Splat toothpaste: reviews from customers and experts


When choosing a toothpaste, everyone will focus on their personal needs, because a good product should be expected to be highly effective.

Noteworthy comprehensive oral care products are produced in Russia.

Splat pastes (SPLAT) are popular, in particular, due to the variety of products, where everyone will find a type that suits them.

About the manufacturer

The company has its own scientific laboratory , which successfully develops new unique toothpaste compositions.

Splats contribute not only to prevention, but also to assistance in the treatment of various dental problems and diseases.

All varieties of produced pastes undergo extensive testing not only in Russia itself, but also in the European Union and Japan.

The research results indicate that the products fully comply with the standards in this area.

The company has its own eco-factory located in the Valdai region and received the status of CO2-neutral production.


The entire variety of Splat pastes can be divided into two large groups:

  1. The first of them does not contain fluorine compounds at . Suitable for those whose body receives a sufficient amount of this element.
  2. Fluorine is included in the second group of pastes, which is recommended for use in regions where there is no or insignificant amounts of fluoride in natural waters.

Lavandasept paste

Many pastes have unique combinations of components that are based on natural extracts and are completely safe for the body. In addition, they are rich in microelements necessary to strengthen the enamel.


One of the features of Splat toothpastes is their very wide range. There are three series of products , each of which has a large number of varieties of pastes.

Now in the updated first series - Professional - there are 12 pastes, in the Special series - already 14. The company also presents products for children of different ages with a wide range of flavors.

We invite you to read the detailed descriptions of the series. Additionally, the average cost is indicated.

Dentist reviews

Irina Vladimirovna, dentist. For patients who have increased tooth sensitivity, I recommend using Splat Biocomplex toothpaste. It can be used either separately or in combination with gels for enamel remineralization. My patients noted a decrease in their reaction to cold and hot foods a week after using the drug.

Svetlana Alekseevna, prosthetist Patients who install crowns often ask me how to return the products to their original appearance after several years of use. Among the best whitening products I can mention Splat Innova Sensitive “Gentle Lightening”. It does not contain coarse abrasive substances and cleans the surface of crowns several tones without the risk of damaging them. The enzyme tannase, which is part of the gel, effectively breaks down the dark plaque on the surface of crowns and natural teeth formed from smoking. Consumption of coffee and coloring products.

Anna Valentinovna, dental hygienist. My patients cannot always afford teeth whitening in a clinic because of its cost and impact on the enamel. In such cases, I recommend using Splat Extreme White paste. It lightens enamel in 2 to 2 weeks of use without the risk of increasing enamel sensitivity.


Each product from this line provides comprehensive oral care and, at the same time, is aimed at solving one of many dental problems.

Essentially, this is professional dental care without constant visits to the dentist. Brushing your teeth just twice a day using the Professional series reduces the likelihood of developing diseases.

Buyer's opinion about the paste from the Professional series:


Designed for sensitive teeth, strengthening the enamel thanks to hydroxyapatite .

Helps replenish mineral loss in hard tooth tissues, making them stronger.

An additional complex of essential oils has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, and the vitamins present in the paste ( E, PP, C) prevent premature aging of tissues.

The whitening effect is created thanks to the addition of enzymes that break down plaque - papain and polydon .

Price – 125 rubles.


Designed to strengthen tooth enamel and at the same time whiten it safely. Contains hydroxyapatite and bioactive Calcis , which help restore the enamel structure.

The effect is felt within a few days from the start of use.

specially developed Sp complex helps to whiten teeth and give them a sparkling shine . White system® .

This is also facilitated by components that prevent plaque from accumulating on the surface of the teeth. Taking care of your gums is done with sodium bicarbonate .

Price – 125 rubles.

Biocalcium paste


Positioned as an excellent preventative in the fight against bleeding gums.

Essential oils of plants ( rosemary, lavender, thyme ) protect the oral cavity from pathogenic bacteria and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Enzymes for breaking down plaque, as well as special bleaching salts Dissolvinе, lighten the enamel to a natural shade.

To significantly reduce tooth sensitivity, the composition contains calcium phosphate .

Price – 125 rubles.

Honest review of the pasta presented:


The use of this paste is an excellent protection not only for teeth, but also for the entire oral cavity.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a hemostatic effect due to the addition of natural plant components - spirulina, bergenia and Baikal skullcap .

