Pomorin toothpaste: what problems does it help solve?

A beautiful white-toothed smile is an indicator of a person’s health and beauty. For this reason, many are willing to visit expensive dental clinics and endure various not always painless procedures. However, dentists say that to maintain healthy teeth, all you need to do is maintain oral hygiene, namely, use the right cleaning product. Pomorin toothpaste has received very good reviews from dentists and consumers in our country and abroad. We will tell you about it today.

What is "Pomorin"?

Those who were born and raised in the Soviet Union are very familiar with Pomorin toothpaste. The manufacturer from Bulgaria actively collaborated with our country, and oral products under the Pomorin brand could always be found on store shelves.

This brand has existed since the fifties of the last century, it was developed by a Bulgarian company that has been producing various oral hygiene products since the end of the nineteenth century. Interestingly, Pomorin toothpaste was the result of many years of development and long clinical trials. Therefore, after its release on the market, it gained incredible popularity. It came to the Soviet Union as part of an economic cooperation program and immediately became very popular. This was partly due to the lack of choice among such products, but the healing effect of the paste should not be overlooked. Even in those distant times, Pomorin toothpaste received mostly positive reviews. After all, it is an unusual product, as it contains a unique component, which we will now talk about.

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Composition of the Bulgarian brand product

As we have already clarified, Pomorin toothpaste has a unique composition. The active ingredient in the product is Pomorie lye. It is extracted from the mud at the bottom of the lake, which in many respects is superior to the famous mud of the Dead Sea.

Pomorie lye can be divided into two groups of components:

  • microelements;
  • organic components.

The first group is quite broad; lye contains more than thirty-five minerals that have a beneficial effect on human health. We can say that this includes the entire periodic table: calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium and the like.

Organic components are substances extracted from algae (including various enzymes and chlorophyll).

The mud of Lake Pomorie cannot be replaced by anything, which is why the toothpaste is so unique. Consumers have always responded enthusiastically about its healing effect. But what results does the manufacturer promise from using this product? We will be happy to tell you about it.

The healing effect of the paste

If you believe, then Pomorin toothpaste has a stimulating effect on the fermentation of saliva, which in turn heals the gums and the entire oral cavity. At the same time, the product activates the immune system and has an antibacterial effect. Therefore, it is recommended to people who suffer from frequent inflammatory processes of the gums. This strengthens teeth and reduces the frequency of visits to the dentist to zero.

The manufacturer also promises that Pomorin toothpaste, when used regularly, removes plaque, preserves the whiteness of enamel and prevents the development of gum disease. Many consumers are captivated by the described results of using this product, so they give preference to this brand when choosing an oral care product for themselves and their loved ones.


If many people want to find an analogue of Pomorin products, then they obviously will not succeed. The whole secret is that only this mouth contains real Pomorie lye.

The composition of other products may also be rich in minerals, but they will not contain the original brine from this lake.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to find complete compliance with the product, so you should not believe advertising slogans. You can only get truly original and high-quality Pomorin paste from the official manufacturer.

Parodontax and Forest Balsam are often offered as a replacement. To understand their properties, it is necessary to compare their main active components.


The only common element of Parodontax and Pomorin pastes is the salty taste that the product receives due to the use of salts and minerals.

This is where the coincidences end, because Parodontax contains most of the elements of plant origin. The emphasis in the composition is on extracts of various plants:

  • sage and chamomile;
  • mint and echinacea;
  • myrrh and ratania.

The composition does not contain glycols and parabens, which contribute to additional foaming, so Parodontax practically does not foam.

The product has a characteristic color – red-pink. This color is due to the presence of minerals with this shade.

Basic properties:

  1. Reduces soreness of gums and teeth;
  2. Fights the active proliferation of bacteria;
  3. Prevents the appearance of plaque;
  4. Reduces bleeding gums;
  5. Freshens breath.

Experts note that fluoride paste is not suitable for children and patients with hypersensitive teeth.

Forest balm

This brand is represented on the market with a wide range of plant-based products.

Pastes that are designed to treat gum inflammation help reduce bleeding, increase tissue elasticity, reduce swelling and soreness.

Products for reducing tooth sensitivity must contain oak bark extract, aloe vera and rosehip extract with calendula. The properties of this paste include the following:

  • gentle plaque removal;
  • suppression of bacterial activity;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • relieving pain.

The mild abrasiveness of the composition does not affect the enamel, but at the same time it effectively removes tartar. If cleaning is not carried out on time, there is a high probability that tartar can provoke the development of more complex inflammatory processes in the gums.

Classification of toothpaste

In the Soviet Union, only one toothpaste, “Pomorin,” was widely known, the packaging photo of which is familiar to almost every person from those times. But few people know that in fact the line of this brand has three products that differ slightly from each other:

  • classic toothpaste;
  • remedy for people with sensitive teeth;
  • toothpaste "Pomorin" anti-periodontal disease (100 ml).

Each product deserves a separate description.


Long-term use of toothpastes does not leave customers indifferent: some like them and buy more, others remain dissatisfied and do not recommend using them to other people.

If you have had experience using one of the three Pomorin pastes or tried to use all 3 products, share your impressions with the readers of the magazine in the comments to the article.

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Tags Pomorin toothpaste care teeth cleaning

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Classic "Pomorin"

This product is a preventive product and was the first to be marketed. It was with him that the Pomorin brand began, which is still very popular among consumers. Half of the paste consists of Pomorie lye, it freshens breath, heals gums and teeth. In addition, the composition does not contain fluoride, which is very important for many people.

