What is the legal guarantee for metal-ceramic crowns?

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Published: 06/03/2020

Reading time: 6 min



  • 1 Important facts about metal-ceramic crowns
  • 2 Is there a legal guarantee for ceramic crowns?
  • 3 How to extend the life of dentures?
  • 4 How to place a crown on a tooth
  • 5 Comparative characteristics of different types of crowns
  • 6 Issue price

Treatment guarantee

There are two types of guarantees that the doctor of our clinic is guided by when performing the full scope of services to restore your dental health - unconditional (mandatory) and predictable. The warranty period for any treatment begins from the moment the service is provided and requires you to comply with the conditions for proper care of your teeth and installed restorations (filling, prosthesis, veneer, etc.).

Projected guarantees for treatment

The doctor identifies the specifics of your case and, based on his experience and available treatment technologies, informs you about the service life of a filling, veneer, crown or prosthesis. When the warranty period is difficult to determine (hygienic cleaning, surgery, whitening, etc.), the doctor will notify you in advance about the success rate of this procedure.

What is the success rate of procedures at the Dent-a-med clinic?

  • 95% of successful cases of root canal treatment using filling
  • 100% - with in-office whitening of 2-8 shades, depending on the structure of your enamel and the chosen system
  • 90% – elimination of gum and periodontal inflammation (with mandatory adherence to the doctor’s recommendations at home)

The success rate of treatment is influenced not only by the quality of materials and the skill of the doctor, but also by the condition of your teeth and health, which is why we carry out diagnostics so carefully. During the warranty period, any defect that arose through no fault of yours will be corrected free of charge (minor defects, a filling has fallen out, a prosthesis has been damaged). If you experience discomfort at the end of the warranty period, we will eliminate it at a 30% discount.

Unconditional guarantees for treatment at Dent-a-med

This type of guarantee is always provided and without any conditions. This is a requirement of the Federal Laws “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992) and “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation” (No. 323-FZ dated 11/21/2011), as well as standards for the provision of medical care and patient management protocols , approved by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Based on legal requirements, you are guaranteed:

  • providing complete information about the diagnostics performed
  • holding a consultation or consultation
  • implementation of procedures by doctors of appropriate qualifications
  • keeping track of your health status
  • establishing a complete diagnosis with detailed recommendations
  • calculation of the total amount upon completion of the treatment plan

The safety of the intervention is guaranteed by compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements and the use of only technologies tested and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. We select anesthetics taking into account age and contraindications, so the treatment is safe for your health and as painless as possible. To prevent undesirable consequences, a series of follow-up examinations is prescribed. Free preventive examinations are also available at the Dent-a-med clinic.

In our dentistry, the quality of work is controlled. We will take into account your wishes and carry out dental restoration in compliance with the standards of domestic and European dental practice. We will take into account the objective state of your health so that the installed restorations last longer than the warranty period.

Work examples:

All works

Restoring chewing function with metal-ceramic crowns

Re-prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns

Manufacturing of metal-ceramic fixed bridge prosthesis

Tooth restoration with a metal-ceramic crown

All works

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Is it possible to repair metal-ceramic crowns?

In a very small number of cases! There is a small chip in the corner of the crown, which can probably be polished. If the chip is larger, it affects the closure of the teeth (bite), if the chip is down to the metal, if the chip is on the contact surface - all these are indications not for repair, but for replacing the crown. In any case, everything is decided at a personal meeting.

METAL CERAMICS FOR TEETH. What are the stages of prosthetics?

At the Belgravia Dental Studio clinic, we install metal-ceramic crowns of ideal quality, following all treatment protocols.

  • First, preparation before work - diagnostics: computed tomography. Only in our clinic, Diagnocat artificial intelligence is used for CBCT analysis! The program uses 3D images to determine the condition of the teeth and helps the doctor plan treatment.
  • Preparation - grinding down the tooth for a crown. A very important stage! We'll tell you about it separately.
  • Taking impressions, ordering a crown in the laboratory. While the restoration is being made, you will receive temporary crowns. You will need to wear them for about 2 weeks (average duration) while the permanent crowns are made in the laboratory.
  • Fitting. The new restoration needs to be functional (not too high or low) and look natural in the dentition. We’ll also tell you more about fitting.
  • Installation of ready-made structures. At this stage, we also use magnification to create an ideally tight and high-quality connection between the crown and the tooth shoulder and place the crown securely. This will allow us to maintain tightness for many years and prevent tooth decay under the crown, as well as maintain healthy gums.
  • Doctor's recommendations: care, home hygiene, professional hygiene and examination schedule.

