Fluoride-free toothpaste - list of the best in 2021

From this article you will learn all the toothpastes without fluoride. And make a choice which one to buy for brushing your teeth by reading the lists of the best products.

Fluorine is a gaseous substance. Initially, the fact that fluoride paste was harmful to the body was considered true. Doctors and scientists even tried to prove its authenticity. However, in the mid-20th century, fluoride was discovered to help treat many oral diseases. It was from this moment that pastes with fluoride began to gain popularity. Now almost every company involved in the production of toothpastes has at least one sample of toothpaste with fluoride in its arsenal. To make a decision, let’s consider how this element affects the human body.

Harm of this chemical element

As such, this substance practically does not occur in nature. It is distributed in the form of chemical compounds with other substances. We absorb some of these compounds when brushing our teeth:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sodium fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluorine is in no hurry to be quickly eliminated from the body, it prefers to accumulate in teeth and bones, but with greater intensity it penetrates and remains in the thyroid gland, as if cementing it .

Fluoride compounds are dangerous for the body. So sodium fluoride, if inhaled, affects the respiratory system, circulatory system, central nervous system, kidneys, and heart. When we ingest sodium fluoride, we take in a toxic substance, the lethal dose of which is from 5 to 10 grams . It can damage the brain, cause a heart attack, and paralyze the respiratory organs.

Diabetes patients and people suffering from kidney failure are most affected.

Advice! If your toothpaste contains at least one such component, you should make a decision for yourself: whether to use such a cleaning and whitening product or look for another without the presence of fluoride.

And for some more information about the dangers of this element, watch the following video:

Connections used

  1. Stannous fluoride , which is used to eliminate tooth sensitivity (Oral-B, for example), but the manufacturer hides the fact that when cleaning with such products, patients' teeth and fillings can react with the substance and noticeably turn yellow or even darken to brown.
  2. Aminofluoride is included in expensive pastes (ROKS, Elmex) and is the safest compound. Creates a protective layer on tooth enamel that is washed out rather poorly.
  3. Sodium fluoride . A substitute for amino fluoride is found in more budget-friendly toothpastes (Colgate, Aquafresh, Blend-a-med). The protective layer of such pastes is easily and quickly washed off and is less effective.
  4. Sodium monofluorophosphate . It has an effect identical to sodium fluoride and is used in pastes from Colgate and Aquafresh; the benefits are also negligible.
  5. Aluminum fluoride . Incredibly toxic, dangerous to human health, affects nerve brain cells, and can cause some mental disorders.

Is there an alternative?

If the labels on the packaging indicate that the composition contains one of the calcium compounds:

  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,

then the fluoride content in this toothpaste is zero.

Next, we will list the names and give a brief description of those products that you can buy and not worry that they contain this harmful chemical element.

Pasta "Rox" for children

When considering the best fluoride-free toothpastes, you cannot pass by a product like Rox PRO Baby. The product is intended for children under 3 years of age. It is precisely these age limits that determine the low abrasiveness of the paste. Of course, it is worth noting the absence of any harmful substances, including SLS, parabens, dyes and antiseptics. Thus, it is safe if swallowed. Calcium glycerophosphate actively nourishes the enamel, and xylitol prevents the early formation of caries. For older children (from 3 to 7 years old), “Rox kids” paste is produced. Its active components are the same as in the previous case. However, the abrasiveness is an order of magnitude higher. It also contains antiseptics. This is an excellent option for preparing for the formation of molars.

"PRESIDENT Unique". Italian

Preservatives, allergens, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and, of course, fluoride are absent in this case. The natural plant-based formula gently enhances the oral cavity's natural defenses.

Calcium and xylitol thoroughly clean the enamel. Soothing and antibacterial effects are guaranteed by bioextracts of echinacea, sage, and chamomile. Anethole and eucalyptus are selected in ideal proportions to create a sensation of delicate, fresh, long-lasting taste.


  • as a prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • with a lack of calcium in the body;
  • to strengthen gums, increase the shine of enamel;
  • for accurate and effective plaque removal;
  • to reduce sensitivity.

