Toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant effect” Sensodyne: composition, reviews

Now there are so many different toothpastes on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies – it’s dizzying. And each of them has unique beneficial properties. In any case, that’s what it says on the bright, eye-catching packaging. One of the most popular is Sensodyne “Instant Effect” toothpaste, created for people with hypersensitive teeth. It was developed by the English company GKS (Glaxo Smith Kline), but is produced all over the world. Numerous customer reviews say it really quickly relieves pain. The only concern is the composition of the paste, which contains controversial elements from the point of view of health safety. Let's look at each of them in detail.

What is hyperesthesia

To understand how Sensodyne toothpaste works, let’s explain what sensitive teeth are. In medicine, this condition is called hyperesthesia. It manifests itself as a short-term (literally seconds), but very unpleasant acute pain when the teeth are affected by taste or temperature stimuli. Sensitivity can be caused by many reasons, among which the lion's share is due to chemical whitening of enamel, removal of tartar, frequent consumption of foods such as lemons, sour drinks, sauces, etc. In addition, hyperesthesia is observed with a pathology called increased abrasion of enamel, with injuries, hereditary disorders and some dental defects.

Hyperesthesia comes in three degrees:

- I - teeth react to cold and hot.

- II - pain appears both from temperature stimuli and from chemical ones (sweet, sour, salty and others).

- III - painful sensations from all irritants found in nature.

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant effect” helps well with grades I and II, and with grade III it is necessary to carry out complex treatment.

Sensodyne for children

Children's teeth require more attention than adults. They are very susceptible to fluoride, so this component should be absent in children's toothpaste. Sensodyne with fluoride can only be used from 12 years of age and after consultation with a doctor. However, the Sensodyne line includes products that can be used without consulting a dentist due to their absolute safety:

  • Classic.
  • ProNamel for Children.
  • Gum Care.

Sensodyne toothpaste with unique NovaMin technology is the best oral care product. It differs from analogues in its complex effect, instantaneous effect, quality of treatment and long-term preservation of the achieved result.

Mechanism of pain

When a tooth is exposed to an irritant, it is not the enamel that hurts, as ordinary people are used to thinking. The mechanism for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is something like this: inside our teeth are filled with a special tissue (pulp), in which blood vessels and nerve fibers are intertwined. The pulp is covered by dentin, and it is covered by the same enamel that comes into contact with irritants (food, air, water). Between the pulp and dentin lies a layer of cells called odontoblasts. They have processes with nerve endings, and in the dentin there are multiple tubules into which these processes enter and remain there throughout the life of the tooth. Strong, healthy enamel does not let anything through to dentin. If it is thinned or damaged, irritants easily penetrate through it, reach the dentin and affect the tubules. The nerve endings of odontoblasts instantly react to this with pain impulses sent to the pulp, and there reaching the nerve fibers.

Another theory of pain is based on hydrodynamic processes inside the tooth. The fact is that a special liquid produced by the pulp circulates in the dentin tubules. Unpleasant sensations occur when external irritants, reaching the tubules, disrupt the circulation of this fluid.

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant Effect” contains elements that clog the openings of the tubules, which is its main “work” to quickly relieve pain. The canaliculus is buried - irritants do not affect the fluid and do not affect the nerve processes of odontoplasts. Additionally, the “Instant Effect” paste helps strengthen the enamel and heal the gums.

Characteristics and Features

The packaging design of the “Instant Effect” paste is unobtrusive. It and the tube contain brief information about hyperesthesia, the causes of its occurrence, the principles of action of the paste and instructions for use. The Sensodyne toothpaste tube is made of laminate, making it easy to squeeze out the contents down to the last gram. The cap is so wide that the tube can be placed vertically. In this position, the paste itself flows into the hole area.

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant effect” has a white color and a slight menthol smell. During the process of brushing your teeth, it hardly foams, but leaves a pleasant freshness. Important: this paste is low-abrasive (RDA index - up to 120 units), so it does not whiten the enamel, but only removes plaque from it. It is not advisable to brush your teeth with it immediately before eating, since the “Instant Effect” paste blocks the taste buds of the tongue.

How to use

Detailed instructions are provided on the packaging and on the tube. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth “Instant effect” can be freely used by children over 12 years of age. The method of application is to place the required amount of the contents of the tube on a toothbrush and distribute the product over the surface of the teeth, followed by rinsing with water. You should not swallow the paste. It is not recommended to use it more than 2-3 times a day. If your teeth are very sensitive, you can apply the paste using your fingers. In this case, the product is applied to the teeth closer to the gums, since this is where the enamel is thinnest. The effect of using the paste should occur within a minute. To consolidate it, you need to use Sensodyne for at least 1 month.

