Nylon dentures: reviews from patients and dentists

What are they?

These are removable or partially removable structures that can be used to restore a large number of lost teeth without radical intervention in the body. Their main advantage is increased aesthetics .

Most designs use metal clasps, which are often noticeable to others. This product also contains nylon fasteners that blend with the gums.

The advantages of this material also include its hypoallergenicity . Many patients cannot install, for example, acrylic dentures due to an allergy to this material. Nylon is absolutely safe in this regard.

If you lose a small number of teeth (from 1 to 3), you can use a microprosthesis. Its advantage over a dental bridge is that during installation it is not necessary to grind down the supporting teeth .

Nylon denture teeth

The raw material for the production of dentures is highly elastic nylon, and therefore, when wearing them, injury and chafing of the soft tissues of the mouth are eliminated. The polymer material used in the production of structures is highly hypoallergenic and biocompatible with natural tissues of the human body; it does not absorb pigments from food and, as a result, retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Nylon removable dentures are most often complete, but if necessary, it is quite possible to make a partial denture from this highly elastic material. Nylon has low porosity, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the internal space of the prosthesis and minimizes the risk of inflammatory reactions.

Soft dentures are secured using miniature clasps made of nylon or silicone. The clasps have a light pink color, close to the shade of the patient’s gums, and therefore the denture in the mouth will look quite natural. Nylon clasps help not only to firmly secure the product in the mouth, but also to ensure relatively proper functioning of the jaw muscles.

The advantages of nylon prostheses include:

  • Anatomically accurate shape;
  • Light weight and compact dimensions, facilitating the adaptation process;
  • Elasticity relieves the patient from pain when chewing food;
  • Good aesthetics due to the base and clasps, the color of which exactly matches the color of the patient’s gums.

But nylon dentures also have disadvantages:

  • Installing a soft structure will not allow for coordinated work of the jaw muscles and avoid excessive pressure on the soft tissues of the mouth. This pressure causes gradual receding of the gums and bone atrophy;
  • High elasticity causes the fact that when chewing food, some elements of the prosthesis work actively, while others remain practically unused, and this leads to rapid wear of the orthodontic product and the occurrence of pain in the patient;
  • With prolonged use, nylon becomes deformed, a prosthesis made from it will be difficult to place correctly on the bed and this is fraught with injury to the mucous membranes and gums, and the active development of inflammatory processes;
  • The surface of nylon is non-porous, but rough and therefore plaque actively accumulates on it - a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and the cause of a sharp and unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Complicated care that involves regular visits to the clinic for professional cleaning of the prosthesis.

Nylon removable dentures take much longer to manufacture than their acrylic counterparts and are much more expensive - from 14,000 rubles.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use this product:

  • patients
    © Michael Tieck/Fotolia

    with complete or partial absence of teeth;

  • are allergic to any metals or other materials;
  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • patients suffering from diabetes;
  • people who have a dangerous profession (since this prosthesis is extremely difficult to break);
  • patients with periodontal disease (since the use of this product will not lead to loosening of teeth).

Manufacturing process

Manufacturing takes place in a dental laboratory using impressions sent by the doctor. Usually special equipment is used - a heat press, which creates uniform pressure and temperature to give the workpiece the desired shape. First, the device melts nylon granules, then the composite is molded and hardened. Despite its apparent simplicity, the technology is complex and takes up to several weeks.

  • Development of jaw models in plaster.
  • The boundaries of the future prosthesis are marked on the plaster base, and the location of the clasps is determined.
  • The borders are filled with wax.
  • Final Modeling - Since nylon is difficult to machine, the model must be accurate.
  • Pressing granules in a heat press.
  • Polishing and grinding.

Product care

Special care for removable dentures made of nylon will allow you to extend their service life and maintain their quality for a long time. You should periodically consult a doctor for professional care.

But besides this, you need to regularly perform a number of simple actions at home:

  • After eating, you need to rinse your mouth so that the denture is cleared of food debris;
  • like natural teeth, artificial teeth should be brushed twice a day with a brush and toothpaste recommended by your dentist;
  • to protect the product from impacts, it is better to remove and fix it over a sink filled with water or over a soft towel;
  • cleaning of the structure should be carried out with a special soft brush, since a hard one can cause scratches;
  • It is necessary to carry out regular disinfection using special means.


Other types of structures may be prescribed for the following reasons:

  1. With insufficient teeth height. The clasps of soft dentures are weakly fixed on low teeth.
  2. In the presence of atrophy of most of the gums. Nylon orthopedic structures can contribute to the development of this pathology.
  3. Under non-ideal conditions for prosthetics, for example, if there is only one tooth left on the jaw and its condition is cause for concern.

Due to serious shortcomings, experts recommend refusing to install nylon prostheses.

