Miswak toothpaste: composition, application features, review of analogues, reviews

About the product

Miswak toothpaste is manufactured by the Indian company Dabur. The product is used for oral care. The composition has astringent, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It protects and heals gums, prevents the development of caries, and kills pathogenic microorganisms that cause bad breath. In addition, the dentifrice has a pleasant anise flavor. Toothpaste contains natural herbal ingredients. It contains no fluorine.

In Muslim countries, many people brush their teeth with special twigs made from the roots of the Salvadora tree. These sticks are called “mishwak”. Salvadora extract is very beneficial. It has antibacterial properties, stops the development of caries, strengthens tooth enamel, and removes bad breath. The product gives a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness and freshness, whitens teeth, and stops bleeding gums. It contains ascorbic acid, tannin, flavonoids and alkanoids.

How does toothpaste work?

The presented product is ideal for massage and effective teeth cleaning. Miswak is a powerful natural remedy and has the following features:

  • Ideal for the prevention and treatment of caries on children's teeth.
  • Whitens tooth enamel, eliminating stains and spots, using gentle ingredients.
  • Polishes enamel.
  • Sulfur and galvanic substances in the composition block the development of harmful microorganisms.
  • Eliminates bleeding gums, providing a deep therapeutic effect.
  • Relieves inflammation during the eruption of new teeth, as well as other diseases in the oral cavity.
  • Astringent properties eliminate bad breath, protect mucous membranes from harmful bacteria and leave behind a pleasant aroma of anise.

By using this paste regularly, you can minimize the number of visits to the dentist, since it will not leave a single chance for the development of caries. Give yourself a snow-white smile and shine with healthy white teeth.

Composition of Miswak toothpaste

Indian teeth cleaning product gently cares for the oral cavity and makes it healthier. The paste has a complex chemical composition and includes the following components:

  • calcium carbonate;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • water;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • miswak plant extract;
  • glycerol;
  • anise extract.

The composition of Miswak toothpaste from Dabur is balanced. All components of the product act harmoniously and effectively. They complement each other’s properties, which has a positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums.

The paste is produced in a plastic tube with a volume of 100 g. Packed in a cardboard box, which contains all the necessary information about the product. The product is sold only in online stores. The cost of one tube of paste is several hundred rubles.

The paste has a white-beige color and a thick consistency. Its taste is sweetish, reminiscent of herbs. It doesn't stick to your mouth and foams moderately when brushing your teeth.

Natural toothbrush Miswak (or sivak) - reviews

https://xn--b1accz8b1g.xn--j1amh/ru/%D0%B7%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_ %D1%89%D0%B5% D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B0_ %D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0% B0%D1%8F_ %D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA_ %D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D1%81%D0%B8% D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA_-r875970.html

Awesome stuff!! Hurray, hurray, that I came across miswak on the Internet, and that now I can forget toothbrushes and toothpastes forever like a bad dream.

Because of an incorrect bite, I have weak gums in one place; it constantly bled there from even the softest brush; if you touched it a little incorrectly, your hand would tremble, or someone would push you while brushing, etc. And none of the super-praised anti-bleeding pastes helped. I forgot this problem with miswak after a month. There is no blood. AT ALL.

This time. Two - it’s simply unrealistically convenient to brush your teeth! Whenever you want, wherever you want, just sit and hit it with a stick. You want it, on the couch, in the bathroom, while watching a movie... whenever you want! No water is needed, nothing drips from your mouth)), no bubbles and other delights of cleaning with a paste.

It removes plaque just great! Teeth are smooth and shiny after brushing. After two months they became noticeably whiter.

Doesn't leave any smell behind. That is, in reality, there is no smell of anything from your mouth. Just a fresh smell. FOR A LONG TIME. And in the morning ALSO. True, there is a disclaimer here that I don’t eat meat or anything animal, so I don’t know how meat-eaters will behave.

In short, I don’t even know how I lived without this thing before)))



Here, Olya!! You answered a question that has been of interest to me and my husband for a long time!! It always happens like this, you search and search, and then bam, you find it!

