Russian implants Conmet, official website, patient reviews, prices

“Conmet” dentures provide surgical dental implantation using the Conmet technique! Teeth are the most important organ of the human body, which are quite easy to lose due to various ailments or injuries. The most affordable method of restoring the integrity of the jaw is dental implantation. Experts consider titanium prostheses “Conmet” (Conmet system) to be innovative methods of this procedure.

A little history of the Russian manufacturer

announced itself in 1993 - at that time it began developing the first Russian implants made of titanium alloy. By 1996, the manufacturer launched its implantological systems on the domestic market, and a couple of years later began producing cages - intervertebral implants for stabilizing the spinal column. Thus, Konmet expanded its production to other areas of implantology.

Conmet implantological systems – products of the Russian brand

Since 2006, Conmet dental implants can be produced in the UK, and a little later they began to be used in the EU countries. Today, systems of this brand are actively used in more than 700 dental clinics around the world. The manufacturer continues to improve and modernize its products, introducing new developments and using advanced technologies in the creation of dental implants.

Implants NDI Medical (“Rusimplant”)

These implants have quite an interesting history. Initially, production was based in Germany. When entering the Russian and CIS markets, several companies merged with NikoMedical. Thus, German technologies and Russian resources were combined together. Today, all products are manufactured under the NDI Medical brand, and production is still concentrated in Germany. The price for installing implants ranges from 15,000 rubles for standard systems to 35,000 rubles for the “Lux” system. The products of this company have a number of features that have a very positive effect on their quality.

  • Reinforced Titanium Alloy Grade 4. This is a classic and very high quality alloy that is reinforced to the strength of the most modern Grade 5.
  • Surface of Smart implants. This coating is a modification of the well-known SLA surface and is obtained by sandblasting and acid etching. The macro-rough coating minimizes the possibility of bacterial accumulation and also reduces the time of osseointegration (up to 2 months in normal bone tissue).
  • Extensive range of implants. The company currently produces five systems of different shapes and sizes for specific clinical situations. The model range is indeed quite wide, but NDI Medical, by and large, copies the design solutions of famous manufacturers.
  • Not a bad orthopedic briefcase. This includes both standard and angled abutments for esthetic prosthetics, as well as multi-unit abutments for the All-on-4 concept.

Key features and advantages of Konmet implants

Russian implants have a number of distinctive features, which together increase the quality of systems and the effectiveness of their use in the restoration of one, several or all teeth in the oral cavity. Let's look at the key characteristics of Konmet designs.

High quality of materials used

The manufacturer uses two types of materials to create different models of implants. Pure grade 4 titanium is free of foreign impurities and is absolutely biocompatible. It does not cause allergic reactions and is not rejected by the body, although it is somewhat inferior in strength to its alloys. Some models of structures are created from an alloy of titanium and aluminum - the material is characterized by increased strength, but in rare cases, aluminum can provoke allergies.

Special bioactive surface

The unique coating of Konmet implants was patented in 2014. The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology took part in its development. After numerous studies, it was decided to focus on ALD technology, which involves a special method of applying active components to a titanium surface.

The unique coating was patented in 2014.

By means of atomic salt deposition (ASD), titanium dioxide with an anatase crystal structure is deposited. As a result, the surface becomes somewhat porous, but at the same time uniform along the entire perimeter of the structure body. The structure of anatase has a certain similarity to the structure of natural hydroxyapatite, which acts as the main “building” component of bone. Such an implant surface promotes better and faster osseointegration with living bone tissue and increases primary stability1.

Thread on the body and neck of the implant

There is a microthread on the neck of the structure, thanks to which the distribution of the chewing load and its effect on the cortical bone is carried out more correctly from an anatomical point of view. During the operation of implants, bone tissue retains its volume and ensures the proper functioning of the entire dental system. The intraosseous part of the product also has a thread, but it is larger and more aggressive. It allows you to securely fix the product in the thickness of the bone tissue and increase primary stability.

