
But few know what it really means and what is the secret of a Hollywood smile. The term, as the name suggests, came from Hollywood and refers us to the star representatives of show business, flaunting their snow-white, even smiles in the spotlight. Initially, the Hollywood smile meant a clearly defined standard: snow-white enamel and fairly large four front teeth standing level. But today the term has become, rather, a collective term, and means a set of qualities inherent in a healthy and beautiful smile.


It is generally accepted that enamel that has a snow-white tint is considered beautiful. Many people strive to bring the color of their teeth as close to ideal as possible. But here you also need to be careful, since overly bright white teeth will no longer look entirely natural. So the enamel should actually have a slight tint.


The shape of the teeth should look beautiful in appearance and be symmetrical to certain lines on a person’s face. The smile line along the lower row of teeth becomes a kind of smooth continuation when moving to the lips, and the teeth resemble perspective, from the nearest teeth to the farthest ones in the row. The cutting edge should be slightly transparent, this gives a natural look.

Healthy gums

Don't forget about your gums. After all, no matter how beautiful your smile is, if your gums are inflamed, it will not look aesthetically pleasing. Healthy gums are usually light pink in color, and the gums are symmetrically located on top of the teeth.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

A beautiful smile is influenced not only by straight and snow-white teeth, but by the symmetry of the face, accordingly, this parameter also needs to be monitored. A set of certain exercises can help in this matter:

  • Purse your lips tightly and exhale several times;
  • make several “figure eights” with your lips extended into a tube;
  • stretch your lips into a tube as far as possible.

There are also several ways to achieve a beautiful smile:

  • find the most suitable one from the many options considered in the mirror and try to “fix” it;
  • repeat such a smile several times in a row at certain intervals;
  • smile not only with your lips, but also with your eyes.

Hollywood smile means straight teeth

If on the way to a Hollywood smile the patient needs to correct the curvature of the dentition, orthodontic treatment is used - a set of procedures aimed at correcting the bite and position of the teeth. In case of malocclusion, this type of treatment is the only possible one, because such a serious problem cannot be solved with simple corrections using veneers or crowns. In principle, onlays cannot be installed in case of bite pathology, since no specialist in this case can guarantee their reliability.

Today, most people associate orthodontic treatment with endless wanderings around dental clinics and the need to wear bulky braces. In fact, modern orthodontics offers a number of designs for achieving a Hollywood smile by correcting the bite, differing in the degree of effectiveness, aesthetics and pricing. Depending on the materials, traditional braces are divided into metal, plastic, ceramic, and sapphire.

One of the most aesthetic and effective systems for orthodontic treatment today is Invisalign® clear aligners, developed by leading California dentists and having no analogues. Correction with the Invisalign® system can be carried out even in complex clinical cases and is suitable for patients for whom aesthetics and comfort during the treatment process are important.

Advantages of the technique

  • The system can be removed while eating and performing oral hygiene procedures.
  • The transparent material allows you to forget about problems with aesthetics - the aligners are almost invisible on the teeth even upon close examination.
  • The system protects against the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • Planned replacement of the structure is carried out by the patient himself at home, which frees him from frequent visits to the dentist.

Disadvantages of the technique

  • Aligners are more expensive than metal braces, but their price is comparable to sapphire and lingual systems.
  • All orthodontic aligners, except Invisalign® aligners, have a very limited list of indications.

Ways to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

There are many ways to improve your smile, make beautiful, straight teeth, and improve their condition.


Another way to correct imperfections is braces. Wearing braces ultimately gives very good results, although they have to be worn for quite a long period of time.

Anyone can get braces, regardless of age: both children and adults. There are two options for installing braces – external and internal. In the first case, the device is installed on the inner surface of the teeth, in the second case - on the outer side of the dentition.

First of all, when installing braces, the patient undergoes a mandatory examination by an orthodontist. If there is caries, it is subject to mandatory treatment before installation. Also, great attention is paid to the presence of stone, since this can interfere with the correct installation of the bracket.

After treatment is completed, you can proceed to installing braces. This happens in this way: special clasps are placed on each of the teeth separately, which are then connected together by one orthodontic arch. On average, this procedure takes 1 – 1.5 hours.


In addition to braces, you can also install special plates; they can be removable or non-removable. The plate is made individually for each patient based on a cast of his jaw.

The plates are quite easy to use; sometimes, if particularly necessary, they can even be removed, for example, while brushing your teeth or eating. Plates are less noticeable than braces.

