List of the best ROKS whitening toothpastes and important rules for their use

Today, is a very popular procedure all over the world , which not everyone can afford due to its high cost.
People are looking for cheaper and more accessible methods, such as whitening toothpastes.

Among the huge selection of such toothpastes, a special niche is occupied by the famous ROCS brand of toothpastes from the DRC company.

This type of whitening paste is produced using a special technology and has occupied a leading position in the market since 2007 .

Features of ROX whitening toothpaste

The abbreviation in the name of the toothpastes ROCS (ROCS) translates as: “remineralizing systems for the oral cavity.”

Note! The special technology of the whitening effect of toothpastes is based on the process of remineralization - restoration of the layer of tooth enamel by saturating it with minerals.

The manufacturer also took into account the age of the person, developing whitening products separately for children and the elderly.

Their composition is unique, consisting entirely of natural plant extracts and a complex of minerals .

It does not contain strong antiseptics or hazardous substances that irritate tooth enamel, so it is ideal for people with hypersensitive teeth.

Paste composition

  • Bromelain. An enzyme obtained from tropical plants of the Bromeliaceae family, most often from the genus Pineapple. The main task of this component is to break down the protein compounds that make up dental plaque. The enzyme has a gentle cleansing effect and remains on the teeth for a long time, preventing the appearance of new plaque.
  • Xylitol. Its action is aimed at preventing the occurrence of caries . Xylitol crystals help calcium penetrate into tooth enamel and destroy pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Clinical studies have proven that the action of xylitol blocks the removal of minerals from tooth enamel, which leads to their accumulation. The color of tooth enamel is restored naturally and is preserved for a long time.
  • A mineral complex of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus is part of the natural composition of tooth enamel. The lack of these components affects oral health. Tooth enamel becomes sensitive to aggressive environments: acids, hot and cold foods. The mineral composition prevents tooth decay, restores the natural alkaline balance of the oral cavity and increases the resistance of tooth enamel to the aggressive effects of acids.

Keep in mind! ROCS whitening paste gently cleanses and is suitable for people with highly abrasive enamel.

The product contains mechanical cleaning particles made from low-abrasive materials.

The index of abrasive substances varies by age: for children -19, for teenagers - 45, for adults -59 units.

Positive effect

Whitening and polishing toothpaste ROCS “White Verse” has a patented formula based on the MINERALIN® complex, reinforced with special microparticles of silicon dioxide. All active components of the paste have an individual mechanism of action, providing comprehensive oral care:

  • xylitol
    , obtained from grain crops - has prebiotic properties, protects against bacteria that can cause caries, improves calcium absorption;
  • bromelain, which is a special plant enzyme that is obtained from the stems and fruits of pineapple. Bromelain carefully dissolves soft plaque, has anti-inflammatory properties, and prevents bacteria from attaching to the teeth and oral mucosa. This enzyme has been actively used in various fields of medicine for more than 30 years, the benefits and validity of its use have been proven many times;
  • Calcium glycerophosphate and magnesium chloride
    are mineral compounds that are friendly and related to the human body. They strengthen dentin and enamel, returning them to healthy whiteness;
  • microparticles of silicon dioxide - carefully remove dark stains (from cigarettes, coffee, etc.), polish the enamel, give it whiteness and a beautiful shine.

As a result of regular use, ROCS Whitening toothpaste “Blank Verse”:

  • effectively removes soft and dark plaque;
  • brightens tooth enamel, gives it shine;
  • ensures long-term cleanliness of teeth and gums;
  • eliminates inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • strengthens enamel and dentin;
  • prevents the formation of tartar and dark plaque;
  • prevents the development of caries;
  • normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, eliminates dysbacteriosis.

The high efficiency and positive qualities of ROCS Whitening “White Verse” have been proven by laboratory and clinical studies.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive aspects of the ROKS dental product are:

  • gentle cleaning based on low-abrasive components;
  • does not contain fluorine;
  • whitening by 3-4 tones with prolonged use;
  • completely natural composition of plant extracts and minerals;
  • duration of effect. Lasts up to 6-7 months with regular oral hygiene;
  • saturates tooth enamel with minerals, blocks the excretion of calcium, which prevents the formation of tartar and caries;
  • effectiveness even with progressive development of caries;
  • kills microorganisms and bacteria, clearing protein plaque;
  • freshens breath;
  • economical: a small amount of product is enough to achieve a one-time effect;
  • safety for children. The manufacturer has specially developed whitening pastes for children of different ages and adolescents.

