Review of Theodent toothpastes: composition, therapeutic effects, reviews

Theodent hygienic toothpaste is the result of many years of painstaking work by a group of Tulane University scientists. They conducted a number of experiments to develop a unique Rennou formula, the main component of which is theobromine.

The product is available in 100 ml tubes. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that this substance has a positive effect on tooth enamel and copes with its hypersensitivity.

Important! Theodent is a toothpaste that cleanses teeth well of plaque, but does not contain an excessive amount of fluoride (an excess of this component can provoke a number of pathological processes in the human body).

Active ingredients

Theodent chocolate spread contains:

  • theobromine. It has antimicrobial properties and strengthens enamel. Essentially, this substance replaces fluoride.
  • Calcium acetate.
  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate.
  • Glycerol. It has a positive effect on soft tissues, prevents dehydration, and improves gum trophism.
  • Stevia extract. Gives the product a sweetish taste.
  • Vanilla and cocoa provide a pleasant aroma of toothpaste.
  • Peppermint oil stops the inflammatory process, refreshes, and disinfects.
  • Xylitol prevents caries, neutralizes acids, and stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Citric acid resists putrefactive processes in the oral cavity.
  • Sorbitol is an effective antimicrobial agent.
  • Fine soda. Gently removes plaque from enamel without damaging it.
  • Sodium benzonate. Substance with antifungal properties.

Overview of the brand's assortment

The Theodent line of toothpastes is represented by the following products.

Theodent Kids - paste for children

Theodent Kids is designed specifically for children from 3 to 8 years old.

It contains theobromine as an active substance. This remedy is suitable not only for preventing the appearance of carious cavities, but also for treating them in the early stages. With regular use, the active components of the paste stop the pathological process, and it remains in the white spot stage.

The effect of its use is noticeable after 1 week. When applied to the teeth, the paste completely covers the exposed dentinal tubules; with daily use of the product, enamel hypersensitivity disappears. In addition, the active substances help strengthen hard tissues. They gently polish the enamel, so that the surface of the teeth will remain smooth and shiny throughout the day. The product does not contain fluorine and compounds hazardous to health such as triclosan, sodium laureth sulfate and parabens.

Products for adults

Theodent Classic paste is designed for sensitive teeth. It has a mint-vanilla flavor and a pleasant creamy structure. With regular use, it prevents the appearance of caries, restores enamel, and reduces its hypersensitivity. It also does not contain dangerous compounds, so it can be swallowed.

Theodent 300 is a premium product for the care of hard dental and periodontal tissues. During cleaning, its active components fill the micropores of the dentin, resulting in thickening and restoration of the enamel.


With regular use, toothpaste provides the following results:

The best children's toothpaste

  • cleansing;
  • health improvement;
  • restoration of mineral saturation of teeth;
  • elimination of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • whitening;
  • strengthening enamel;
  • anti-caries care.

Premium class hygienic product for home care of teeth and gums

Chocolate paste and peeling for teeth: is there any point in such perversions?

Science and marketing bring us such cosmetic miracles for such cosmic money that the decision to purchase is as difficult as preparing for the first parachute jump: you sit and wonder whether you will break your leg, or whether you will get a lot of unprecedented drive. As an experienced paratrooper buyer of expensive dental products, I want to tell you what - in my opinion - you should expect from 2 brands that are very advertised on social networks and in the glossy: Montcarotte and Theodent

Theodent Classic Toothpaste

Probably, many people think about the health of their teeth and want to give them strength and whiteness, as in advertising. The creators of the toothpastes know this, so all the packaging promises us miracles. But there is a paste that no one has yet grown up to “show off”... chocolate paste


I can’t resist publishing the promises of copywriters

Theodent toothpaste is the only absolutely safe alternative to toothpastes containing fluoride in the world, which not only strengthens, but also stimulates the growth of its own, stronger enamel. The secret of Theodent toothpaste is theobromine, a substance obtained from cocoa beans. It’s so nice to hold an elegant box in your hands, it’s so “delicious” to brush your teeth, and it’s so great to understand that this is not just a pleasure, but also one of the best dental care products in the world.

