Toothpaste “President” (PresiDENT) – types, description and reviews


First of all, we need to tell you a little about the composition. Of course, each paste consists of various active substances, various additives, and so on. However, they all have one thing in common. We are talking about a strictly controlled abrasiveness indicator.


This is the most significant characteristic that you should pay attention to when purchasing. If there is no information about this characteristic on the packaging or in the instructions, then it is better to choose another manufacturer.

Abrasives are small hard particles consisting of different materials that help remove all kinds of deposits. Accordingly, abrasiveness is the degree of enamel cleansing and, at the same time, the mechanical abrasive effect of the product.

In this case, not only the quantity of these particles is of great importance, but also their size and quality.

The larger the particles, the more severe and aggressive the impact they have. And vice versa, the smaller they are, the softer the cleansing will be.

The generally accepted system for calculating the degree of abrasiveness is reflected in the Radioactive Dentin Abrasion index or simply RDA. This indicator indicates the size of the particles. Each paste from the PresiDENT line has a mandatory mark on this parameter.

Almost all of them have an RDA index of 75 units. This value is the most optimal for most people.

However, the company has specialized pastes that have underestimated (up to 25) or overestimated (up to 200) indicators.

We have prepared for you a description of Cross toothpaste from.

Well, in this article there is a review of products from their competitors “Splat”.

Here: - you can read reviews about the Waterpik WP 100 Ultra oral irrigator.

Active components

One of the important points is the presence or absence of fluorine in the composition. Among the products there are also those that do not contain this element. This is especially true in regions where there is an excess of it in water. Fluoride oversaturation has a detrimental effect on dental health, as does a deficiency of the element.

You can learn more about PresiDENT products in the following video:

Pure President's Choice: Pure by President toothpastes with natural cleansing particles

In 2021, the international President
presented several new products that are designed to revive the market and arouse a new wave of customer interest in the brand.
At the very least,
they definitely won
my Pure
toothpastes to the delight of the whole family.
What did they please us with? Read under the cut. Pure
collection is considered the most stylish from the

Here's how the producers announce this collection:

Nature has given us everything we need for health and mood. Inspired by nature itself, we have created the most natural protection for teeth. PURE - the first toothpastes with natural particles as an abrasive


The line includes four toothpastes - with cranberry, with argan, with tea tree and with passion fruit. I have already made friends with the first and last remedy on this list.

I came across this line in a funny way. I ran through the cosmetics department of a hypermarket and saw interesting colorful tubes. At first I decided that these were shower gels or scrubs. But it turned out... toothpastes! And also on promotion. I couldn't pass by. I took one to try (only 2 types were presented). After 2 weeks, when I figured out what was what, I came running for more.

I’ll tell you about these pastes in the order in which I started trying them.

Full product name


Toothpaste Pure by President / Passion fruit

Expanded opinion


Have you ever brushed your teeth with passion fruit? No? Then you have a chance to try. This paste uses natural passion fruit particles to gently cleanse.

Here's what it says on the tube itself:

Nature created passion fruit, we just crushed it and developed the first toothpaste with natural passion fruit particles as an abrasive.


In general, this series focuses on relationships with nature.

It was very unusual to find a quote from Montaigne on a cleaning cosmetic product:

«There is nothing useless in nature

" (Michel Montaigne)

In general, the design is very stylish and unusual.

It is attractive that there are icons stating that the formula does not contain SLS, is not tested on animals and contains natural passion fruit particles.

On the reverse side you can find the full list of ingredients. I can’t say that it causes absolute admiration, but the taste and texture of the paste make you forget about trying to analyze the formula.

Once opened, the product is recommended to be used within 12 months. The general shelf life of unopened packaging is 3 years from the date of manufacture, which can be found on the seam of the tube.

The tube itself is made of high-quality dense matte plastic. The lettering design is also well thought out.

Inside there is a gel with seeds. Through matte plastic it looks like this:

Of course, the abrasive elements are crushed powder from passion fruit seeds, and large particles are left, apparently, for an unusual appearance.

Looking ahead, I will say that these particles do not get stuck in my teeth, although initially I was a little afraid of this.

The biggest drawback of these pastes (in my opinion) is the lack of an initial protective membrane, which should protect the contents from unauthorized intrusion until opening. And, by the way, this also affects the shelf life.

Having tried this paste in action, I try not to think about this sad fact, since I want to try similar products again and again.

The transparent, dense sunny orange gel is neatly placed on the toothbrush, without spreading, without trying to escape, but pleasing the eye with its bright color and appetizing appearance. The composition foams just right, just the way I like it. Cleans carefully and efficiently.