Stay up to date! Having a huge number of advantages, the ROKS line of whitening products has some minor disadvantages:

  • high cost compared to other analogues;
  • absence of sweeteners, flavors and fragrances. This makes the product highly specialized for whitening, and not for daily teeth cleaning;
  • the absence of abrasive materials requires the use of toothbrushes with hard bristles to achieve the desired result;
  • does not replace whitening in a dental clinic.

Indications for use

Toothpaste ROCS “Whitening. Blank Verse" is recommended for people over 18 years of age who want to lighten tooth enamel, ensure its shine, and also prevent darkening. The paste is suitable for regular daily use. It not only performs an aesthetic function, brightening the enamel, ensuring its healthy shine, but also has pronounced therapeutic and hygienic effects: it qualitatively removes plaque, slows down the settling of bacteria on the oral mucosa and teeth, freshens breath, relieves inflammation of the gums, etc.


  1. Intolerance to components. The instructions indicate a contraindication for people sensitive to the components of the drug. If you are hypersensitive to the bromelain enzyme, allergic reactions and nausea may occur.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy and lactation, the baby receives all substances directly from the mother. The composition of this series is completely natural, but plant extracts can cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother and newborn.
  3. Very thin tooth enamel with many chips and cracks. Such teeth must first be treated in a clinic. Of course, the manufacturer promises that the product heals small cracks and restores even thin enamel, but in advanced cases it is better to entrust the restoration to a specialist.
  4. Wearing braces. Whitening becomes meaningless; a large area of ​​tooth enamel is located under arches and locks. If you whiten your teeth while wearing braces, after they are removed, the color of the enamel will be uneven and professional whitening will be required.

General rules of use

  • Visit your dentist first. Remove tartar, cure individual problems, carry out professional cleaning of tooth enamel. This is important because the drug whitens all areas of tooth enamel, including tartar.
  • Use a brush with medium-hard bristles or stiff bristles. The ROKS product does not have strong abrasives and is soft in structure. For better cleaning, use brushes with stiff bristles.
  • Do not abuse coffee, strong tea and smoking cigarettes. Failure to follow a diet reduces the effectiveness of whitening. If you can’t give up the habit completely, then you need to at least reduce the frequency of use so that the result is impressive.
  • Regular oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes, morning and evening, as well as after strong tea or coffee, helps achieve the desired effect.

List of ROX whitening toothpastes

Rox whitening "White Verse"

Gives whiteness and shine to teeth, reduces bleeding gums.

Apply with streaking movements to the front teeth, then clean the chewing teeth with circular movements, grabbing the gums.

The average price is 269 rubles.

Rox - sensational whitening

Narrow-profile product.

Effective whitening is carried out due to microgranules that provide multi-stage protection, grinding teeth and penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Cost: 899 rubles.

Rox anti-tobacco

It is worth noting! For daily oral hygiene of smokers. The composition includes vitamin E, which acts as a natural antioxidant.

The substance polyvinylpyrrolidone has an antiseptic effect,

The main purpose of this product is to lighten the enamel, reduce dry mouth and give fresh breath.

Baobab extract, also included in the composition, copes well with this.

The enzyme bromelain and silicon dioxide, included in most ROKS pastes, have a cleansing and whitening effect and remove nicotine plaque.

“Anti-tobacco” is also suitable for people who consume highly staining products: coffee, strong tea, wine.

Apply the toothpaste in a small amount onto the bristles of a medium-hard toothbrush and brush your teeth with gentle movements for 2-3 minutes.

The average cost in Russia is 265 rubles.

"Rox Bionics"

Designed for daily care of sensitive teeth .

The components of the composition strengthen tooth enamel and heal problematic gums.

Stay up to date! The product has an olive color due to the plant extracts included in the composition: kelp, eucalyptus, and clove, which contain iodine, eugenol and eucalyptol.

These substances strengthen the gums and reduce their bleeding from the first days of use .