There is a microthread on the neck of the structure

Possibility of individual design creation

Using 3D prototyping, you can create individual models of implants, taking into account the clinical features of a particular patient. But here it is necessary to make a reservation that research on the quality and success of engraftment of individual implants is not carried out, which makes it quite difficult to judge how much better this option is than using proven template structures. In this regard, the manufacturer clarifies that such measures are applied only in relation to truly complex clinical cases, for example, in case of bone destruction due to the development of cancer, after serious injuries and accidents.


The advantages of Conmet implants include:

  1. Thanks to the wide range of products, implantation can be performed for each individual case.
  2. Providing reliable fastening. Tight fixation without cracks or gaps.
  3. The ability to preserve bone tissue in its entirety, since when chewing, the load is evenly distributed.
  4. Low cost, which makes the products accessible to the middle class of the population.
  5. The possibility of implantation immediately after tooth extraction and the absence of pain.
  6. High aesthetic characteristics of the result obtained.
  7. The ability to use fixed dentures to attach them to implants without grinding down the dental organs.
  8. High accuracy of fixation and speed of installation procedure, which is achieved through the use of 3D prototyping technology.

What are the disadvantages?

If we talk about the pros and cons of the Konmet systems, the latter are an order of magnitude smaller. Thus, the main disadvantage of domestic implants can be considered the wary attitude of patients towards Russian products in general. Many people prefer foreign brands that are widely known and actively used all over the world. However, Konmet implants were developed on the basis of complex clinical studies, with the participation of the country's leading institutes. They are truly distinguished by high quality, compliance with all standards and requirements not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

The products are truly high quality

Patient reviews

Domestic implants from the Konmet company were installed on my mother and me. The product didn’t take root with me, but my mother’s is doing well. The postoperative period passed very quickly. I had to have a second operation, but with a different type of implant. The doctor explained the rejection as an individual feature of my body.


When the doctor said that it was necessary to undergo implantation, I thought that it would be very expensive. But then the doctor talked about products from Conmet. Despite the fact that they are domestic, the implants are produced entirely on German equipment. Their cost is quite affordable in comparison with foreign analogues.


About 3 months ago I had a dental implantation.
To carry out the procedure, the doctor used an implant from the Konmet company. The postoperative period passed without any complications. It is important not only the quality of the product that will be implanted, but also the professional qualities of the dentist. Karina

Indications for installation of Conmet implants

  • the need to restore 1-2 teeth or a large number of teeth at once,
  • complete restoration of the jaw,
  • implantation against the background of a narrow and insufficient height of the alveolar ridge,
  • the need to provide supports for a bridge or conditionally removable prosthesis,
  • contraindications to removable prosthetics,
  • one-stage implantation – immediately after tooth extraction,
  • as part of orthodontic treatment.

Missing tooth is an indication for implantation


Such implants are installed in the basal layer of the jaw bone tissue. It is denser than the spongy layer. This ensures good primary stabilization. Prosthetics can be performed 3-5 days after the operation.

The intraosseous part and the abutment are a single unit. Therefore, it is impossible to correct the supragingival part after installing the implant. There are many cases of loss of aesthetics - dentures look unnatural and do not adhere well to the periodontal tissues.

The process of installing basal implants is not very complicated and traumatic, but basal implants have more “cons” than advantages.

Firstly, this is not titanium (after installing this type of implant, the orthopedic doctor simply bends them with forceps, creating parallelism), but it is titanium that has the property of “fusing” with the bone.

Secondly, with Basal implantation, osseointegration does not occur and it is rather the denture that holds the implants in the bone, and not vice versa.

Thus, at first glance, there are more advantages of basal implants, but the disadvantages are so significant that their use is questionable.

In what cases is implantation not performed - contraindications

Despite the impressive list of indications for implantation of Conmet implants, Russian-made designs also have their own limitations for installation. Thus, among the contraindications to implantation, experts identify the following phenomena and conditions:

  • acute form of a viral or infectious disease - implantation can be started only after the condition has returned to normal,
  • uncompensated stage of diabetes, when the blood glucose level exceeds 9 mmol/l,
  • serious cardiovascular pathologies,
  • mental disorders,
  • oncological pathologies,
  • pregnancy period and age up to 18 years,
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, untreated carious cavities - first you will have to eliminate all pathological phenomena.

