Nylon dentures: lightness and comfort guaranteed


To fill the missing crowns of the dentition, dentists, along with implants, widely use various types of prosthetic structures that ensure the full functioning of the dentition and perfectly hide various defects. Among the many varieties of prosthetic structures, removable dentures made of nylon have recently become very popular. They are completely harmless to health, do not contain toxins and are quite comfortable to wear. These products are made using a base of nylon, a highly durable and flexible artificial polymer material. Previously, prostheses made from this material were used only as a temporary measure.

The main material for their manufacture is dental soft nylon, the structure and appearance of which are very similar to the appearance of natural teeth and gums. For this reason, the aesthetic qualities of this type of dental prosthetic structures are very high.

Flexible nylon dentures have fundamental differences from prosthetic structures made of hard plastic or metal. The hard base of plastic and metal dentures constantly rubs the gums, creating great inconvenience when talking and chewing food. Modern prosthetic structures are much softer, so they do not cause such discomfort. In addition, they have a small mass, and therefore are easily fixed in the oral cavity. In addition, some people who have completely lost teeth on one or both jaws suffer from metal allergies.

And although nylon prosthetic dental structures also have their drawbacks, which will be discussed below, the constant development of prosthetic technology leads to the appearance of new, more improved models on the market.

What are nylon dentures

The prosthetics in question is an orthodontic solution that replaces lost natural teeth in situations where it is not possible to use bridges and implants.

To create prostheses of this type, synthetic elastic polymers - nylons - are used. Using them, they create flexible, elastic, removable systems designed to replace lost teeth. The color of the material is chosen exactly to match the color of the gums.

Elasticity reduces the adaptation period, making further wearing comfortable. It usually takes about 7 days to get used to it. The structure consists of a base, directly created artificial teeth and fixing parts. The base is made of nylon. The properties of the material eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane, friction and pressure on the jaw.

Pink translucent dental nylon skillfully imitates the natural color and structure of gum tissue. The prosthesis looks quite natural. For artificial teeth, plastics of a higher quality level are most often used. Which outwardly differ little from natural ones, they imitate not only this form from nature, but also the color. Fixation elements - clasps are made of dental nylon. Therefore, even with emotional communication, the fasteners remain invisible.

Thanks to the special qualities of nylon, it is possible to obtain a fully functional prosthesis, endowed with an attractive appearance and significant resistance to mechanical damage. The product retains color when interacting with pigmenting products. However, what is most appreciated in products of this kind is the absence of irritants in the composition, which completely eliminates the occurrence of various allergic reactions during wearing.


Among the variety of prostheses, they are divided into:

  • partially removable;
  • completely removable structures;
  • conditionally removable.

Fully removable systems are most often used for complete tooth loss. They are created from individual casts, taking into account all the anatomical features and structure of the patient’s jaw.

They are made to be as comfortable as possible and the recommendation is not to take them off at all for the first time. During the test period of wear, the body gets used to it, and the doctor monitors the patient’s reaction to the prosthetics.

If necessary, the dentist makes adjustments and adjusts the design of the prosthesis, which makes wearing them more comfortable and painless. This type of removable denture looks very natural. They are made from the following materials: nylon, plastic. Please note that the structures are non-toxic and do not cause harm to health.

Conditionally removable dentures are recommended for the loss of one tooth. Such medical systems do not need to be removed before going to bed. They are attached to adjacent teeth using special cement; metal hooks and glue are also used for fastening.

Partially removable types of structures are not the most convenient. They attach to the gums and take up a lot of space in the mouth. This option is suitable for permanent wear, on a temporary basis and can replace one or more teeth. The technology is not perfect, but its financial accessibility makes it popular today.

Manufacturing and installation

Soft structures for prosthetics are made from nylon granules after melting. This happens in a heat press. Next, the nylon is poured into special molds. The material hardens there, then it is polished with cutters and wheels. This is what the dental laboratory does.

At the clinical stage of manufacturing the structure, the doctor examines the oral cavity and, if necessary, treats caries and other dental diseases. Next, he takes impressions and sends them to the laboratory. However, before starting to work with nylon, specialists make a model from plaster. The color is corrected by trying on a wax template.

After the product has been manufactured, the doctor secures it in the oral cavity. If there are any inconsistencies or severe patient discomfort, further adjustment of the structure is possible.

Pros and cons of nylon prostheses

Medical nylon dentures are lightweight and comfortable designs that are used both for complete and partial loss of teeth. They are strong, relatively durable, aesthetically pleasing - almost invisible to others, and make it possible to completely restore chewing function. Such prosthetics can be used if the budget is limited or implantation is not possible for medical reasons.

But it has a number of disadvantages:

  • not a particularly reliable fastening, even the highest quality system “looses” over time;
  • requires regular hygiene - cleaning;
  • systems are significant in size;
  • The term of use of a removable denture is up to 5 years.