It is also worth mentioning the vitamins E and A and activating the processes of remineralization, that is, restoration of enamel, calcium glycerophosphate .

Price – 125 rubles.

Whitening plus

Provides enamel protection and effective whitening. This is possible thanks to the round particles of the patented Sp. whitening system. White system®, which acts gently and polishes the surface, as well as polydone and papain .

The components act on plaque even in hard-to-reach places, breaking it down and helping to remove it.

The lightening effect of 1.5 tones becomes noticeable after four weeks.

Fluoride ions and potassium ions eliminate hypersensitivity and protect teeth from the development of caries.

Price – 125 rubles.


The manufacturer describes this product as a multi-active paste - it not only provides gentle whitening for overly sensitive teeth, but also takes care of the quality of enamel and gum health.

Zinc ions are used here for the anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on weak periodontal tissues .

Enzyme additives prevent the formation of deposits on the surface of teeth, and hydroxyapatite and Calcis restore damaged enamel.

Price – 125 rubles.

Paste Splat Ultracomplex

Healing herbs

Specially designed for those patients who suffer from various gum problems. The components included in the paste not only care for gums and teeth, but also provide antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, tonic and strengthening effects on soft periodontal tissues.

Among these components are natural essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants: geranium oil, extracts of sea buckthorn, chamomile, hawthorn, sage . In addition, there are fluoride ions and vitamins A, E, C.

Price – 125 rubles.

What will an ordinary consumer say in his video review about this paste? See detailed review:


It keeps your breath pleasantly fresh for a long time and effectively but gently whitens the surface of your teeth.

In addition, due to bioactive components and hydroxyapatite, not only whitening occurs, but also protects teeth from sensitivity, thanks to the restoration of enamel.

Zinc ions and Biosol help maintain a fresh feeling in the mouth, while stevia and ratania root fight bacteria and provide effective gum protection.

Olaflur is an organic amino fluoride that prevents caries.

Price – 150 rubles.


The health of the gums, which is ensured by violet , and the strengthening of the enamel structure due to the bioactive additive Calcis , are combined with highly effective protection against the formation of pathogenic bacteria at night.

Bergamot, lavandin and Amazonian rosewood - extracts of these plants are famous for their very strong antibacterial effect.

In addition to everything, the complex of natural essential oils used in this product provides an additional relaxing effect, especially necessary before bed.

Price – 125 rubles.

How effective is whitening toothpaste from Thailand and how to use it correctly.

This article provides information about the advantages and disadvantages of the Oral Bee Vitality electric toothbrush.

Follow the link https://zubovv.ru/lechenie/bolezni-polosti-rta/imudon-podrobnaya-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu.html for detailed instructions for using Imudon tablets.


Comprehensive care, whitening effect and protection against the formation of tartar - this is the main effect of this product.

A special cleaning and polishing system developed by the company and enzymes that break down plaque help give teeth the desired whiteness and shine.

Liquum-gel paste

The paste also makes it possible to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria thanks to a special component - Biosol , which is a very effective antiseptic and produces an anti-inflammatory effect.

Price – 140 rubles.


This paste provides strengthening of enamel, highly effective protection against caries and gives maximum freshness to your breath.

Nanotechnology is used here to gently and effectively protect and restore enamel.

Calcium ions and nanohydroxyapatite are the main active ingredients. The effectiveness of the paste is enhanced by the presence of plant components and the antibacterial innovative system LUCTATOL.

Price – 150 rubles.

Green tea

Provides protection against the most common dental problem - caries .

In addition, the paste is intended for the prevention of various diseases of periodontal tissue.

Green tea extracts , as well as sage and chamomile , prevent the formation of plaque and the development of bacteria throughout the day, and also provide an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the gums.

The strong antiseptic effect of lavender protects the gums and takes care of their health.

Price – 140 rubles.

SPLAT toothpaste - reviews


Very good….thank you..