Some health problems may be a contraindication to installation.
All of the above problems can most directly affect the success of the implantation of structures. Therefore, special attention is paid to diagnosis and preparation for implantation of titanium screws.


The main contraindications for installing Conmet implants include:

  1. The presence of somatic and mental diseases, especially their acute phases or uncontrolled course.
  2. The presence of tumors, the use of radiation therapy, which leads to a severe weakening of the immune system.
  3. The presence of inflammation of an acute or chronic nature on the mucous membrane or nearby dental organs, which must first be eliminated, and only then resort to implantation.
  4. Blood diseases (poor clotting), which is a contraindication to any surgical intervention.
  5. If the patient is a heavy smoker, alcoholic or drug addict.
  6. Ignoring by the patient of high-quality oral hygiene.

What types of implants does Conmet produce?

The manufacturer supplies the market with two types of implant systems - for subsequent prosthetics and those used as part of orthodontic treatment, that is, in the complex correction of bite and crooked teeth. Let's look at the main implant models in more detail.

Classic designs

Standard standard implants with a smooth neck are available in two diameters - 4 and 4.8 mm. The length of such a product can vary from 8 to 12 mm, while the shape of the neck can be straight or conical. Such models are relevant for different implantation methods. Thus, within the framework of one-stage protocols, implants are not completely immersed in the thickness of the bone tissue, which makes it possible to securely fix the prosthetic device. With a two-stage technology, titanium roots are completely immersed in the thickness of the bone tissue.

This is what classic models look like

“I’ve been walking around with two Russian Konmet implants for a year now. In my opinion, this is an excellent option and not as expensive as in the case of imported implants. The operation went with a bang, I didn’t experience any severe pain or swelling afterwards. I don’t understand why overpay if our manufacturers do an excellent job..."

LudmilaF., Moscow, from correspondence on the forum

By the way, classic models provide for switching platforms. In this case, a small incision is made on the gum, and titanium roots are implanted with minimal trauma to the bone tissue.

Cylindrical implants

Standard cylindrical structures "Konmet" are made in diameter from 3.5 to 5.5 mm, in length - from 8 to 16 mm. They have an aggressive thread, which, together with the cylindrical shape, allows the structures to be used as part of one-stage implantation, when the rod is implanted into the hole immediately after tooth extraction.

Shortened cylindrical models have a diameter of 5-6 mm and a length of only 6.5 mm. These models are designed for cases of insufficient height of the alveolar ridge - their use allows you to avoid bone grafting in most cases.

The photo shows cylindrical implants

Conical products

The diameter of conical models varies from 3.4 to 4.5 mm. The length of such structures varies from 8 to 16 mm. Implants are usually used for immediate implantation immediately after tooth extraction, as well as as part of the restoration of problem areas of the upper jaw, near such important anatomical structures as the sinuses and trigeminal nerve.

This is what a conical implant looks like

Mini implants for orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic mini-implants "Konmet" are used to correct malocclusion and abnormal position of teeth using permanent braces. They are partially implanted into the bone tissue, but their tops remain above the level of the mucosa and serve as supporting elements for fixing additional corrective elements. Implants are created from durable and hypoallergenic material that does not fuse with living bone, which makes it easy to remove the products upon completion of the course of treatment.

Mini-implants are used for bite correction

"Konmet": the first Russian dental implants

The first Konmet implants appeared on the market in 1996. Compared to the industry's old-timers, the brand is considered very young, but many Israeli and South Korean brands appeared around the same time. German equipment and technologies were used for production, since at that time we simply did not have independent solutions. Reviews of Russian-made Konmet dental implants from some specialists were positive, but most implantologists preferred to work with Western systems. Today the company has a very wide product range, consisting of several types of models.