Disadvantages of nylon thermoplastics

  • Uneven (point) distribution of chewing pressure due to the flexibility of the prosthesis and softening during use;
  • Severe uneven atrophy of the alveolar ridge (this worsens the fixation of existing and subsequently manufactured prostheses);
  • Absorb liquid and dyes (it is recommended to limit the consumption of strong tea, coffee, sour and hot foods);
  • Impossibility of relocation and repair;
  • Fairly high cost ;
  • Difficulty in complete cleaning at home.

Therefore, their main purpose should be temporary prosthetics (from several weeks to two to three years). The period of adaptation to prostheses, of course, is strictly individual, but on average it is 5–10 days.

Who is it suitable for?

Nylon denture systems can be installed to either recreate missing teeth or cover existing but unsightly ones. The use of prostheses is indicated in the following cases:

Products are installed if one or part of the teeth in the jaw is lost; they are installed in cases of complete edentia - the absolute absence of teeth. They are used when, for financial reasons, it is impossible for a patient to have implantation and installation of clasp types of prostheses.

Indicated when implants are prohibited from being implanted into a patient due to the presence of various diseases. Although nylon prostheses can be used even with existing diabetes, disorders of the cardiovascular system, even epilepsy and other diseases.

Nylon structures are often recommended for installation by children. They are used in situations where a baby tooth has been removed and a permanent replacement does not appear for a long time. In this case, prosthetics prevent the displacement of a number of teeth in the jaw and subsequent deformation of the bite.

Used in the presence of pathology such as periodontal disease. This untreated disease can lead to the loss of all teeth. Wearing a prosthesis is indicated only in the first and second stages of the disease.

Used for temporary prosthetics during the period of tissue adaptation during implantation.

Dentists sometimes recommend wearing them for people involved in dangerous work, a high risk of various injuries, including damage and loss of teeth: athletes, employees of the military and law enforcement agencies, and others.

Acrylic plastics

For decades, the primacy among structural materials has been held by polymeric (i.e., consisting of a large number of repeating units) derivatives of acrylic and methacrylic acids. They received their unique privileged position due to low toxicity, cost and ease of use: the transition from a fluid to a solid state does not require additional heating (cold polymerization polymers), which makes their use in clinical conditions possible.

Like any material, they are not without negative properties.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • Surface microporosity (can cause plaque formation and discoloration);
  • The presence of residual monomer - unreacted component - regardless of the manufacturing method;
  • Volumetric and linear shrinkage - a decrease in size after curing due to the formation of bonds and ordering of the structure;
  • Sufficient rigidity, which lengthens the period of adaptation (accustomation) to prostheses, and for some patients makes it impossible to use them without additional modification.


Nylon prostheses have a small number of contraindications, but in some cases specialists prohibit their installation. This includes the following cases:

Periodontal disease is prolonged, complicated and of high degrees 3rd and 4th. With this disease, the tissues surrounding the tooth are completely destroyed, the dentition is significantly displaced, and purulent ulcers appear on the gums of both jaws. Such a patient is at risk of edentia - complete loss of teeth.

The teeth on which dentures will need to be fixed are small and have a low crown. This situation significantly complicates prosthetics, since it is difficult to install the structure on them - the attachment area is small.

An inflammatory process involving the oral mucosa, as well as developed inflammation of the gums of one or both jaws. The chronic course of the disease causes tissue atrophy, and it can be very difficult to fix the prosthesis.

High gum mobility in the patient also causes difficulties with the installation of the prosthesis.

Large-scale atrophy of the jaw bone tissue.

Recession is the receding or overgrowth of gum tissue.

Conditions for installing the Quadrotti clasp prosthesis

To install the prosthesis and securely fix it in the oral cavity, at least four supporting teeth in a row are required. This is perhaps the main condition for prosthetics using this method. Abutment teeth do not require grinding or other processing, which is important for their further functioning. Unfortunately, it is impossible to use an implanted tooth as a support. A nylon removable denture is installed on a jaw with complete edentia (no teeth), but in terms of reliability of fixation it is inferior to a clasp denture.

Cost: what it depends on

The price of nylon removable denture systems varies depending on the specific model. With complete edentia, the cost of the structure is 30-50 thousand rubles, when correcting partial edentia, the costs will be in the range of 15-40 thousand rubles, a fixed nylon prosthesis for 1-2 teeth will cost 12-15 thousand rubles.

The exact cost of a removable nylon denture can be found out at a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, who, after a diagnostic examination of the oral cavity, will indicate the exact amount required for prosthetics.

How much will prosthetics cost?

Prosthetics usually take place in several appointments with a doctor. During the first visit, the patient will have a consultation with an orthopedist and a dental technician, diagnostics, history taking and impressions taken for the manufacture of an individual prosthesis. These services are not included in the cost of the prosthesis and are paid additionally. At the next appointment, the manufactured structure is tried on and adjusted, and recommendations for its care are received.

The price of a denture made of nylon is higher than its analogue made of plastic. Partial replacement of missing teeth in Moscow will cost about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles, complete replacement - about 50,000 rubles. Please note that clinics provide different warranty periods for finished structures. Choose the option that seems most suitable to you.