It is advisable to apply two or three times a day. The estimated cost of 100 ml packaging is 190 rubles.

Top 10 best fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

PRESIDENT UNIQUEThis pasta is made in Italy. It does not contain preservatives, dyes or other substances harmful to the body. The natural base of President toothpaste allows it to thoroughly protect the oral cavity.
To cleanse the enamel, calcium is used, which is also contained in the paste. It can be used to prevent caries and gum inflammation. Suitable for sensitive teeth. It also helps replenish calcium deficiency in the body.

The price is about 200 rubles.

ASEPTA SENSITIVEThis paste is used mainly to prevent bleeding or inflammation of the gums.
It can also be prescribed for increased tooth sensitivity. The paste contains herbal extracts, which helps fight pain and protect the enamel from damage. After brushing your teeth, you will be left with a pleasant minty feeling in your mouth. Price 150 rubles.
SPLAT-BIOCALCIUMProduced in Russia.
Does not contain substances harmful to the oral cavity. There are components that restore and polish tooth enamel. There is only one preservative - paraben. After brushing your teeth, a pleasant sensation of sweet mint remains for a long time. Price 130 rubles.
SPLAT-“MAXIMUM”Splat is also produced in Russia. No preservatives can be found in the composition. There are substances that help fight caries and remove plaque. Also used for gum inflammation.
Nanohydroxyapatite in the composition serves to restore damaged enamel, and zinc has an anti-inflammatory effect. After use, a pleasant taste is felt, which many people associate with eucalyptus oil.

Price 115 rubles.

NEW PEARL WITH CALCIUMManufacturer – Russia.
It does not contain any auxiliary substances, therefore it is used only for cleansing and giving the mouth a pleasant smell. This is why pasta is so cheap. Price 30 rubles.
"ROCS" FOR ADULTSThe sixth pasta on our list, produced in Russia. Manufacturers have succeeded in protecting the oral cavity from germs. The composition contains components that increase the acid resistance of enamel.
Rox paste also fights plaque and the processes that cause its appearance. All positive qualities are burdened by high cost.

Price 200 rubles.

Sunshine briteExpensive sample. Effectively fights bacteria in the oral cavity.
The composition based on the extract of medicinal herbs polishes the enamel and eliminates bad breath. After brushing your teeth, a mild mint taste remains.

Price 500 rubles.

"Parodontax" without fluorideParodontax is used to prevent tooth decay.
The composition contains mineral salt, which contributes to an unusual odor after brushing your teeth. Suitable for eliminating bleeding gums. Gives fresh breath for a long time. Price 220 rubles.
NEOBIOContains only natural ingredients. Plant extracts thoroughly cleanse the oral cavity.
The composition contains sea salt, which prevents the formation of plaque. Sage extract has restorative and healing properties.

Price 240 rubles.

SENSODYNEThis paste contains active ingredients that fight bacteria in the oral cavity and protect tooth enamel.
The paste can be used continuously. Price 150 rubles.

List of baby toothpastes that do not contain fluoride


Price 100 rubles.

Made in Italy. Hypoallergenic, does not contain sugar and other harmful substances. Suitable for children from birth. Does not cause harmful reactions in the body. Gently acts on baby teeth. Contains glycerophosphate.


Price for 1 piece is 85 rubles.

Manufacturer – Russia. Suitable for strengthening enamel, as it contains calcium. Can be used by both children and adults.


Price 180 rubles.

Mainly used for children under 4 years old. The components in the paste protect the oral mucosa well. Suitable for preventing stomatitis. The only negative is the presence of calcis in the composition.


Price 210 rubles.

Produced in Russia. Suitable for children from birth. The components of the paste thoroughly clean the enamel without damaging it. Does not contain artificial components. No foam is formed when cleaning your mouth.

  1. ROCS –BABY fragrant chamomile

Price 180 rubles.

The composition contains not only natural ingredients, so it is not recommended to use it from birth. The soft paste base gently cleanses the enamel.

  1. ROCS kids barberry

Price 180 rubles.

