Is it possible to get tooth decay? We analyze the situations that contribute to this

Science knows that caries develops due to bacteria that are found in plaque. Almost all types of germs can be transmitted from one person to another. In this regard, the question arises whether caries is contagious. This can be answered in the affirmative. However, everything is much more complicated than it seems.

In this article

  • The problem of caries development
  • Is tooth decay contagious?
  • Why is tooth decay contagious in children?
  • Is caries inherited?
  • Does caries transfer from one tooth to another?

There are many myths surrounding caries, as one of the most common dental diseases. Most people believe that carious lesions are a consequence of poor hygiene. Some people believe that caries is transmitted through saliva, so you can get it during a kiss. Scientists claim that the main cause of this pathology is cariogenic microbes from the Streptococcus group. Moreover, each of these statements is partially or completely true. Let's try to figure out whether caries is transmitted from person to person or not. First, let's find out what causes this disease.

The problem of caries development

Caries is the slow process of destruction of enamel and dentin - the hard tissues of the tooth. It is caused by harmful bacteria of the Streptococcus mutans group.

These microbes live off the carbohydrates that a person eats and multiply in the oral cavity if he does not follow the rules of hygiene. At the same time, they release acid, which eats away the enamel and destroys dentin. This is the main cause of tooth decay. There are a number of factors predisposing to this disease:

  • Insufficient hygiene. If a person does not brush his teeth or does it rarely and incorrectly, the risk of developing caries increases many times over. Bacteria and their metabolic products are washed off with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Lack of hygiene leads to the rapid spread of germs in the oral cavity.
  • Poor nutrition. Streptococcus mutans feed mainly on sucrose, so carious lesions are observed more often in people who abuse sweets.
  • Bad habits. Smoking contributes to the formation of plaque and tartar on teeth, which are a favorable environment for cariogenic microbes.
  • Weak immunity. The body can resist germs if it has good protection in the form of a strong immune system. Otherwise, a person becomes more vulnerable to any diseases, including caries.
  • Taking certain medications. They can cause problems with metabolism or saliva production. It contains substances that neutralize acids left behind by bacteria. In addition, due to insufficient secretion, microbes are not washed away from the oral cavity.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Impaired hormone production causes metabolic problems, which causes weakening of the enamel.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. If the body receives little magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, and calcium, tooth enamel becomes more vulnerable to cariogenic microbes.

There are other causes of caries, for example, childhood, pregnancy, wearing orthopedic structures, etc. As a rule, carious lesions occur as a result of the influence of not just one factor on the body, but a whole group.

Who is at risk

The greatest risk of infection with streptococci exists in early childhood (1-3 years). There are many ways for such an infection: using adult utensils, not having the habit of brushing your teeth only with your own brush, kissing your parents or other relatives.

The most common dangers of infection are:

  • Newborns who suck on a pacifier or eat from a bottle if the mother has a habit of putting these baby items in her mouth before offering them to the baby.
  • Children starting from the age of six months who are introduced to complementary foods. Often, a mother tries baby food with the same spoon that she is going to feed the baby.
  • Children who are learning to crawl. At the same time, children try to put into their mouths any objects unknown to them, through which staphylococcus can also be transmitted.

Is tooth decay contagious?

Since caries is a direct consequence of exposure to microbes on teeth, the question of the contagiousness of this disease is fair. However, these microorganisms are not as highly contagious as influenza, ARVI, tuberculosis and other viruses and bacteria to be transmitted by airborne droplets. Moreover, these microbes, being part of our microflora, are found in the oral cavity of all older people, except newborns.

But it is worth understanding that their presence does not always lead to the development of caries. There must be the predisposing factors discussed earlier. Some people never get tooth decay, while others cannot get rid of it for years. At the same time, cariogenic microbes are found in the oral cavity of both. Only with weak immunity, poor hygiene and the presence of other factors, the microbes that cause caries become dangerous.

Thus, it is impossible to become infected with caries through a kiss, someone else’s spoon, fork, toothbrush and other personal items. However, there is a category of people for whom cariogenic microbes from the oral cavity of another person are dangerous. We are talking about small children.

General recommendations for treatment

Traditional preparation of the defect is carried out using a drill. If the carious cavity is located within the dentin and does not affect the pulp, then after thorough cleaning, a filling is applied. However, sometimes with a small cavity, applying a multi-layer filling (insulating pad + filling material) is impossible. This feature is taken into account when treating caries on the contact surface of premolars and molars.

