Thai toothpaste: reviews, types, composition, instructions for use

Thai cosmetics and medicine are widely known outside the country, so many tourists bring products from these industries as gifts to loved ones. And the most enterprising travelers even set up their own business reselling Thai products. And one of the popular gifts/products is toothpaste from Thailand, which has healing properties and a whitening effect. But the range of these products is so wide that it’s difficult to make a choice right away. Therefore, we are devoting a separate article to this topic. In this article we will tell you what Thai toothpaste is and what the features of the product’s composition are, and we will also make a short review of popular and highly established brands. So let's get started!

Product Features

The main feature of all toothpastes produced in Thailand is their high efficiency. Compared to domestic analogues, they have the following advantages:

  1. The toothpaste contains exclusively natural ingredients. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect declared by the manufacturer is achieved through the use of oils and plant extracts with a bactericidal effect. As a rule, these are mint and cloves. Exotic plants are also used: guava, miswaka, clinacanthus and others.
  2. Good abrasive force. The toothpaste contains abrasive substances that promote high-quality removal of plaque of natural origin (aluminum oxide, bamboo charcoal, soda).
  3. Use of aromatic additives. Almost every product has an exotic taste and smell.
  4. Wide variety of species. There are many similar products on the market, each of which is positioned to solve specific oral problems. Therefore, any consumer can choose a paste that meets their individual needs.
  5. Low cost. Due to their low price, the popularity of Thai toothpastes is increasing every year.

Oral care products from Thailand are fundamentally different from domestic products. They have a specific consistency, smell and special taste characteristics.


In Thailand, there is no mandatory certification of products, therefore, the manufacturer can write only natural ingredients that are profitable for sale and remain silent about harmful chemicals.

Manufacturers often do not indicate the presence of preservatives (which simply cannot not be there, otherwise the paste would spoil very quickly).

In addition, the famous foaming effect that makes the product so economical and the whitening power would not be possible without surfactants. They are also often not indicated in the composition, but some of them can cause stomatitis (for example, sodium lauryl sulfate).

Sellers repeat information from manufacturers, which can only be verified in practice.

Thai cosmetics for dental care

  1. Whitening toothpaste.
  2. Herbal soft paste for sensitive teeth. Among them you can find anesthetics that relieve minor toothaches, and restoratives that help fight harmful bacteria and viral diseases.
  3. Tooth powder for fresh breath, against enamel plaque and infections.

Rules of application

To achieve a positive result and avoid health problems, it is important to know how to use Thai toothpaste correctly.

As noted above, the foreign product differs significantly from the domestic one. First of all, its concentration. In order not to harm your oral health, you should follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. To carry out an effective procedure, you will need a small amount of product, equal in size to a match head.

When using whitening pastes, it is better to use a brush with soft bristles. The procedure itself can be repeated no more than 10 times every 30 days, so as not to harm the enamel. For ease of use, some manufacturers offer additional accessories, for example, special spatulas. With their help, it is easy to apply the paste to the brush in the required volume.

According to the instructions for Thai toothpaste, you need to store it in a place inaccessible to moisture and make sure that no water gets into the jar. It is also recommended to apply the cleaning composition to a dry brush.

Whitening pastes

Whitening Thai toothpastes are famous for their ability to remove tartar well. After using them, less plaque is formed, and your breath remains fresh for the whole day. The desired effect is achieved thanks to the composition of the product (plants of the lavender and asteraceae families, patchouli oil, camphor tree bark, etc.). It can be packaged either in jars with a solid composition of brown or gray color, or in tubes. In the first case, the consistency of the paste resembles a cream, and in the second, it resembles a gel.