Design Features

Orthopedic systems made of metal-ceramics have a reliable frame made of a metal alloy, lined with ceramic mass, close in color to natural enamel. The coating is applied in layers - each layer is exposed to high temperature (baked). This ensures strong adhesion of materials and good aesthetics of the prosthesis - the risk of chipping the lining is reduced to zero.

Forecast of treatment results and guarantee

At the first appointment, the doctor conducts diagnostics, assesses the condition of the patient’s teeth, existing diseases, and pathologies. Based on its results, he determines a treatment plan and offers the patient possible methods. For each of the methods that can be used to solve dental problems, there is a certain probability of achieving the desired result. Assessing this probability, the doctor forms a forecast for eliminating pathologies and diseases. This forecast takes into account the risk of complications, adverse reactions of the body to the therapy, and other factors. Based on it, the doctor determines the warranty period.

Before starting to treat teeth or gums, the patient needs to discuss with the doctor possible prognoses when using certain methods, materials, and designs. Dentists at the DentoSpas clinic recommend choosing treatment plans that will provide the longest service life for the restored teeth.

At DentoSpas dentistry, there are official guarantees for endodontic, periodontal, orthodontic, and surgical treatment. We use certified and safe materials and designs, for which separate warranty periods are established. At the first appointment, after diagnosis, examination, and choice of treatment methods, our doctors provide patients with accurate information about the duration of the warranty and the scope of the warranty obligations.



the procedure can be carried out with extreme caution

  • Inflammation in the active phase;
  • mixed bite (possibly after orthodontic treatment;);
  • teeth of different sizes;
  • teeth too small.


the procedure is strictly prohibited

  • Bruxism;
  • thinned enamel;
  • weak support units;
  • periodontal pathology;
  • tooth mobility;
  • allergy to metal.

What needs to be proven in court

To win in court, you need to prove several key facts:

  1. The clinic provided poor-quality dental services - because of this, your health was harmed.
  2. The first clinic is to blame for all this.
  3. Because of the harm caused, you incurred expenses - you will need to prove them: provide receipts for medications, examinations, appointments with other doctors.

If you manage to prove all this, most likely the court will rule in your favor and oblige the clinic to pay you compensation.


Different materials are used for the frame:

  • Metal alloys
    (chromium-nickel, cobalt-chromium) - such prosthetics combine efficiency, strength, and wear resistance. But the presence of nickel, chromium or cobalt in the structure increases the risk of developing allergies and contributes to the appearance of a bluish stripe at the border of the prosthesis with the gum, due to metal oxidation.
  • Alloys of noble metals
    (platinum, gold, palladium) - allow you to make an aesthetic prosthesis of precise anatomical shape, do not oxidize, and do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Titanium
    - structures made from this material are distinguished by precise edge fit, are completely biocompatible, and do not react to thermal or chemical influences.

The type of metal used as a base affects the performance of the orthopedic system. If there are doubts regarding the material of the prosthetics, at the RUTT clinic you can take a small sample of the metal for an allergy test. When installed on implants, the prosthesis is made of titanium of the same grade as the implant system.

Warranties for dentures

The service life of dentures and the guarantee provided by the clinic are two completely different things, and when choosing structures for replacing teeth, you should remember this.
Unfortunately, the exact warranty periods are not specified anywhere. However, there are a number of documents that regulate the rules for the provision of medical services, the mandatory provision of warranties and the return of cost or adjustment of the product in case of damage due to the fault of the contractor. Among such documents are the law “On the protection of consumer rights”, “Rules for the provision of paid medical services”, as well as the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”. It is worth remembering that each clinic has its own guarantees for dentures, but most dentists announce the actual service life within approximately the same limits. However, there is a caveat: in all medical centers they will be able to replace or adjust your prosthesis free of charge only if the patient complies with all the instructions issued by the attending physician.