We were all inclined to clean spruce or some kind of pine with a twig, but we don’t have a middle or central zone, you know, we rarely have anything with conifers, so this idea began to fall away over time, and it’s a dead end. but we know that there are no dead ends, so here she appeared with a miswak))

My husband is already happy!!! We'll definitely buy it. ok, the paste is chemical, but the bacteria that remain on the brush after cleaning actively multiply there and much, much more can be said!! so miswak is really needed!

PS: where did you start with a raw food diet? Well, in terms of theory? Isn’t it Aterov by chance??



Hello Miswak everyone. Natural teeth cleaning product. Price - 65 rubles You can buy it on the Soap Nuts website Direct link to miswak Length - 15 cm Weight - 20 g Miswak is a natural and safe alternative to a toothbrush.

Ksenia Yesyunina


It’s an interesting product, but I don’t understand how you can brush your teeth from the inside with this thing, it’s probably a bit difficult

Luda Tishchenko

It's not convenient from the inside. But it whitens well and I like the aftertaste :)

Oksana Petrova


The first time we were given such sticks by friends, I was honestly delighted. Because no toothbrush can clean your teeth better than a miswak.

They cut off small pieces, peeled off the bark and brushed their teeth. When the wand became unusable, it became like an old brush. After use, my teeth were clean.

After the donated ones ran out, they began asking friends where they could buy more. It turned out there are no problems - any Islamic goods store sells them. By the way, they are not expensive, in any case, I think everyone can afford them.



I read most of the reviews. And this same majority complains that it’s inconvenient to clean with a stick, it doesn’t reach all places, and for some, the cleaning process is not pleasant at all. What’s stopping you from adjusting the process to suit yourself? So, how do you like it? For example, for a long time...

Elena Bean


MISVAK is a natural alternative to toothpaste and brush =))))))))))))))))))



And in Egypt I bought it from the Bedouins, I didn’t even know that it was so healthy, they called this stick mikwaki, or maybe you wouldn’t even understand them miswaki.




Useful, inexpensive, environmentally friendly. Each time a new “brush”.


Healthy gums, strong teeth, clean cavity (cons for medicine). ... It smells like radish.


I am a coffee lover. The photo shows my teeth. Yes, not smooth, not “bleached” like a movie star. I brush with toothpaste once a week depending on my mood... I also often drink strong Pu-erh. Anyone who has tried it knows. Whether this is visible in my teeth - judge for yourself. I brush my teeth with Miswak (aka Sivak-al-Muslim). Not regularly, once every two days, maybe. The result is more than satisfactory. Maybe toothpaste would have the same effect, but read on the Internet about the consequences of swallowing drops of salary on an empty stomach in the morning... I use it on the advice of Muslim friends. I order from Dagestan. Cheap, high quality. Got the whole family hooked. Everyone is happy. For many years now... It’s simply indispensable on hikes, trips, etc. I recommend it to military personnel on field trips, in conditions of water shortage. Simply a gift from God to Man! Hello everyone!




Has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity and teeth


Not in regular stores

Several years ago, my husband brought me Miswak from Saudi Arabia. I didn't know about him before. For the uninitiated, I’ll explain: this is a small branch from the root of the arak tree. The Arabs also call Miswak by the word Sivak. The use of Miswak in Islam is sunnah, but this “chewing stick” was used even before the advent of Islam. Miswak looks like this: It is sold in vacuum packaging. The vacuum helps prevent the stick from molding. Before using it, you need to remove a thin layer of bark from one edge of the branch and lightly chew the wood. It will break down into fibers and will be soft, like a brush. You should use this brush to brush your teeth, or just chew it. The taste of wood is not for everyone, it is bitter, reminiscent of some kind of spice. But you quickly get used to it. The chemical elements of this tree act as an antiseptic, disinfect the oral cavity, whiten enamel, strengthen gums and freshen breath. Miswak needs to be stored in the refrigerator, but to be honest, I only used it for a short time. Then I abandoned this activity and it lay in my closet drawer. The twig just withered. I recently came across it and decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take care of your oral cavity regularly. And I started using it again. It does not lose its properties over time, only the fibers themselves are erased. I have never seen Miswak on sale, but as far as I know it is easy to find in an online store in the section of goods for Muslims. I advise you to use it, you will like the result of its work.