It differs from the previous sample only in taste. Great if your child likes the smell of fruits and berries.

Products from domestic

It has earned recognition for the fact that it contains no harmful components , but contains useful active substances that help restore enamel by 30%, normalize pH balance, heal wounds, contain moisturizing elements that safely polish the enamel.

As for aesthetic qualities, users note the pleasant consistency of the product, similar to creams of good density. The taste leaves a pleasant impression - sweetish, moderately reminiscent of mint. The mouth feels pleasantly fresh for a couple of hours or before the first meal.

Those who prioritize bleaching will be upset. There is almost no whitening effect. The disadvantages also include the presence of the preservative Sodium Methylparaben in the composition, and it is dangerous, like all parabens.

What's the bottom line? The advantages are:

  • price – quite affordable – 130 rubles;
  • the smell and taste are pleasant;
  • cleansing – gentle;
  • presence of useful extracts in the composition;
  • the feeling of freshness is long-lasting.

Unfortunately, there is a minus - it contains parabens.

Moisturizer Clinique

Moisturizer Clinique

Clinique day cream is designed for dry skin, so it will create a slight greasy effect on normal and combination skin. This cream moisturizes for only a couple of hours, although it has a safe composition. The manufacturer recommends using the product in combination with soap and lotion, which may be why the effect is not so bright.

Another creation of the SPLAT company – SPLAT-“Maximum”

The product is considered one of the achievements of modern dentistry. It is designed to quickly solve the following problems:

  • protecting damaged and problematic areas of enamel from caries;
  • providing a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity;
  • plaque elimination;
  • preventing the spread of harmful microbes;
  • healing sore gums.

Nowadays toothpastes from Thailand are very popular. Find out what their advantages are!

Our article contains photos with all stages of caries.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/rocs-vidyi-opisanie-tsenyi-i-otzyivyi.html - you will find reviews about Rox toothpaste for children.

These effects are achieved through the use of only natural ingredients. Nanohydroxyapatite is used to strengthen damaged areas of enamel. Removing stains from wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, dissolving plaque - the task of papain and polydon. Timon and zinc are intended to have an anti-inflammatory effect. But SLS and fluorine are not used.

Gentle cleansing is not accompanied by bleeding gums. After the cleaning procedure, a rather pleasant taste remains in the mouth, slightly reminiscent of eucalyptus oil. The paste will appeal to those who love the formation of foam while caring for their teeth.

An unpleasant surprise may be a slight tingling sensation in the mouth at the end of the process. And this seems to be the only drawback. And to the listed advantages we should add a low price - 115 rubles per 100 ml tube.

Arguments for"

Proper care of the chewing organs involves professional oral hygiene. The procedure is performed in the dentist's office. This set of measures is aimed at removing dirty deposits from under the gums and from the surface of the crowns. After the manipulation, the hygienist gives the patient a list of recommendations. In most cases, prescribed hygiene products must contain fluorides, because their deficiency negatively affects health.

The reasons for the lack of this useful element in most cases are most often that its content is reduced in the water that patients drink. If it is less than 0.7 milligrams per liter of liquid, it means that the body is not receiving additional fluoride. In some cases, the provoking factors of deficiency are improper metabolism of the element in the body. A deficiency weakens the enamel and increases the risk of cavities. If a child does not consume enough fluoride, ossification is often delayed and bone defects develop. In adults, prolonged deficiency of the element causes the development of such a serious disease as osteoporosis.

With a sufficient concentration of the element, the ability of saliva to saturate the crowns with useful minerals increases. In the early phase of caries, this can stop the damage to the enamel. Plaque settles less often on smooth, healthy crowns than on porous surfaces. In a healthy oral cavity, the metabolism of pathogenic microbes is disrupted, their reproduction and active growth are suppressed. A pronounced effect against caries is found in those pastes where the concentration of the element is from 1350 to one and a half thousand ppm. Products with a fluoride concentration of 950 to 1150 ppm are considered prophylactic.