But there are also significant disadvantages of such a device: plates do not help in all difficult cases, especially in adults, since they cannot, like braces, shift the dentition over time, restoring the correct shape.

In children, it is sometimes difficult to track the dynamics of treatment, since the ability to remove the plate allows them to do this more often than the doctor recommends. In some cases, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, wearing such a plate may not give any positive results.


The next alternative option for teeth straightening is mouth guards. They are not as effective as braces, but they can correct minor defects in the dentition. Mouthguards do not damage the gums; they are also made individually for each patient and, importantly, are absolutely invisible to others.

This is interesting: Toothpastes for tooth enamel - restoration and strengthening of enamel

The mouthguards are quite easy to wash, and a person gets used to the device within a few days. The disadvantages of using this method include only the high cost, as well as the fact that mouthguards cannot cope with serious cases of imperfect teeth. In more difficult situations, the patient will need braces.


Another way to solve the issue of oral appearance.

You can resort to a restoration procedure if chips or large stains appear on the surface of the teeth, the enamel is destroyed due to the appearance of caries, or there may be large distances between the teeth.

With the help of restoration, you can restore the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and make your smile more attractive.

This happens by placing a polymer mass into the dental cavity until it takes the desired shape and is restored to a smooth state. If there is severe tooth decay, preliminary installation of a pin will be required.


Dentures are usually used in cases where the patient is missing one or more teeth. Dentures can be removable or non-removable. It is best to discuss the method of prosthetics with your doctor, and then make a decision.

Removable dentures can be removed at will and put on again when needed. Fixed dentures are attached directly to the root or to an implant - an artificial root.

Dental decorations

One of the fashionable trends in the field of dentistry can be considered dental jewelry. Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has noticed rhinestones and other decorations on another person’s enamel that decorate a smile and attract attention.

But, if you suddenly want to install a rhinestone for beauty, this is not always possible: there are several contraindications for such a procedure. For example, if you have caries or any enamel damage, the procedure is contraindicated for you.

You may be allergic to the materials used for jewelry, so you also need to be careful. If you have bite pathology or diseases of the oral cavity, the orthodontist may also refuse you such a procedure. After eliminating all contraindications, you can safely choose the jewelry you like.

What are veneers

Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are attached to the outer surface of the teeth in the smile area. Literally translated, the word “veneer” means “veneer.” These plates completely cover natural teeth, masking any defects, just like ceramic tiles cover gray primed walls in a bathroom.

Despite their elegance, veneers are very reliable. They last for many years, and with proper care can remain with a person for life. The veneers are attached to the teeth after a little grinding using a special glue, which is completely safe and non-toxic, but at the same time reliably and firmly connects the veneer to the enamel.

When should you get veneers?

  • If the teeth are uneven, they creep on each other, there are gaps between them.
  • If there are noticeable dark spots and yellowed areas on the enamel.
  • If your teeth are deformed from birth due to genetic abnormalities.
  • If your teeth are chipped or cracked.
  • When teeth are very sensitive to hot and cold because their enamel has been worn away.

The installation of veneers immediately replaces a whole range of procedures: whitening, aesthetic restoration, enamel restoration and bite correction with braces. At the same time, the smile after them becomes truly Hollywood-perfect, which cannot be achieved by other methods.

How veneers protect your smile

As we have already noted, veneers are very thin, so they do not require deep grinding of the enamel. This keeps teeth intact and allows you to avoid serious interference with healthy tissue. In addition, veneers completely cover the teeth, and if they already suffer from sensitivity, veneers act as a protective barrier and prevent pain and enamel breakdown. Veneers are also safe for gums - in this area they are much thinner, so they do not injure soft and sensitive tissues.

How veneers are made and placed

The production and installation of veneers occurs in several stages:

  1. The doctor examines your teeth and finds out what aesthetic result you want to achieve.
  2. The color and brightness of your “new teeth” is determined. This is done based on the natural color of the teeth and gums to make the smile look more harmonious.
  3. A thin layer of enamel is ground off the teeth on which veneers are planned.
  4. The dentist takes impressions and, if necessary, covers the teeth with temporary fillings.
  5. In the laboratory, a dental technician makes veneers based on impressions. This takes one to two weeks.
  6. The patient comes to the dentist again and veneers are installed using special glue.

After this, the patient immediately goes home and can enjoy a perfect smile and attention from others.

Is it possible to get veneers under an insurance policy?