The paste contains the compound glycerophosphate, which protects tooth enamel from destruction.

Directions for use: Apply the mixture to the bristles of a toothbrush and gently cleanse your teeth in a circular motion, grabbing the gums.

Average price - 240 rubles

Series "Baby"

Released by the manufacturer specifically for children .

The peculiarity of the paste is the safety of the composition in case of accidental ingestion , gentle care and a variety of tastes.

Each child will choose a product to their liking.

The series' arsenal includes the following types:

  • from 0 to 3 years - “Linden aroma”, “Fragrant chamomile”;
  • from 3-7 years “Fruit cone”, “Barberry”, “Berry fantasy”, “With the scent of roses”, Bubble gum”.

The category of pastes from 0 to 3 years contains double the amount of xylitol (a natural sugar substitute), which provides reliable protection against caries.

Chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces inflammation and pain during teething, and prevents the development of oral candidiasis.

The drug has a soft consistency, the taste is close to milk.

Suitable even for children suffering from allergic reactions.

The 3-7 year category has a richer range of flavors and reliably protects baby teeth from caries .

For your information! Mineral low-abrasive components are added here to gently cleanse and brighten tooth enamel.

The patented Mineralin complex includes a high content of 50% calcium hydroxyapatite suspension, which forms a protective antibacterial layer for tooth enamel.

Products in this category have a prebiotic effect, normalizing the microbial composition of the oral cavity .

to use the Baby series pastes under the supervision of an adult .

For infants, the following method of use is recommended: the mother puts the baby on her lap, puts a special silicone brush on her finger and lets the baby get used to it a little, suck, chew.

Afterwards, moisten the brush and squeeze out a small ball of paste, the size of a pea.

Clean the incisors and first teeth with vertical movements away from the gums. Chewing teeth are cleaned in a circular motion

The cost of the paste is 231 rubles.

Rox - active calcium

A separate type of paste created for the prevention and treatment of caries . Has a multi-mineral composition.

Incoming elements - magnesium, calcium, silicon and phosphorus strengthen tooth enamel . Calcium is contained in an easily accessible form.

The paste can be used during the treatment of caries. The composition acts sparingly, without causing destruction of the filled tooth.

The average price in Russia is 252 rubles.

Rox uno calcium

Combines the positive qualities of the “Active Calcium” and “Sensational Whitening” pastes.

Important! Its action is aimed at actively strengthening tooth enamel and imparting radiance and whiteness. It has a pleasant aroma, there are pastes with tangerine and mint flavors.

Compared to other pastes in this line, it is cheaper.

Cost - 210 rubles.

Rocs toothpaste - reviews


I love rocs White Verse paste, this is not the first time I have bought it, it suits me perfectly - in taste, smell, action. There really is a whitening effect, teeth shine after brushing, pleasant mint, freshens breath for a long time.


I really liked it, this is exactly the kind of delicate, but at the same time intense whitening that I was looking for. In addition to whitening, the paste also normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, plus eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums. Strengthens teeth very well, prevents the appearance of dark plaque and tartar. I really liked it, I don’t think I’ll change it for anything for sure.


Amazing toothpaste. I’ve been using it quite recently, but the people around me are already starting to notice the difference: how it was “before” and what I have now. But in addition to its whitening ability, it also has antibacterial properties that help protect against gum disease and tooth decay. These effects are achieved through a combination of ingredients: bromelain, xylitol, calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, which also help compensate for the increased sensitivity that some people experience when using whitening toothpastes. The taste is subtle and not too strong, without an unpleasant aftertaste. Compared to other toothpaste packaging, I like that ROCS Blank Verse has a flat flip top for easy access. I RECOMMEND the pasta!


Somehow I didn’t pay enough attention to dental floss. It seemed to me that cleaning 2 times a day is enough, and my maximum is to use the mouthwash before bed. I thought that the program did the maximum in oral care. The dentist said that dental floss is the maximum program, there is no need to worry about the gaps between the teeth. I chose the rocks thread, now I don’t go anywhere without this thread, it’s always in my purse, it’s so convenient to use, it also has a mint taste. I gently walk at night before cleaning.



  • does not have a strong taste
  • safe at any age.


