Go to the dentist with acute pain: 4 aspects about the problem that everyone needs to know

In case of acute toothache, if it is accompanied by the inability to walk, high fever, severe swelling of the gums and cheeks, weakness, call an emergency vehicle.

The single telephone number for round-the-clock ambulance and emergency services in Moscow is
more about calling ambulances here >>

If your condition is not very serious, you can move around on your own - go to any dental clinic of your choice, paid or free.

Features of toothache

Acute pain is difficult to confuse with something. It is characterized by pronounced intensity and can be local or diffuse in nature. The manifestation intensifies with mechanical irritation of the affected area, consumption of hot, cold foods, sweets, and sours.

Prices for the treatment of acute toothache
Acute toothachefrom 3000 R

The pain can be constant, periodic, throbbing. In many patients, it radiates throughout the jaw, temple, and ear. Taking analgesics brings short-term relief; some drugs may not completely relieve the symptom.

Regular trauma center

If there are no 24-hour dentists in your city, then there are definitely trauma centers. Yes, the doctors on duty are not dentists and will not be able to cure your tooth, but they will be able to select medications that will relieve acute pain and help you last until the morning.

Help can also be provided at a trauma center.

If an institution operating in accordance with health care standards and providing services under the compulsory medical insurance policy refuses to accept you in an emergency, then you can directly contact the hotline of the City Health Service or the Ministry of Health of Russia, multi-channel telephone2.


There are true toothache caused by diseases of the oral cavity, and a symptom that resembles a dental disease, but has a different etiology. To know which doctor to contact, you need to differentiate these conditions.

Dental reasons

The most common cause is caries and its complications. If the pulp is not involved in the process, the sensations are weakly expressed, occur periodically, and are aching in nature. The pain usually appears at night, during or after eating. Similar symptoms occur with chips and cracks in the enamel.

If caries is complicated by pulpitis, the sensations become acute. The symptom may subside temporarily and return again. During the purulent process, the sensations are cutting, bursting in nature.

With periodontitis, sensations arise suddenly and unexpectedly. They are associated with mechanical damage to the tooth or complications of caries.

Caries with toothache.

With periodontitis, touching the affected area increases sensations. The gums are swollen and hyperemic. Purulent discharge may be observed. The cause is soft tissue trauma, poor oral care, and carious lesions.

If pain occurs, you should consult a dentist, even if it has been managed. This indicates the transition of pathology to another stage, and not recovery. The sensations caused by gum inflammation can go away on their own and without leaving a trace. If we are talking about pulpitis or periodontitis, self-healing is impossible.

Diseases that mimic toothache

Dental diseases are often confused with trigeminal neuralgia. The intensity and localization of pain are the same as for dental diseases. Such patients in most cases go to the dental clinic. Only a doctor can make a differential diagnosis. If examination and instrumental examination do not reveal a lesion, the doctor will refer the patient to a neurologist.

Another pathology that can lead to dentistry is migraine. Diffuse, throbbing pain radiating to the temple, jaw, and orbit resembles an acute dental disease. Migraine occurs suddenly, symptoms intensify with sharp sounds and bright light. Typically, patients suffering from this disease have recurring attacks. For these symptoms, you need to be treated by a neurologist.


Pain during myocardial infarction or an attack of angina sometimes radiates to the jaw. Instead of taking antianginal drugs and calling an ambulance, such patients often take analgesics and go to the dentist. The cardiac nature of the disease is indicated by pressing sensations in the chest, irradiation to the left arm, under the shoulder blade, and shortness of breath. Myocardial infarction can occur not only in the elderly, but also in young people, especially in men over 35-40 years of age. In such a situation, emergency medical care and hospitalization are needed.

Symptoms of otitis media sometimes resemble pulpitis or periodontitis. This is especially true in childhood. The child cannot localize the strong, widespread pain and complains that his tooth hurts. Otitis usually occurs against the background of acute viral infections, sore throat, and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx. With this disease, hearing deteriorates and tinnitus is noted. Treatment is carried out by an otolaryngologist.

Another ENT pathology that can lead to the dental chair is sinusitis. Aching pain in the upper jaw resembles chronic pulpitis. With sinusitis, there is a history of nasal congestion, purulent discharge from the nasal passages, fever, and catarrhal symptoms. In this case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist and undergo a course of treatment for sinusitis.

Various neurological diseases and mental disorders can also imitate toothache. In this case, the sensations are transient in nature and constantly change localization. The patient cannot indicate where the source of the discomfort is. In this case, a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease are needed.

Tips and choices

Many people have had an irrational fear of dentists since childhood. The thing is that the dentist could not find the right approach to the child and during treatment he was scared or even hurt. For this reason, from childhood to adulthood, it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of the attending dentist. Reviews from patients or friends who have sought dental care can help with this.

It is also a good idea to attend a dental exam at least once a year to identify problems before problems arise. During these visits, you can form your own impression of the specialist and change it if necessary.

List of clinics for compulsory medical insurance from 8.00 to 20.00


In most cases, the doctor can diagnose the pathology during the examination. A damaged tooth, soft tissue inflammation, or a large cavity indicates the source of the problem. But the situation is not always clear at first glance. If the tooth under the crown hurts, the carious cavity is inside, and the enamel on the outside is almost intact, additional research will be needed. X-rays and radiovisiography can reveal hidden damage, assess the condition of roots and periodontal tissues, and detect cystic formations. In modern Moscow clinics, doctors have the necessary diagnostic equipment at their disposal. This allows you to verify the diagnosis and determine treatment tactics. If there are no dental problems, the patient will be referred to a specialized specialist.