Asem sar



brushing his teeth



I think what I’m going to write about now will be unfamiliar to subscribers of the Otzovik site! Previously, there were no toothbrushes and toothpastes, but branches and roots of the arak tree were used as a toothbrush and this brush is called Sivak (miswak) and is sold in online stores and is also popular in Islamic countries. This brush contains more than 25 natural substances that are beneficial for your teeth and oral cavity. Studies have been conducted that state that siwak is used for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases. Sivak removes stains on tooth enamel and whitens teeth using beneficial substances. You can also quit smoking with the help of Sivak. There are beneficial properties of siwak, some of which are: it promotes the digestion process in the stomach, strengthens teeth, improves vision, removes tartar, and refreshes the mouth. The siwak is a small stick, the thickness of which varies, any end of the miswak needs to be cleaned a little with a knife, about 1 centimeter, and then a brush will form, the bristles will fall off over time and then the twig will need to be cleaned again. I had one miswak, but it dried out due to the fact that I did not put it in the package, this is my second one, I like it. The taste is a little salty, but this is the first time when I just cleaned it, it doesn’t cause an unpleasant sensation.




Organic, harmless, effective cleaning product.


It's uncomfortable out of habit. Cleaning takes longer.

I have long had the idea that industrial toothpaste is not the safest form of hygiene. But since there were no options, we had to put up with it. The tried pastes, powders and even soda did not bring the desired effect - they either did not clean well or caused injury. The miswak brush came to me by accident, it was the root of a plant. I decided to try it, who knows. And the best option at the moment emerged. The taste and smell really resembles horseradish, but not as strong. After cleaning there is no taste or smell left in the mouth. The most important advantage is that it cleans with a bang. The slightly caustic disinfectant juice of the plant quite gently but effectively dissolves plaque and brings a feeling of cleanliness and smoothness to the teeth, and cleanses the gums well. Teeth become noticeably whiter after just a week of use. The difficulty is getting used to brushing your teeth with a stick-shaped brush and choosing the optimal amount of pressure (the first time I thoroughly brushed my gums, like with a hard toothbrush). In addition, the gripping area of ​​a miswak stick is five times smaller than that of a regular toothbrush, so you have to work hard. Cleaning takes three times longer than the traditional method. I also lack the usual taste of menthol in my mouth, but I solve this problem by adding a drop of mint essential oil to the herbal infusion for rinsing. To be honest, it was an unusual feeling for three days, but then it went away. So until there's something that's equally eco-friendly but more convenient, this is my favorite toothbrush.




naturalness, environmental friendliness, simplicity



“Miswak, siwak (Arabic: سواك‎‎) is a toothbrush made from the branches and roots of the arak tree (Salvadora persica), when chewed, the fibers are separated and turned into a brush.” Once upon a time I heard about this stick and wanted to buy it, but I couldn’t find it in my city, but in Moscow one day in the Organic Shop I found these sticks there for 50-something rubles. I bought it to try. And if I admit, by the time I was 17, I was already tired of chemical toothpastes, which may not clean properly, and in those years I switched to tooth powder, I really liked it, I can only use it for months, but I want to try and other natural methods. Using a wand may not be so easy. 1) First you need to pick out about a cm of bark, 2) and then divide it into fibers, fluff it up and use it just like that, without any additives, at first it seems that this is crazy, some places are impossible to clean, but get used to it. The taste is spicy, it seems to me that it resembles ginger and I don’t understand something else, but you are guaranteed freshness for a long time. You can feel that there is less plaque, and the enamel seems to be enveloped in something slimy and pleasant. If you brush your teeth with it all the time, you will notice how they begin to brighten! This is another very nice bonus. I just have to do this all the time, I can’t afford it now, since the price has become higher than 130 rubles (((BUT I’ll try to take a photo of the miswak and teeth later. ps When I was thinking about starting to use it or not, I read an interesting story on the Internet, The man had periodontitis or something similar, he suffered, went to the doctor, paid a lot of money. And then the doctor himself told him that he was using miswak. He also decided to try and his problem disappeared. That's it.