What patients and specialists say

© Ocskay Bence / Fotolia

People's opinions are quite contradictory. Analysis of reviews shows that the quality of the product largely depends on the manufacturer, and the speed of the patient’s adaptation to artificial teeth, the presence or absence of discomfort, pain and other unpleasant sensations - on the professionalism of the doctor.

We analyzed several review sites and dental web portals and this is what we found out:


A week ago I had a nylon prosthesis installed. The first couple of days, of course, there were problems with diction, but now everything is slowly returning to normal. In principle, everything turned out to be not as scary as it seemed.


I have nylon dentures; I decided not to save the teeth, so I completely removed them and installed a removable denture. It is superbly light, looks beautiful, and no one even thinks that the teeth are not mine.

In the morning you put it on the gel, in the evening you take it off and wash it. In principle, you don’t have to take it off. I only got used to it for a couple of weeks, after that everything was fine.

Don't know which denture is best to get? After reading our article, you will be able to make the right choice.

We invite you to look at the photo and find out how teeth are numbered in dentistry.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/lechenie/bolezni-polosti-rta/stomatit-bpr/kak-proizvoditsya-kandidoznogo.html - methods for treating candidal stomatitis at home are given.


Unlike plastic dentures, nylon dentures do not need to be removed at night.


My husband has been wearing a nylon prosthesis from an American manufacturer for 4 years now and is very pleased with it. He walks around with it, practically without taking it off, only constantly rinsing his mouth after eating.

True, at first the product chafed, but, as it turned out, the problem was that it was poorly polished. After it was adjusted, everything is fine, there is no discomfort.


© NorGal/Fotolia

At first, the dentures were very difficult to put on and take off, but in general this is how it should be, otherwise they will begin to fall off later. I've been wearing them for almost 3 years and now they don't fit as tightly anymore.

There were problems after installing the first prosthesis: I experienced a gag reflex, and the structure was loose, so I could not wear it. As a result, due to the constant increased stress on the remaining teeth, which are very weak, I had to remove several more.

I went to another doctor, he installed a new prosthesis for me. The difference is very noticeable: I still wear the new one and am quite happy with it, I don’t feel it at all.


I'm just delighted with these prosthetics! I especially like the fact that they do not cause allergies. Of course, they are more expensive than usual, but you can find a place where they are installed for a reasonable price.


Almost a year ago, I refused to have implants installed, as there were contraindications, and got a nylon prosthesis. I’m very pleased with the result: I’ve never had to sharpen anything, I don’t feel any discomfort and I chew almost everything.

It is light and comfortable, very easy to care for: take it off, clean it and put it on again. I recommend.


Just yesterday I installed a nylon structure on the lower jaw. The doctor, of course, fiddled with her for a long time, but in the end she sat down perfectly. Yesterday I still felt discomfort, but today it’s better, so I think I’ll get used to the new teeth in a week, so far I’m very pleased with them.

It’s not difficult to take care of them, you don’t even have to take them off at night, although the doctor still advised taking them off so that the gums could rest from time to time.

Sergey – dentist

Nylon dentures are more gentle on gums because they do not contain metal. Thanks to their translucency and small thickness, they look attractive. To install them, the supporting teeth do not need to be ground down, so, in principle, this is a good solution for those who have lost their teeth.


© vetkit / Fotolia

Today I installed a nylon prosthesis. When they put it on, it was very painful, but after a couple of minutes the pain was no longer felt. The discomfort from pressure on the gum went away after 6 hours.

Despite the fact that the prosthesis fits tightly, now I hardly feel it anymore. It is indistinguishable from real teeth; even in color it is the same as natural teeth and gums. In addition, it is very light, one might say weightless. It’s comfortable to eat with it, I don’t feel any foreign body sensation.


I had a couple of teeth removed because of a cyst. I didn’t intend to do implantation, so I decided to install a nylon microprosthesis. The price, however, seemed high to me, but compared to implantation it is not so much. The prosthesis fits very well and tightly and does not fall off. After a while I stopped feeling it in my mouth altogether.


When I lost three teeth, I was afraid to get an implant, so first I decided to try a nylon microprosthesis for a while. Now I’m not going to change it for anything, since its quality impressed me, and it sits in my mouth very well.


The dentures are good, no one notices that the teeth are not real, as if they were real, and yet it’s much better than walking without teeth. But I advise you not to listen to anyone and take them off at night.

The answer to the question: “How much does it cost to insert a tooth implant?” - can be found in our article.

Read here about overdentures, which fall under the removable category.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/narashhivanie/ot-chego-zavisyat-tsenyi-na-zubov.html - you can find out the price of the enamel extension service.


Having put it on, I immediately felt how hard it was for me to have no teeth. They installed it perfectly for me: I completely feel like new teeth have grown! The only thing I didn’t like at first was that the clasp was too tight, but the doctor adjusted it in a few minutes, and now I experience absolutely no discomfort.


I installed it six months ago. In principle, everything worries me, however, one problem arose: the clasp damaged the enamel, and because of this, the sensitivity of a healthy tooth increased.

