"Remodent" is a highly effective means of preventing dental caries

A method such as tooth remineralization therapy allows you to strengthen the tooth and maintain its healthy appearance. Preparations for tooth remineralization contain fluorides, phosphates and calcium (calcium gluconate solution, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium phosphate containing gels).

This method of preventive treatment, such as remineralization, has its advantages and is important because it is this method that allows you to prevent the occurrence and development of a pathological process in the tooth. The demineralization process entails many consequences - impaired sensitivity of tooth enamel, cracks and damage, and the development of a pathological process such as caries.

How is remotherapy carried out?

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate inflammation and foci of caries. Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out. To improve the penetration of the remineralizing drug, it is necessary to remove tartar and soft plaque covering the surface of the teeth. Air Flow hygienic cleaning or ultrasonic scaling is carried out.

1. Application remotherapy . A concentrated composition for remineralization is applied to the prepared surface of the teeth. If indicated, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish at the end of the procedure. It is recommended to repeat the procedure approximately once every six months.

2. Remotherapy using a mouthguard . A sealed mouthguard is made individually based on impressions of the patient's jaws. The patient independently fills it with the remineralization composition, puts it on and takes it off. The duration of use of the mouthguard for remotherapy is determined by the dentist.

For a procedure such as remotherapy, special preparations are used to remineralize teeth: remineralizing toothpaste, special protective varnish, fluoride-containing discs, rocs remineralizing gel, remodent.

Remodent is a special substance in powder form that contains mineral compounds and is used for remotherapy. You can buy Remodent at a specialized pharmacy at an affordable price. Rocs remineralizing gel contains the necessary minerals - microelements, macroelements: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. It is this composition of the gel that allows you to maintain the strength of the tooth.

Remineralizing preparations are used for rinsing and for local application and strengthening of teeth as a solution for applications or electrophoresis on the tooth area.

Rox gel is now widely used in dentistry for the reason that its composition is safe even for children, it does not contain fluoride, which is why it has gained its popularity. The use of rocs gel provides a bactericidal effect; its composition, among other things, contains xylitol. Because the drug is produced in the form of a gel; it is used in the form of applications to the tooth area, both at home and in a dental clinic. The gel is not fluid, so it adheres well to tooth enamel, creating a kind of film, and the beneficial components contained in the composition penetrate into the tooth enamel, strengthening it and making it healthier.

Indications for dental remotherapy According to dentists, one should prepare for dental remotherapy, and for the method to be effective, it is better to use it after whitening and removal of tartar. This method is especially recommended for use in pregnant women and adolescents, because their body is especially prone to losing minerals and nutrients.

Planned teeth whitening

Damage to enamel

· Hygienic teeth cleaning (after the procedure)

· Polishing, grinding and preparation of teeth for veneers, crowns (after the procedure)

· Pregnancy period

Dental hyperesthesia (increased enamel sensitivity)

Pathological abrasion, thinning of tooth enamel

Wedge-shaped defect

Erosion and other damage to enamel

· Caries in the spot stage

Composition of the drug Remodent

The main material used to make Remodent for teeth is animal bone tissue. Biological material is dried by lyophilization. The essence of this method is as follows: the material is first frozen, then placed in a vacuum chamber, in which it is dried by sublimation. The solvent evaporates during sublimation, leaving a “dry residue”. The process takes place without exposure to high temperature; accordingly, the lyophilization products retain their structural integrity and beneficial properties. Remodent powder restores its original properties after dissolving in water. Its composition includes the entire complex of copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus ions.

Effect after remotherapy

Remotherapy is an absolutely painless procedure. No anesthesia is required. Remineralization is safe and can be carried out during pregnancy, prescribed to children to strengthen the enamel of baby teeth and as the main means of caries prevention. Remotherapy can reduce tooth sensitivity, improve the structure of the enamel, making it denser, stronger and more resistant to acids and other aggressive substances.

In combination with other methods of prevention, such as fissure sealing, fluoridation and ozone therapy, remotherapy can reduce the risk of developing a carious process to zero. Often, along with dental treatment, gum treatment and diet correction with medications and vitamins are required. In addition, remotherapy is necessarily carried out after teeth whitening and orthodontic treatment procedures. Remotherapy is also necessary for pregnant women and adolescents.


Three grams of Remodent should be diluted with one hundred milliliters of warm boiled water. Use the resulting solution to rinse your mouth after eating for three to five minutes. Rinsing should be done two to eight times a month, ten months a year for prevention. To treat caries, you need to rinse your mouth four times a week, and the course is 16-40 rinses, depending on the effectiveness of the treatment. One rinse takes 15-25 milliliters of water.

Indications for taking the drug

  • Preventive measures to prevent caries. For use by adults and children over two years of age;
  • Conservative treatment of dental caries at the earliest stages. For use by adults only.

Contraindications for taking Remodent

The only contraindication is high sensitivity to one or more components of the drug. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.

Special instructions for use

  • Before rinsing, teeth should be thoroughly cleaned, always using toothpaste.
  • After rinsing, it is better not to eat or rinse your mouth for at least two hours.
  • The solution can be prepared in advance, but it can be stored for no more than two weeks.