Veneers are primarily a purely aesthetic procedure, so they are not covered by government-issued health insurance. However, if you have a policy from another organization, you may be reimbursed for part of the cost. It is worth understanding that in fact, installing veneers is not so purely aesthetic. If a person knows that his teeth are unattractive, he suffers - he smiles less, has complexes and cannot live life to the fullest. So the installation of veneers can be considered psychological help, which will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Designed for beauty

With her snow-white smile, 35-year-old Minsk resident Marina Lachina
will amaze everyone: perfectly straight large teeth sparkle in the mouth, and only the owner of this splendor knows that under the beautiful “façade” are hidden pulpless, ground “stumps.”
“By nature, I have good teeth, but, like most Belarusians, they are slightly crooked and yellow in color,
” Marina readily recalls her former appearance.
I developed a beautiful smile as a teenager, when Mexican TV series were broadcast one after another on our TV channels: I envied the characters with black envy and literally pestered my parents with requests to take me to a good dentist.
The doctors laughed at me: brush your teeth twice a day, heal them on time, don’t indulge in sweets - and you’ll be fine. In those days, we had not yet heard about aesthetic dentistry. But when years later such a service became available to us, I firmly decided: I want a smile like an actress’s. I started studying the information and realized that I needed to try veneering - installing special plates on the front surface of the teeth. This service was very expensive at that time - for the entire “facade” more than 12 thousand dollars in equivalent. I was 25 years old, I worked as an individual entrepreneur, I saved all my earnings and... basically didn’t go to the dentist. I was afraid that if the doctor saw that the teeth were healthy, he would refuse to carry out the procedure. As a result, when the required amount was accumulated and I sat in anticipation in the dental chair of a private clinic, I had pulpitis in 11 teeth, 8 of which were front ones. I don’t know how it is now, but then no one told me that composite veneers (a budget option) need to be changed approximately every 5-7 years. I was sure that I was putting these plates on myself for the rest of my life. The already pulpless teeth were mercilessly ground down to accommodate them, and after that I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror—it was just a still from a horror movie. But, of course, after installing the veneers, I smiled “from all 33”, like the horse Angela from the cartoon of my childhood - her mouth simply did not close with happiness. I immediately felt ten times more beautiful and more confident. True, three plates peeled off just a year after use. To replace them, I had to fork out money again. Now two veneers have chips and cracks, but, fortunately, these are not the front teeth, so I’ll be patient. I already went through one replacement procedure, after which I asked to install a more reliable version of a Hollywood smile, made from expensive material. It turned out to be a fabulous sum, but I took out a loan that I will be paying off for another five years. Do I regret that I decided to do this? Probably not. Although, of course, so much money was spent - it would be enough for a one-room apartment in the suburbs!

The dating story of 42-year-old Matvey

with aesthetic dentistry began when a man got too carried away with whitening:

— I work in a representative office of a foreign company, and every day I have to deal with clients from the USA and Western Europe. A smile is part of our image: it should not repel, but be attractive. In pursuit of snow-white teeth, I went a little overboard: I often went on business trips to Moscow, and there are whitening tents in many shopping centers. I managed to get my mouth in order in 20 minutes. As a result, the shade of the enamel became such that in clear weather, sunbeams “sparkled” on the teeth. And among my colleagues who loved to slander me, they began to call me “Mr. Porcelain Mouth.” I had to contact our dental clinic to get my natural shade back. The doctor immediately warned: the enamel is thinned, all cracked, and will soon begin to crumble. This is what happened a year later. There was only one solution - installing lumineers. These ceramic plates are thinner than veneers, can be removed (not for the faint of heart), and should last 20 years. Let's see. The asking price is from 550 rubles per tooth.

How to get a snow-white smile?

It’s no secret that it was imposed on us by advertising and Hollywood stars, who became for us an indicator of attractiveness and success. This is why many people use whitening techniques, both at home and professional.

There are many reasons for the yellowness of the enamel: abuse of coffee, tea, wine, coloring drinks, as well as smoking. Unacceptable tooth color may be caused by plaque. If your teeth are naturally white, then only daily hygiene using simple toothpaste or Air Flow teeth whitening at the dentist will help you. The professional procedure completely removes any deposits from the surface of the teeth and gives them perfect smoothness.