Here I must say that I am a “happy” owner of sensitive teeth, and I try to buy products designed specifically for this type. These pastes do not advertise or promise any reduction in sensitivity. However, in fact, the sensitivity disappeared on the third or fourth day and has not yet manifested itself. For me this is a huge plus. Plus!

Further, I am periodically bothered by bleeding gums. The paste also copes well with this point. Not once during my use did I see any traces of blood in the sink.

The paste also works great with plaque. The structure of my enamel is usually very reactive to various dyes. So even red wine disappears from the surface of the teeth instantly and completely.

For those who like strong menthol, the taste is most likely not suitable. But if you enjoy soft mint combined with the taste of natural passion fruit, then the new presidential paste is exactly what you need. Freshness and cleanliness are maintained throughout the day.

Perhaps the quality of the products is at its best while these products are just entering the market, but I hope that it will last as long as possible.


: 120-140 rubles (I bought for 79 rubles)

Testing period

: more than two weeks (more than 14 times)


: 5- out of 5 (due to the lack of a protective membrane)

Full product name


Toothpaste Pure by President / Cranberry

Expanded opinion


I chose the cranberry paste with a little more caution, as I was expecting increased acidity, which is contraindicated for my sensitive teeth. The love for cranberries overpowered me, and I added another cranberry to the tube with passion fruit. And I had no reason to fear. Inside was a moderately sweet and sour product that tasted like cranberry jelly crushed with sugar. Thus, not a single tooth was damaged during testing))

This paste, in turn, uses natural cranberry particles for gentle cleansing.

And again the inscription on the tube:

Nature created cranberries, we just crushed them and developed the first toothpaste with natural cranberry particles as an abrasive.


And another quote from Montaigne:

«Nature is a pleasant mentor, careful and faithful

" (Michel Montaigne)

The design is similar to the previous copy, only “tinted” with cranberry tones.

Read the full list of ingredients again.

Both pastes are intended for daily use.


: after each meal, at least twice a day

The pastes are closed with snap-on lids. Due to the fact that the consistency of the gels is quite dense, the composition does not spread and is not smeared over the area around the hole. The lid flips and snaps on quite easily and reliably. The wide base allows the tube to stand stably not only in a special glass, but also simply on a shelf or the edge of a sink.

In terms of other characteristics, the effect of the gel paste is identical to the above-described example with passion fruit. The only differences are the color and taste, which are also delicious.


: 120-140 rubles (I bought for 79 rubles)

Testing period

: more than two weeks (more than 14 times)


: 5- out of 5 (due to the lack of a protective membrane)

I would say that the most important advantage of these pastes is their unusual taste and stylish appearance. Perhaps these are the first toothpastes in my history that I really want to start every day with in order to get a portion of positive emotions, and also end the day’s hustle and bustle with a refreshing, healthy treat. Thank you, President! Surprised!



Among the company's products there are several representatives of a particularly popular segment - pastes that have a whitening effect. Their popularity is due to the fact that darkening of the enamel, changes in color, all kinds of stains on it, accumulation of plaque and stone greatly affect the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the aesthetics of perception.

This is facilitated by the consumption of food and drinks with strong dyes, periodic consumption of red wine, smoking, various medications, insufficient hygiene procedures and other factors.


This is the first on the list of whitening pastes. Despite the fact that it has an average abrasiveness index of only 75 units, a new component is used here - Syloblanc. This is a chemically inert, amorphous silicon , which allows you to combine a gentle effect and effective cleansing, as well as polishing of enamel.

To clean the interdental areas, special crystals of a water-soluble calcium compound . This also promotes enamel mineralization. In addition, the composition contains antibacterial and refreshing components .

You can buy President Renome toothpaste at a price from 140 to 350 rubles , depending on the packaging capacity and the seller.


Approved for daily use, as the effect on enamel is very gentle . With low abrasiveness (RDA 75), it effectively removes plaque and prevents its appearance. Also contains various calcium compounds, phosphates, sodium compounds for remineralization and Icelandic cetraria extract for health benefits .

Sold in three versions - 50, 75 and 100 ml. The average cost depends on the volume of the product and ranges from 180 to 400 rubles.

President Defense – protection against bad breath

President Defense is a fairly innovative toothpaste designed to eliminate bad breath. Suitable for frequent use (until the problem is resolved).

