Korean dental implants osstem: reviews from doctors and patients

Installation of dental implants is a very popular service, since such dental prostheses can solve problems with missing teeth in a person’s mouth for many years. Due to the fact that many people today have dental implants installed, there is a wide variety of models of dental structures offered by manufacturers from around the world.

This month, installation of one implant costs 17,990 rubles.

The choice of dental implant prostheses, which can be installed in the patient’s mouth, is certainly large. And it can be difficult for a person to find a suitable dental implant, since many nuances need to be taken into account, and it is not always possible to understand the topic on their own. This is one of the reasons why patients are afraid of the dental implant procedure in the mouth. In order to dispel your doubts and clarify the issue of installing implants, the LeaderStom network of dental clinics in this article will talk about popular models of dental structures, prices for their installation and consumer reviews regarding the use of permanent dentures produced by Osstem.

Fears and doubts of patients before installing dental implants

Before deciding on the procedure for installing dental implants in the oral cavity, every person asks himself the question of how advisable such an intervention in the body is and what other options for solving the problem exist? The feasibility of installing implants and other methods of replacing teeth in the patient’s oral cavity is determined based on the results of the examination and examination.

An alternative to dental implants is removable and non-removable prosthetic structures. But wearing such structures in the mouth is associated with certain discomfort for a person, and the installation of dentures requires grinding and preparation of the patient’s supporting teeth.

In addition, the service life of removable and non-removable prosthetic structures in the patient’s mouth is no more than 7-10 years, after which replacement of the dental prosthesis is required. But this is not always possible, due to the fact that the ground teeth can no longer hold a bridge or crown. Therefore, sooner or later a person still comes to the decision to install dental implants in the oral cavity.

To dispel patients’ doubts about the installation of implant structures, we will try to understand the reasons for the fear of dental implantation:

  • The first thing that frightens patients is the need for surgery when installing dental implants in the mouth. Yes, the procedure for implanting an artificial titanium rod into human bone tissue is essentially an operation. But the intervention in the human body in this case is minimal. The doctor performs manipulations to install a dental implant under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. The procedure takes 1-1.5 hours, and the wound at the site of the dental implant heals in one to three weeks.
  • The next question that worries people who have decided to have dental implants installed in their mouth is the fear that the implant will not take root. To reassure patients, it should be said that this happens extremely rarely! Titanium or zirconium dioxide, which are used in the manufacture of artificial tooth roots, are materials whose risk of rejection by the human body is minimal. In addition, the high survival rate of the implant is also facilitated by its structure, thanks to which the patient’s bone tissue penetrates into the dental structure. Therefore, after a certain time after the operation to install an implant in the mouth, the artificial root becomes a full-fledged element of the patient’s dental system, along with the person’s natural teeth.
  • Complications after dental implantation are another issue of concern for patients. But if you use a high-quality implant from a trusted manufacturer, if you follow the technology for installing dentures of this type, and also if the patient follows the rules of oral hygiene, the occurrence of any inflammatory processes at the site of installation of the dental implant is unlikely.
  • The high cost of implantation in Moscow - this fact also, not least of all, frightens patients and prevents the installation of implants. But in this situation everything is relative. First, not all dental implants are expensive. The cost depends on the company and product class: the difference in price between premium and economy class implants is obvious. A dental implant in a person’s mouth is installed for life; only the crown is subject to replacement, the service life of which is 25-35 years. Any other method of prosthetics for human teeth requires more frequent replacement, and, accordingly, additional financial investments on the part of the patient, the amount of which significantly exceeds the cost of a one-time installation of a dental implant in a person’s mouth.

Pros and cons of Osstem products

The company produces several types of implants. Despite the differences, several features can be identified that are common to all products. Advantages of Osstem implants:

  • Low price compared to prostheses produced in European countries.
  • Durable materials. The products are made of high quality metal, so they can withstand intense loads.
  • Unique coating. The composition applied to the rod ensures survival and reduces the likelihood of rejection to zero.
  • Lifetime warranty. Not all companies can afford it, and this is a strong argument in favor of products from South Korea.
  • Variety of standard sizes. A person who needs fixed dentures can be sure that there will be ones that suit him. There are products of non-standard shape, for example, narrowed, inclined, with increased and decreased length of the rod.
  • Relatively short terms of prosthetics. 1.5 months after installation of the rod, the crown can be installed.
  • Tight fixation of the rod and periosteal element. The prosthesis cannot break, become loose or fall out.
  • Matching the natural color of the enamel. Artificial teeth do not differ in color from natural ones.

The range of products includes everything that may be required for the formation of the dentition. This is confirmed by reviews of Osstem implants from Korea. The patient does not have to think about where to buy gum formers, caps, impression modules and screws. The kit already includes the necessary parts.

The only drawback is this: some dentists consider this brand not the most convenient for dentures. As an alternative, they call the Impro system, believing that this is a more convenient option for simultaneous implantation and sinus lift. However, it is noted that Osstem has the highest survival rate.

What are Osstem implants?

The choice of implant design has a great influence on the outcome of the operation to install dental implants in the patient’s mouth. There are a great variety of implant models, and the leaders in the production of such dental structures are the following countries: the USA, Switzerland, Sweden, Korea and Israel.

We decided to focus on the description of premium Korean dental implants from the Osstem Implant company. The fact is that these designs combine two main criteria that are important for dentists and patients: affordable price and high quality.

The Osstem Implant company has been producing dental implants since 1992. The first production was opened in South Korea, then in the United States this manufacturer began to produce products under the Hiossen brand. Today they are used by dentists for installation on patients in more than sixty countries around the world. They have earned many positive reviews from patients and doctors and have received universal recognition.