But what to do if the yellowness of your teeth is due to more serious reasons (for example, due to genetics or natural aging) and simple methods are simply powerless. In this case, more powerful methods help. One of them is laser teeth whitening, when a hydrogen peroxide-based gel is applied to them and exposed to a targeted beam of light. Under the action of laser radiation, atomic oxygen is released from the peroxide, which destroys the color pigments of the enamel. Due to this, a snow-white smile is achieved. Teeth brighten by 8-12 shades. The big disadvantage of the method is its high cost.

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Modern dentistry also offers more affordable means. One of them is a teeth whitening pencil. You can use it anywhere: at home, at work and even at a party. The principle of operation is based on the natural breakdown of the same peroxide and the oxidizing ability of oxygen atoms.

If you don’t want to spend extra money at all, then you can use folk remedies: soda, hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon, lemon, strawberries, etc. You will find articles on how to use them on our website. However, there are some risks in this case. After all, wanting to quickly achieve the desired result, we often deviate from the recommended order of the procedure. Therefore, there is a possibility of damaging the enamel. To begin with, it is better to visit your dentist, he will give you the necessary recommendations based on the examination. Only then can you carry out all the procedures.

Whitening toothpastes

Remember, such pasta cannot be cheap. Therefore, you shouldn’t even throw money away and expect a snow-white smile the next morning.

A good whitening paste should contain abrasives and enzymes that affect the color of teeth.

The use of such toothpastes is not recommended on a regular basis due to possible damage to the enamel.

Baking soda

Probably the favorite remedy of housewives. It is safe for health and quite effectively removes plaque from tooth enamel. But! At the same time, it can damage the enamel and gums.

Therefore, if you feel any discomfort, stop the procedure immediately and postpone it until the discomfort has completely passed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Just like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide is a fairly popular remedy. Due to the sensitivity of the skin inside the oral cavity, burning and discomfort are possible. Again - damage to the enamel.

Many people note that after a few weeks they received a stunning snow-white result.

Homemade toothpaste

This is a mixture of the most effective means available. You need to mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt and a small amount of toothpaste.

All components complement each other and at the same time somewhat reduce the negative impact on enamel and gums. That is, using such a paste is less harmful than using soda or hydrogen peroxide in its pure form.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention: before carrying out any whitening procedures at home, consult a specialist.

Mechanical teeth whitening

This is a traditional cleaning of teeth from plaque and tartar in a dental clinic. It is recommended by experts for use at least once a year. The advantage of this technique, first of all, is its safety. Mechanical cleaning not only does not damage tooth enamel, but also helps prevent the occurrence of most dental problems. How does the procedure work?

During a beauty session, the doctor directs a stream of sand and salt solution onto the teeth, which removes the yellow plaque. After the procedure, the teeth become 1-2 shades lighter, but not lighter than the natural shade of tooth enamel.

Laser whitening

An excellent technique that is affordable and gives good results. During whitening with this method, the dentist uses a special preparation based on calcium phosphate. The active substance of the composition fills all the cracks on the surface of the teeth, simultaneously strengthening the enamel and guaranteeing high-quality whitening.

But the main disadvantage of laser whitening is the low durability of the result - only about two weeks, as well as increased sensitivity of the gums and teeth after the procedure is completed (this goes away with time).

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

A fairly popular whitening technique, which, despite its effectiveness, is not suitable for everyone, as it has contraindications. It cannot be performed on patients with installed implants and other orthopedic structures, or with high tooth sensitivity.

Whitening is achieved by treating tooth enamel with ultrasonic waves. They remove plaque and tartar well, without damaging the teeth. In this way, it is possible to lighten the smile by 2-3 tones.


Whitening incisors has a number of contraindications:

  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the possible negative impact on the baby.
  • Age up to 16 years, since in childhood the enamel is still forming and it is undesirable to influence it.
  • If you are allergic to the components of the gel.
  • In the presence of pathology of the oral cavity. First, treatment is carried out.
  • Severe demineralization. Treatment with gel will worsen the condition.
  • If your teeth are very sensitive, hydrogen peroxide enhances the sensitivity.
  • In the presence of oncological pathology in the acute stage.
  • For severe mental disorders, claustrophobia, fear of the dentist.
  • Presence of a filling on the front incisor. The filling will not whiten as well as a tooth and a stain will remain. In this case, veneers are used.

Almost all contraindications are temporary; after they are eliminated, the session can be performed.

How to make your teeth healthy, snow-white and straight?