  • No

I planned my pregnancy carefully and scrupulously. Not without consulting a dental hygienist. I have suffered from caries since childhood. It is easier to count teeth that do not yet have fillings than those that do. Plus weak enamel. So the doctor advised me to use the ROCS remineralizing gel.

The gel is sold mainly in pharmacies, costs about 300 rubles per 45g package. The consumption of the gel is very small, so the drug lasts for a long time.

The gel is transparent, somewhat runny. Has a slight mint flavor. The main active ingredients are calcium, magnesium and xylitol. The gel does not contain fluoride and can be used at any age.

However, there is a fruit-flavored version of this gel for children) Safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

I used it before pregnancy, during it and still use it now. No new carious spots appeared; at the last examination, the doctor said that the condition of the enamel had improved.

I hope that the gel will allow me to meet with the burr less often)



  • Easy
  • gentle
  • whitens
  • strengthens teeth!


  • I can’t point out any cons!

Hello everyone friends!

There are a very large number of people in need of urgent dental care!

This gel strengthens and nourishes our teeth, and this is not just a publicity stunt, but the truth, the gel really strengthens the teeth and, as a bonus, it also whitens!

I am very pleased with the ROCS remineralizing gel, this is the fourth time I’ve bought it and I can’t live without it!

I got my aunt hooked on it too, and now we take turns purchasing ROCS tooth gels!

My teeth have become stronger and healthier, these are simply amazing results in my opinion, and most importantly, very quickly, in addition, I cannot help but note the amazing taste of this gel, transparent, light and very pleasant!



  • not nasty
  • pleasant taste
  • good result


  • they were not found

It’s good that my dentist advised me to use this particular paste for my child. My child had problems, and while using ROCS paste for a month now and for several days now, after brushing his teeth with it in the morning and evening, I noticed that there was no deterioration. Manufacturers promise that a very thin film remains on the teeth, preventing the teeth from further decay, and I see this really being the case. In general, I now advise all my friends who have small children to use toothpaste of this brand for the appropriate age. By the way, not only for kids, but for different age groups of children there is their own pasta. And each pack also contains instructions on how to brush your teeth correctly and a lot of other useful information. A huge plus for manufacturers!



  • convenient to use
  • neutral taste
  • restores enamel.


  • not detected

I bought this gel to strengthen the enamel, because after the birth and child, and especially after the completion of breastfeeding, I felt that my teeth had become sensitive, so I decided to restore the enamel with the help of this gel. It is very easy and convenient to use, in the evening I brushed my teeth, applied the gel and calmly went to bed. I took the course for 4 weeks, the sensitivity disappeared, my teeth became healthy and white again, as it turned out, the gel also lightens the enamel, which is also nice.



  • Helps protect enamel


  • not detected

I started using ROCS gel after hygienic teeth cleaning at the dentist. The doctor advised using it to preserve the cleaning effect longer and protect the enamel of the teeth. I've been using it for a year now. The effect is excellent. Teeth are whiter, the enamel is stronger, and not as sensitive as before.



  • pleasant taste
  • can be swallowed
  • price.


  • not detected

Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about Rox teeth gel.

When I came to see a periodontist for the first time with a complaint of severe tooth sensitivity, he advised me to use the remineralizing gel for teeth Rox. At first I was skeptical, there were thoughts that some kind of gel could really restore my enamel? But I still went and bought it and immediately wanted to try this miracle remedy on myself. Now to the description: the tube is large enough, the gel tastes good, and most importantly, you don’t have to worry if you swallow it. It is recommended to apply it to the tooth with a brush, but in my opinion it would be more convenient to use a brush; in the mouth you immediately feel the small particles of the gel; they taste quite pleasant. After 40 minutes you can eat and drink.

When I had already used the entire tube, I noticed that my teeth were no longer so sensitive to cold and hot, and a nice bonus was that they had brightened a couple of shades. I will use this gel in the future and I hope that they will make a more convenient package with a brush for application.