"ROCS" for adults" from a Russian manufacturer

Without using fluorine in the manufacture of the product, the creators achieve a high level of protection against harmful microbes with alternative components: xylitol, bromelain, magnesium chloride, calcium glycerophosphate. An increase in enamel acid resistance by 75% is one of the effects of using “ROCS” for adults.”

Plaque, which is the cause of dental diseases, is gently and accurately broken down, and the ability of bacteria to recreate new plaque is reduced. At the same time, the state of the microflora in the oral cavity is normalized.

As a result of the increased cleaning ability, there is no need for a high content of abrasive substances. This effect will be of interest to people with increased enamel abrasion.

And now the advantages suggested by users:

  • sensitivity decreases;
  • a huge assortment with different taste properties;
  • excellent composition;
  • excellent cleansing

and disadvantages:

  • 200 rubles is not that cheap;
  • uneconomical - too liquid, more flows onto the brush than required.

"ASEPTA Sensitive"

Experts recommend this therapeutic and prophylactic paste:

  • for people with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • to prevent inflammatory processes in the gums and prevent bleeding.

Medicinal properties are ensured by the use of the following components:

  • thermal mud is necessary for healing, restoration, as a sedative;
  • citrate and hydroxyapatite reduce pain and create long-term enamel protection;
  • to combat harmful microbes in inflamed gums, calendula, calamus, and sweet clover were added in the form of extracts;
  • and papain, which serves to prevent plaque formation.

The paste has a dense consistency, foams well, and has a faint mint taste. When squeezing it out for the first time, you need to be prepared for a greenish substance to appear on the brush. You will have to pay 150 rubles for a tube.

Splat paste for children

Splat Juicy Set fluoride-free children's toothpaste is very popular. Given its effectiveness in strengthening enamel, it is also recommended for adults. The secret of this product is synthetic hydroxyapatite, which is the most easily digestible calcium compound. It effectively restores enamel, making it stronger. It is also worth noting the presence of enzymes in the composition, which are entrusted with the function of increasing oral immunity. thus, the likelihood of stomatitis and inflammatory processes is reduced.

Also, fans of this manufacturer’s products will be invited to try Splat Junior toothpaste, which is intended for children under 4 years old. Children will certainly love the soft creamy taste with notes of vanilla, but parents should pay attention to the composition. Thus, the enzyme complex prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the child’s oral cavity. Aloe gel helps relieve unpleasant symptoms during teething. A nice feature is that the kit includes a silicone brush that fits on your finger. Nevertheless, such a component as calcis causes some misunderstanding. Considering that such a compound does not exist, we can say that this is nothing more than the commercial name of one of the common substances. At the same time, without knowing exactly what compound is used in the paste, it is impossible to say with certainty how it affects the enamel.

“New pearls with calcium” from Nevskaya Cosmetics

The cheapness of the product (30 rubles) is explained by the absence of additional additives, as well as enzymes and xylitol. The only active component is calcium citrate. Its task is to mineralize teeth, although not sufficiently.

Here you can both read reviews about Sensodyne toothpaste and leave your own.

In this article you will learn about ways to prevent cervical caries.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/detskaya-stomatologia/d-zubi/karies-dz/kak-i-zachem-provoditsya-serebrenie-molochnyih.html - it is told which is better - fluoridation or silvering of baby teeth .

Above were presented toothpastes for adults. Next, we will look at fluoride-free oral protection products for babies.

Nivea shampoo

Nivea Shampoo “Shine and Volume”

Nivea Shampoo “Shine and Volume” does not contain dangerous components, but, according to experts, it will not be able to improve hair. After 60 days after starting to use the shampoo, the condition of the scalp and hair did not change. The shampoo did not strengthen the hair or stimulate its growth.

Italian gel paste “PRESIDENT Baby”

No allergens, no parabens, no fluoride, no sugar! The gel paste has a raspberry smell and taste. It is intended for children from the appearance of the first tooth to three years. Gently cares for baby teeth and harmlessly eliminates plaque. Calcium, together with xylitol and phosphates, protects against caries and restores health to fragile gums.

A 30 ml tube costs 100 rubles.