Paid clinics

Visiting private clinics is due to the lack of queues, as well as fast and high-quality medical care. You can select a medical institution from the list below.

NameTelephoneWorking hoursCost of circulation, rub.
Studio Estet8Every day, from 9 to 21From 2500
He's a clinician8Every day, from 8 to 21From 2500
Best clinics8Every day, from 8 to 21 on weekdays, from 9 to 21 on weekendsFrom 3000
Capital8Every day, from 9 to 22, a number of branches around the clockFrom 4000
Scandinavian Health Center on Aviamotornaya8Every day, around the clockFrom 2000

What to do if you have a toothache

Remember, toothache is a reason for an immediate visit to the dentist. But it is not always possible to quickly see a doctor. Anyone who has experienced this symptom at least once knows that it is impossible to endure the pain. Let's look at the main ways to temporarily improve your well-being:

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly, remove any remaining food from the interdental spaces and carious cavities, if any. Often unpleasant sensations are provoked by the ingestion of food.
  • Don't drink hot or cold. Do not heat the affected area. Heat exposure promotes swelling, which increases discomfort. During purulent processes, heating is dangerous.
  • Try not to be in a lying position. When the body is positioned horizontally, blood circulation in the maxillofacial area increases. This leads to increased unpleasant symptoms.
  • Concentrating on your well-being makes it worse. Try not to think about the problem, take a break, do something interesting, don’t panic. This makes it easier to cope with the disease.
  • If you have painkillers on hand, take them. Read the instructions, read the list of contraindications. Do not exceed the dosage. This will not enhance the effect, but may lead to complications. Children, pregnant women, and people with severe chronic diseases should take the pills with caution.
  • If there are no painkillers, rinse your mouth with saline solution and apply a cotton swab soaked in Corvaldine or Valocordin to the sore spot. Regular vodka will also help. But it should not be taken orally. A small amount of alcohol should be held in the mouth in the area of ​​the source of pain and then spat out. You shouldn't drink vodka. Remember that you have to go to the dentist and have your tooth treated. Alcohol is not compatible with anesthesia drugs, so it is better not to take it orally.

Folk remedies

You can relieve symptoms using folk remedies. There is not always access to analgesics, and for some they are contraindicated. In this case, you can use safe and accessible methods.

Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage have an antiseptic effect. They will temporarily relieve toothache and have a therapeutic effect on inflammation of soft tissues. With these remedies you can cure the initial stage of gingivitis. With pulpitis and periodontitis, you should not hope for recovery, but herbal infusions will help you comfortably survive the wait for dental treatment.

Cloves, which every housewife has in her kitchen, have an anti-inflammatory effect. It needs to be ground into powder, mixed with vegetable oil, and applied to the problem area.

Propolis gives a good effect. Alcohol tincture can be used for rinsing. Propolis in its pure form is applied to the sore spot.

Propolis and other folk remedies for the treatment of toothache.

Cooling the inflamed area leads to vasospasm, reducing swelling. As a result, the intensity of irritation of nerve endings decreases and unpleasant symptoms decrease. You should not apply ice directly to the tooth, as this can cause severe pain. It is recommended to apply a cold compress to the cheek.

Plantain leaf has a healing effect. If you chew it or apply it to the source of discomfort, it becomes easier.

Compresses made from pepper, garlic, fresh cucumbers, potatoes, onions, and fresh lard are also recommended. These simple remedies are always available in the kitchen. They will help temporarily eliminate an unpleasant symptom when it is not possible to take medicine. Homeopathic medicines and acupuncture are effective for toothache.

Required documents

To visit a public medical institution, you must have a passport or birth certificate (for children), and a compulsory health insurance policy. For private clinics, it is not necessary to take out a compulsory medical insurance policy, but a similar document of voluntary health insurance may be useful if this service was specified in the contract with the insurance company. When calling an emergency medical service team to your home, you must keep your identification document and insurance policy on hand.

Is it possible to do without dental care?

Not everyone rushes to the dentist when they have a toothache. Many endure it, use improvised means, and constantly take analgesics and antibiotics. What result will this lead to?

If the pain is caused by the initial stage of gingivitis, regular rinsing with antiseptics can cure the disease. The pain goes away, the swelling decreases, and good health returns. But this doesn't always happen. The inflammatory process can spread, become purulent, and cause complications such as the formation of periodontal pockets and purulent periodontal lesions. If left untreated, you can lose your tooth.

Self-medication for pulpitis can lead to the disappearance of pain. But does this mean that the disease has receded? The disappearance of unpleasant sensations indicates that the nerve located in the canal has died. But the inflammatory process has not disappeared; it spreads to the root and bone tissue of the jaw. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the infection can spread rapidly or be localized in the form of a cyst. Both outcomes are unfavorable and can result in tooth extraction and surgery.

Uncontrolled use of analgesics can cause deterioration in general health. Painkillers have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to diseases of the stomach and liver. In patients with peptic ulcers, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in large doses can lead to gastric bleeding.

Many people take antibiotics for toothache accompanied by swelling. Incorrect choice of drug, error in dosage calculation, non-compliance with the dosage regimen lead to the formation of resistant microflora, diseases of the digestive system, allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, and fungal diseases. You should not take antibacterial drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Acute toothache will not go away without leaving a trace without treatment from a dentist. If you do not have the opportunity to see a dentist, relieve the unpleasant symptom with the means at hand and make an appointment at the clinic as soon as possible. Self-medication will lead to complications requiring expensive treatment and long-term rehabilitation.

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