Hallelujah! 1. Paste without fluoride (many residents of Central Russia cannot have it) 2. Paste removes sensitivity, which many (including me) experience in winter. 3. Paste restores enamel... which itself is restored only in sharks and rodents... 4. Paste made from chocolate and can be eaten

Is all this really true?!

Now let's listen to how my crystal castle is shattered...

1. Sensitivity

After a month of use it hasn't gone away.

2. Cleaning quality

leaves much to be desired: there is a feeling of “incompleteness of the process.” I decided to use this paste only in the morning, when my teeth need a little refreshment, and not to thoroughly remove the remains of all meals for the day.

3. For pasta packaging designers, the word “ ergonomics”

» not particularly familiar. To open the cap with wet hands, some people, you know, brush their teeth with wet hands. On the first day of use, I broke the cap while trying to brush my teeth in the shower.

4. The pasta has a very pleasant taste

...Orbit sweet mint... this is, of course, good, but where is the chocolate?!

There are lies and disappointment all around

. It’s sad to photograph pasta for 2,500 rubles (you can buy it abroad for 10 USD) against the background of a toilet, but...

Conclusion Duration of use: more than a month Rating: objective - 3; subjectively, for the “greatest bummer” - 1.

Peeling for teeth – MontCarotte Smile Therapy Smoothing and Brightening Tooth Peeling

I drink coffee... at least 5 mugs a day... cardiologists and heart, sorry... I also adore tomatoes and everything connected with them, so I eat dishes containing tomato paste almost every day.
And I love red wine. And periodontists love me very much. After all, at least once every 5-6 months I come to have my teeth professionally cleaned to remove staining.

My next cleanse was planned for November, but due to illness it didn’t work out, and then I had to fly to another country for a long time. Celebrating the New Year with yellow teeth didn’t make sense to me in every sense, so, according to the old Slavic tradition, I decided to self-medicate and bought a highly praised dental peeling from MontCarotte.


2 times a week at night, after lightly brushing my teeth with regular toothpaste and floss, I thoroughly brushed my teeth with a small amount of peeling (as in the photo)

The product foams very powerfully, does not cause a burning sensation, but leaves a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

After cleaning with peeling, the teeth and oral mucosa (although I don’t specifically clean it) feel polished. The feeling lasts until the next evening.


MontCarotte Smoothing and Brightening Tooth Peeling is a case where an unusual new product turned out to be very good. The peeling gave an excellent cleansing effect even after the second use. It does not whiten/lighten enamel, but does remove plaque. This makes your teeth appear whiter and allows you to stretch out the time between brushings.

Of course, the use of peeling will not replace a periodontist,

since only ultrasound can thoroughly clean tartar and medullary spaces.

After 9 months between cleanings (nonsense given my “diet”), thanks to peeling, my teeth look pretty good:

Conclusion Price - about 1,500 rubles for 30 ml (the product lasts for about 4-5 months) Rating - 5+



Svetlana, 43 years old, Perm: Inexpensive hygienic toothpaste, the whole family uses it. It smells nice, has a fairly thick consistency, and cleans well.

Irina, 28 years old, Moscow: I bought the children’s version of Theodent for my son - it has a chocolate taste, so the child enjoys brushing his teeth twice a day. So far we have not had any special problems in the field of dentistry.

Vasily, 38 years old, Vladivostok: A good toothpaste for those who do not have critical diseases of the oral cavity - advanced caries, periodontal disease and other troubles. My wife and I have been buying Theodent for several years and are satisfied.

Alexey, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg: Theodent freshens breath, removes plaque from teeth and tongue quite well - just like a number of other hygienic toothpastes. To be honest, I don’t see anything special about this product.

As you can see, the Theodent line of toothpastes offers hygienic compositions for home dental care for children and adults. According to dentists, this group of products efficiently copes with all the main tasks - removing plaque, fighting germs, preventing caries and inflammation, eliminating bad breath. These toothpastes do not contain fluoride, are safe and can be swallowed.