Gel with calendula “Weleda” (Germany)

Gel of delicate consistency containing extract from calendula flowers, mint oil, fennel oil, esculin. The components will not harm the child, even if he decides to eat the paste.

The gel paste has an attractive taste and a light menthol smell, and does not tingle the tongue. No foam is formed during cleaning. Leaves a wonderful feeling of freshness. Effectively removes plaque.

Since the gel does not contain calcium, it is recommended to alternate it with pastes, for example, containing calcium glycerophosphate.

Price – 300 rubles for 50 ml.

Pupa lipstick

Lipstick Pupa "Volume"

The popular lipstick Pupa “Volume” was blacklisted by Roskontrol. Experts discovered an unpleasant odor caused by the oxidation of components. Lipstick can cause irritation on the lips and can also dry out the skin. According to experts, lipstick does not increase the volume of the lips, but even tightens them a little.

"SPLAT Juicy Set" (Russia)

It is designed for use by both small children and adults. Intensively strengthens enamel due to the content of an easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. Enzymes also contained in the paste help increase the immunity of the mucous membrane and prevent the occurrence of stomatitis.

Three tubes in a set cost 250 rubles.

"SPLAT Junior" - children's room

Recommended for children under four years of age . Includes xylitol and calcium, which, in combination with enzymes, increase the degree of protection of the mucous membrane. Particularly useful for children prone to frequent stomatitis .

Aloe Vera gel reduces discomfort when the first teeth appear. The creamy vanilla taste encourages children to try the paste. It's completely safe.

The declared non-existent component calcis is unpleasantly surprising. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any explanations, and anything unclear seems dangerous.

The price of a tube is 179 rubles.

Mary Kay lipstick

Mary Kay True Dimensions Lipstick

Roskontrol experts tested Mary Kay “True Dimensions” lipstick last year. Then experts discovered an unpleasant odor, small drops of water on the lipstick and low quality fatty raw materials. Overall the product is safe and can even provide a slight hydration to your lips. However, it is not durable.

“ROCS – PRO Baby” (Russia) – children’s room

It can be used for little ones. A very soft base is used to make the paste, which, while gently cleaning, does not damage the fragile enamel of baby teeth. All ingredients are only of natural origin .

The absence of fragrances does not force the child to try the paste. No foam is formed during cleaning. After use, the teeth remain feeling well clean.

Price – 210 rubles.

To summarize, it must be said that some will remain faithful to pastes with fluoride, not wanting to change anything, while others will think about it and reconsider their attitude towards the described subject. Each person must draw their own conclusions based on extensive information.

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Benefits of fluoride

If your region has a neutral drinking water chemistry, or you use a filter, be sure to use fluoride paste. This substance has the following beneficial properties:

  • Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it more resistant to the harmful effects of acids. This is due to the fact that, penetrating into the tooth tissue, it forms the compound fluorapatite. It is the most resistant to cariogenic microorganisms.
  • Fluoride is a powerful antiseptic. It inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity. Thus, plaque will form much more slowly. As a result, your breath will remain fresh for much longer.
  • Fluoride takes an active part in the process of formation of molars. Thus, children after 5 years of age simply need, one way or another, to saturate their tooth enamel with this substance.
  • Fluoride retains calcium in bone tissue. Thus, tooth enamel becomes stronger and less susceptible to carious damage.

Write a comment

  • Blizzard

    January 19, 2015 at 7:54 am

    In 2013, I thought about the health of my teeth when I saw white spots appearing on the enamel. I read on the Internet that this is a symptom of oversaturation of teeth with fluoride. I decided to replace the paste with tooth powder, but it is not very convenient to use: it crumbles, stains clothes, and the lid is uncomfortable. Then I stopped using the cleanser altogether and brushed my teeth with just a dry brush, but my teeth lost the whiteness that they had thanks to the toothpaste. So what should we do? I want a snow-white smile without yellowness or spots. Need good pasta. Thanks to the article, I figured out my problem and now I know which paste to buy. Even the budget “Pearl” is perfect

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