Treats gums, removes plaque


Tart taste

Hello everyone;) I love taking care of my teeth and gums. Therefore, after seeing a review of Miswak, I decided that I URGENTLY NEED IT! No sooner said than done. I found an online store and ordered 4 sticks for myself! As I read, Miswak reduces bleeding gums, cleans plaque while preserving enamel, and also freshens breath. JUST A PANACEA FOR ME! The sticks arrived sealed in a bag with Arabic inscriptions. They turned out to be huge! It can be seen that these are roots (I read that there can be branches, but they are not as effective as roots). In order to peel off the peel, you need to try, it is oak. The peel was collected and I started splitting the stick. It turned out to be a difficult process. But having split the root, it began to resemble (in sensations) a rather hard toothbrush, which surprisingly did not injure the gums! It tastes like horseradish :) (I’m not swearing) quite a tart specific taste :) I’ve been using it periodically for a month, I noticed that my gums really stopped bleeding a lot! This is the main thing for me. I got used to the taste, I even like it :) One stick lasted a little more than a month. It needs to be constantly updated, that is, one cleaned and chewed area is enough for 2 days. Then you cut it off and start again. I store opened Miswak in the refrigerator. It doesn’t seem to be rotten :) All the best!

La belle verte


I read most of the reviews. And the same majority complains that it is inconvenient to clean with a stick, it does not reach all places, and for some, the cleaning process is not pleasant at all.

What prevents you from adjusting the process to suit yourself? So, how do you like it?

For example, I have been using miswak for a long time.

For a long time I used the wand “as it should be,” that is, the way everyone else does it, but over time I came to the conclusion that you can do it as you please, as long as the result is the same.

For myself, I did the process a little differently. I don't make a toothbrush out of the root. I bite off a piece of stick and chew thoroughly. I drive it all over my mouth.

If you want, I can clean it with the stick itself. But I prefer to just chew.

Don't forget to spit out the mass

By the way, I didn’t really notice that I had to spit. Or that a lot of drool is accumulating. Nothing.

Sorry for the intimate details

And after a year of such use, I have nothing to complain about.

Nature has provided for everything)

I have a siwak from a Pakistani brand. I ordered the first ones on a website (I don’t remember which one) for a hundred rubles apiece.

When I appreciated the full power of this wand and decided to switch to using it daily, the question arose of how to do this without going broke.

Because the speed of the disappearance of the wand was also (quite quickly) appreciated by me.

A solution was found in the person of my friend, who buys sivak in bulk for his store and generously shares it with me.

So that works out to 53 rubles per stick, including delivery to Norilsk!

And our delivery is expensive, because... only by air.

So once again I thank my savior

Only one hundred percent benefits from nature itself and no problems with its use.

Now I want to find a suitable tree and try to interact with it and stop buying.

But that's a completely different story

My recommendations and the highest score!



Hi all!

Today there will be another review about an unusual product that can and even should be stored in the REFRIGERATOR! I would like to tell you about the Miswak toothbrush. We are all accustomed to seeing something different under the word toothbrush, and not some kind of stick made of an incomprehensible substance.

Brush appearance:

Very unusual, not standard. At first, it was unusual for me to run to the refrigerator every morning and evening to brush my teeth. By the word toothbrush, I still don’t think of this stick, but it’s quite possible to call it that. This stick is pale brown in color and can be completely different in thickness. From the thinnest to the very thick.

Storage conditions:

Why do I store it in the refrigerator? You need to store the stick at a temperature no higher than +15, in my house the temperature will be higher, and in the refrigerator +4, so this is an ideal option. Moreover, the manufacturer recommends that when you open the package, keep the stick in the refrigerator.

The smell is not the most pleasant, it smells like homemade horseradish, and the smell is very pronounced. Because I don’t like horseradish, so it wasn’t very pleasant for me to chew and smell this stick, because... the taste remained too. But over time I more or less got used to it.

The price is only 80 rubles. Believe me - it's definitely worth it! It lasts for about a month, taking into account that you brush your teeth 2 times a day. A regular brush costs 150 rubles, but you can use it for 3 months. It's not profitable, right? But this one also replaces pasta! So it turns out to be very profitable!