Theodent toothpastes

While the store has given a 30% discount on ALL toothpastes this weekend, I want to share my opinion about Theodent toothpastes, which cost under 3,000 thousand in our stores.

A little about why they are so expensive... Its developers, specialists from the American company BioInnovation Center, took the composition of the toothpaste quite seriously. From there, fluorides, which are present in many toothpastes and are toxic to humans in excess quantities, are completely excluded. At the same time, the chocolate toothpaste included theobromine, calcium and phosphates. In proportions that promote not only high-quality teeth cleaning, but also the building up of damaged enamel. Which should make the surface of the teeth not only more durable, but also snow-white.

The main component that sets Theodent chocolate toothpaste apart from others is cocoa extract, presented under the name Rennou. And which, according to the inventors, is a real breakthrough in the field of components of oral hygiene products. The paste is non-toxic, safe for children and harmless if accidentally swallowed (while swallowing formulations with fluorides is strictly not recommended).

The first to come to us was Theodent, Kids, Fluoride-Free Chocolate Toothpaste With Rennou, Whitening Chocolate Chip, 3.4 oz (96.4 g)

I didn’t write a review on the children’s paste until I received and tried the adult one, I wanted to compare and evaluate the difference.

What can I say? Personally, I liked the adult version more in terms of taste and sensations. The nursery has a sweet candy smell, a sweetish taste and a beige color, and does not foam at all when brushing your teeth. It doesn’t matter to a child what to brush their teeth with, but when I tried it on myself, I didn’t feel the expected freshness and smoothness of my teeth. In general, the pasta is not bad, but considering the price of almost 800 rubles. before discounts, and my requirements for it are higher.

In particular, I didn’t like the very uncomfortable cap, which was difficult even for me to remove, and already on the second day it burst almost in half. I see from the reviews that I'm not the only one. Given such a visually impressive box and tube, couldn't they use thicker plastic?

Adult Theodent, Fluoride Free Toothpaste With Rennou, Whitening Crystal Mint, 3.4 oz (96.4 g)

I liked it better in terms of taste and feel. The paste foams better, does not have a cloying odor, has a fresh minty taste (due to the content of mint oil), and has good cleaning abilities. My main problem when brushing my teeth is bleeding gums, but after using Desert Essence toothpaste it seems to have almost gone away. With this paste, the gums also do not bleed (there is also the effect of pycnogenol + the use of a soft brush with carbon threads instead of the usual bristles).

The cap is also not very comfortable. Considering that the baby one burst in my hands on the second day, here I try to remove it very carefully.

Having evaluated both, I can say that I will not take the children’s one again, but most likely I will take the adult one (I would like to evaluate it with prolonged exposure).

Buyers' opinion

Consumer reviews of Theodent toothpastes are not as clear as the manufacturer promises.

I bought Theodent Kids toothpaste for my child because I noticed that dark spots had appeared on his temporary teeth. They brushed her teeth morning and evening for a month. The spots are gone. Only a slight yellowish coating can now be seen on the enamel.

The paste is designed specifically for baby teeth. It has a pleasant chocolate taste and, most importantly, it can be swallowed, as it does not contain dangerous compounds. Of course, it’s not cheap, but I’m happy with the result, so we’ll continue to clean with it.

Marina, 29

I have hypersensitivity of tooth enamel. I bought Theodent Classic paste. I really liked it, its taste is pleasant, the sensitivity of the enamel has decreased, now it does not react so sharply to cold, hot, sour and sweet. Teeth became stronger.

Anastasia, 21

An ordinary paste, there are much better and cheaper products on sale.

Oleg, 35

Lifting comb, shower deodorant and other beauty miracles

Can a comb have a lifting effect, is it possible to wash with deodorant, and do we really need black toothpaste? Yana Z. tests products designed to produce a wow effect. And wonders whether it is always necessary. Sometimes I look at a heap of cosmetics like a new Russian looks at Christmas tree balls: “Well, they’re round, well, they’re shiny... But they don’t make me happy.” And sometimes - like Carol’s Alice: “Everything becomes more wonderful and more wonderful...”. It’s nice, of course, that the industry is trying its best to surprise me and produces either a lifting comb, or a hybrid of shower gel with deodorant, or foam for washing hair. It’s especially nice if these products reveal some other advantages besides the notorious wow effect.