Whether we like it or not, the condition of our teeth has a huge impact on our appearance. I myself have more than once observed beautiful, well-groomed, pleasant people until they smiled. The impression immediately changed a little, not for the better. I am a fan of drinking tea and also drinking coffee. The teeth did not share my passion for this and decided to take offense at me for this, namely to turn yellow. I somehow didn’t want to smile with my hand over my mouth, so I started trying different methods of whitening at home, because I didn’t have any extra money in my budget for professional whitening. By the way, I also have very thin tooth enamel and I was looking for the most gentle means. I'll tell you a little about what I tried. Brushing your teeth with crushed activated carbon produces some results, but it seriously damages the enamel, so this method is no longer needed. Brushing your teeth with the addition of soda to toothpaste may have an effect, but I didn’t have the patience to wait more than a month. And so, having stumbled upon a set of toothpaste + enamel strengthening gel (remineralizing) from ROK in one of the pharmacy chains, I finally found everything I dreamed of. The price is affordable, the effect is noticeable almost immediately (several uses) and the enamel does not suffer! The application scheme is as follows: first we brush our teeth with whitening paste, then wash our toothbrush, squeeze out the gel onto it and apply it to the surface of the teeth using the same movements as when brushing, leaving it for at least 30 minutes. All! The result will please you! But to improve it, you should still limit your consumption of tea, coffee, cigarettes - no matter how sad it may sound, this is a fact.


I bought this paste a week ago. What can I say about the first sensations? It feels quite light, there is no cloying taste or smell in the mouth, the taste is not intrusive, but despite this, the smell and aftertaste linger in the mouth for quite a long time. After pasta, if I don’t have something to eat, I use the mouthwash no earlier than a few hours later. My husband prefers toothpastes with a stronger taste and smell, but he appreciated mine purely because after brushing his teeth shine better. He tried to mix his and mine, as a result, while he also cleans it with Rox, he said that he should also look for something from this series, but with a more expressive taste. Judging by the composition, the paste does not contain fluoride; bromelain, xylitol, plus the minerals calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are responsible for cleaning teeth, which strengthen and restore the enamel, its color and shine, plus increase resistance to caries. This paste is a little more expensive than all the ones I’ve bought so far, but now, after a week of use, I don’t regret buying it, especially since I bought it at a pharmacy at a good discount.

Evgenia Likhacheva

A month ago I bought ROCS Morning Energy toothpaste. I took it on a tip from an employee who really admired the products of this company. What to say. I was satisfied. The paste is very, very light, the taste of mint is so unobtrusive that it is practically not felt, but even after a few hours you feel freshness in your mouth and I even asked my husband to smell it as if he were breathing, he authoritatively declared: “Normal”)). According to the instructions, the paste contains bromelain to dissolve plaque, reduces inflammation of the gums (which I directly felt), xylitol (instead of fluoride, helps absorb calcium and thereby strengthen the enamel), plus minerals, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, also help restore and strengthen enamel, increase its shine and resistance to caries. A tube with a convenient cap, there is a special pin on the top, so you don’t have to unscrew everything, but it’s easy to open even with one hand.. The paste is in the middle price category, but considering the quality and effect, I think it’s worth the money.


I started using this brand of toothpaste about 4 years ago on the advice of my dentist. I liked “Bionika” the most. Before this, my gums often bled while brushing my teeth, but after 3-4 weeks of use I no longer remembered this problem. I also tried “Antitabak”, since I drink a lot of coffee during the day, but the taste was strong for me, so I gave it to my husband. My daughter constantly uses Uno with calcium, alternating with Pro. I am satisfied with the result: recent visits to the dentist showed that there is no caries.


I've been a long-time fan of ROCS pastes, I take different ones as needed. Now I bought Sensitive with whitening to reduce sensitivity and whiten my teeth a little. It also had the desired effect, the teeth became noticeably lighter and shinier. There is a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth after brushing and the teeth no longer react so much to cold.


Good pasta for coffee lovers


  • really removes plaque
  • does not irritate mucous membranes
  • dentist approved
  • pleasant taste
  • good composition
  • the price justifies the efficiency


  • small tube runs out quickly

Usage experience:

a month or more


256 rubles

When buying this paste, many people expect that this paste will do wonders and make teeth snow-white, as advertised, of course. And it will remove 5-10 years of smoker’s plaque. This can be achieved with the help of professional whitening in dentistry, or by going to a professional hygiene oral cavity. The paste only helps fight the formation of new plaque from coloring products, tobacco, coffee, etc.