I use Splat paste with bio alceum and rinse aid to restore enamel, in the form of suspensions. After the dentist, increased sensitivity of the tooth developed, I think after using the splat, it disappeared completely!!! But Splat’s toothbrushes were ruined, and they were super soft! It's a pity.




removes plaque all day


does not whiten

Good day everyone! We have been using SPLAT paste for a long time. BUT at first they didn’t take bleach, but biocalcium. Very good, by the way. We decided to try Splat toothpaste - whitening plus. Unfortunately, I am a smoker and drink a lot of coffee, so teeth whitening is quite important for me, although not critical. In general, the feeling from this paste is quite positive. As I wrote above, the splat paste cleanses so that plaque does not appear until the evening. But when compared with splat-biocalcium, the latter has a more pleasant taste, although it is also minty.

The fact is that since this paste is bleaching, judging by the taste (or rather the taste), it contains soda as a bleaching element. I won’t say that this small drawback significantly influences my choice to buy or not buy. But it seems to me that it cannot cope with its main function of whitening. I repeat that it cleans well, but does not whiten. Perhaps you just need to use it for a long enough time to achieve the effect. I will say this - Splat paste is like Splat paste. In any case, apart from splats (of various types), we now do not buy anything. This is our choice.

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removes plaque perfectly

I would really like to recommend this pasta to everyone! I used to buy inexpensive pastes like Colgate and forest balm and thought that, in principle, all pastes were the same, but it turned out that everything was exactly the opposite. I came across Splat Whitening Plus paste at the pharmacy and decided to try a more expensive paste than the ones I had used before. I cleaned it exactly the same as always, morning and evening, that is, twice a day. After some time, after about half a month, I felt plaque begin to fall off from the large distant teeth, in large pieces, I was generally in shock.

My teeth were not damaged in any way, but the plaque fell off in pieces, this made me very happy, which means the paste has a real effect. Although, of course, she didn’t really make her teeth sparkling white, she did rid them of plaque that had accumulated on them for years. And in general, no whitening paste will make our teeth perfectly white. But if you use Splat whitening plus, your teeth will be a little whiter and clean!

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Kristina, Tolyatti


“Lately I don’t trust any advertising at all, especially on TV. There are direct reviews from dentists and “doctors recommend”, but for some reason they all recommend the same thing - some pastes and others. Go figure out which one is really better. I believe what has worked for other people. A colleague of mine was looking for a whitening paste and tried Lacalut and Splat. Both worked well, only Splat turned out to be much cheaper. This is the result, it is many times more reliable than advertising.”



I tried Splat Medicinal Herbs paste for the first time when my dentist prescribed it to me because of problems with my gums. When brushing my teeth, my gums constantly bled, inflammation appeared, and the doctor recommended this paste as a remedy. Indeed, after a couple of weeks, the bleeding decreased noticeably, the pain went away. After “Medicinal Herbs” I tried “Active”, which also helped my weak gums well. Now I almost always buy this paste, I just alternate between different types. My picky children, who constantly don’t like the taste, color, or smell of toothpaste, were very tolerant of the children’s Splat, so I buy Splat for them too.



I used to be a frequent visitor to the dentist. After I healed my last bad tooth, on the advice of my doctor, I bought a complex of SPLAT toothpastes. Mineralized deposits on the teeth that previously bothered me are a thing of the past, and the unpleasant odor from my mouth has disappeared. I use pastes with a pleasant refreshing aroma and delicate consistency.



This tube is a real plus.


You can become addicted to this beauty.


I will probably never stop admiring this toothpaste only when I find something even better (which in itself is unnecessary and not easy). It does everything a toothpaste should do: whitens (remarkably whitens), freshens breath, protects enamel, etc.

Before that, I used another toothpaste, but then my sister brought this one. After trying it, I fell in love with it the first time. My gums used to bleed quite often, but after a week of use, not a single red blood cell left my gums.

Now I always buy only this, and my whole family loves it. My parents and sisters really like her. Even my girlfriends, having heard enough of my praises, now use it. In Russia we have a lot of our own good goods. And there is no point in chasing imported goods; it is better to look for them locally.

I would also like to note that the packaging is very convenient and laconic, nothing superfluous.

And of course an important aspect is the cheapness of this toothpaste. It's not expensive at all.



We have been using Splat paste for many years. We tried a lot during this time. We took both gels and pastes. I'm somehow not happy with gels. Most often we buy Biocalcium and Whitening. Of course, bleaching will not whiten anything; it will not change the color of the enamel. But the whole family’s teeth are fine, the doctor confirms every time.