But it happens in different ways.

Lift Brush, Fealena

I've been waiting for this moment.

Well really. There is a lifting mascara (Max Factor, and, by the way, it’s not bad:), a lifting gel for eyebrows, as far as I know, at a low start... and here’s a lifting comb! We are greeted with applause.

According to the iron logic of the manufacturers, our jowls, which have fallen under the influence of gravity, should be tightened due to - quote - “an alloy of semi-precious tourmaline stone with an iron alloy + a balanced structure of comb teeth.”

Lift Brush was created by “Japanese scientists on the basis of traditional concepts of oriental medicine with the use of modern high technologies” (C). Well, a worthy response from Japanese scientists to British scientists, who every day discover something dizzyingly magical. Promised - quote - “Using a lifting comb lifts the skin of the forehead along the eyebrow line and the entire contour of the face, smoothes out facial wrinkles, reduces puffiness, and improves complexion.”

In general, stop me, otherwise I will now rewrite everything stated on the website where this comb is sold - (Everything there is absolutely wonderful, including the photo of Laima Vaikule with a weed in her mouth.)

The method of application also delivers. You need to comb not your hair (or rather, not only your hair), but also your face. The direction is always and strictly from bottom to top. “Along the forehead - from the beginning of the eyebrows and further along the scalp to the back of the head. From the edge of the eyebrows to the back of the head. From the edge of the lips along the contour of the face and cheeks to the back of the head.” (WITH).

After all these manipulations, which must be carried out for 1.5 - 2 minutes, a “tangible lifting effect” should occur.

It doesn't come.

Hashtag #whynotsurprised

There is a video on You-tube where one Japanese woman is scratching another Japanese woman with this comb. With the same result, to my naked eye. That is, with no result.

Oh, here’s another promise: “activates biologically active points of the genitourinary system.” I believe in the latter: the price of the Lift Brush is 9,000 rubles. This is where, obviously, the maximum activation of the points of the genitourinary system occurs. Because laughter really can. Well, you understand.

In general, she combs her hair quite well. So soft. It feels good to the head. But all the same, dear Japanese scientists - #where do you choose this kind of grass?

Deodorant-antiperspirant-shampoo-shower-gel Deo-Shower QC, Nannic

Another thing from the category of “what doesn’t happen in the world, but it happened.” Deodorizing (more precisely, anti-perspirant) shower gel, which can be used to wash your hair at the same time. Produced by the small Belgian niche family brand Nannic.

Looks like shaving foam. Promises 24-hour comfort and freedom from sweat. Suitable for sensitive skin.

The method of application is not trivial. Shake the can. Apply the foam to dry (and, presumably, not perfectly clean) armpits. Do something useful for 2-3-4 minutes. (For example, brush your teeth. Yes, I know what you’re thinking now. But no, this thing doesn’t work like toothpaste, it’s better to use Colgate or whatever you use.) Then get into the shower and wash yourself completely with this foam. You can include the head and - separately marked - intimate parts.

Dry yourself with a towel and not smell like anything all day.

My skepticism knew no bounds. But he was put to shame. It turned out that the joke was good. Really really good. When it’s hot, when it’s sweaty, when it’s stuffy, when you’re on a bike all day and, in theory, everything is sweating, including your back - this Deo-Shower QC, as it turns out, is an absolutely irreplaceable thing. You don’t completely stop sweating, but you do it intelligently—in moderation. And you don't smell.

Emboldened, I risked washing my hair with it. Of course, he doesn’t wash himself at all. But it rinses my hair surprisingly. I don’t recommend repeating this trick without conditioner - it’s difficult to comb. And if you dream of such smooth-smooth and silky-silky hair, this is also not your case. But if it’s like me - I like it when my hair is denser and coarser, or something - then everything can turn out very well.

And also, as I found out on the website, you can use it if your feet sweat a lot. Just massage into your feet. It helps and takes away the smell.