The best premium toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Premium segment toothpastes are distinguished by a stylish tube design, pleasant taste, aroma, the presence of components (or their compounds) not used in conventional products, as well as new medicinal formulas that can give a lasting effect. The high price is the result of expensive research, registration of patents, and promotion of a new product on the market. We have brought together three names that, in the opinion of users and dentists, have earned the title of the best in the ranking of luxury products.

3 Sangi Apadent Total Care, mint

Third place - APADENT paste, developed by Japanese using special technology.
The developers' task was to create a product that promotes the natural process of restoring the enamel layer using nanohydroxyapatite. Nanohydroxyapatite has the property of closing exposed dental tubules, filling microcracks and chips on the surface of the enamel, as a result of which it becomes smoother and repels bacterial plaque. In addition to reducing sensitivity, the composition has a beneficial effect on gums and has mild whitening properties, so it is recommended for smokers. There is no fluoride among the ingredients, which makes the paste an ideal solution for people who are advised to limit its consumption.

There is an effect of remineralization of teeth, which includes saturation of the enamel with mineral components. The process helps restore the structure and increase the protective properties of the coating. Sangi Apadent Total Care is recommended for use by pregnant women and people who wear orthodontic appliances.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Suitable for people who wear braces.
  • Natural restoration effect.
  • Bleaching.
  • Positive reviews from fans of coffee, tea, cigarettes.


  • High price, little information about the manufacturer and products.

Sangi Apadent Total Care toothpaste, mint

2 RemarsGel two-component

Second place in the rating is the two-component complex RemarsGel, which customers liked for its effective reduction of sensitivity and strengthening of enamel, achieved with the help of active compounds.
The peculiarity of the product is that it can be used in several approaches - the package contains two tubes of 75 ml each, the contents of which must be used in turn. This creates some inconvenience, especially if you need to leave home, but the positive qualities of the product allow you to turn a blind eye to this. The active ingredient of gel No. 1 is calcium nitrate, gel No. 2 is ammonium hydrogen phosphate. As a result of a safe chemical reaction that occurs during the interaction of calcium nitrate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate, a film is formed on the surface of the tooth with characteristics reminiscent of hydroxyapatite (the basic mineral component of the upper layer of teeth). The particles formed after binding the components are small in size, which allows them to easily penetrate the enamel and integrate into its structure without problems, which leads to the restoration of damaged areas. Such exposure not only increases the threshold of sensitivity, but also helps combat negative effects, reducing the risk of various diseases.

In addition to the therapeutic and restorative effect, users note a pleasant aftertaste, an organic base, good cleansing, and positive changes in the shortest possible time. The paste also worked well while wearing and after removing braces.


  • Noticeable decrease in sensitivity.
  • Restorative functions.
  • Recommended after removing braces.
  • Organic base.


  • The need to use the contents of two tubes.

RemarsGel two-component toothpaste

1 Biorepair Total Protection Plus

Biorepair Total Protective Repair becomes the leader in the premium segment.
The product is designed for comprehensive protection and is suitable for daily use. Users praise the product not only for its noticeable reduction in sensitivity, but also for other characteristics. With regular use of Biorepair Total Protection Plus, gum bleeding decreases or even disappears, mild lightening occurs, the period of feeling of cleanliness in the oral cavity increases, and breath is noticeably freshened. Biorepair Total Protective Repair has an antibacterial effect, making it an indispensable assistant when using braces. The composition does not contain parabens, SLS and fluorine, which will please lovers of “healthy” products. According to the research results, no allergic reactions were found.

Users note a pleasant aftertaste, a feeling of cleanliness in the mouth that lasts all day, ease of use, and a general improvement in the condition of teeth and gums.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • A complex approach.
  • Good results when using braces.
  • No parabens or SLS.

Biorepair Total Protection Plus Toothpaste

Harmless ingredients

On each package and on the tube itself the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste is given, but not everyone can understand those tricky inscriptions. Let's first consider the components that are not hazardous to health:

1. Water (aqua).

2. Sugar substitute sorbitol. Actively used in cooking. It has been proven that it is harmful only when ingested in large quantities.

3. Glycerin. It can be made from natural products or artificially. Function: prevents the paste from drying out.

4. Silicic acid (hydrated silica). It is obtained from natural minerals. This is an abrasive that gently cleanses the enamel, and it also helps give the paste viscosity.