Instructions for using the drug Remodent

  1. To rinse the mouth: prepare a solution - dissolve three grams of powder in 100 milliliters of distilled or boiled water. The resulting Remodent solution is used to rinse the mouth for 5 minutes. The duration of treatment is 10 rinses. Specialists can usually prescribe 2-4 preventive courses.
  2. To apply applications: a cotton swab of the required size is formed, then it is dipped into the Remodent solution, it is soaked in medicine and applied to the diseased tooth. Duration of application is 15-20 minutes with periodic replacement of tampons. The frequency of applications is two to three times a week.

After the procedures, it is recommended not to eat for 2 hours. The prepared Remodent solution can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 14 days.

Possible analogues: Dextranase. You cannot buy Remodent in Russian pharmacies, although this can be easily done, for example, in Ukraine. The price ranges from 200-400 rubles.

Reviews, questions and answers on the drug Remodent

Question to the pharmacist: Hello. As far as I know, the drug "Remodent" cannot be bought in Moscow pharmacies. What drug can replace it? Are there any analogues?

Answer from 09/14/2015: As of today, the drug is not registered in Russia. There are no identical analogues.

Question to the pharmacist: Good afternoon. The drug "Remodent" is not available in pharmacies in the capital. What analogues are there, maybe some folk remedies?

Reply from 11/07/2017: Good afternoon. The drug is not currently registered in Russia. There is no exact replacement.

Publication date: 07/17/2018

What impact does

Remodent activates the processes of remineralization of dental tissues. That is, it replenishes and maintains the mineral composition of decaying dental tissues and thereby increases the resistance of dental tissue to carious processes and prevents the development of caries. Remodent is an anti-caries agent and at the same time the price remains quite affordable.

What does the loss of minerals in dental tissues lead to:

  • to the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • to increase the sensitivity of teeth in relation to various influences, primarily temperature;
  • to the initial stage of caries;
  • to the development of caries;
  • to enamel necrosis;
  • to inflammatory processes and bleeding in the gums;
  • to erosion of tooth enamel and abrasion of teeth;
  • to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Caries-preventive varnishes

Remineralizing solutions do not have a prolonged effect on the enamel surface, so special mineral-containing compositions have been developed that can be fixed on the tooth surface for a relatively long time. These are mainly fluorine-containing varnishes.

Advantages of fluoride varnishes:

  • Long-term retention on the surface of tooth enamel, causing a higher level of fluoride transfer from varnish to enamel.
  • No need for additional procedures (for example, electro- or phonophoresis).
  • Optimal permeability of the varnish film, ensuring the supply of fluoride to the tooth enamel in sufficient quantities.

The varnish film on the tooth is in constant contact with saliva, which promotes the constant release of ions into saliva and their penetration into the tooth enamel. Currently, two trends have emerged in the development of caries-preventive dental varnishes: - based on the achievements of modern polymer chemistry, the creation of a mechanically strong, impenetrable, long-term coating of the surface of tooth enamel with elastic, but fairly rigid adhesives based on acrylates, polyurethane, epoxy resins and other materials; so-called soft varnishes (including those made from plant materials), which remain on the teeth for a short time, while managing to release fluoride into the tooth enamel. This role is played by varnish compositions based on natural resins. The optimal concentration of fluorine in varnish is 2.9-3.0%. It has been established that a 12-hour application of Durafat-type varnish increases the concentration of fluoride in the enamel of extracted human teeth from 300 to 2000 ppm. At the same time, coating with “hard” varnish sharply reduces the permeability of the enamel, which can adversely affect the metabolic processes in it in children. Therefore, the use of fluoride varnishes of this class in children is limited. In childhood, it is preferable to use a more permeable soft varnish based on tree resin; it allows you to relatively quickly treat even wet teeth by gluing to them. To achieve a caries-preventive effect, it is recommended to apply varnishes every 3 to 6 months, mainly for people at high risk of developing caries. Varnishes are effective for dental hypersensitivity. In addition to fluoride, other mineralizing components can be added to caries-preventive varnishes. Some fluoride-containing gels are similar in purpose to fluoride-containing varnishes, which, like varnishes, are applied to the surface of the teeth and, when dry, form a thin film on them that can be held relatively for a long time. These include Belagel F and Bela-gel Ca/P (VladMiVa, Russia) - drying water-based gels without organic solvents, Fluoridin gel N5 (VOCO) - a gel based on tree resin containing sodium fluoride (5%). also includes protective varnish Cervitec (Vivadent). The varnish does not contain mineralizing components, but contains chlorhexidine (1%) and thymol (1%), which reduces bacterial activity in dental plaque. The use of varnish reduces the colonization of bacteria on the tooth surface, disrupts their metabolism, reduces the production of lactic acid, and the sensitivity of the tooth neck by closing the dentinal tubules. A special group of fluoride carriers are fluoride-containing paper and paraffin discs. The disc is fixed in the tip on the disc holder, fluoride is rubbed into the tooth surface at low speeds using reciprocating (up and down) and circular movements. Rubbing is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 days (2-4 courses per year). Fluoride-containing pills have also been developed that can be fixed on the buccal surfaces of the first molars and provide a slow continuous release of fluoride into the oral cavity.

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When to use

Remodent is used as prescribed by a doctor:

  • for the prevention of caries;
  • for the treatment of the initial stage of caries.

Prescribed for adults and children over 2 years of age. In children, under the influence of Remodent, the process of development of tooth enamel is accelerated.

The effect of the treatment can be seen. The color and shine of the surface of the teeth should change, and their size should also be restored. The doctor can detect improvements in the color change of the affected areas when exposed to the indicator methylene blue.

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