Let's consider the most popular options for whitening Thai toothpastes:

  1. Punchalee. It has a pronounced whitening effect, strengthens enamel and nourishes soft gum tissue. This product has a Russian quality certificate, so it is freely sold in our country. In addition to plant components, the composition contains soda and calcium. Among the disadvantages, consumers note a specific taste and a pungent smell, which they have to get used to. The consumption is very economical: one package lasts for several months.
  2. Herbal Clove Toothpaste. Thai toothpaste under this trade name fights well against darkening of the enamel, prevents the active growth of bacteria in the oral cavity and freshens breath. According to reviews, within just two weeks of use, teeth lighten and acquire their natural shade.

You can use whitening compounds on a regular basis twice a day. To avoid overly aggressive effects on the enamel, it is better to repeat the procedure several times a week.

Write a comment

  • Olga

    January 18, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    How interesting! I’ve never even heard of such pastes))) I was captivated by the fact that people say that an examination at the dentist remains only an examination after using them. I was especially interested in a paste that removes tartar, unfortunately I have such a problem on my teeth ((I’ll search on the Internet, I hope that I’ll find exactly the one described in the article.

  • Olesya

    January 25, 2015 at 5:53 am

    I had the opportunity to live in Thailand for several months. And I tried many Thai remedies, including for teeth. To be honest, the effect they produce is simply amazing. Not a single product, even the most expensive one sold in Russia, can compare with Thai pastes.

    And the price of these overseas drugs used to be quite low, before the fall of the ruble. Now these pastes will cost 40% more, plus the cost of delivery from Thailand.

  • Irina

    June 15, 2015 at 8:46 am

    Good afternoon The other day I decided to try for myself the effectiveness of a whitening paste: it is very economical, just lower the tips of the bristles of the toothbrush and it will foam for a long time, the only thing it has is some kind of slightly burning effect (the tongue then stings for a long time) - isn’t this harmful to the mucous membrane? And the effect on the teeth is already visible: they begin to turn white from the ends. The only thing I read is that the natural yellowish color of the enamel cannot be whitened with anything, so I want to see with a personal example: if the tips of the teeth are already white, it means that everything will turn white) The main thing is to hope

  • Olga

    November 28, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    I’ve been using Thai toothpaste for 2 years now and I don’t even plan to go back to the toothpastes sold here!!! Previously they brought it from Thailand, but now (due to the crisis) I found it in an online store! In my city, my order was delivered within a day and I was very pleased with the price! Stocked up for use!!!))))) I recommend it to everyone!!! Indeed, the taste of the paste is very different from the sweetish menthol we are used to, but personally, I am completely delighted with the paste! Just brush the day, the second, and you will also become a fan of Thai toothpaste!!!!!!

  • Elena

    February 5, 2021 at 06:22 pm

    I tried Thai pastes on myself. I am a person who has been smoking for many years, my teeth are yellowish. The effect of the paste became noticeable already after the 2nd use. And after a while they became snow-white. And the feeling in the mouth after brushing is indescribable, despite the aftertaste of the pastes. When I brushed my teeth with Thai paste for the first time, the first thing I said when I came out of the bathroom was “as if I had just left the dentist”))))) Before using Thai toothpastes, I used Rocs toothpastes, but they never had such an effect.

  • Irina

    April 8, 2021 at 08:41 pm

    Hi all! And I want to leave my review about the wonderful paste☺ a year ago, I whitened my teeth at the dentist, walked with a snow-white smile, but as they say, you quickly get used to good things, after eight months, taking into account the fact that I don’t drink coffee, black tea, I smoke, my teeth began to lose the whiteness to which I was accustomed and I began to notice a difference, I wanted to make a mouth guard for home whitening, and then, as if in a fairy tale, at the behest of a pike, I met one girl, they started talking, and I noticed her teeth, they were so snow-white , I asked, they say she whitened, the answer amazed me when she said no, I just brush with toothpaste, I can say I didn’t even believe it, she said show me what kind of toothpaste, and we weren’t too lazy to go home, it was that beauty in a pink package with a beautiful smile, that same evening I found the Sia Market website on the Internet for direct delivery from Thailand and ordered without hesitation, it cost 88 rubles. The order arrived a month later, but the result was not long in coming, after a week I noticed that they had turned white, I was scratched by the same tooth for half a year, after the second cleaning I forgot what it was, if you brush your teeth in the morning, then the next morning, your teeth are still plaque-free, smooth and shiny, as if your dentist polished them. In general, I’m in delighted with Thai toothpaste)))))

Herbal pastes

Thailand is home to many unique medicinal plants that have a therapeutic effect on gum tissue. These include yuva tree powder, guava, and mangosteen peel. The Thais have learned to use them in the production of toothpastes.