5. A soft surfactant based on coconut milk (sodium methyl cocoyl taurate), which very carefully cleans enamel.

6. Sweetener (sodium saccharin), absolutely harmless.

7. Natural flavoring produced from citrus fruits (limonene).

8. Artificial flavor (aroma). It gives the pasta taste, smell, and freshens breath.

Experts differ on the harmlessness of the latter.

Dangerous ingredients of Sensodyne

The not entirely harmless ingredients included in the “Instant Effect” toothpaste include:

1. Thickener E415, or xanthan gum. According to many dentists, E415 can cause stomatitis, and if ingested, cause diarrhea, pain, nausea and vomiting.

2. Titanium white, or titanium dioxide, which gives the paste a white color. This substance, if ingested, can become responsible for liver and kidney diseases; it is also used in the paste as an additional thickener.

3. Strontium acetate, which clogs the tubules in dentin (strontium acetate). Some consumers believe that strontium is radioactive and causes cancer. In fact, only its isotopes are radioactive, which destroy bones, lead to fibrosis and other unpleasant diseases. Strontium salts (in this case it is a salt of acetic acid) are harmless provided they enter the body in quantities not exceeding permissible values. In fact, it is thanks to strontium acetate that the “Instant Effect” paste relieves tooth sensitivity.

4. Parabens sodium propilparaben and methylparaben. These toothpaste additives actively fight bacteria, which are always abundant in the oral cavity, fungus, and act as antiseptics and fungicides. It is thanks to them that wounds (if any) on the gums heal. It is believed that parabens cause cancer and hormonal disorders. This was confirmed by studies of breast cancer in women who regularly used antiperspirants with these substances. The harm of parabens contained in toothpastes has not been proven.

The best toothpastes for sensitive teeth in the mid-price segment

The average price category is the best option for most buyers. Such pastes have an affordable price tag, and increased attention is paid to quality and effectiveness. The main task here is to find a product whose effectiveness and cost correspond to each other. We have collected five favorite toothpastes by customers and dentists, which have saved more than one hundred people from increased sensitivity of teeth, earning maximum positive ratings.

5 Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief to reduce sensitivity

The Colgate brand is one of the leading brands on the Russian market.
Its products lack stars from the sky, but have firmly taken their place in the niche of inexpensive but high-quality toothpastes for any age. Sensitive Pro-Relief is created on the basis of natural components and acts as a repairman - it seals the dentinal tubules, thereby eliminating the cause of the vulnerability. Among the additional qualities, it should be noted that the paste has an excellent cleansing effect, has a pleasant refreshing taste, is gentle on the gums, for which it receives positive ratings from people in whom other formulations provoke bleeding or pain.

The only caveat that should be taken into account is that it may take time to feel improvements, although the manufacturer promises instant results. However, some users in their reviews claim that the product does not give immediate results. But the effect is long-lasting, due to the slow but sure elimination of the cause of the disease.

Sensitive Pro-Relief has passed clinical trials and is approved by the Russian Dental Association.


  • Long lasting effect.
  • Restoration of tooth structure.
  • Pleasant taste and smell.
  • Gentle on gums.


  • It takes time to feel the results.
  • Small volume (75 ml).

Colgate Pro-Relief reviews

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste for Sensitivity Relief

4 Isme Rasyan herbal clove

Fourth place is the Thai paste ISME Rasyan, which has recently become very popular.
It is packaged in a compact jar, which makes the product even more exotic, and the original herbal taste and smell will add new sensations. It does not contain fluoride, which will appeal to people who try to avoid formulations with this component. The product has good foaming properties, is economical and has excellent cleaning properties. However, there is a small nuance - whitening comes first, so those with sensitive teeth should use it with caution when combining it with other toothpastes. The mark “for sensitive teeth” rather means that whitening is more gentle, rather than the presence of therapeutic functions.

Also, the most attentive users discovered sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is responsible for foaming, but with prolonged use has a negative impact on health - it provokes the appearance of stomatitis and aphthae, which is an additional incentive to alternate pastes. ISME Rasyan is an ideal option for those who love rich foam and low consumption.

As for the effect, users are satisfied with it. ISME Rasyan whitens teeth perfectly, has an unusual but pleasant aftertaste, it can be used if the enamel is slightly sensitive, the packaging is compact, so it is convenient to take on the go. Also, the Thai novelty showed excellent results in the fight against tartar.


  • Original taste.
  • Complete cleansing.
  • Removing tartar.
  • Compact packaging.


  • Focus on whitening rather than eliminating sensitivity.
  • SLS included.