We try to alternate toothpastes. A tube lasts us about a month and a half for two people. Then we buy some other one.

We also bought a Splat Junior for the child. We brush from the first tooth. The child is already two years old and has no problems with his teeth.



  • Nice price


  • didn't notice these

Good quality pasta. It adequately cleanses the surface of teeth and does not irritate the oral cavity and gums. Pleasant to the taste (not thermonuclear, I consider one of the advantages), the feeling of clean teeth remains for a long time. Naturally, without magic, it won’t give you super whiteness and it won’t dissolve tartar. But it seems to me that not one paste is capable of this. There is an effect of slight lightening of the teeth, and for a super white smile you only need to go to the dentist. I think that there are no downsides to the paste, I use it all the time, it meets all the requirements.


Innovative products that contain unique components and complexes.


Not only the packaging, but also the paste itself is black . This is due to the presence of birch Karelian charcoal , which is used for bleaching, absorbing dirt and unpleasant odors.

Paste with Karelian birch charcoal (black)

The product is created for those who need not only high-quality whitening, but also maximum antibacterial effect and a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

One of the important components is juniper berry extract , which, in combination with other components, ensures the normalization of the acid-base balance.

Price – 175 rubles.

Extreme white/Extra whitening

Designed for effective, fast and, at the same time, gentle whitening of teeth enamel.

The waiting time for results varies from person to person, but usually it is about a month of daily use. This is facilitated by a special whitening complex, which includes unique microgranules containing urea peroxide , round polishing particles and natural enzymes .

Teeth protection from caries is achieved thanks to fluoride ions in the paste.

Price – 180 rubles.


Whitens enamel and cares for the oral cavity. The composition contains diamond extract , which provides antibacterial protection, and royal jelly to constantly maintain local immunity.

Gold paste with diamond extractor

Components such as grape seed extract, thymol and natural enzymes protect .

In addition, the paste strengthens the enamel due to the content of Calcis .

Price – 240 rubles.


With constant use, the product can significantly improve the condition of the gums, increasing blood microcirculation in the soft tissues.

An additional hemostatic effect is provided by an antiseptic and sage .

Also contains: stevia extract; Kayaput oil (anti-inflammatory effect); pepper extract (improving microcirculation and gum health); nettle extract (antimicrobial effect due to the vitamins K and C it contains and tannins).

The composition determines the unusual taste of the paste - it is hot.

Price – 150 rubles.


This whitening paste has many additional properties. Its crimson color comes from perilla . This component prevents the aggressive destructive action of microorganisms in the oral cavity, as it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

For a long time after cleaning, pleasant fresh breath is maintained due to the prevention of the formation of volatile sulfur compounds, thanks to the natural disaccharide .

herpes simplex virus , which is counteracted by licorice tree bark .

Price – 162 rubles.

Sea minerals/Sea minerals

It is a gel that is enriched with seaweed and minerals . Gently whitens teeth and takes care of the strength of enamel.

It contains not only hydroxyapatite , which is a building material for the hard layers of the tooth, but also sea minerals . They enhance the effect of hydroxyapatite, triggering the process of enamel remineralization.

Paste-gel Sea minerals

of fucus and spirulina - seaweed - are used to improve the condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and care for the gums

Price – 150 rubles.


Toothpaste for those who want to lighten their teeth enamel without harming them.

Lightening is facilitated not only by natural enzymes that prevent plaque accumulation by breaking it down, but also by the presence of natural amino acids . With their help, coloring substances are removed from the surface, giving the enamel a darker color.

In addition to magnolia extract, which provides protection against caries-causing bacteria, the composition also contains stevia and licorice bark , rosemary essential oil and thymol , which have a beneficial effect on gum health.

Price – 160 rubles.

Find out about inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms, photos, treatment.

Find out in this article what temperature is considered normal during teething in children.

Here https://zubovv.ru/lechenie/bolezni-polosti-rta/stomatit-bpr/stomatofit-podrobnaya-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu.html instructions for using the drug Stomatofit are posted, as well as the price and examples of analogues that can be replace the product.

Siberry/Siberian berries

The paste is designed to fully strengthen the gums, teeth and mucous membranes in the oral cavity.

The healing of gums is based on the healing effect of extracts of sea buckthorn, strawberries, cranberries, juniper and lingonberries .

To inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and generally strengthen local immunity, the composition contains natural enzymes such as lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin and glucose oxidase .

Siberian berries paste

A long-lasting feeling of freshness is preserved by zinc gluconate , and hydroxyapatite prevents hypersensitivity , strengthening the enamel structure itself.

Price – 160 rubles.


Paste with strawberry for those who need complete care for sensitive teeth and effective whitening.

Antiseptics allow you to get rid of bacteria for a long time, preventing the development of caries, and hydroxyapatite strengthens the enamel, reducing its sensitivity.

The paste also contains extracts of rare plants that reveal sensuality, being aphrodisiacs - Kau Pe, Damiana and Muira Puama .

The paste improves mood as it stimulates the production of endorphins due to betafrolin.

Price – 170 rubles.


Strengthening paste for those who suffer from hypersensitive teeth. It is produced only using distilled water , so it can be recommended during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

One of the components is ALOE VERA , which is used to prevent inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and strengthen gum tissue.

You should also highlight tea tree oil , which helps fight bacteria, prevents bleeding and reduces the accumulation of dental plaque.

Price – 150 rubles.


Designed for effective enamel whitening and gum health. Lightening occurs with the help of the silicon base of this soft toothpaste, thanks to which it is possible to whiten the enamel by two tones in a month.

Paste with hot pepper extract

Chili pepper extract contains hot capaicin , a substance that is a natural immunostimulant. Its effect can improve the condition of the gums, stimulate microcirculation in the tissues, and restore their elasticity and health.

Also contains fluoride ions and parsley extract .

Price – 150 rubles.


Takes care of the health of all tissues of the oral cavity, creating at the same time an enveloping and warming effect.

Ginger root extract improves microcirculation, thereby enhancing the gums' own protection. Additionally, this is facilitated by zinc gluconate and sea buckthorn , which create antibacterial protection for soft tissues.

thymol, polydon and natural amino acid salts protects against caries and plaque formation .

The paste has a pleasant consistency and the original tart taste of ginger.

Price – 162 rubles.


Designed for use in difficult conditions when it is not possible to use additional hygiene products.

The paste effectively whitens enamel without damaging it and fights caries. cedar essential oil , which is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Silver ions saro and savory leaf oils ensure the maintenance of local immunity.

Thanks to a unique set of components, cleaning time can be reduced.

Price – 150 rubles.

Zero balance/Zero balance

Hypoallergenic paste-gel is designed specifically for those who, for various reasons, cannot use products containing essential oils, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Natural antiseptics contained in large quantities in the product block the action and reduce the development of pathogenic bacteria

Glycyrrhizinate, silver ions and Perilla seeds protect against caries and keep your breath fresh.

At the same time, there are no mint components in the paste.

Price – 185 rubles.

For children

For children, the company produces four varieties of pastes, gradated by age.


Can be used from birth to 3 years . Contains natural ingredients, therefore it is safe for the baby's body if swallowed. LUCTATOL® complex not only destroys soft plaque on teeth, but also prevents its reappearance.

Children's paste Splat - for the little ones

In addition, the paste strengthens the enamel and helps with teething, reducing gum sensitivity. Available in two different flavors - apple/banana and vanilla .

Price – 155 rubles.


For children aged 2 to 6 years. It has three flavors - strawberry/cherry, fruit ice cream and milk chocolate .

The components contained in the paste are 98% natural , so it is completely safe for this age.

The composition contains no substances that cause allergies .

LUCTATOL® complex does not allow bacteria to develop in the oral cavity, thereby preventing the occurrence of caries .

Aloe Vera gel has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Price – 156 rubles.


Can be used by children from 3 to 8 years old. The paste is available in four versions - “South”, “North”, “East” and “West”. All of them are completely safe and do not contain fluoride, allergens, dyes or preservatives.

A complex of milk enzymes , similar to the action of mother's milk, helps strengthen local immunity in the oral cavity.

The composition also contains a component that improves the process of fixing calcium ions on the enamel, accelerating the process of its mineralization.

Price – 180 rubles.


For children of any age. These strengthening pastes have six flavors (ice cream, kiwi, cherry, chocolate, tutti-frutti, peach) and are designed for thin and vulnerable children's enamel.

