Asepta toothpaste: unique composition and professional quality

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Throughout life, every person faces problems associated with diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth. Preventing the occurrence of a particular disease, or at least minimizing the negative consequences of its occurrence, is very important for human health.

Periodontal disease is...

A disease such as periodontal disease, which affects the periodontal tissue (periodontium), is quite rare - in 1 - 8% of patients visiting dental clinics. However, for those who experience it, it can cause a lot of problems, both physical and emotional. The main difficulty in treating this disease is that diagnosing the disease at the beginning of its progression is very difficult, if not impossible.

Periodontal disease is characterized by gradual atrophy of the dental canals, reduction in the size of the interdental septa, which precedes the loosening and loss of teeth.

With this disease, a burning sensation, itching and pulsation in the gums are clearly felt in the oral cavity, they bleed every time you brush your teeth, there is a repulsive odor from the mouth, and painful sensations when chewing food while eating.

Purposes of product use

Hygiene - help in the treatment of serious pathologies

Thanks to the innovative formulas of Asept products, they can provide the following effects:

  1. Elimination of inflammatory processes, reduction and elimination of bleeding gums.
  2. Ridding the oral cavity of pathogens.
  3. Reduced tooth sensitivity.
  4. Prevention of pathologies of teeth and gums.
  5. Maintaining oral hygiene.

Causes of periodontal disease

To combat periodontal disease, which is poorly recognized in the early stages of its occurrence, you need to know the reasons that contribute to its appearance. After all, if you try to eliminate them, the likelihood of this disease occurring will significantly decrease.

The main prerequisites for the appearance of periodontal disease are:

  • heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • diabetes;
  • failure of the endocrine glands;
  • low blood supply to gum tissue;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • lack of vitamins C and P in the body.

Asepta products for periodontal disease

If we talk about proven means of preventing and combating this disease, today products are considered one of the most effective. It includes various toothpastes for the treatment of periodontal disease, rinses, gels and balms intended for both adults and children of any age. Special protective wipes have been developed for newborns.

The company also produces a vitamin and mineral complex aimed at increasing the resistance of gums to infections and inflammatory processes. All of the company's products have a protective, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, improve oral hygiene, and have a targeted effect on the affected and least protected areas, soothing and strengthening them.

It is especially worth noting the effectiveness of pastes for the treatment of periodontal disease, produced under the brand name “Acepta Parodontal”. The line of toothpastes is represented by 4 items:

  • ASEPTA toothpaste, which has a preventive effect on the oral cavity, is designed to gently cleanse it and provide long-term protection against bacteria, caries and plaque. This paste contains rare medicinal herbs and enzymes that have healing properties.
  • ASEPTA Sensitive toothpaste is created specifically for sensitive teeth. Its peculiarity lies in the optimal combination of enzymes, herbs and mud from thermal springs. Together, these components provide effective protection to the oral cavity, tooth enamel, and have a soothing effect on gums and teeth.
  • ASEPTA Baby toothpaste is created exclusively for children from the moment teeth appear and up to 3 years, and has a gel-like form. This paste is absolutely safe, it does not harm the milky enamel of children's teeth, eliminates the possibility of the development of inflammation and bacteria, and has a wound-healing effect. Suitable for everyday use.
  • ASEPTA Kids toothpaste is produced for children from 4 to 8 years old, and also has a gel form. Suitable for protecting and cleaning both baby and permanent teeth. Prevents the occurrence of caries and inflammation. Has a calming effect.

A little about the manufacturer

Products under the Asepta brand are produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Vertex from St. Petersburg. It was registered in 1999, production processes were launched in 2003.

Now the company's enterprises develop, produce and package solid, liquid and soft dosage forms for use in allergology, gynecology, dermatology, cardiology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, as well as products from cosmetic brands Asepta, Alerana, Ginocomfort, La-Cri, Normaven. In our own research center, we develop and test products that are produced in a modern innovation and production complex.

Product logo

The Asepta brand includes not only toothpastes, but also other products: mouth rinses, propolis gel, adhesive gum balm, a set of oral hygiene products, as well as baby wipes, a vitamin and mineral complex.

Clinical researches

It has been clinically proven that the use of Asepta products helps reduce complaints of discomfort in the oral cavity and heal tissue. On the 7th day, complaints of bleeding gums went away in most patients. Upon examination, a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the gums was noted, but bleeding persisted upon probing. On the 14th day, most patients had no complaints about bleeding gums when brushing their teeth; upon examination, a significant decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the gums was noted.