Dental clinic "median"

You should carefully study the clauses regarding the guarantee - some dentists provide guarantees of up to two years, and some - no more than six months. Typically, a warranty is issued for a shorter period for veneers, as well as for permanent structures made of plastic. If the patient has tooth mobility, as well as periodontal disease or periodontitis, then the warranty period is seriously reduced and is established by the dentist himself.

That is why it is strongly recommended to first get rid of all these diseases, and only then install prostheses. If the patient persistently requests prosthetics with a certain scheme, despite the presence of relative contraindications, then the warranty period can be reduced to one month. Moreover, all design changes in the future are carried out at the expense of the patient.


Regulations on warranty periods and service periods for dental services.

As a general rule, warranty periods and service periods are established for work (services) to provide dental care at CityDentaMed LLC.

Warranty periods and service periods for dental services performed for each patient are established by the doctor depending on:

  • Clinical situation in the patient’s oral cavity;
  • The presence or absence of concomitant diseases of the patient, which directly or indirectly lead to changes in the teeth and surrounding tissues;
  • The patient's complete implementation of the treatment plan recommended by the doctor.

The guarantee is issued for treatment that is considered completed:

  • For caries - after placing a permanent filling;
  • For prosthetics - after permanent fixation of the manufactured structure or delivery of a removable one and registration of a warranty card.

Taking into account these circumstances, in a particular case, the warranty period and service life can be adjusted (reduced or increased) compared to the average, within the time limits established by CityDentaMed LLC, which is recorded by the attending physician in the warranty card.

If a patient discovers deficiencies in the work performed (service provided) during the established warranty period and service life, the patient must contact CityDentaMed LLC by phone or in person and, stating the essence of the comment, make an appointment with the attending physician.

If the doctor determines that these shortcomings are not related to the patient’s violation of the warranty conditions or operating conditions previously communicated to him, they must be eliminated by correcting or re-performing the work (providing the service) without additional payment.

Warranty obligations are fulfilled if the Patient complies with the following requirements:

  • Implementation of the entire agreed treatment plan;
  • Performing adjustments or other additional intervention in the work performed (service provided) only in CityDentaMed LLC;
  • Regular implementation of professional oral hygiene activities, with the frequency specified by the doctor in the outpatient card, but at least 2 times a year and only at CityDentaMed LLC

Warranty obligations are terminated (not preserved) if the following circumstances occur during the warranty period:

  • The emergence of new diseases in the patient, the development of existing diseases, or the occurrence of harmful external influences that directly or indirectly lead to changes in the teeth or surrounding tissues, incl. long-term use of medications for the treatment of other diseases;
  • Patient's pregnancy;
  • Failure of the patient to conduct a mandatory preventive examination, carried out once every 6 months, in the case of dental prosthetics supported by dental implants - once every 3 months;
  • Failure of the patient to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician for the care of the oral cavity, the result of work (service);
  • Failure to comply with the operating conditions of the work result (service)

CityDentaMed LLC does not bear warranty obligations when providing dental services to the patient in the following cases:

  • Treatment of teeth previously subjected to endodontic treatment is carried out;
  • It is impossible to carry out or the patient refuses to carry out diagnostic, measuring, control images;
  • If there is an alternative treatment option, at the request of the patient, therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out that are not the most optimal in the opinion of the attending physician in this case (destructive forms of periodontitis, the impossibility of re-treating the root canals of the tooth, etc.)
  • The patient does not agree with the rational prosthetic plan proposed by the orthopedic dentist in accordance with the calculation of the periodontal endurance of the supporting teeth, taking into account research data;
  • The patient has an allergy or intolerance to drugs and dental materials approved for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
  • A prosthesis not manufactured (purchased) by CityDentaMed LLC is installed;
  • When repairing a removable denture manufactured in another medical institution or with an expired warranty;
  • Treatment of the patient was stopped not on the initiative of CityDentaMed LLC;
  • Complications have arisen due to the patient’s fault: failure to maintain oral hygiene, failure to comply with prescribed treatment, late reporting of complications, etc.;
  • Force majeure circumstances have arisen (accident, shock, natural disaster, etc.) that could affect the results of treatment.