The paste can be used by adults who suffer from very sensitive teeth.

Contains calcium nanohydroxyapatite , which penetrates deep into the enamel structure, eliminates microdamage, making it stronger and more protected.

It also contains the LUCTATOL® and Aloe Vera .

Price – 85 rubles.


The series is designed for children aged 0 to 8 years. , having excluded dyes and flavors from the composition, developed them to be 100% safe to swallow.


Designed for children from 0 to 3 years old. Protects against caries, strengthens enamel and soothes gums during the eruption of baby teeth.

The product is created on a soft base that does not harm delicate children's enamel.

The composition includes licorice root, which removes plaque from the child’s mouth. The product comes with a finger brush.

The average cost of Splat “Vanilla” is 140 rubles per 40 ml tube.

Everything about the effective treatment of bacterial tonsillitis at home, as well as traditional medicine recipes. Read in this article how to kill the dental nerve using folk remedies.

Go to this address https://dr-zubov.ru/ortodontiya/prikus/nepravilnom-foto-do-i-posle-korrekcii.html to see a photo of a person’s malocclusion.


Recommended for use in children aged 0 to 3 years. It has an intensive effect on strengthening the enamel of baby teeth and protects them from the formation of caries.

Aimed at reducing sensitivity during the appearance of the first incisors.

The effectiveness of the product has been confirmed and protected by a patent. The cost of a 40 ml tube on Russian shelves is 130 - 150 rubles.

Milk chocolate

Recommended for use from the age of two. The paste consists of 98% natural ingredients and is safe to swallow.

The action is aimed at preventing caries. Contains licorice root and lactic enzymes, which remove all bacteria from the oral cavity.

The manufacturer includes small gifts with the toothpaste that will teach children how to properly care for their teeth.

The cost of a 55 ml tube varies between 140 - 160 rubles.

The video provides a more detailed overview of the Splat series toothpastes.


Recommended for use in children aged 2 to 6 years. The product is safe and does not cause harm if swallowed.

Protects gums from inflammation, strengthens tooth enamel and effectively eliminates bacteria in the oral cavity. The set includes a coloring book and stickers with pictures teaching how to care for the oral cavity.

The average cost of a 55 ml tube is 150 rubles.


Dentists recommend using the product for children from 2 years of age. Consists of components that are safe for children.

Affects the strengthening of teeth and gums. Protects against caries and the development of other bacteria and infections.

The paste is patented, and its effectiveness has been proven by research conducted in a Japanese laboratory.

The cost of a 55 ml tube varies between 130 - 180 rubles.


The bioactive components of the product are recommended for children over 3 years of age. Contains milk enzymes to develop oral immunity and protect the child from bacterial diseases.

Splat "North" contains licorice root and casein hydrolysate. The last component ionizes tooth enamel with calcium, thereby mineralizing them. The package also contains a surprise for the child.

The average cost of the product is 200 rubles.


Prevents the occurrence of caries and plaque. Thanks to lactic enzymes, the paste, like breast milk, forms local immunity in the child.

As in the previous product, the composition includes casein hydrolyzate, which has a beneficial effect on the enamel of children's teeth. Recommended for use from 3 years of age.

Each package contains a surprise for the child. The average cost of the product is about 200 rubles.


Product with bioactive components for children aged 3 to 8 years. Contains lactic enzymes and casein hydrolysate.

These substances strengthen the enamel of baby teeth and protect them from the development of caries , protect children's teeth from plaque and bacteria.

The package contains a gift for playful learning.

The average cost of the product is in the range of 180 - 200 rubles.


Recommended for use from 3 years of age. Toothpaste builds and strengthens the oral immune system and provides protection against bacteria.

According to the company, the paste eliminates and protects against plaque by 96%. Splat "Vostok" is harmless for children.

The cost of a tube varies between 180 - 200 rubles.


The product is suitable for children of all ages and for sensitive teeth of adults. It is designed to restore hard tissues, protect against soft deposits and the formation of caries.

According to the manufacturer, the product effectively copes with tasks by 96%.

The composition includes calcium nanohydroxyapatite, which effectively restores and strengthens tooth enamel. Aloe vera extract reduces gum inflammation.

The cost of toothpaste Splat "Kiwi" averages 100 - 120 rubles.