But after fluoridation, this problem does not bother me. I’m glad that I chose nylon, because I’m afraid to imagine what surprises a metal clasp could bring.

Alexander – dentist

Often our patients come with a complaint that the structure puts a lot of pressure on the gums. But this problem can be easily eliminated with the help of correction.


© drubig-photo/Fotolia

By the age of 52, diabetes mellitus led to almost complete loss of teeth. I chose nylon prostheses because diabetes is not a contraindication to their use. The installation went well: high quality at a very reasonable price.

Of course, for about the first two weeks I experienced a little discomfort, it was unusual, but soon I stopped feeling the prosthesis. I don't take it off even at night. Now I can eat normally, and not just grated foods.

Vladimir – dental technician

Experience with prosthetics has shown that flexible products are not suitable for long-term use. They can be ordered, but as temporary ones. It is better not to wear them for more than a year.

Alexey – dental technician

I have been doing nylon prosthetics for a long time and I want to say that during this time the quality characteristics of the products have noticeably improved.

True, they directly depend on the manufacturer, so you shouldn’t save much: it’s better to pay more and be satisfied with the lack of discomfort and the attractive appearance of your new teeth, than to cheap out and suffer with a low-quality product.


Modern technologies make it possible to produce nylon structures for both the lower and upper jaws. This material is used for the production of only removable types of structures.

Based on the number of teeth replaced, dentures are divided into several types:

  1. Full removable ones are necessary in the absence of an entire row of teeth on the prosthetic jaw. Their convenience, unlike structures made from other materials, lies in the absence of fastening implants on which the prosthesis is installed. Fixation is achieved only through a tight fit.
  2. Partial orthopedic structures involve the replacement of several teeth in the jaw (from 3). They are secured using clasps that are fixed to adjacent units.
  3. “Butterflies” are designed to replace one or two teeth. The design got its name due to the appearance of the base and clasps, which, when viewed from a certain angle, resemble butterfly wings.

Despite the wide variety of types, these orthopedic structures have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

What elastic removable dentures are is described in the video.


So, by choosing a nylon structure, you get increased aesthetics of your new teeth: they will be almost invisible in your mouth.

But it is important to remember that it is not enough to decide the type of design; you must also carefully consider the choice of the manufacturer, the clinic in which you will install it, and the doctor. Your comfort when using dentures will depend on this. To make a final decision, in any case, you need to consult with a specialist.

Well, in this video you will learn how nylon dentures are made:

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Removable dentures: definition, types

Removable dentures do not have a complex definition: already from the name it becomes clear that such a product can be removed as needed and, what is especially important, this does not require the help of a specialist.

Removable dentures are made from different materials, differ from each other in their design and indications for use. Based on all of the listed characteristics, products are classified, which we will introduce you to in detail in the following sections of the review material.

The main classification of removable dentures is based on the purpose of use: to solve the problem of the absence of all teeth in a row, complete dentures are used, and to eliminate single defects, partial dentures are used.

Installation steps

At the dental center, an initial consultation and examination of the patient is carried out, indications for prosthetics are identified:

  • Partial or complete edentia.
  • Impossibility of implantation due to health reasons: periodontal disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic heart and blood diseases, mental disorders.
  • Young or old age.

Silicone invisibles are contraindicated for persons with a pronounced defect of the alveolar processes, irregular crown structure, and atrophied soft tissues. If the doctor finds untreated carious lesions and areas of inflammation, it is first necessary to carry out therapy and sanitation of the oral cavity.

Prosthetics comes down to the following actions:

  • Making a cast of the jaw.
  • Trying on the cast wax model for adjustments.
  • Trying on and fixing the prosthesis, teaching self-fixation and care.

Several visits to the clinic will be required, and the process can take up to several weeks, depending on the speed of the dental laboratory. Getting used to the “invisibility” lasts about two days, no change in diet is required, although at first it is worth limiting the chewing load - for example, giving up nuts and hard vegetables.

Advantages of nylon devices

Among the advantages of dental products made from nylon:

  • Lack of complex preparatory manipulations. There is no need to grind down units that fall into the area of ​​the artificial dentition.
  • External resemblance to natural teeth. Such systems look quite aesthetically pleasing.
  • Comfortable while wearing. If the design was made with high quality, then it fits as tightly as possible to the gums, and food particles do not get clogged under its base. This means that the patient experiences virtually no discomfort.
  • Low weight of artificial elements. This is also an important factor influencing the degree of human comfort.
  • Material resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage. If you treat your prosthesis with care, it will last a long time.
  • Hypoallergenic. The nylon used to make the dental device usually does not cause allergic reactions. It contains no toxic substances that can cause harm to health.
  • Minimum list of contraindications. There are very few situations when you cannot wear a nylon apparatus. It suits almost everyone. It should not be used only for serious and extensive injuries to the oral cavity or mental disorders.
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