Improved dynamics of indicators allows us to recommend the Asepta line of products for local treatment and prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases.


  1. Clinical experience in using the Asepta series of products Fuchs Elena Ivanovna Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO RyazSMU Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia)
  2. The use of drugs from the Asepta line in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (N.V. Berezina E.N. Silantyeva S.M. Krivonos, Kazan State Medical Academy. Kazan.) N.V. BEREZINA, E.N. SILANTIEVA, S.M. KRIVONOS Kazan State Medical Academy
  3. The use of adhesive balm "Asepta®" in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases L.Yu. OREKHOVA*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department V.V. CHPP**, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department S.B. ULITOVSKY*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor A.A. LEONTIEV*, dentist A.A. DOMORAD**, O.M. YAKOVLEV** SPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg - *Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, **Department of Microbiology
  4. Study of the clinical effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic agents of the Asepta line in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (A.I. Grudyanov, I.Yu. Aleksandrovskaya, V.Yu. Korzunina) A.I. GRUDYANOV, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of Department I.Yu. ALEXANDROVSKAYA, Ph.D. V.Yu. KORZUNINA, asp. Department of Periodontology, Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rosmedtekhnologii, Moscow
  5. Report on clinical trials of anti-inflammatory balm for gums "Asepta" adhesive, St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2007

Line of toothpastes

Products of the Asepta Plus series

Asepta toothpastes are professional oral care products that help eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes, caries and other problems. There are three product series - Plus, Paradontal and for children.

The Plus series includes “Gentle Whitening”, “Coffee and Tobacco”, “Remineralization” pastes. Parodontal is represented by Active and Sensitive products. The children's line includes Baby, Kids and Teens pastes.

Gentle whitening

With this paste you can achieve safe and effective enamel lightening. This is achieved thanks to microgranules and a unique enzyme-mineral complex.

Whitening is possible due to enzymatic breakdown and removal of plaque from the enamel. This does not require the use of aggressive abrasive components, peroxides and acids, which can cause damage to teeth. Fine abrasive components remove plaque, but do not leave microcracks on the enamel surface.

Shining smile

Natural extracts contained in the product help strengthen local immunity. The combination of hydroxyapatite and potassium citrate helps prevent hypersensitivity.

Important! All Asept toothpastes do not contain parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate and antiseptics, and the “Gentle Whitening” product does not contain fluoride.


ComponentIts meaning
Enzymatic-mineral complex based on papain, pyrophosphates, xylitol and zinc in combination with microgranules.Multi-stage cleansing system: dental plaque is broken down, the mineral matrix of dental plaque is dissolved, and the re-formation of stone and plaque is prevented.
HydroxyapatiteRestoring damage, strengthening the enamel structure, increasing its resistance to acids.
Potassium citrateReducing the sensitivity of teeth and gums, preventing caries.
Eleutherococcus and calamus extractsAcceleration of regeneration processes of the oral mucosa, elimination of excess sensitivity of the gums.

Coffee and tobacco

Favorite drinks can provoke plaque

The use of paste helps to neutralize the negative effects of drinking coffee, strong tea, red wine and smoking, and also creates obstacles to the formation of plaque and tartar.

Thanks to fluoride in the composition, tooth enamel is strengthened and the progression of caries is blocked. Brushing your teeth with this product eliminates the effects of smoking in the mouth, such as dryness, odor and inflammation. Using polishing particles, plaque and tartar are removed. The paste is suitable for use every day.


ComponentIts meaning
Polishing particlesRemoving plaque and stone, adding shine to enamel.
PapainBreakdown of plaque, dissolution of the matrix of dental deposits, preventing their reappearance.
Lemon essential oilWhitening, odor neutralization.
Calamus extract combined with potassium citrateStrengthening gums, reducing high sensitivity.
Aloe extract combined with betaineElimination of dryness, acceleration of regeneration of the mucous lining.


Healing calendula

This product helps restore enamel, strengthen gums, reduce tooth sensitivity, accelerate regeneration, and increase teeth resistance to caries. The optimal abrasiveness rating of RDA 100 helps to achieve natural white teeth without damaging the enamel and gums. The paste does not contain fluoride.