Where can you make your teeth healthy and beautiful? There is only one answer to this question: in a dental clinic. At home, it is impossible to even whiten your teeth efficiently, much less cure caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, or correct your bite. All attempts to carry out dental treatment on your own are not only useless, but also dangerous for your own health!

It is important to understand that by taking painkillers, you will not only not be able to make your teeth healthy, you are at great risk of being left without teeth at all! Pharmacy medications do not eliminate inflammation, they simply relieve pain, while the teeth continue to decay.

It is no less dangerous to try to make your teeth whiter at home or to thoroughly clean them of plaque.

By using folk remedies in these procedures, you are harming your teeth, since all the substances that are mentioned in these recipes (for example, soda and hydrogen peroxide) destroy tooth enamel and make it vulnerable to the destructive effects of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, if you decide to take care of your dental health, to make your teeth truly beautiful, you cannot do without visiting a dental clinic!

How to restore enamel to its original color without resorting to bleaching

Advocates of bleaching, of course, insist that this is an absolutely safe and even necessary procedure. But a long-term effect is guaranteed only if a number of conditions are met: the patient should not have bad habits and he must maintain the condition of his enamel and take care of the oral cavity. Otherwise, there is no point in whitening - after a short period of time, the teeth will acquire the same undesirable shade.

Opponents of whitening offer their clients an alternative - hygienic cleaning (SZO - removal of dental plaque - up to 5,000 rubles), which is not only useful, but necessary for everyone every six months. This is a professional cleaning that does not damage the enamel, returns teeth to their natural color and prevents caries.

How to make quality teeth if they are destroyed by caries?

First of all, the need to quickly make teeth arises when caries appears on them. This disease progresses quite quickly, destroying dental tissue. On teeth affected by caries, first spots appear, and then entire cavities, and worst of all, bacteria can get inside the tooth and cause complications such as pulpitis and periodontitis.

The sooner you decide to have your teeth treated for caries, the better, because it is quite possible to treat this disease in the early stages of its development without drilling the tooth and using a drill, which even adult patients are afraid of! In addition, treatment of primary caries is also an excellent opportunity to make teeth cheap. Because the simpler the treatment, the less expenses it requires from the patient.

This is interesting: How to whiten teeth at home without harming the enamel: the best and most effective ways

NOTE: Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get teeth done under the compulsory medical insurance policy if caries treatment is required. Yes, there is such an opportunity - you just need to contact the public dentistry at your place of residence. But it is unlikely to help make your teeth high-quality, for the simple reason that public clinics are poorly equipped - there is no modern equipment or high-quality filling material. Naturally, such treatment will not be beneficial, and its results will not last long.

Another nuance that will answer the question “is it possible to get teeth done for free” is that it is possible that you will have to pay for treatment in a public clinic. For example, a doctor who will offer you his filling material. Taking these nuances into account, it will be more correct and wiser to initially choose a good commercial dental clinic with an impeccable reputation among patients.

If the caries is advanced, it is also possible to make teeth, only the treatment will be difficult - you will have to clean the tooth canals and then restore its crown with a filling or a filling on a pin, using a crown or stump inlay. Crowns and stump inlays are not only a therapeutic treatment, but also prosthetics, which are more expensive!

Where to get teeth done inexpensively if they are damaged or missing?

If teeth are destroyed by more than 50% or are missing in rows, then dental prosthetics will have to be done to restore them. In prosthetics, special structures are used - crowns, dental bridges, removable dentures - which help restore the aesthetics of the dentition, as well as the important functions of lost and damaged teeth - after all, every tooth in our mouth is involved not only in chewing, but also in speech processes!

make a crown on a tooth if no more than 1-3 teeth are missing in a row; if the number of missing units is greater, they resort to installing dental bridges or removable dentures.

How much does it cost to get dentures? The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors:

1. The type of prosthesis that will be used in the restoration. Removable dentures are the cheapest, they make it possible to make teeth inexpensively, but the aesthetics of the restoration will leave much to be desired. In addition, removable dentures cannot be called truly comfortable in everyday use, and the main reason for this is the impossibility of high-quality fixation of the denture in the oral cavity. A removable denture can easily fall out during active conversation or eating. Therefore, it is better to use removable dentures as a temporary option, and for permanent dentures choose crowns or dental bridges.

2. Material for making the prosthesis. Modern dentures can be made from metal ceramics, precious metals, dental ceramics and zirconium. It is advisable to choose ceramics and zirconium if the front teeth are to be made. These materials are distinguished by high aesthetics and artificial teeth made from them are visually impossible to distinguish from the patient’s natural teeth.