  • Screw. Classic (and somewhat outdated) implant system for two-stage implantation. They are double threaded and feature a platform switch feature to preserve more bone volume. Available in lengths of 8, 9 and 12 millimeters.
  • Cylindrical. Quite a popular line of implants with a diameter of 3.5 and 5.5 and a maximum length of 16 millimeters. Thanks to the shape and aggressive carving, it is possible to achieve a more reliable adhesion to the bone. This line of implants is actively used for one-stage implantation and low height of the alveolar process.
  • Conical. Another line of implants, which is designed for installation when there is a lack of volume and quality of bone tissue, as well as when the patient has narrow interdental spaces.

In addition to the lines described above, the company offers a special short cylindrical implant, as well as a line of mini-implants. The manufacturer can also boast of a very modern bioactive titanium dioxide coating, Anatase, which is created by atomic layer deposition. The cost of Conment implants is 14,000–19,000 rubles (including installation). The Konmet implant systems can be used in a number of cases, but they also have significant disadvantages inherent in all Russian systems: they will be discussed in more detail at the end of the material.

How are implants installed?

Implantation can be performed under local anesthesia, with additional sedation or general anesthesia - at the request of the patient. But before the procedure you will have to undergo a thorough examination and preparation. So, the patient will undergo X-ray diagnostics. It will be necessary to undergo a computed tomography scan if we are talking about multiple or complete restoration of the dentition. You will also need to pass all the necessary tests and obtain approval from other specialized specialists in the presence of systemic pathologies. Implantation is carried out only after stopping all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, treating caries, removing plaque and hard dental relationships.

This is how the implant is installed

In some cases, signs of acute atrophy of the jaw bone require preliminary bone grafting or sinus lifting in the upper jaw. The procedure is quite expensive and requires a long wait (about 6 months) until all the tissues are restored and the planted material takes root. In other cases, replanting bone powder is possible at the time of implantation of a titanium rod.

First, the doctor makes an incision in the mucous membrane and forms a bed in the bone for a titanium rod. It is carefully screwed into the bone tissue, after which a plug or gum former is fixed on its top. The gums are tightly sutured, and the prosthesis is installed after the implants have healed - after 4-6 months. This technology is provided if implantation is carried out using the classic two-stage method. If a one-stage protocol is supposed to be used, then within a week after the procedure a fully functional prosthesis is fixed.


Experts recommend installing Conmet implants in the following cases:

  • loss of one or more dental organs, as well as complete edentia;
  • low level of bone tissue;
  • inability to restore teeth with removable structures;
  • presence of defects in the front rows that need to be eliminated.

On a note! Implants of this brand are suitable only for delayed loading, that is, when the prosthesis can be attached only after the implant has fused with the bone. The company does not offer high-tech solutions, like, for example, Nobel, Straumann, Astra Tech and other progressive companies. Accordingly, they cannot be used for the dental protocol in 1 day using the all-on-4 technology - the price in this case should not be a decisive factor either: you cannot save money, because we are talking about restoring your health.

Service life and guarantees "Konmet", quality standards

The company is relatively young, and it is still difficult to judge the “survival” of the designs in the long term. However, indicators of the quality and survival rate of Konmet implants allow us to draw conclusions about a long service life, but only with proper oral care and compliance with all specialist recommendations.

The manufacturer offers a lifetime warranty on its products. If the titanium rod is damaged during operation for reasons beyond the patient’s control, the company will replace it with a new design completely free of charge. But this happens in extremely rare cases. The most common prerequisite for system rejection is peri-implantitis, but inflammation around the implanted implant can appear both due to improper actions of a specialist, and through the fault of the patient himself - due to his failure to comply with hygiene rules and the recommendations of the attending physician. In this case, there can be no talk of any warranty replacement.

The photo shows peri-implantitis

Konmet systems have a certificate of conformity from the British Standards Institute (BSI) and a license from Roszdravnadzor. The products are marked with the CE mark, which allows them to be used in the EU countries.