Such compositions effectively relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, fight the active proliferation of pathogenic flora, stop bleeding, and have strengthening and nutritional properties. The components included in the composition have a gentle effect on tooth enamel. However, you should not expect whitening properties from such products.

The following herbal Thai toothpastes are most popular among consumers:

  1. Abhai herb. The product has an unusual dark color due to the presence of plant components. The specific taste pays off with disinfecting properties. The paste also copes well with most gum diseases.
  2. Baan Somjeed. This remedy can be used not only to treat and prevent gum disease, but also as a local anesthetic. The components included in the composition help relieve toothache.
  3. Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original. The paste passed the relevant laboratory tests successfully and received a quality certificate in our country. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

Main advantages

Toothpaste from Thailand, usually initially brought to our country as a souvenir, quickly found its consumer. It has become widespread only due to its advantages, which include:

  • fast whitening . It is this property that made this product so famous. Using a whitening composition from Thai manufacturers, you can make your teeth snow-white in two weeks;
  • naturalness of components . Thanks to this, this product can be used during pregnancy without fear of exposure to aggressive chemicals;
  • essential oils and plant extracts , which make up most of the paste.
    They provide complete antiseptics of the mouth, relieve inflammation and serve as a good prevention of periodontal and dental diseases. In addition, plant components provide freshness that lasts for a long time;
  • availability .
    The price for these products in our country is significantly higher than that of the manufacturer, but does not exceed 150 rubles. As a rule, you can buy such a product on online resources for 100–130 rubles. Buying in Thailand will cost ten times less;
  • economy . Consumption when using is minimal, since the paste has a dense consistency. In order to brush your teeth once, less than a pea is enough;
  • variety of products . In stores you can find a variety of types of this product. The most popular are: whitening, herbal and black pastes.

We read reviews about tea tree oil for teeth whitening - what effect can be achieved.

This publication lists the prices for lingual braces.

Here: - the timing of the eruption of milk and permanent teeth is given.

Black pastes

Black toothpastes from Thailand are not uncommon. They owe their color to bamboo charcoal. This natural component copes well with enamel stains by absorbing food particles. In addition to coal, the composition may include camphor, clove oil, and guava extract. They have a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Special mention should be made of black paste, which is made from mangosteen bark. It comes in the usual tubes and has a pleasant smell and taste. At the same time, the product copes well with its stated functions: cleanses enamel from tartar and plaque, reduces the number of bacteria, and freshens breath. It is considered an excellent prevention of inflammation in the oral cavity.

approximate cost

To purchase toothpaste from Thailand, you do not have to go to this exotic country. Today, such products can be bought in pharmacies or specialized retail chains, online stores.

The cost of the product will be slightly higher when compared with Thai prices. For example, Punchalee whitening paste will cost 250 rubles, and for the herbal composition Abhai herb you will have to pay a little more than 100 rubles. The final price may vary depending on the region. As a rule, it is much more profitable to buy Thai toothpastes in online stores, according to people’s reviews.

Customers' opinions

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, among those who have already bought and tried the magical effect of Thai toothpastes - whitening, herbal, black, no one plans to return to using traditional means to cleanse the oral cavity.

But, of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, so if you have experience using these exotic compounds, please leave a short review about it at the end of the page. Perhaps you will help someone make the right choice and stay healthy.