Isme clove reviews

Isme Rasyan herbal clove toothpaste

3 Lacalut Sensitive

LACALUT Sensitive helps remove plaque, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes due to the presence of chlorhexidine, and has an astringent effect (aluminum lactate is responsible for this quality).
But the most important thing is that a decrease in sensitivity to cold and hot, sweet and sour occurs after the first use. Thanks to the combined action of amino fluoride and sodium fluoride, a protective film is created on the surface, which quickly relieves discomfort and accelerates natural recovery. The presence of these two components also prevents the occurrence of caries. Sensitive copes well with care during the recovery period after teeth whitening. Users like the pleasant aftertaste, complex effect, gentle treatment of the gums and their strengthening due to aluminum lactate. As for the effectiveness of the paste, the opinions of buyers are divided - some praise it for its quick 100% effect, while others claim that sensitivity remains. From this we can conclude that LACALUT does not have a therapeutic effect in all cases.

LACALUT Sensitive is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It is recommended to use in approaches of 30-60 days, alternating each course with other lines of the brand. The paste has received approval from the Russian Dental Association.


  • Quick effect.
  • Removing plaque.
  • Prevent bleeding and gum inflammation.
  • Safe composition.
  • Prevention of caries.


  • Not suitable for everyone.

Lacalut Sensitive reviews

Lacalut Sensitive toothpaste

2 ROCS Sensitive Instant effect

Second place – ROCS Sensitive.
This is one of the most successful developments from the WDS laboratory, effectively combating the vulnerability of the enamel layer and preserving a snow-white smile. The paste has a low level of abrasiveness (RDA=40), which allows it not to injure the already damaged shell while hydroxyapatite particles accumulate in dentinal tubules and microcracks. ROCS Sensitive “Instant Effect” works in three directions. The first is the restoration of solid structures through mineral supply. The second is sealing of defects, which leads to a rapid decrease in susceptibility. Third, activation of natural regenerative processes due to sufficient xylitol and magnesium content. The paste is suitable for any age group, including children (due to low abrasiveness), daily and long-term use.

The ROCS brand is one of the DRC group of companies, which develops and produces oral care products. DRC products are safe, combine natural ingredients and the latest developments - DRC owns not only factories, but also the WDS scientific laboratory.


  • Quick effect.
  • Help with natural recovery.
  • Suitable for the whole family.
  • Suitable for daily and long-term use.
  • Does not contain fluorides, pyrophosphates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Toothpaste ROCS Sensitive Instant effect

1 Weleda Rataniya

Ratania is an inconspicuous dense shrub that grows in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador and has the valuable property of strengthening gums due to the presence of tannins in its composition.
The developers took into account the beneficial qualities of the plant, creating a natural, effective product based on it. Weleda paste with ratania is distinguished by its softness, which makes it indispensable for a double ailment - tooth sensitivity and bleeding, “loose” gums. The composition has a soothing antibacterial effect, provides thorough but gentle cleansing, and has a soft, refreshing aroma created through the use of essential oils. The product will be a real find for people who value natural cosmetics and hygiene products. The paste contains no synthetic preservatives or flavorings, harmful surfactants, or bleach.

Weleda is a company that, since 1921, has been developing and producing natural cosmetics and medicines, caring about ecology, environmental protection, and human well-being. It is not surprising that the company’s paste became the leader in the selection - its safe composition, reasonable cost, effectiveness, and lack of manipulation with customers are able to win trust.


  • Based on natural ingredients.
  • Strengthens gums, relieves bleeding.
  • Gentle cleansing.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Suitable for vegans.

Weleda Rataniya toothpaste


Separately, I would like to highlight sodium fluoride (sodium fluoride), which is part of the Sensodyne Instant Effect paste. Its role is to prevent bacteria from producing acids that destroy tooth enamel, and to create a special protective layer that prevents mineral elements from being washed out of teeth (demineralization). In addition, fluoride helps reduce tooth sensitivity and is the best protection against caries. In some countries, fluoride compounds are added not only to toothpastes, but even to water and milk. True, in many countries this is prohibited. Thus, if fluoride intake is normal, it is beneficial. If too much of them gets to the teeth, the disease fluorosis develops, in which the enamel is not strengthened, but, on the contrary, is destroyed, which ultimately leads to tooth loss. Another unfavorable property of these substances is toxicity and a negative effect on thinking abilities. The percentage of sodium fluoride in Sensodyne is clearly balanced, and the instructions indicate that the paste can be used no more than 3 times a day.