You can buy it in the online store


Mode of application:

Yes, yes, this brush requires reading the method of use

To brush your teeth, you need to wet the tip of the stick, peel off 0.5 - 1 cm of the peel, and chew it with your teeth so that the wood fibers turn into a brush. This brush is convenient for cleaning teeth from food debris and plaque.

I decided to purchase several of these sticks at once. Well, if I didn’t like it, I would give it to someone. I think I was not mistaken, because I really like them. I’m gradually getting used to the smell and taste, but still something unpleasant remains...


The brush cleans teeth well of plaque, perfectly removes food debris, no worse than a regular brush, and even better! Not all whitening pastes cope with their task and do not give the desired result, but this BRUSH does the job! Teeth become whiter after several uses. The effect suits me quite well and I really like it!

Now my teeth are in this condition:


Whitening from Almea and regular use of this brush, the color of my teeth suits me, there is no more yellowness! I will definitely buy this stick again, and more than one! Which I recommend to you too! She does her job well, and that’s the most important thing. Therefore, I will not reduce the rating for the not very pleasant smell and taste.

Thank you for your attention!


Features of application

The instructions for Miswak toothpaste say that this product should be used after every meal. To do this, apply a small amount of paste to your toothbrush. You need to brush your teeth with this product for about two minutes. Result:

  • removing food debris;
  • smooth teeth without plaque;
  • fresh breath;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • strengthening gums;
  • whitening tooth enamel.

How to replace Indian teeth cleaner?

Miswak toothpaste cannot be purchased in stores in Russia, and people have to order it online. Therefore, consumers who have tried it have a question: “What can replace this product?” The composition of this toothpaste is unique and contains plant components such as anise and mishwak. Therefore, the replacement must be worthy.

First of all, this toothpaste can be replaced with special Miswak sticks. They clean your teeth no worse than toothpaste and heal your oral cavity. Sticks are sold in online stores.

A good alternative would be Crystal Siwak-k toothpaste. It contains mishwak extract, calcium carbonate, which strengthens teeth, and sodium monofluorophosphate, which prevents the development of caries.

For lovers of natural toothpastes, Veda Vedika tooth powder is suitable. It will provide comprehensive oral care and have a healing effect, since it contains crushed medicinal herbs. The product has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

A worthy option could be Ayur Plus toothpaste, which also contains mishwak. Additional components are: mint, ginger and black pepper extract. It is more natural than Dabur's Miswak. The product protects against caries, whitens tooth enamel, eliminates bleeding gums and belongs to the average price category.

Miswak paste can be replaced with any toothpaste that contains herbal ingredients. The most famous are: “Cedar”, teeth cleaning product from “Granny Agafya”, Aashadent with ginger and cardamom, Organic People, Logodent from Logona, Weleda Salt, Lavera BIO, ROCS, Bionica.

What is the secret of Dabur Miswak toothpaste formula | Miswak 100g?

The presented product is based on a unique and ancient technology for cleaning teeth using cleaning sticks, which prevent the development of caries. These sticks are made from Salvadoran peach wood. They have a powerful bactericidal effect and do an excellent job of cleaning teeth from food debris and plaque. This technology for cleaning teeth is embodied in the Dabur brand product. Now, to massage your gums and improve blood circulation, you can buy Miswak from Ashaindia Ayurvedic online store. By massaging your gums, toothpaste with the addition of anise will strengthen them, and extracts of medicinal herbs will destroy all pathogenic bacteria.

Consumer Reviews

Reviews of Miswak toothpaste vary. Some buyers are satisfied with the product; they say that the paste perfectly cleans teeth and freshens breath. It moderately whitens the enamel, which becomes half a tone lighter from the second week of use. The paste eliminates bleeding gums, is used sparingly, foams moderately, reduces tooth sensitivity and does not leave behind dry mouth.

Another category of users notes that the paste does not clean teeth well and has an unpleasant taste. Among the disadvantages, consumers also include the not entirely natural composition and the difficulty of purchasing this product. Often, purchasing is only possible through online stores.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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