Toothpaste “Forest Balsam” - composition and manufacturer

Forest balm is a Russian product for the care of gums and teeth. First of all, Forest Balm toothpaste is a remedy for gum disease. This paste really works. And if you have recently been spitting blood when brushing your teeth, then this paste is just for you. But it should be noted that today there is a large selection of this toothpaste, so before purchasing, familiarize yourself with its composition and purpose.

The entire series of Forest Balsam pastes contains only natural ingredients. It is often recommended by dentists as a preventative against gum disease.

Advantages of Kalina brand products

The Kalina concern is one of the most widespread in the world. Many manufacturers of expensive oral care and hygiene products admit that the products of the Kalina concern fully comply with European quality standards, but the price of their products is much lower.

The advantages of “Forest Balsam” toothpaste are its following qualities:

  1. Balanced composition and acceptable quality at a minimal price. Almost completely, this brand was able to displace imported manufacturers of the same price category from India, Turkey, China and other countries from the domestic market.
  2. Use of natural substances. The Russian Federation has a fairly large amount of natural good raw materials for the production of unique toothpaste. This is natural coniferous resin, extracts of pine needles and herbs. In ancient times, all these components were used by our ancestors to maintain the health of the soft tissue of the oral cavity and teeth. In terms of protection, no synthesized chemical component can compare with them.
  3. Due to the fact that only natural substances are used, these products have a low level of allergenicity. People who are susceptible to allergic reactions may react painfully to completely synthetic toothpastes. But allergic reactions to these products are very rare.
  4. At the time of production of the product, the most modern technologies are used, such as extrusion, vacuum extraction and a number of others. The equipment involved in the manufacturing process of this product is imported. To some extent, this is facilitated by the fact that the owner (actual) is the international corporation Unilevel. It is this company that supplies the plant with the newest and most advanced equipment.
  5. Such an indicator as the degree of protection against caries also plays a significant role. According to dental reviews, domestic paste for teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity is a high-quality product for the prevention of caries. This figure is not lower than foreign analogues.
  6. Protection of soft tissues of the oral cavity. This indicator was initially the “strong point” when purchasing products in a series. In this case, we are talking not only about preventive measures, but also about the treatment of soft tissues in general. The series for sensitive gums and teeth will provide gentle oral care to those people for whom the use of other products from the range or products from other companies may cause problems.

Criterias of choice

Forest Balsam pastes have received many positive reviews from both dentists and consumers. The products also underwent various clinical trials, as a result of which it was found that they meet all international quality standards.

Doctors advise choosing a drug depending on the individual reactions of the body and the characteristics of the dental problem (or lack thereof). Even natural herbal ingredients can provoke allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and swelling of the oral mucosa. It is advisable that the choice of remedy occurs after consultation with a dentist.

If there are no dental problems, you can choose prophylactic medications. A series of preventive pastes Forest Balm is intended for use by adults and children over 14 years of age. They are suitable for daily oral care and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

The Forest Balm series of whitening preparations should be used with caution, as they can be harmful to teeth with fragile and sensitive enamel. Before purchasing a product, you need to look at what the product consists of. Whitening pastes can be used several times a week, but not daily. Whitening products are intended for course use, otherwise they can cause thinning of the top layer of teeth.

If a person has problems with enamel or has increased tooth sensitivity, then it is better to give preference to a series of gentle Forest Balm pastes. They are designed to slow down the development of pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity.

The use of Forest Balm series products is prohibited for persons intolerant to herbal extracts. Before purchasing the drug, you should pay attention to the composition and read the instructions for use.

Toothpaste "Forest Balm" - benefits

The manufacturer noted the following advantages of the Forest Balsam series paste:

  1. Safety for human health. Any toothpaste in this series maintains the natural balance of oral microflora. This is a very important factor, since some pastes contain antiseptics that destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also natural ones. And this can lead to the development of candidiasis in the mouth.
  2. Comprehensive oral care. Despite the fact that each product has its own specific properties and a certain focus, they all provide gum care, have an antimicrobial effect and prevent the development of caries.
  3. Naturalness. All pastes in the “Forest Balsam” series contain only herbal extracts, which are obtained from natural raw materials.
  4. Reasonable price. The manufacturer of these products made sure that every person, regardless of income, could purchase his product.
  5. Large selection of goods. To date, 9 types of Forest Balsam paste have been released for sale. But this may cause a person to be slightly confused about what kind of paste he needs and with what composition.