Features of care

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a brush and toothpaste, use a mouthwash and irrigator;
  • Do not crack nuts, do not use artificial teeth to open bottles, or bite threads. This leads to breakage of the prosthetics, damage to the ceramic layer (a small chip can be restored, but if the frame is exposed, the structure must be changed);
  • Visit the dentist twice a year for examination, hygienic cleaning, and polishing of restorations.
  • Article Expert

    Popkov Sergey Yurievich Dentist-orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

    Work experience: more than 13 years

    Is there a guarantee for dental implants according to Russian law?

    The guarantee is enshrined in the current legislation of Russia. The legal norm requires that the product defect be eliminated and services provided in full free of charge. Guarantees must be specified in the contract that dentistry enters into with a potential patient.

    They will be provided by law subject to the following conditions:

    • routine examinations with a doctor;
    • strict adherence to hygiene rules;
    • taking prescribed medications;
    • timely treatment in case of complications.

    According to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is not determined how many years the guarantee for implants is, so the clinic has the right to determine the period of free servicing.

    Types of ceramic crowns

    Each method of prosthetics has its own characteristics. There are several types of such crowns:

    • pressed ceramics, which is produced in stages, which allows you to achieve fairly high quality without loss of aesthetics;
    • zirconium dioxide crowns, which are well suited for prosthetics of chewing teeth. But it is better to restore the front teeth with metal-free material.

    Pressed ceramic crowns are characterized by excellent strength and long service life. This allows the use of ceramic crowns on chewing teeth. The service life of the prosthesis is about 5–10 years. The crowns withstand various loads well, and small chips that occur during operation can be easily restored. In this case, the restored section does not differ from the rest of the structure. To install a prosthesis, minimal sharpening of your own tooth is required, which is a very positive point. The installation is not much different from the installation of metal and metal-ceramic structures. The process consists of the following stages:

    • visual examination, drawing up a treatment regimen;
    • preparation of the oral cavity;
    • taking impressions;
    • fabrication of the structure;
    • fitting and fastening.

    How to increase wear time?

    To increase the service life of the structure, you should pay attention to the following points:

    • During the operation of artificial teeth, it is necessary to take local or panoramic X-ray photographs of the teeth. They will make sure that there are no inflammatory processes or other defects that may appear due to poor quality work performed by the dentist and orthopedist. The guarantee for metal-ceramic crowns will allow you to correct the situation without additional costs, the clinic will treat the tooth free of charge and install a new structure if a defect is discovered before the end of the warranty;

    • Metal-ceramic crowns can be easily damaged by hard food, so you will have to avoid certain foods. The ceramic coating is easily damaged if you chew nuts and crackers. If a chip or crack occurs, you should contact the clinic, since otherwise the crown may even break;

    • After eating, you should definitely rinse your mouth. When wearing metal-ceramic bridges, attention should be paid to cleaning the rinsing channel, which is located on the gum side. It is necessary to brush your teeth correctly, the outer and inner parts are cleaned with movements from top to bottom, from the gums to the edge of the tooth;

    • If the dentures are removable, they cannot be removed at night without the doctor’s permission. Otherwise, your bite may suffer. While wearing crowns, you should give up bad habits, especially smoking. Under the influence of nicotine, the color of the enamel changes, and it is difficult to bleach ceramics.

    How does a metal-ceramic tooth crown work?

    When choosing a material for a new tooth, you first need to understand what it is. A melloceramic crown is a metal cap on which ceramic mass is applied. In a more “advanced” version, ceramics are also applied to the area that comes into contact with the gum, preventing it from turning dark.

    Indications for prosthetics with ceramic crowns on a metal base:

    • Loss of one, two or more teeth in a row - due to the strength of the metal, structures of any length are possible;
    • End defects of the dentition - in the absence of one or more chewing units;
    • Any other situations in prosthetics that require a combination of strength, aesthetics and reasonable price.