This paste is suitable for daily care. I really like it. Since I smoke and really love coffee, this paste is my lifesaver. It has a very pleasant taste, there is no pronounced mint taste that burns in the mouth, like regular pastes .

With such a paste, it is also necessary to use a medium-hard brush; if you think that a hard brush will help you improve the effect of the paste, then you are mistaken. You will simply damage the entire gum with it and erase the already fragile enamel.


I periodically use professional whitening services. But between them, to maintain the effect, I always take additional pastes with a similar effect. After trying ROCS, I was pleased because the increased sensitivity disappeared.



  • Naturalness
  • cleans teeth well


  • ends quickly

This is our family's favorite pasta. Fortunately, children can use it from the age of 4, so my wife doesn’t bother buying toothpastes for children anymore, but takes a tube of Rox with taurine and it’s safely enough for the whole family for a month. The paste cleans my teeth perfectly, even for me, although before this I couldn’t find anything suitable for myself. Children primarily like the taste. Because This is not the hackneyed smell and taste of mint or menthol. The wife says that she is happy, that everyone is happy and that she is sure that the whole family’s teeth are all right. We initially bought it for the sake of our eldest son, who had developed periodontal disease, then my wife read the instructions and advised her daughter to use the paste, she started cleaning it herself, and later I joined us. As a result, after finishing the first tube, we came to a common decision to buy Rocks with taurine. That's how we've been using it for over six months now. My son’s gum problems went away in just a couple of weeks and the doctor was very surprised that we got rid of them so quickly. The paste contains something that inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease. That's why this paste was purchased. The price doesn't bother me. Dental health is always more important to us than a couple of extra rubles well spent.

Overall impression: High-quality and effective paste

Recommend to friends: Yes


Our favorite toothpaste. We have been using Rocks for several years now, we usually take different ones, for example coffee and tobacco for my husband, since he is a smoker, and for ourselves double mint, or active calcium. It cleans plaque wonderfully, which does not appear on the teeth throughout the day, plus you always have fresh breath.



  • safe if swallowed
  • does not contain harmful substances
  • takes care of teeth
  • strengthens enamel and prevents caries


  • high price

I recently purchased a new children's toothpaste ROCS PRO baby, which is intended for children under 3 years old, and I would like to tell you a little about it, because this toothpaste really deserves the highest praise. This paste is not cheap, it costs about 78 hryvnia, but in my opinion this price is completely justified. I am firmly convinced that a good toothpaste should not only clean your teeth and freshen your mouth, but also prevent the occurrence of caries and other dental problems. This is especially true when it comes to caring for a baby’s first milk teeth, because their enamel is still developing. Using the example of my eldest daughter (who even had to get a filling when she was one and a half years old), I know how quickly caries develops in babies, so I try to prevent the recurrence of such problems in my youngest daughter. ROCS PRO baby 0-3 toothpaste is an excellent solution for the prevention of caries in children; it strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the proliferation of carious bacteria.

Previously, when we were at the dentist’s appointment with our eldest daughter, the doctor prescribed us to brush our teeth with ROCS children’s toothpaste, and after it apply a special remineralizing gel ROCS Medical minerals to our teeth, which we had to spit out after a minute. Now a paste has appeared that combines these two products and contains the same active ingredients as in the professional remineralizing gel - ROCS PRO baby paste. The main active ingredients in PRO baby paste are xylitol and calcium. At the same time, there are no fragrances, fluoride, or sodium lauryl sulfate in it, the paste is absolutely safe if swallowed.

The taste of ROCS PRO baby toothpaste is neutral with a slightly sweet taste, the color is creamy white, it is used very economically, literally a pea is enough for one use. The cap, which does not unscrew, and the soft tube make the process of brushing your teeth convenient and enjoyable. I hope that thanks to ROCS PRO baby paste we will be able to keep our baby teeth healthy and beautiful!

Olya Murzik

Rocs children's toothpaste is our first and only toothpaste that we use. We decided to try it at the beginning, and so we settled on it. The child likes it. I buy toothpaste with chamomile extract. Since it has the best effect on the child’s gums, strengthens them, and does not cause bleeding.