Briefly about the manufacturing company

The Lesnoy Balsam trademark is part of the Kalina concern. The range consists of hygienic oral care products: rinses, toothbrushes and pastes. Products are intended for children over 14 years of age and adults.

All products are based on a patented herbal decoction, pine needle extracts, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial plant substances. Thanks to its use, it is possible to relieve periodontal inflammation and bleeding, and perform high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity.

With regular use of hygiene products, it is possible to solve current oral problems. A noticeable result is achieved within two days after the first application. Let us note several advantages of using Forest Balsam products:

  • A wide range of. The product line includes 14 specialized toothpastes for adults. Each of them is aimed at solving specific problems of the oral cavity.
  • Safety. The active formula includes natural ingredients. They take care of enamel and gums and support the natural bacterial environment. The active ingredients have pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Thanks to this, they cope with a wide range of diseases, including candidiasis.
  • Comprehensive care. Each composition is aimed at solving narrow problems. At the same time, it has a general strengthening effect. Cleaning substances thoroughly remove daily plaque and neutralize pathogenic bacteria, which makes it possible to avoid tartar and periodontitis.
  • Affordable price. One of the factors in the popularity of domestic brand products is their low cost. At the same time, the quality level is comparable to more expensive foreign analogues.

It is important to understand that the brand’s trade line includes a wide range of products. Before purchasing a specific product, you need to understand its purpose and nuances of use.

Types of Forest Balsam toothpaste

Natural pastes “Forest Balsam” include the following types:

  1. Professional gum protection. After the first teeth cleaning, she provides emergency assistance for various gum problems. It reduces swelling, inflammation and bleeding. It is recommended to use it daily for preventive purposes.
  2. Anti-aging care. This paste is intended for people over 50 years of age. It protects against exposure of the neck of the tooth - gum recession.
  3. Prevention and freshness. The composition of this product is focused on strengthening the structure of periodontal tissue and effective removal (elimination) of dental plaque.
  4. Natural whitening and gum care. Restores the natural whiteness of teeth, gently polishes enamel, breaks down plaque. At the same time, it also takes care of your gums.
  5. For sensitive gums and teeth. Significantly reduces the sensitivity of enamel and carefully cares for gums. It contains soft abrasives.
  6. Forest balm forte. The composition includes a triple concentration of decoctions of medicinal herbs. Because of this, it is positioned as a product with a pronounced and more powerful gum tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Paste with gum balm 2 in 1. It was created using innovative technology. In addition to the paste itself, it also contains a balm for the oral cavity. And this provides comprehensive care for gums and teeth.
  8. For inflammation of the gums. Reduces swelling and bleeding of the gums, and also eliminates burning and itching.
  9. For bleeding gums. Based on 5 herbs and oak and fir bark extracts. Together, they effectively eliminate bleeding and sore gums.

Composition and action

Before purchasing a paste, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and understand whether it is suitable for the type of problem you have or not. The properties of the paste that it has on the oral cavity depend on the composition of the drug.

The composition of Forest Balsam paste is unique, since the manufacturer focuses on natural ingredients: extracts of medicinal herbs, minerals, pine needle extracts. When making the drug, instead of soda, add herbal multicomponent decoctions (celandine, chamomile, nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort)

"Forest balm" forte

The main feature of this remedy is the triple concentration of decoctions of medicinal herbs . The composition contains such decoctions and extracts as:

  1. Celandine.
  2. Yarrow.
  3. St. John's wort.
  4. Nettles.
  5. Daisies.
  6. Sea buckthorn.
  7. Calendula.
  8. Raspberries.
  9. Lingonberries.
  10. Fir trees.
  11. Oak bark.