Distinctive features of South Korean implants

Since the early 90s, South Korea has become one of the main suppliers of medical equipment in general and implantation systems in particular. Production is based on the developments of other companies, which made it possible to successfully combine in their designs:

  • root-shaped;
  • special coating;
  • self-tapping thread.

The price of Korean implants does not exceed 30,000 rubles , which makes them attractive to many patients.

Features and advantages of Osstem implants: reviews from dentists and patients

Dental clinics in Russia have many years of experience installing osstem implants in the oral cavity of patients. And in most cases, reviews of such tooth replacement structures are extremely positive. This is due not only to the high quality of these dental implants, but also to other features of these titanium prostheses.

Dentists in their reviews distinguish the following advantages of dental implants from this company:

  • Ease of use.
    The manufacturer offers a wide range of dental implants and components for them: attachments, gum formers, cover screws, etc. In addition, Osstem offers surgical kits and medical instruments for doctors to purchase to perform dental implant procedures in the patient's mouth.
  • Comprehensive installation information.
    The manufacturer provides detailed instructions for each type of dental implant and informs buyers about what parts can be combined with each other and how exactly this should be done. As a result, dentists receive a finished product that is easy and convenient to work with, and this is important for the patient who trusts his mouth and teeth to the doctor and hopes for a good result.
  • Multifunctionality
    of Osstem dental implants. The company offers a large selection of designs made from various materials and differing in characteristics. Therefore, dental implants from Osstem are installed in the bone tissue in the patient’s mouth, which has any degree of density.
  • Warranties and durability.
    In reviews, dentists unanimously note the quality and reliability of Osstem products. And the company itself gives a lifetime guarantee on the use of dental implants.

What implantation methods is this brand used for?

  • classical two-stage implantation, involving delayed loading with a fixed prosthesis,
  • one-stage implantation methods on four and six artificial roots with immediate and delayed loading with a fixed prosthesis,
  • a one-step treatment protocol that involves installing an implant immediately after tooth extraction.

This brand of implants is not used for complex basal implantation in case of inflammation of the bone tissue, although for single restorations against the background of periodontitis and gum recession immediately after tooth extraction, the use of some models is justified (for example, MS Narrow Ridge).

Patient reviews about Osstem implants:

The favorable price and high quality of implants are the main reasons for choosing a Korean design. The opinions of patients agree that they are attracted by the affordable cost of dental implants produced by this Korean company. When choosing implants, some of the patients trusted the dentist’s recommendations, others gleaned information about dental implants from the Internet or took the advice of friends who had undergone the procedure for installing Osstem implant prostheses. But, one way or another, they all say that they are satisfied with the installation and quality of premium dental implants at a similar price.

Successful engraftment is the second reason for the popularity of Osstem. The information contained in patient reviews regarding these implants indicates that in most cases such structures take root quickly and painlessly.

According to research and reviews from patients who have dental implants from the same company installed in their mouths, 10-20 years after installation there are no problems with the implants. People even manage to forget about the presence of such dental prostheses in their mouths, and this is another obvious advantage of Korean implants.


During the rehabilitation period after the procedure, special rinses, irrigators, and a soft brush should be used. When cleaning, special attention should be paid to the lingual side, interdental spaces, and superstructures.

After implantation, care for implants is the same as for natural teeth. To carry out an occlusiogram and x-ray, which help determine inflammation, pathology, and the degree of stability of the structure, you need to visit the dentist once every 6 months. If all recommendations are strictly followed, Korean Inno implants last 25-30 years.

How to understand which dental implants are better, manufacturer ratings

Dental implants produced by Osstem are just one example of high-quality and durable prostheses that are installed in a person’s mouth by implantologists. Of course, there are other equally worthy implanting structures, and the patient has the right to choose any of them.

The countries of Europe and the USA lead the ranking in the production of implants. It is there that world-famous premium prosthetic structures are made: Astra Tech (Sweden), Nobel Biocare (Switzerland-America), Straumann (Switzerland). These brands have been producing products for dental implant surgeries for patients for more than 60 years, so they have rightfully earned such a high status.

The survival rate of implants from these manufacturers is over 99%; to install such dental structures in the patient’s mouth, a certain principle of surgical operations is used, which is followed by implantologists. The only disadvantage of installing American or European-made dental implants is the price of the product, which ranges from 35,000 to 75,000 rubles.

If we talk about the most affordable designs that make it possible to replace teeth missing in the patient’s mouth and restore the aesthetics of a smile, then you should pay attention to manufacturing countries such as Korea and Israel. We have already discussed positive reviews about Korean Osstem implants in detail in this article. Among Israeli manufacturing companies, it is worth noting Alpha BIO brand dental implants, which are distinguished by their quality, reasonable price and ease of installation.


  • thread
    . Double thread makes installation possible even in the most difficult cases: after bone grafting, in a hole formed after organ extraction, with low bone density. Two types of threads (spiral lock, trapezoidal) ensure reliable connection of the structure to the bone for the entire service life;
  • connection to the abutment
    . The products are made in the shape of a Morse cone, guarantee the absence of cracks/gaps, protect the system from the growth of bacteria due to the penetration of liquid;
  • covering
    . Rough, porous, characterized by good wettability, promotes rapid restoration of tissues surrounding the prosthesis;
  • configuration
    . The implant has a cylindrical-conical shape. The narrow diameter minimizes the likelihood of injury during installation, evenly distributes pressure on the tooth, and ensures reliability and stabilization of the device even under high loads on the jaw.

Dental implants Inno (Korea) are made of high-quality medical titanium, which does not cause allergic reactions, inflammation, or rejection. The high strength properties of the metal allow the system to resist loads without deformation/destruction.

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