Paste composition:

Some features:

  • President Defense paste has not only antibacterial activity, but also antifungal activity, which is achieved due to the presence of zinc citrate in the composition;
  • Abrasiveness index RDA 75;
  • The composition contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which today has been elevated to the rank of undesirable and dangerous components;
  • The ability to destroy anaerobic bacteria due to hexetidine and cetylpyridinium chloride is, of course, good. But it should be borne in mind that excessively long and regular use of strong antibacterial toothpastes can lead to dysbiosis of the oral cavity (in fact, the same thrush, only in the mouth).

If used wisely and carefully, President Defense toothpaste can truly become a real salvation for people suffering from bad breath and having complexes about it.


“Well, what can I say, President Defense is very soft, has a pleasant mint taste, but very weak (lovers of extra mint products will not like it). Dissolves well in the mouth, but does not foam well. When squeezed out, it is thick and has a light pink color. It gets rid of unpleasant odor well, but only if you clean the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks along with your teeth. The price of a 75 ml tube in our stores is about 250 rubles. While I look further, I will buy more.”

Konstantin, Arkhangelsk


Also a popular product. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to combat bleeding gums in various inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue - gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.

Thanks to its unique composition, it helps strengthen gums and prevents the development of soft tissue diseases.

The paste contains the following components:

  • sanguinaria and hawthorn extract;
  • triclosan, which has an antibacterial effect;
  • zinc citrate to strengthen gum tissue;
  • extracts of oak bark and burnet act as a hemostatic and astringent;
  • sodium fluoride at a concentration of 0.32%.

The cost also depends on the size of the package. The price of President Active toothpaste ranges from 100 to 180 rubles .


Back in the 70s of the twentieth century, Italian scientists developed new products for oral hygiene. The history of the company began with the Betapharma laboratory. Later, the plant in Milan began to produce products under the President brand. Its peculiarity is strict control over the quality and presence of harmful substances. All President pastes are tested and approved by the Dental Association.

They are suitable for daily use by the whole family, and some are designed to solve various oral problems: bleeding gums, enamel sensitivity, unpleasant odor or inflammatory diseases. In addition, Russian doctors and consumers also positively assessed the company's products. Dentists recommend this paste to their patients, and those who have tried it say that they have never seen a better tooth care product.


Also belongs to the segment of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Like most products of the President brand, it has a very mild effect and does not contain aggressive cleaning and antibacterial components.

Promotes remineralization of enamel due to active calcium compounds. In addition, the product includes the following components:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • xylitol;
  • extracts of lemon balm, sage, echinacea and chamomile;
  • mint oil.

They help relieve inflammation, impart the necessary wound-healing and necessarily also bactericidal properties. And protection against caries is provided by Syloblanc, which effectively removes deposits without causing damage.

The price, as for other products, depends on the volume of packaging and averages from 150 to 230 rubles . However, depending on the pricing policy of the distributor, it may vary slightly.


This remedy is not one that can be used constantly, since the paste is classified as medicinal . With the help of powerful antibacterial protection, it has a beneficial effect on inflamed gums in various dental diseases, in particular, varying degrees of periodontal inflammation during periodontal disease, periodontitis and gingivitis, as well as stomatitis and glossitis .

Another plus is that the product can be used as an addition to the complex treatment of problems and diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. The composition contains hexetidine, which is a strong antibacterial agent, as well as other useful components.

The instructions indicate that it should be used in courses of 2 or 3 weeks with breaks.

Its cost is approximately in the same price category as the “Classic” - from 140 to 220–230 rubles .


It belongs to specialized toothpastes, as it is intended for people suffering from excessive tooth sensitivity . Such phenomena may depend on the properties of the enamel or occur during certain periods of life, when the body undergoes a general restructuring.

For example, pregnancy, the formation of the hard shell of teeth during adolescence, as well as after consuming certain medications and too harsh foods.

Firstly, the abrasiveness index is reduced to 25 units, which contributes to extremely gentle cleansing. And secondly, the composition contains a special component that reduces sensitivity when consuming foods with a high acid content and temperature changes - potassium nitrate.

The paste is recommended for adults, as well as for children as a means of daily hygiene.

The cost is not much different from previous products and ranges from 150 rubles for 50 ml and about 220 for 100 ml .


This product is listed in a completely separate column, since it has a unique composition - it does not contain fluorine . It is recommended for use by those people who live in regions with a high content of this element in water, who have an individual intolerance to the element or increased sensitivity to it, as well as when calcium deficiency develops in the body.