In general, in fact, this is a shower foam with an odor- and sweat-suppressing effect. Great for hiking, traveling, or in a stuffy city. Since summer has just begun, give me two.

Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Zinc Coceth Sulfate, PPG-2 Hydroxyethyl Coco/Isostearamide, Inulin Hydrolysate, Potassium Undecylenoyl Hydrolysed Wheat Protein, Sodium Capryloyl Glutamate, Lactic Acid, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, PEG-45 M.

Price: 1,600 rub. on

Sunscreen spray UV Shield, Nannic

Having become interested in the Nannic brand, I decided to try another thing that also falls into the “obvious - incredible” category: UV Shield sunscreen spray. The promises on the site are dizzying: absorbs 95% of ultraviolet radiation (!), contains chemical UV filters (but they do not penetrate the skin, and, accordingly, do not cause harm, which is often silent about, but in vain) and - attention - does not contains oils.

That is, it is not perceived by the skin as an additional load, the very thought of which makes me feel sick in the heat.

In appearance, this is such a neat, modest, discreet bottle. Slightly smaller than the palm of your hand. Easy.

I decided to test it in conditions as close as possible to combat: at the Lancaster media regatta, where there was a lot of sun and water, and where everyone corporately smeared, of course, Lancaster, and our Christina, who was not completely smeared, had her back burned. And I’m like: “No, no, I don’t need sun protection, I’m fireproof, like a closet.” Well, it’s almost true - to get burns, I need to lie on the beach for a day, and not on the one near Moscow, but on the Maldivian one. But the tan still sticks to your face quickly.

Sprayed with this spray. Miracle number van - the tan did not stick. Miracle number one - nothing stuck at all. I mean, it’s really not sticky at all, not at all oily, very comfortable and, it seems, even very moisturizing. I’m going to say a seditious thing now, because I’m afraid of these “always”, “never”, “best of the best” and other categorical statements. But it’s true, guyz – I’ve never seen a lighter, no, completely weightless, incredibly pleasant product with UV protection in my life.

It’s just nothing - and that’s why it’s wonderful. Everyone run and take it immediately.

And I will continue to look into the Nannic brand; I found a lot of interesting things on their website.

Ingredients: Aqua, Octocrylene, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, Sorbitol, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Butylmethoxydibenzoylmethane, Silica, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide, Pentylene Glycol, Isopentyldiol, Alcohol, Sodium Lactate, PVP, Ethylhexylglycerin, Cocoyl Proline, Lecithin, Chlor phenesin, Disodium EDTA, Urea, TEA-Lactate, Serine, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Porphyra Umbilicalis/Porphyra Umbilicalis Extract, Rosa damascene, BHT, Propylene Glycol, Allantoin.

Price: 3200 rub. on

Foam-cowashing Analog Cleansing Foam Conditioner, R+Co

I have never been a member of a co-washing sect. The pleasure of washing your hair with something non-soapy for 15 minutes for a dubious (in my case) result is clearly not for me.

I was interested in this foam because the washing process lasts the same as usual. Designed for hair of any type, especially suitable for those that fly apart and need to be given some weight. There is no need to use air conditioning, but it is not forbidden either.

Well, I generally like the R+Co brand - it’s such a special hair product, created by hair stylists, and all their products are free of heavy sulfates (and I don’t like sulfates even more than co-washing). In general, a brand with meaning. How we love.

Well, in general, this thing really turned out to be foam:

And it's really good. It rinses your hair and (without conditioner) makes it a little heavier. It doesn't smell like anything. It doesn’t add any volume (but I don’t need it). And it reduces the time of washing your hair by half - and the weight of your luggage, if you don’t expect hotel pleasures and travel with your shampoos, conditioners, masks, that’s all, too. In general, unexpected, but like it.