3. Manufacturing technologies. The most modern technology for the production of prostheses is the computer modeling technique - CAD/CAM. Yes, crowns produced using this technology will cost more, but the prosthesis will be of high quality, having the tightest possible fit to the tooth surface. This has a positive effect on both the aesthetics of the prosthesis, its durability, and the degree of comfort in use.

The price of prosthetics will also be influenced by the need for preliminary dental treatment. Before prosthetics, it will be necessary to cure all teeth affected by caries, carry out professional sanitation of the oral cavity, and sometimes it is necessary to have teeth removed.

If you are interested in the exact price at which you can get dentures done , you can find out the full cost of the service in only one way - by visiting a dentist with two specialists at once - a therapist and an orthodontist. After examining you, the doctors will develop a treatment plan, which will outline the prices for all procedures and indicate the final cost of prosthetics!

Meet the “white diet”

Recommendations for maintaining the results of teeth whitening are based on following a special diet during the first two weeks. It is called colorless, or white, and this is a very correct name, because after the bleaching procedure you should not eat foods containing natural dyes.

The choice of products without dyes is quite wide, so the “white diet” will not require complete self-denial from you. Among the permitted products:

  • potatoes and rice;
  • white sea fish and chicken;
  • White mushrooms;
  • white (wheat) bread;
  • walnuts and tofu cheese;
  • all “milk” (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.);
  • pears and green apples.

Is it possible to make teeth if there are none at all?

Modern dentistry has long developed technologies that make it possible to make teeth, even if there are none at all. These technologies are removable prosthetics and implantation. By resorting to removable dentures, you can make teeth inexpensively , but removable dentures have a number of disadvantages that make their use very inconvenient.

These disadvantages include:

  • Long process of getting used to prostheses;
  • Impossibility of high-quality fixation in the oral cavity;
  • Fragility of prostheses.

If you want to make your teeth look good, so that their aesthetics and main functions are completely restored, you should choose implantation. It is possible even with a completely toothless jaw: special implantation protocols have been developed for this - All-on-6, All-on-4.


A competent doctor will do everything to save the patient’s natural tooth, but this is not always possible.

If you have lost one or more teeth, you cannot delay the restoration, even if they were far away and your smile has not changed in appearance. This threatens more serious problems than discomfort: over time, the jaw becomes deformed and can distort facial features.

Implantation will completely restore the lost tooth and all its functions. An implant is implanted into the bone tissue, which acts as an artificial root. Then you will have to wait several months for the implant to take root: 2-3 months on the lower jaw and 4-6 months on the upper jaw.

After this, a special structure with a crown is installed on the artificial root.

How to maintain the results for a long time

In order for the results of improved aesthetics to last for a long time, special care and careful handling are required. If you have restorations and crowns, veneers and lumineers, you should not bite off excessively hard food. Limit consumption of highly colored foods and drinks. Whitened enamel also needs daily support - use special remineralizing and whitening gels, pastes and rinses. But even if you follow all the recommendations, professional whitening will fade away after 1-3 years. Therefore, veneers or lumineers are the best option.


  • https://iorthocenter.ru/blog/sekret-gollivudskoy-ulybki/
  • https://dentazone.ru/kosmeticheskaya/krasivye-zuby.html
  • https://ludent.ru/voprosy_otvety_r/protezirovanie/viniry-sekret-gollivudskoj-ulybki/
  • https://otbelizub.ru/belosnezhnaya-ulybka/
  • https://ckigal.ru/kak-otbelit-zuby-v-domashnih-usloviyah/
  • https://MedAboutMe.ru/obraz-zhizni/publikacii/stati/krasota/9_sposobov_sdelat_ulybku_belosnezhnoy/
  • https://venstom.ru/sdelat-zubyi.html
  • https://heroine.ru/4-sposoba-sdelat-zuby-idealnymi/
  • https://anZub.ru/protezirovanie/gollivudskaya-ulybka/

Memo to smokers

A heavy smoker and a Hollywood smile are poorly compatible concepts, so the requirements for this category of patients are especially stringent: in the first two days after the teeth whitening procedure, you must completely give up nicotine, in the next two weeks, smoke a minimum amount of cigarettes (or better yet, switch to an electronic cigarette) .

If these requirements are not met, even after laser whitening, tooth enamel will very soon acquire a yellow tint, nullifying your efforts and costs.

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