The fact is that it contains three calcium compounds, which are very easily absorbed. This is a significant difference from other similar means. In addition, papain facilitates the removal of plaque, and xylitol prevents its appearance and reduces the overall acidity of the oral cavity.

The price for a 50 ml package is on average 130–150 rubles .

White Plus

This is no ordinary pasta. It belongs to the means of intensive action and is shown as an additional tool in the fight against plaque and tartar . Some patients, for many reasons, experience increased formation of deposits on the enamel surface.

At the same time, daily care products (even those related to bleaching) may not cope. It is in such cases that experts recommend using PresiDENT White Plus once or twice a week. Too frequent use is undesirable , as it has increased abrasiveness - RDA 200.

A list of toothpastes without fluoride, which is recognized as very dangerous to health, has been prepared for you.

In our article you can find reviews about such a product as Rox Bionics.

Here: - the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste is described.


The range of pastes for children is quite large. Firstly, they have various flavoring additives to improve the perception of the product by kids. And secondly, they have a clear division by age.

  • Baby – from 0 to 3 years;
  • Kids – from 3 to 6 years;
  • Junior – from 6 to 12 years;
  • Teens – from 12 years and above.

The abrasiveness and composition of each correspond to what is acceptable and useful for a particular age. Designed for comprehensive care of the oral cavity and baby (as well as permanent) teeth.

The cost of products for children over 3 years old is approximately the same and ranges from 120 to 150 rubles per 50 ml. Pastes for very small children are a little cheaper. They can be bought for 90 – 115 rubles for the same volume.

Product lines for children

The distinctive features of the children's pastes presented by the brand are their unique taste and safety. The products are intended for the care of milk and permanent elements of the dentition. The fluoride content in the gel meets international requirements. The pastes do not contain substances that cause allergic reactions: sugars, parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate.

The line of children's products is developed by age:

  • 0-3 years – baby;
  • 3-6 years – kids;
  • 6 – 12 years – junior;
  • 12-18 years old – teenagers.

Let's look at each type of baby toothpaste separately.

Pastas President for children


Children under 3 years of age are recommended to perform hygiene measures under the supervision of adults. The President brand has developed a product for patients of the age group in question that is absolutely safe if accidentally swallowed. The cleaning system of the product has a low abrasiveness index of 25.

With regular use of the product, the early development of caries in children can be prevented. The product relieves pain at the moment of eruption of the first milk elements. President Baby pastes are available in 2 flavors: raspberry and caramel.


The gel has a soft texture and the presence of fluoride in its composition. The drug is suitable for the care of removable and permanent bites. It helps strengthen enamel, quickly remove plaque on teeth and teach the child to regular oral hygiene.

Pastes with fluoride are available in several versions: cola and candy flavors. Fluoride-free gels have strawberry and marmalade flavors. The abrasiveness index of the President Kidz product line is 50 units.

Junior and Teens

Products for teenagers and teenagers are also available in several flavors:

  • Lime – prevents tooth decay from caries.
  • Strawberries – act as a preventive measure for dental diseases.
  • Chocolate is a new product in the series, developed in 2021.

The series of pastes for teenagers contain original glitter. They attract the attention of older children to the process of brushing their teeth.


Toothpaste of the Italian brand “President” belongs to the premium class, has excellent reviews from dentists and has proven itself well among clients in Russia. If you want to share your own experience of using President pastes, you can leave your feedback in the comments to this article.

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Information about the paste and manufacturer

President pastes have therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. All brand products have been produced by an Italian company since 1971. The history of the company began with the Betafarma SpA laboratory, which was engaged in the production of oral care products. Subsequently, the laboratory expanded and opened a number of subsidiary production facilities in Milan.

On the package with the barcode of President toothpaste there are the first 2 numbers - 80, which confirms the fact that the drug was produced in Italy. Today you can purchase the product in almost every pharmacy. For each type of toothpaste, the manufacturer has developed its own mouth rinse.

The advantages of the product in question include:

  • Approved by the Association of Italian Dentists. President paste has been tested in several scientific institutes in Moscow. As a result of the tests, the effectiveness and safety of the brand for customers was confirmed.
  • Wide range of oral care products. The manufacturer, in addition to toothpastes, produces mouth rinses, refreshing sprays, balms, flosses and brushes.
  • The presence of a gentle abrasive complex in some lines of pastes.
  • Long shelf life (5 years).
  • Positive reviews from dentists and buyers about the drug.

It is advisable that a suitable drug is selected after consultation with a dentist. The active ingredients contained in President pastes may be dangerous for some people.

Line of products from the President brand

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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