A universal product that is suitable for use by everyone. It reduces the sensitivity of teeth to irritants.

The paste protects against the formation of soft deposits by 96%. The effectiveness has been proven by studies carried out in the laboratory.

The approximate cost in the regions of Russia is 100 rubles.


Just like “Chocolate”, it is suitable for all ages. Using peach-flavored toothpaste will help prevent the development of tooth decay and also get rid of soft plaque.

The chemical nanohydroxylapatite calcium acts like a filling, protecting teeth from bacteria.

The average cost of Splat “Peach” paste is 100 rubles.


The product can be used by both adults and children. Cherry flavored paste removes up to 96% of soft deposits on teeth and also prevents the occurrence of caries.

The content of aloe vera gel helps nourish the gums with the beneficial substances of this plant.

The average cost of Splat “Cherry” paste is 100 rubles.

Ice cream

A universal remedy for adults and children. Excellent for reducing sensitivity.

Just like several previous pastes in this series, Splat “Ice Cream” removes plaque and protects the oral cavity from bacteria.

The average cost of Splat “Ice Cream” paste is 95 - 110 rubles.

Tutti Frutti

It is distinguished by a harmonious combination of flavors from all previous flavors.

The effect of the paste is also aimed at eliminating plaque, preventing caries and other diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.

The cost varies between 95 - 110 rubles per 35 ml tube.

For more information about Splat's products, watch the video.

What dentists say

Professionals very highly of Splat toothpastes , not only for adults, but also for children.

Splat whitening paste was tested in one of the popular TV shows. You will see fascinating experiments and learn the opinions of independent experts:

especially note the good mild whitening effect with simultaneous polishing of the surface of the teeth.

Despite the abrasiveness, products for adults contain additives that do not harm the enamel, while simultaneously strengthening it.

Doctors often recommend these pastes to their patients who have gum problems . Increasing local immunity helps strengthen soft tissues in the oral cavity.

The presented pastes do not contain parabens (preservatives) and sodium lauryl sulfate , which can cause allergic reactions in some patients and be harmful to health.

All experts note that Splat teeth cleaning products allow for comprehensive oral care.

Another huge advantage, according to dentists , is the narrow focus of many products and a wide range. Due to this, most people can choose the ideal product for themselves from the Splat line.

"On the road"

At the moment, the “On the Road” series includes five products. 40 ml tubes are convenient to put in a backpack and use on the go.

Products in compact packaging provide complete protection against dental diseases.

Biocalcium compact

This is a bioactive agent that has a comprehensive effect on strengthening tooth enamel. The main active ingredients are calcis and hydroxyapatite. They are the building blocks of the tooth.

The paste also prevents the spread of tartar and the formation of soft plaque. Gum health is supported by the sodium bicarbonate component.

The average cost of the product is 70 rubles.

Whitening plus compact

Dentists recommend using this paste for people with highly sensitive teeth and gums. The paste is designed to lighten enamel.

It contains the chemical compound polydon and papaya enzymes. They remove plaque and protect the oral cavity from bacterial diseases.

The manufacturer guarantees lightening of the enamel by one and a half tones with regular use for a month.

The average cost of the product varies between 60 - 70 rubles.

Ultracomplex compact

Recommended for people with sensitive teeth. The product improves gum health and leaves your breath fresh for several hours.

The composition contains calcis and hydroxyapatite, which reduce pain and restore hard dental tissues. Zinc ions reduce inflammatory processes.

On average, pasta costs about 130 rubles.

Active compact

The product is used to strengthen enamel and activate remineralizing processes. The composition contains extracts of bergenia, skullcap and spirulina.

They have hemostatic properties. Medicinal plants prevent the occurrence and development of periodontitis. Herbal extracts give Active Compact its special black color.

The average cost of the product is 60 - 70 rubles.

Medicinal herbs compact

The paste is produced in the form of a gel based on beneficial herbs that provide comprehensive care for the oral cavity. It is indicated for use by people with inflamed and bleeding gums.

The composition contains geranium oil, known for its strong antiseptic effect.

The cost of the product in stores and pharmacies varies between 60 - 80 rubles.

Consumer Opinion

The vast majority of people who have personally experienced the effects of toothpastes claim that they are effective, and the results appear fairly quickly.

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