ComponentIts meaning
HydroxyapatiteRestoring damage, strengthening the enamel structure, increasing its resistance to acids.
Thermal mudEliminate pain, improve blood circulation in the gums, accelerate healing processes.
Eleutherococcus extractReducing the high sensitivity of teeth and gums, increasing the strength of enamel.
PapainSplitting the matrix of dental plaque, preventing their re-formation, preserving the light shade of the enamel.
Calendula extractAcceleration of mucosal regeneration, suppression of the growth of cariogenic microorganisms.

Asepta Active

Fragrant, fresh, healthy!

This product is ideal for hygiene procedures in case of inflammation and bleeding gums. The use of the paste significantly improves the condition of the oral cavity thanks to its complex composition, which combines plant extracts, minerals and enzymes. Due to the low abrasiveness of RDA 60, the product does not irritate the gums and does not wear away the enamel. Does not contain fluoride.

Note! This paste is recommended for use in the course of correction of inflammatory pathologies of the gums in parallel with the use of other products from the Asept line.


ComponentIts meaning
Extracts of St. John's wort, calendula and sageAnti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
PapainBreakdown of the protein components of dental deposits, slowing down their formation, dissolution of pigmented plaque without damaging the enamel.
PyrophosphatesProtection against the formation of tartar, restoration of the natural shade of enamel.
XylitolProtection against caries.
Lime and mintPleasant taste, fresh breath.

Asepta Sensitive

An excellent choice for highly sensitive teeth.

Three desensitizing components (hydroxyapatite, potassium citrate, thermal reduce the sensitivity of enamel, and due to the low abrasiveness of RDA 60 there are no unpleasant sensations during hygiene procedures. Does not contain fluoride.

Fact! During a 4-week clinical study among patients with chronic periodontitis, the condition of the oral cavity improved: sensitivity decreased, bleeding decreased, and the enamel became lighter.


ComponentIts meaning
HydroxyapatiteRestoring damage, strengthening enamel, increasing its resistance to aggressive substances.
Potassium citrateHigh sensitivity of teeth and gums, prevention of caries.
Extracts of calamus, sweet clover and calendulaAnti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
Thermal mudEliminate pain, improve blood circulation in the gums, accelerate regenerative processes.
PapainSplitting plaque, preserving the whiteness of enamel.

Asepta Baby

A personal example is an excellent helper in developing hygiene skills in a child.

Children's gel paste with a pleasant tutti-frutti taste is intended for children from 0 to 3 years old. The special composition allows you to gently clean children's gums and teeth.

Important! The product is completely harmless if swallowed because it does not contain dangerous components.

Thanks to the gel base and sweetish taste, children enjoy brushing their teeth, this allows them to form a healthy habit of regular hygiene procedures. There is no fluoride in the paste.


ComponentIts meaning
Calcium lactateParticipation in the formation of the structure of tooth enamel
XylitolSupporting acid-base balance in the oral cavity
Fennel oilStrengthening gums, preventing the development of inflammatory processes.
Chamomile and aloe extractsReducing irritation, stimulating regenerative processes.

Asepta Kids

Natural health protectors

Designed for children from 4 to 8 years of age. Gel consistency, soft abrasives, pleasant taste - thanks to these characteristics, the enamel is well cleaned without damaging the teeth and gums. The paste is harmless if swallowed and does not contain fluoride.


ComponentIts meaning
Fine abrasivesHigh-quality and gentle cleaning of enamel from plaque.
Calcium lactateActivation of mineralization of dental tissues.
Aloe and chamomile extractsProtecting gums from inflammation.

Asepta Teens

Recommended for children from 8 years of age. The pleasant taste of “peach + cream + apricot” will appeal to your child and will make the process of brushing your teeth a very pleasant procedure. The combination of xylitol and amino fluoride helps strengthen dental tissues and increase their resistance to the influence of aggressive substances and pathogens.

ComponentIts meaning
Aminofluoride (Olaflur)Long-term protection from the influence of cariogenic pathogens and aggressive substances, saturation of dental tissue with minerals.
XylitolStrengthening the remineralization of teeth, preventing caries.
Aloe extractMoisturizing, stimulating mucosal regeneration processes.
Calendula extractElimination of inflammation, antimicrobial protection.

Products for children of all ages

Thus, the Asepta line of toothpastes includes products for different ages and to solve a number of dental health problems. The safety and effectiveness of these products have been confirmed by clinical studies at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

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