On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates that the product promotes:

  • protection against plaque;
  • reducing gum swelling;
  • reducing bleeding gums;
  • reducing hypersensitivity of gums and tooth enamel.

Also, classic “Pomorin” prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, which can later cause caries.


The Bulgarian company began producing Pomorin pastes relatively recently - since 1954. These are a variety of remedies to solve a variety of oral problems.

Since its founding, the company's employees have put a lot of effort and effort into researching the variety of problems with the health of teeth and gums.

The production lines use components not only for the prevention of these diseases, Pomorin pastes are also used for treatment .

They cannot always be purchased immediately, since they are effective and suitable for many groups of the population, from children to the elderly.

Where can you buy Pomorin toothpaste?

Once upon a time, the coveted tube could be found in every store in the Soviet Union, but now Russians have serious problems with this. After all, Bulgaria no longer supplies Pomorin to our country. Therefore, if you are a supporter of this brand or want to test from your own experience how effective the product is, then you will have to be smart and resourceful.

Judging by consumer reviews, toothpaste can be freely purchased online on the manufacturer’s official website. Various Internet sites focused on supplying foreign goods to Russia are also selling Pomorin. The average price for a one hundred milliliter tube is about four dollars. Usually, on such sites, delivery is not too burdensome for the wallet, so if you want to improve your teeth without special expenses, then purchase this product. Does Pomorin toothpaste have an analogue among modern oral care products? Let's try to find out.

What modern toothpaste replaces Pomorin?

If you are looking for an analogue of “Pomorin”, then we hasten to disappoint you - you will not find a similar composition anywhere. As we have already written, this product contains unique mud from the lake, and they are used only in toothpaste. Therefore, you can only get the full therapeutic effect from this product; you should not skimp on your health and try different formulations.

But if you do not have serious indications for using Pomorin and are simply looking for a toothpaste with a large number of natural ingredients in its composition, then you can select several options available for sale in the Russian Federation.

The following oral care products have performed well:

  • "Parodontax" toothpaste;
  • Toothpaste "Forest Balsam"

They also perfectly strengthen gums, preserve enamel and prevent gum bleeding.

Popular types

For wider use of Pomorin, the manufacturer decided to launch three different types of product on the market at once.

Each paste differs in its properties, due to which the consumer can choose a product in accordance with the characteristics of the oral cavity.


This line is considered preventive, as it does not contain fluoride. Its action is aimed at comprehensively improving the condition of gums and teeth.

The products are used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of minor inflammatory processes.

It also helps reduce the sensitivity of enamel, which is additional protection for teeth and perfectly freshens breath for a long period.

As for the composition, 50% of it is made up of lake minerals. The medicinal properties of the product are aimed at the following actions:

  • Normalization of saliva functions;
  • Reduction of dental plaque;
  • Reducing the number of bacteria that provokes the development of caries;
  • Fighting gum swelling.

Pomorin Classic should be used at least 2 times a day. A prerequisite is to brush your teeth after eating. The composition without fluoride is safe , since for many people this component has a destructive effect on the condition of the enamel.

The cost of one tube averages 160 rubles per 100 g. The cost may vary, since the paste is transported to many countries around the world. Cheaper options can be found in online stores in the CIS countries.

Maximum Protection

This type is presented for deeper and higher-quality care with increased sensitivity of dental elements.

This option is often positioned as a means for remineralizing enamel. In other words, this means that the composition is able to restore the damaged protective layer.

Maximum Protection is a good choice for those people who have microcracks in the enamel and also suffer from severe tooth sensitivity.

The composition contains less brine – 36%. This concentration allows:

  1. Restore acid-base balance.
  2. Reduce the proliferation and activity of bacteria that contribute to the development of caries.
  3. Increase gum elasticity.
  4. Reduce sensitivity.
  5. Reduce bleeding.

The manufacturer does not set restrictions on the frequency of use; the only condition is that the use of the paste by children is not recommended.

The official website of the company offers to purchase this option for 340 rubles 100 g.

Anti periodontal disease

Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis is a specially developed composition that is able to resist the development of periodontal disease and periodontitis.

These diseases have a destructive effect not only on the gums, but also on the inert organs of the jaw rows. If treatment for oral diseases is not started in time, you may be left without teeth completely.

This product is aimed specifically at preventing and treating gum disease, as it has the following properties:

  1. Resists the formation of tartar.
  2. Increases the function of saliva in protecting gums.
  3. Strengthens gum blood vessels.
  4. Reduces their ability to damage.
  5. Inhibits cariogenic microflora.

During the treatment period, it is advisable to use the composition after each meal. As a preventive measure, it is enough to apply twice a day.

All properties of the product have been proven, as it has undergone multiple clinical studies. The composition includes only 10% brine from Lake Pomorie, therefore it carefully strengthens the gums.

The cost on the company’s official website also does not exceed 350 rubles per 100 g.

The range of Lakalut toothpaste and expert reviews of popular products. In this publication we will talk about the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste.

Here https://dr-zubov.ru/krasota-i-uxod/sredstva/zubnye-pasty/parodontaks-effektivnoe-borby-s-zabolevaniyami-dyosen.html let's talk about the relationship between the quality and price of Parodontax toothpaste.

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