Implantation procedure

Conmet implants are installed in several stages:

  1. Preliminary examination of the oral cavity to detect existing contraindications and draw up a treatment plan. Treatment of diseases if they exist. If the patient needs bone augmentation, it is also performed at this stage.
  2. The rod is implanted under local anesthesia. This can be done in one stage - using computed tomography data, a 3D model of the rod is made, from which a finished implant is made, implanted into the jaw bone and the gum is sutured. Also, the procedure may contain two stages - a model of the implant is made from an impression, then the patient waits for it to be made. At the next stage, the gums are implanted and processed.
  3. Attaching the abutment to which the prosthesis will subsequently be attached.
  4. Installation of the prepared prosthesis. It can be either a removable or non-removable design. The procedure is carried out simultaneously or some time after implantation.

How much does it cost to install a Conmet implant?

Implants of a domestic brand are somewhat cheaper than their counterparts produced by foreign manufacturers. Thus, the cost of installing such a turnkey design will cost on average 50-55 thousand rubles - for implanting a rod and installing a single crown. The price will also depend on the number of teeth being restored and the need for additional manipulations, such as bone grafting. Mini-implants used as part of orthodontic correction are much cheaper - for the installation of one such rod you will have to pay about 5-6 thousand rubles.

According to reviews from dentists, Konmet implants are high-quality and reliable systems that offer the opportunity to restore teeth at an affordable cost. For the operation and rehabilitation to be successful, it is important to find a good clinic and an experienced doctor. The patient will only need to strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations and then regularly visit the dentist for preventive purposes.

  1. According to the official website of the manufacturer:

Manufacturer and brand

For production, only high-quality materials that do not cause allergies are used. The alloy is additionally coated with aluminum oxide and titanium powder, so the implant takes root well. Maximum relief accuracy and quality are ensured by:

  • Applying a protective layer using plasma technology;
  • Precision laser cutting of material;
  • Anodizing titanium.

The official website of Conmet implants presents auxiliary products that a dentist needs to carry out high-quality prosthetics.

By increasing the strength of the implant neck, such products help to evenly distribute the load, and this, in turn, minimizes the risk of system failure.

The Russian company Conmet also creates artificial roots from gold. They are not recommended for installation in chewing teeth, but they are excellent for restoring frontal units.

The company's pricing policy is quite democratic, so its products are affordable to the majority of the population (more on prices below). The main task of the manufacturer is to create a high-quality product that will take root well and will not cause problems during the adaptation period.

System Features

The Konmet dental prosthetic system has certain characteristics that ensure rapid healing and long service life.

Design features include:

  • Quality materials. The products are made of titanium, coated on the outside with aluminum oxide, and on the inside with titanium powder. This treatment is absolutely hypoallergenic and ensures rapid fusion with bone tissue;
  • Production using the latest technologies. Such technologies include laser cutting, plasma deposition, titanium anodizing, etc.;
  • Ability to switch platforms. This function preserves the integrity of the bone as much as possible and provides a good aesthetic appearance;
  • Micro thread at the top. This feature allows you to distribute the load on the bone and ensures rapid resorption of the implant;
  • Aggressive carving at the bottom. It makes it possible to securely and quickly fix the implant into the bone;
  • Unique interface. The conical surface in combination with a deep hexagon ensures precise installation of the abutment and its stability, which eliminates even the slightest movement;
  • Surface treatment. The original processing technology provides the required level of roughness and hydrophilicity.

Review of Osstem dental implants and their capabilities. Come here to take a closer look at Nobel dental implant models.

At this address find out the price of Astra Tech implants.

Advantages and disadvantages

Konmet products have a number of advantages:

  • A wide range of dental implantation products makes it possible to carry out prosthetics in any clinical cases, even when diagnosing a non-standard jaw structure;
  • The use of 3D modeling ensures production according to individual sizes and eliminates injuries;
  • The unique fastening guarantees the reliability and strength of fixation of the rod and component elements;
  • Low pricing makes the products accessible to patients with average incomes;
  • Ease of installation is ensured by unique developments of specialists and technologies used in production;
  • After installation of the implant, the aesthetic appearance of the smile is preserved.

Among the large number of positive reviews, there are also several negative ones. They are associated with rejection of systems.

At the moment, there is no exact data on the causes of such side effects.

The main factor in unusual cases, according to experts, was not the design itself, but the quality of the installation or the individual reaction of the body.

In the video, watch the production process of Konmet implants.

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