Ingredients: Aqua/Water/Eau, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Isopentane, Dimethicone, Decyl Glucoside, Stearalkonium Chloride, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Panthenol, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Isobutane, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Steapyrium Chloride, Polyquaternium-59, Apigenin, Oleanolic Acid, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein PG-Propyl Silanetriol , PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Extract, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Leaf Extract, Lawsonia Inermis (Henna) Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Urtica Dioica ( Nettle) Leaf Extract, Biotinoyl Tripeptide-1, Ceteth-10 Phosphate, Dicetyl Phosphate, Butylene Glycol, PPG-26-Buteth-26, Polysorbate 20, Disodium EDTA, EDTA, Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, Alcohol Denat., Citric Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Methylisothiazolinone, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Parfum/Fragrance, Butylphenyl Methylpropiona

Price: 3150 rub. in TSUM.

Toothpaste White is black, Curaprox and Theodent

In the last couple of years, toothpastes with a concept - and a price tag that is clearly not for everyone - have simply become a very hot trend. It’s as if they were thinking about what other area they could cut into - and then - bingo! — remembered about dentistry. (Yulia was absolutely right when she felt the onset of this trend in 2014.)

Although dentistry has never been given to anyone for free. But if the idea that you have to pay for a correct bite has already sunk into the minds of the Shirnarmas, the idea that you can pay some tangible amount for toothpaste has not yet.

But manufacturers are working on it.

They do their best to prove to us that new toothpastes are much more toothsome than the old ones. It's hard to argue with their arguments. But it’s also difficult to believe in them. Just look at the gold paste that Swiss Smile released a year ago. I still smile with all my 27 metal-ceramic teeth, I barely remember.) I, honestly, also have little trust in the dental experts who convince us of the benefits of new toothpastes. I understand their logic and also mathematics too well. The more expensive the paste, the more profitable it is to sell it. That's all mathematics.

But I can’t argue that, for example, toothpaste without fluoride is guaranteed to be better than toothpaste with fluoride. There is not enough theoretical basis :) Well, that is, I understand that if it exists, it is probably better if it is without fluorine. But why eat it if you are an adult is a mystery. And how much of it must be eaten for any harm to be detected is also a mystery.

And most of all, I don’t understand the fashion for black toothpastes. Apart from the slogan White is the new black, everything else doesn’t seem funny to me.

And the least fun thing I find is cleaning the sink from black deposits.

Such black pastes have recently appeared in many quite nice brands, such as Splat, for example. But their meaning eludes me. No, they don’t whiten teeth better than white ones, otherwise everyone would have been producing only black ones a long time ago. Yes, they create an informational occasion. On the pages of glossy magazines in the selection “All that black” they look organic next to the little black dress and the fragrance of the same name. But dark stains on the bathroom mirror are worse than white ones, honestly.

Another mystery is pastes with a price tag above 2000 rubles. Such pastes - for example, children's, chocolate-flavored - are produced by Theodent. And he claims that this is the only way to force children to brush their teeth. Because they are sweet. (Not children, but pastas. More precisely, not only children.)

Well, I don’t know... For 2960 rubles. (the price of a tube of Theodent Kids on the brand’s website) I’d better hire Sukhomlinsky and Makarenko as tutors, and let them explain to these little scoundrels the meaning of brushing their teeth.

But that's okay. Theodent's most elegant toothpaste is not chocolate, but literally golden. Because it costs 14,780 rubles.

It is supposed to reduce tooth sensitivity, which is important when wearing braces. Like, after 7 days - quote - “complete loss of sensitivity.”

This is what I am inclined to believe. Because after paying almost 15 thousand for toothpaste, you will definitely lose all sensitivity to common sense. And your teeth won't hurt. And you probably won’t need deodorants either.

Hashtag #deaddonotsweat.

Have you tried any of these wonders of the world?

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Theodent products include the following:

  • all remedies eliminate hypersensitivity within a week;
  • makes teeth whiter;
  • removes carious spots at the initial stage;
  • can be used before and after professional teeth cleaning and whitening;
  • children's toothpaste has a chocolate taste, which most kids like and therefore they enjoy brushing their teeth;
  • the company's products do not contain toxic substances, so they can be swallowed and will not cause harm to health;
  • the pastes do not need to be washed off, which is especially convenient if there is no water nearby;
  • the composition does not include highly abrasive substances, so no damage to the enamel is observed when using the product;
  • have a GRAS safety certificate

Among the disadvantages, one can note the high cost.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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