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Consumer Opinions

Most consumers who have once tried black, herbal or pink Thai toothpaste do not want to return to traditional hygiene products. However, there are also conflicting opinions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The product has a specific taste and smell. Some consumers quickly get used to them, others simply refuse to use them. The taste will definitely be appreciated by those who are still nostalgic for Soviet tooth powder.
  2. The manufacturer claims that the enamel paste is soft and non-traumatic. However, they are contraindicated for people with severe caries. It is better to try products with chamomile or guava extract. Thai toothpaste with cloves or borneol is suitable if there are no inflammatory problems.
  3. All products in round packaging have a whitening effect. However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth with them in the morning and evening; it is better to alternate with regular toothpastes. Also, do not rely on an instant whitening effect. Such products are really good at removing plaque, but they are not able to restore naturally yellowish enamel.
  4. Round packaging is only convenient if you take it on a trip. It is difficult to get paste onto a dry brush. If you wet it, water gets into the product, making it gooey and creamy. A special spatula often comes with the jar. However, reviews about it are very contradictory. Some consumers find it inconvenient, while others find it extremely useful.
  5. The cost of Thai paste is comparable to the usual mid-price products. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing a foreign product solely to save the budget.

Of course, you cannot be guided solely by consumer reviews when choosing a paste. Today, everyone can purchase a Thai product, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and only after that make their choice.

Dentist reviews

Reviews of Thai toothpaste from dentists are in most cases negative.

First of all, doctors warn that many products have only a foreign quality certificate. In addition, they are adapted to the so-called Asian type of teeth. For Europeans, regular use of herbal formulations or whitening pastes is undesirable. If there is still a need to use them, it is better to alternate with traditional means.

Also, do not forget about precautions regarding the dosage of the product. Thai toothpastes in jars with a whitening effect are based on alumina with unprocessed granules. Therefore, they are a strong abrasive and can damage the enamel. Over time, teeth may become overly sensitive to cold/hot foods, and the enamel may even become dull.

special instructions

There are several points that are important to consider when purchasing Thai toothpaste.

First of all, this is the quality of abrasive materials. They are responsible for removing plaque. Silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, and aluminum oxide are usually used as abrasives. They are contained in clay, which is found everywhere. However, this is not a reason to use it instead of pasta. Before entering the finished product, the crystals undergo so-called cutting. Such a complex process must be performed on high-quality equipment.

The composition of Thai pastes includes ordinary alumina, saturated with a large number of raw crystals. For this reason, during hygiene procedures it is recommended to use soft brushes and brush your teeth with little force. It is not surprising that the plaque disappears, and the teeth themselves become smooth. Along with food debris, the enamel is also erased. As a result, teeth become sensitive to external irritants.

The presence of exclusively plant components in the paste requires the use of preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers. Therefore, it is not a 100% natural product. The use of natural ingredients is impossible without chemistry.

Sellers are trying to misinform consumers by talking about the super-effectiveness of the paste and its natural composition. At the same time, they are silent about possible side effects. Such products usually contain aromatic oils that can cause allergies.

On the other hand, sellers can scare consumers by talking about the unsafety of traditional hygiene products, citing a large number of chemical components. However, they cannot be absorbed into the blood through the oral mucosa. Few people know about this. Traditional pastes “work” only superficially, without having a negative impact on human health.

Thai tooth powder

Tooth powders are also produced in Thailand. One of the representatives of such an assortment is “Tooth polishing powder plus herb”, which has such a specific aroma and taste that some consider it disgusting.

Users leave positive reviews about its cleansing properties and healing effects, but there have been cases of oral irritation. As an abrasive, the powder contains cuttlefish crushed into powder .

It is claimed that such an abrasive carefully removes plaque , but at the same time there is a warning on the packaging that the powder cannot be used by people with hypersensitivity. Dentists also confirm this.

This powder from Thailand cannot be considered 100% natural, since in addition to plant extracts and essential oils, it contains sodium lauryl sulfate . You can buy it not only in Thailand, but also in online stores.

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