It tastes pleasant, sweet, tasty, such that the child eats it during the cleaning process. The manufacturer assures that the paste is safe, and minor ingestion does not harm the child’s health.

Its only drawback is the price. Almost 200 rubles for a small tube of paste. In addition, it has a short validity period, only a month. Even though we brush our teeth twice a day, we don’t have time to use it completely in a month.


Natalya Stakhova (Kurzina)

Very good and high quality toothpaste, both for children and adults. They have two directions, this is a unique and natural toothpaste. So the natural one is made entirely from natural products and the shelf life of such a paste is one month, just like children’s toothpastes. The unique shelf life is the same as other pastes. The choice is wide, I take it for sensitive gums. As soon as I started using it, the bleeding immediately disappeared. But it's very expensive. I don’t buy it for myself all the time, but I only buy rocks for my kids.


Below are some customer reviews. You can leave a comment about your personal experience of use after the article, it will be very useful to our readers.

Maria, mother of 2 sons.

At school, my eldest son developed dental problems - caries. Our dentist advised us to try the ROKS “Active Calcium” series of pastes, since our son is now 11 years old and we have outgrown children’s pastes. Two months later, our doctor was pleased - not a single new hole appeared. Yes, and the taste is pleasant.


I bought “Anti-tobacco” at the ROKS store. I was interested in an advertisement for the product. I have been smoking for a long time, and I constantly have problems with teeth whitening and eliminating the unpleasant odor after smoking and dry mouth. I didn’t expect the product’s advertising to be so believable. Over the last six months of use, my teeth have become whiter and less sensitive. And the breath is fresher. I'm not happy with the price, but you can pay for the quality.

Olga Vyacheslavovna, dentist at the Novostom clinic.

I have known the ROKS company for a long time and recommend its pastes to my patients. I especially highlight ROKS “Uno-calcium”, “Anti-tobacco” and “Sensational whitening”. Of course, whitening pastes cannot replace in-clinic whitening. I recommend using the selected paste after treatment for daily oral hygiene.

Oksana, Artem's mother.

My son is only 9 months old. The teeth are being cut with might and main, there are already 3 baby teeth. A month ago I bought a silicone brush for my baby at the pharmacy. The pharmacist advised me to buy ROKS “Babi” paste from 0-3 for the brush. I chose the chamomile flavor. I tried it before using it - the taste is pleasant, similar to a mixture or porridge. I was pleased that it was safe to swallow. When the child got used to the brush, I tried it and washed the teeth with gauze soaked in water after brushing. The baby was not capricious, he liked the taste. Now we just use it.


Currently, a wide range of Rox pastes is produced, which includes the following varieties:

"Rox Bionics"

It differs from other types in the naturalness of its composition: it consists of 95% components of plant origin.

The most active of them are: seaweed extract, licorice extract, lemon oil. Their combined effect contributes not only to whitening, but also to the removal of swelling and inflammation, antiseptic treatment, general strengthening of teeth, improvement of gum condition, and prevention of many dental diseases.

The average cost is about 210-260 rubles per tube of 74 g.

"Bionics for sensitive teeth"

As the name suggests, this paste is intended for painless enamel whitening in people with hypersensitivity, and its safe composition allows it to be used even during pregnancy. After 2-3 days of use, the discomfort associated with enamel sensitivity will begin to disappear.

The cost is about 200 rubles.

"Rox whitening"

It is a paste with an enhanced whitening effect, which is achieved through the combined use of a mineral complex and silicon dioxide.

The cost is 180-200 rubles.

"Rox - sensational whitening"

It is another paste with an enhanced whitening effect, since this product has a special formula. It contains special granules that crumble into pieces during cleaning, providing comprehensive and deep cleansing of the enamel.

The cost varies from 200 to 250 rubles.

"Rox - active calcium"

Additionally enriched with calcium, this paste is recommended for people who have a deficiency of this chemical element, as well as those who are prone to the formation of caries.

The cost is 200-220 rubles.

"Rox uno calcium"

It is a paste that is additionally enriched with phosphorus and calcium; tangerine oil has been added to the composition as an auxiliary component.

The cost is 200-220 rubles.

"Rox anti-tobacco"

It is a paste that is designed specifically for smokers: its components are aimed at eliminating the yellowness that is caused by this bad habit.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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