Nylon or acrylic: which is better?

Nylon prostheses are called “flexible” due to their elasticity. They are more convenient, and also less noticeable, than their predecessor counterparts - removable structures made of acrylic. The products are more aesthetically pleasing, but have a higher cost. A small list of contraindications for prosthetics. They do not cause allergic reactions. These elastic designs are created with a soft nylon base that is almost invisible in the mouth. The products are very comfortable to wear.

Undeniable advantages

nylon products:

  • hypoallergenic - can be used for allergies;
  • ease of care of the medical system;
  • durability - have a long service life;
  • durable and elastic, easy to use - able to withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • have reliable fastening;
  • do not require grinding of adjacent teeth or other painful procedures during installation;
  • gel agents are not required for their fixation;
  • can be worn constantly;
  • does not accumulate foreign odors;
  • microbiological inertness - the development of various pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the prosthesis is not supported;
  • are easy to polish, so they fit tightly to the gums;
  • diction is not violated;
  • can be used by people suffering from heart disease and diabetes;
  • It is possible to select any crown material for the manufacture of the product - the technology is available to people with different incomes.

There are also disadvantages

: fragility and softness of the manufacturing material - does not always withstand the load created during chewing. Over time, the structure “sags,” which can lead to gum injury. When wearing such structures, you should definitely monitor your oral cavity and visit the dentist with the frequency recommended when purchasing dentures.

Acrylic dentures have become widespread and inevitably enjoy considerable popularity. They are noticeably inferior in aesthetic characteristics to conventional ceramics or options made from metal ceramics. The weight of the structure is light, it does not require special care, and most importantly, it is inexpensive.

In a significant number of cases, older people are given acrylic dentures, which have an optimal quality-to-price ratio. They can be placed with partial or even complete edentia. And they are also recommended in cases where the patient has a significant gap in a row of teeth.

Advantages of acrylic products:

  • almost absolute absence of contraindications;
  • the product is suitable for both temporary and permanent wear;
  • pleasant and easy to use
  • has many shades, and therefore the color of artificial teeth will not differ from real ones;
  • fastening using hooks allows you to avoid grinding down adjacent teeth;
  • suitable for people of different age groups;
  • have a reasonable price.

There are also disadvantages: the difference between an acrylic prosthesis and a nylon one is that it emits acrylic methacrylate, which can be negatively tolerated by the body; In the process of wearing dentures, the teeth adjacent to them are subject to abrasion, and the development of caries can result from this. They are quite fragile, despite this they can be used for about 8 years. It will take some time to get used to them.

Main advantages of the material

Nylon is lightweight and non-toxic material. Dentures made of nylon do not create the sensation of a foreign object in the mouth, and under the influence of the owner’s body temperature they can soften and become flexible. For the same reason, nylon dentures are resistant to stress during chewing.

The shape, color and design of the soft nylon denture base are matched to the shade of the patient's gums, so it is almost invisible.

To install a nylon removable structure, it is not necessary to grind adjacent teeth. It is attached to the teeth using dentoalveolar clasps (clasps or hooks) made of the same nylon, which are a natural continuation of the prosthesis and are invisible when smiling and talking. This makes it possible to carry out prosthetics in the most difficult areas of the jaw from an aesthetic point of view.

But it is worth considering that nylon dentures do not perform the chewing function very well, since when they soften under the influence of temperature, they lose the hardness necessary for processing food.

Care and storage of nylon prostheses

The products can be worn around the clock. They only need to be removed for hygiene purposes - cleaning. After eating, you should rinse with plain running water every time. At least 2 times a day, preferably at the beginning and end of the day, you should thoroughly clean off food debris using a special brush. Experts do not recommend using aggressive means.

They can be cleaned using regular soap and a brush. The service life of the medical system will be extended by using special baths and pastes for these purposes several times a week, and using antiseptic liquids purchased for these purposes at the pharmacy. Periodically, once every 2-3 months, it is advisable to bring nylon dentures to the clinic for more thorough cleaning.

However, despite the exhaustive information, only an experienced dentist can answer the question of which dental prosthetic option is best for you. A professional will competently assess the condition of the oral cavity, will certainly listen to your wishes and offer the best prosthetic option suitable for you.


Possible alternatives

Specialists of the clinic “Practice of Doctor Sklyaruk” carry out nylon dental prosthetics if there are clear indications and at the request of the client. However, in most cases, our doctors will easily find a worthy alternative solution to the problem. This may be an Acry-Free prosthesis. It features an advanced acrylic construction. The latter is made from hypoallergenic acrylic mass. The Acry-Free denture is not as soft or flexible as a nylon product. However, the inherent comfort of the latter is preserved, and deformation does not occur, as well as rapid atrophy of bone tissue. There are other alternative options, for example, a partially removable nylon prosthesis installed on implants.

Call us during business hours to consult about prosthetic services. We will try to solve your dental problem as quickly, professionally and with the least financial loss as possible.

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