  • Sodium fluoride is contained in all types of Sensodin, except Classic, and is the main building element for gum tissue and tooth enamel, and has an antibacterial effect.
  • Potassium nitrate and potassium chloride relieve painful sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Silicic acid is involved in the restoration of enamel.
  • Glycerol is an important element for cell life.
  • Calcium pyrophosphate is a building material for enamel and prevents the formation of stone on teeth.
  • Silicon is an abrasive substance.
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine – fights dental plaque.
  • Strontium acetate promotes the accumulation of calcium in the tooth and blocks pain impulses.
  • Sorbitol maintains the consistency of the paste and helps the absorption of microelements.

Sensodyne brand brushes

The GKS company has developed both a toothpaste and a brush for people with sensitive teeth, which cleans teeth incredibly gently. The design of the Sensodyne brush is also quite simple: nothing extra, just a rigid handle and a head with bristles. However, every detail has been carefully thought out. The handle has a rubberized insert that prevents slipping in a wet hand. The brush head is small, allowing you to reach hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity. Even children can easily use this tool. Although the villi in it are soft, they do an excellent job of cleaning the enamel. Sensodyne brushes are available in the Soft and Extra soft categories.


Numerous consumers who use Sensodyne Instant Effect note that this toothpaste really helps relieve pain. Its price is not the cheapest and ranges from 150 rubles for a 75 ml tube. Advantages of pasta:

  • cleans enamel well;
  • does not foam;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • makes teeth insensitive to irritants for a long time.


  • ingredients that are hazardous to health.

Conclusions: Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste can be used for medicinal purposes. It must be used strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package.

Range of Sensodyne pastes with fluoride

All types of Sensodyne dental pastes are characterized by:

  • Gentle on enamel.
  • Achieving results quickly.
  • The effectiveness of treatment.


Sensodyne Whitening whitening toothpaste does not contain abrasives and is characterized by a triple effect on enamel:

  • Cleansing.
  • Removing black spots.
  • Prevention of pigmentation.

Due to the absence of large abrasive components in the composition, the product has a safe whitening effect. The result is noticeable after 7 days of continuous use.

Gentle Whitening

Gentle Whitening whitening paste gently lightens enamel and breaks down tartar. Compared to other products in this line, Gentle Whitening works on the enamel for a longer period of time.

Extra Whitening

Sensodyne paste with fluoride for strong whitening performs the following functions:

  • Eliminates darkening of enamel.
  • It clogs the dentinal tubules, preventing the penetration of irritants to the nerve endings.
  • Envelops and protects tooth enamel.

Extra Whitening toothpaste with an instant effect can be used by those with sensitive teeth. Its action is aimed at achieving quick results without negative effects on the enamel.

True White

Sensodyne Instant Effect True White does not contain abrasive particles. But despite this, she :

  • Gently removes pigment particles from enamel.
  • Cleans the surface of teeth from the yellowness of tobacco smoke.
  • Blocks sensitive tooth endings.


Sensodyne with fluoride Fluoride is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • Remineralization of teeth.
  • Instant blocking of nerve endings.
  • Instant relief from tooth sensitivity.

Sensodyne Fluoridated Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth provides complete nerve blocking for quick pain relief.

Total Care

The action of Total Care toothpaste is aimed at daily protection of teeth and gums, safe whitening of enamel and stopping the development of carious processes. The product is suitable for people with slightly increased tooth sensitivity, as it is not able to instantly dull the pain. The therapeutic effect of the paste is observed only after 3 days of its continuous use.

Gum Care

The focus of Gum Care is gum protection. It effectively anesthetizes teeth, cleanses them of plaque, subgingival and supragingival calculus, and relieves periodontal inflammation. The peculiarity of the product is that it contains an antimicrobial complex, which prevents the accumulation of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. The course of treatment is about 2 months.

Complete Protection

The action of Sensodyne Complete Protection toothpaste is aimed at comprehensive protection of teeth and gums, elimination of inflammatory processes, prevention and treatment of mild forms of caries and gingivitis. It stabilizes tooth sensitivity and has an antibacterial effect. Dentists recommend using Complete Protection daily.


Sensodyne Rapid toothpaste has an immediate effect and is designed to eliminate increased sensitivity of teeth and prevent its recurrence. This product is not intended for daily use; it is used only for medicinal purposes.


The main task of Sensodyne ProNamel is to prevent acid attack on enamel and gums. The product stops and prevents the occurrence of erosion, restores the surface of the teeth and normalizes the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Sensodyne ProNamel is used for daily dental care. Thanks to its unique composition, the paste envelops their surface and ensures its remineralization.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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