    Based on the type of material, bases for dentures are:

    KindsPrecious alloysNon-precious alloys for metal-ceramic crowns
    MetalsGold-platinum, palladium, silverChrome-cobaltNickel-chromeTitanium
    prosDurability. Strength. Suitable for allergies to other metals. Low price tagLow price tagFull biocompatibility. Does not cause allergies. Strength. Durability.
    MinusesExpensiveCorrodesToxic, absorbed into the blood. Causes allergies. Difficult to process due to high strength. Very expensive. Few doctors work with technology.

    Ceramics for dental crowns on a metal frame also come in different types—high and low temperature. There is little difference in appearance, the price is better than the low-temperature one, and the strength is better than the one produced at high temperatures.

    Comparison of metal-ceramic crowns - materials and installation

    Comparison criteria/TypesOn base alloysOn precious alloysOn a zirconium frame
    AestheticsBelow average, only suitable for side areasAbove average, can be placed in the smile zoneGood, can be installed in any area of ​​the dentition
    Service life10-12 years7-10 yearsUp to 15 years
    Dark stripes on the gums at the junctionNoEatNo
    Grinding a tooth before installing a metal-ceramic crownSignificantSignificantMinor

    Fixation of the prosthesis is carried out in several stages:

    1. Preparatory
      , when professional cleaning is performed and all foci of chronic infection are eliminated: carious cavities, periodontal disease. Next, prepare the base for the dental crown - grind the tooth if its coronal part is intact. Or they refill the canals, fixing the stump tab in them, if only the root remains. At the end, impressions are taken.
    2. Laboratory
      , when, based on the impressions taken, a prosthesis is made for the period of production of a permanent one and fixed. In the meantime, the metal frame is cast, tried on, checked for fit, corrected, and color selected. Then, in the same laboratory, ceramics are applied to the frame.
    3. Final
      , when the finished structure is attached to a special adhesive, for example, containing fluorine to protect fabrics from destruction.

    Financial issue: cost of a metal-ceramic crown

    These products are considered inexpensive. The size of the investment depends on the type of material from which the metal frame is made. What to expect in Moscow - below:

    PriceOn base alloysOn precious alloysOn a zirconium frame
    On the dentures themselves7,000-10,000 rublesFrom 18,000-25,000 rublesFrom 25,000 rubles
    Turnkey works10,000-15,0000 rubles23,000-32,000 rublesFrom 35,000 rubles

    Why should you entrust the manufacture and fixation of a metal-ceramic crown to us?

    • We have more than 10 years of experience
      in prosthetics using zirconium, ceramic, metal-ceramic dental crowns, as well as any others.
    • We understand a variety of cases
      . We try to help all patients, including those who were rejected by other clinics.
    • We strive to achieve maximum quality
      in every procedure we undertake: treatment, implantation, production and fixation of prostheses.
    • We complete the work on time
      - the patient receives a new tooth within the time frame specified in the contract.
    • We offer affordable solutions
      - on credit, in installments, with a 13% tax deduction, you can reduce the total amount and install any prostheses. Each patient is entitled to an official 5-year guarantee from the clinic for all work.

    You should not wait until the tooth is destroyed, as they say, “to the ground,” and the process will go further, to the root and the jaw itself. If necessary, we will restore both aesthetics and functionality by installing a suitable crown.

    Come. We'll take a look, take a photo, and give you a free consultation.


    Metal-ceramic crowns are a popular type of structure for dental restoration, combining optimal quality with a reasonable price. The service life of the products is 7-9 years; with careful care and health care, it can be increased to 10-15 years. It is advisable to regularly visit the dentist and check the condition of the teeth and crowns so that if problems arise, they can be detected and eliminated in time.

    Video - Metal-ceramic dental crowns

    Teeth are normal Dental prosthetics Teeth made of metal-ceramics, service life comparison table

    The dental clinic will give you a 12-month guarantee on prosthetics. On average, a metal-ceramic crown lasts 8-10 years, provided that it is manufactured and installed with high quality. How the patient cares for his artificial teeth also plays an important role.

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