Another way to treat shallow caries in dentistry is to use a composite material with adhesive properties. In this case, extensive preparation and creation of a wide cavity is not required. Another method involves polishing a carious defect with remineralization of the enamel with medicinal applications, electrophoresis with a 1% sodium fluoride solution and other approved medications.

Medium caries is treated only by deep preparation and filling. In this case, the cavity is cleaned until the affected tissue is completely removed. High-quality sanitation ensures reliable fixation of the filling and increases its service life.

Why is tooth decay contagious in children?

They are more susceptible to tooth decay than adults. There is an explanation for this: children eat more sweets, take care of their hygiene worse, and have a weaker immune system. If there are cariogenic microbes in the oral cavity, the risk of developing caries in a child is higher than in an adult. This especially applies to very young children under the age of 3 years.

Let us describe several typical cases that can lead to infection of a child with bacteria of the Streptococcus group. So, a baby can become infected with tooth decay when the mother tries his food to check her temperature. This cannot be done, and not only because of cariogenic microbes. An adult’s mouth contains many bacteria that a child’s immune system cannot cope with. There is a risk of infection with microbes that will cause an infection. Some mothers, if their baby drops the pacifier, suck on it and put it back in the baby's mouth. In such situations, women risk both their health and the health of their children.

Caries in baby teeth develops quickly, destroying hard tissue and damaging the gums. The baby constantly cries and refuses to eat. Many parents turn a blind eye to this problem, believing that caries of primary teeth is not dangerous. However, it can cause complications, including: oral infections, systemic diseases, gastrointestinal problems and caries of molars.

Is it safe to visit the dentist during a pandemic?

Let us answer right away - yes, it is completely safe! At the MediLine clinic, we pay special attention to sterility: we use a personal set of instruments for each patient. This set includes both disposable consumables and reusable instruments that undergo a full processing cycle. We have a separate sterilization unit with disinfection devices, including a modern German autoclave DAC UNIVERSAL. After sterilization, instruments are stored in special ultraviolet cabinets, which guarantees the safety of their use.

The doctor conducts the consultation only wearing a disposable mask and gloves. Several times a day we carry out quartz treatment in each office to disinfect the air in the room. Appointments are carefully scheduled to minimize the number of patients in the waiting area. We work according to the highest international standards, so treating teeth during a pandemic at MediLine is as safe and comfortable as always.

Is caries inherited?

This is another common question related to the nature of the origin of caries. Incorrect metabolism, weak immunity, abrasion of enamel and anatomical structures of the jaw can be inherited from parents to children. Oral bacteria do not pass from mother to child during pregnancy or delivery. A child may have a genetic predisposition to diseases and conditions that increase the risk of developing tooth decay. There is no gene for caries pathology as such.

Does caries transfer from one tooth to another?

Can a tooth affected by caries lead to infection of the tissue of neighboring teeth with carious bacteria? This happens in the absence of treatment and insufficient hygiene. The number of bacteria in the mouth increases, they spread throughout the entire cavity, forming pathological foci in different places of the jaw. The patient may be diagnosed with multiple caries with localization of carious lesions on several teeth.

So, it is possible to become infected with caries, but carious bacteria alone are not enough for the development of the disease. Only in the presence of several factors does a person begin the process of demineralization of enamel and destruction of dentin. Dentists recommend not to worry about this and not be afraid of contracting caries through a kiss. It is better to pay more attention to hygiene. However, brushing your teeth alone is not enough. As additional hygiene products, it is necessary to use dental floss, rinses and irrigators. Doctors also advise eating right, exercising, and visiting the dentist twice a year. If you follow preventive measures, you can live your whole life without caries.



Preventive measures

Every person is interested in whether caries is transmitted. Despite the fact that this is an infectious disease, it is transmitted only against the background of decreased immunity. To reduce the risk of infection, everyone should practice good oral hygiene every day.

Regular teeth brushing is not enough. It is important to use dental floss, professional pastes, and antibacterial rinses. Effective prevention of caries is dietary adjustment. Large amounts of sugar, spicy and sour foods should be excluded from the diet . They lead to the destruction of enamel and contribute to the development of caries. You cannot use another person's personal hygiene products.

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