The packaging contains only 8 components that have the following effects:

  1. Chamomile is antibacterial.
  2. Nettle - nourishes with vitamins.
  3. Sea buckthorn is a wound healing agent.
  4. Calendula is anti-inflammatory.
  5. Raspberries and lingonberries are antioxidants.
  6. Fir is regenerative.
  7. Oak bark - reduces bleeding.

The manufacturer positions this product as a powerful tool in the fight against all visible gum problems. This paste is intended for daily use. The effect is noticeable already on the 7th day: pain disappears, bleeding decreases and soft tissues are restored.

For sensitive gums and teeth

This product has an innovative Nature Protect complex . The composition contains the following natural ingredients:

  1. Aloe vera.
  2. Calendula extract.
  3. Rosehip fruit extract.

This product is perfect for people with hypersensitive tooth enamel. This is due to the fact that the product has a soft abrasive structure. It relieves tooth sensitivity for a long time (for about 12 hours) and gently cleanses plaque. Natural substances have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, and have a beneficial effect on bleeding and sensitive gums.

Its effectiveness has been proven by medical tests of the State Medical Academy of Roszdrav.

Natural whitening and gum care

This paste with the Natural Whitening system is intended for those who simultaneously want to strengthen their gums and whiten their teeth . It contains the following specific components:

  1. Fir extract.
  2. Proteolytic enzyme (it is obtained from pineapple).

This enzyme, obtained from pineapple pulp, effectively breaks down the protein matrix of dental plaque and promotes the gentle removal of stained substances from the enamel surface. The herbal complex, which is also included in the product, strengthens the gums. Fir extract has a tonic and calming effect, improves the immune properties of the oral mucosa.

Indications for use of pastes

Forest Balm products are intended for the prevention and treatment of gum diseases. With dental disorders, periodontal tissues become swollen and painful. The problem area acquires bright red tones or, on the contrary, an unnatural light color. When you press your tongue on the diseased gums, you can feel their denser structure compared to healthy tissues.

The list of indications for using Forest Balsam pastes includes:

  • alveolitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • pericoronitis – inflammation of the hood of a wisdom tooth;
  • gingivitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity of infectious etiology.

However, it should be remembered that toothpastes and rinses cannot completely solve the problem and eliminate its cause. In case of infectious pathologies, mandatory consultation with a doctor and the use of antiseptic and antibacterial drugs are necessary.

Prevention and freshness

This paste is aimed at fighting plaque , which after some period of time can turn into tartar. And the stone constantly injures the gums and impairs blood circulation in it. And this factor already leads to inflammatory processes. The main active ingredients included in the product are sea buckthorn oil and chamomile extract. The manufacturer promises you results in the form of a fresh smell from the oral cavity, plaque-free teeth and strong gums.


Anastasia. During the eruption of my wisdom teeth, I developed pericoronitis. Residues of food got under the soft tissues located near the figure eight, which became the cause of constant bad breath. The symptom was especially intensified after consuming sweets. I had to clean my mouth every time after eating. I used various well-known brands of toothpastes: Blendamet, Colgate, but I did not notice any effect from their use. I had to constantly change the paste and look for the best option for myself, until I tried Forest Balsam with oak bark in the composition. The result of using the drug pleasantly surprised me: there was no unpleasant odor even on the dental floss, which I additionally used for oral hygiene.

Anna. After turning 30, I encountered the problem of bleeding gums. I tried many different dental care products, but in the end I settled on the Forest Balm series of products. I gave preference to the variety of the remedy “For sore gums.” After 2 weeks of using the drug, she noted positive results in the treatment: bleeding during brushing and bad breath disappeared. Another advantage of Forest Balsam pastes is their reasonable cost and effective healing properties.

Irina. I have been using Forest Balm pastes for 3 years. Once every 3-4 months I change the series of products. I am satisfied with the quality, price and effect of using the product. I consider another advantage of Forest Balsam pastes to be the absence of aggressive chemical components in the composition, for example, fluorine.

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