Let's educate: what you need to know before visiting the dentist

It won't hurt

First of all, you must take a deep breath and remember one immutable truth - the principle of “be patient for a while” is no longer acceptable in dentistry! Modern dentistry guarantees no pain during dental treatment! We guarantee this at Yulistom too.

Modern dental offices no longer look as intimidating as before.

Modern dental office at Polikarpova Alleya, 4k1 (St. Petersburg)

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In the modern world, it is no longer fashionable to be afraid of dentists! Or as the hero of one joke said, you need to be afraid not of dentists, but of the amount that will be announced for treatment! In any case, it won’t hurt, feel free to go to the dentist!

Recommendations before visiting the dentist, preparation

You need to eat 1-2 hours before your appointment. Food should be moderately high in calories and sufficiently satisfying. It is better if there is no foreign smell left in the mouth after it (as happens after garlic, fresh onions, etc.). It is not advisable to come to the dentist on an empty stomach: this will cause excessive salivation and may make you feel worse (dizziness, headache, etc.).

Do not drink alcohol the night before or on the day of your doctor's appointment. Alcohol not only leaves behind an unpleasant odor. Drinking alcohol can affect the condition of the mucous membranes and reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia. Some medications cannot be combined with alcohol.

Shortly before your visit, brush your teeth with a toothbrush and floss. If this is not possible, rinse your mouth several times with water.

Before use, it is not recommended to use perfumes with a strong or pungent odor. It is advisable not to smoke immediately before visiting the doctor.

If possible, avoid taking medications that may reduce the effect of local anesthesia. Tell your doctor about any medications you have taken in the last 24 hours before starting treatment.

When entering the dental office, turn off your cell phone. Calls can distract the dentist and disturb him. In addition, the patient himself may accidentally flinch from a sharp ringing. This is not desirable during most dental procedures.

If visiting the dentist makes you afraid, take mild sedatives a few days before the visit: tincture of valerian, motherwort, glycine, etc.

Keep in mind that after some types of anesthesia it is not advisable to drive a car. It's worth planning your visit so that you don't have to drive. If necessary, do not rush to leave the clinic - rest for 15-20 minutes, make sure you feel normal and can drive.

Plan your hike in advance

It is best if you plan a trip to the dentist in advance on the appointed day and time. This way you can prepare yourself in advance. Thanks to modern communications, you can make an appointment with a dentist via the Internet (as is practiced in the YuliSTOM network of dental clinics).

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When planning a visit to the dentist, try to schedule an appointment in the first half of the day! Your nervous system is balanced in the morning, and your body is full of strength. Naturally, by the evening the dentist will also be tired, so the best time to visit him is when you are both active and alert.

When should you cancel your visit?

If circumstances arise that prevent you from visiting the dentist at the scheduled time, you can cancel the visit and reschedule it for a later date. It is better to inform the doctor or administrator about this as soon as possible so that it is easier for them to adjust the patient’s appointment schedule.

Cancel your visit if:

  • you become ill with ARVI, influenza, or any other infectious or viral disease that may be contagious or interfere with treatment;
  • your herpes has worsened;
  • the nose is very stuffy (for example, due to allergies), and the stuffiness is not relieved with medication;
  • with any increase in body temperature;
  • when you feel unwell associated with an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Is it possible to be capricious?

In the dental chair, the patient may be capricious, feeling uncomfortable in front of the unknown (he does not know in advance whether it will hurt him and how much). The attending physician, naturally, is prepared for such a turn of events and will allow you to be capricious (if we are talking about private dental clinics) for some time to calm down. But in the end, you must have self-control and carefully follow all the instructions of the attending physician (both during and after dental surgery).

By following these simple recommendations, your trip to the dentist will be easy, painless and productive!
Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

State of health on the day of the dental clinic visit.

Let's move on to the most important points that you should know before visiting the dentist.

If you feel slightly unwell, have a slight cold, have a stuffy nose, have the flu, have an acute respiratory viral infection or herpes has “popped up”, you should reschedule your appointment until you are completely recovered. Dental intervention is also contraindicated for women during their menstrual periods. Here we note the importance of informing the doctor about the fact of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At the appointment itself, the doctor will definitely ask you about allergic reactions to certain drugs, as well as what medications you are currently taking, so be prepared for these questions, because this will determine the dentist’s next steps.

Tips before visiting the dentist

Not only children, but also adults are afraid of the dentist. And there is nothing surprising here. After all, as a child, we were instilled with the stereotype that being a dentist is painful and unpleasant. No one promises that this procedure will give you pleasure. However, there are a number of nuances that can reduce unpleasant moments in the doctor’s chair. And whether you follow or ignore these nuances and instructions depends only on you.

First of all, when going to the dentist, forget about alcohol . Evening wine for the vessels is also sifted. In the body, especially in women, it can persist for four days. So, if necessary, even a large dose of painkiller may not help. Even 100 grams “for good luck” can lead to an unsuccessful trip to the doctor and simply wasted time.

It is also important to take care of the time after the dentist's office if you know that you cannot do without pain relief. It happens that a prick in the cheek is not enough. You have to put the medicine on your tongue. After this procedure, you should not speak, it may not work. But, “before” the treatment itself, it is advisable to eat, otherwise the medicine can lead to unpredictable consequences. For example, dizziness and nausea.

to brush your teeth before visiting the doctor . This is for your personal benefit. This way, the doctor will be able to see all the problems that are not hidden by a layer of plaque .

By the way, before going to the hospital, remember that you should not appear there if you have acute viral respiratory diseases. Sore throat also belongs to this group. A stuffy nose can cause a bad filling, since by breathing through your mouth, you will create increased humidity in it. Stomatitis is a problem, which will also not have a positive effect when going to the dentist. Women should not go for dental treatment during their menstrual periods. The reason is that the body undergoes a radical restructuring at this time. Any treatment may not last long.

You should not go to the doctor empty-handed. No, it's not about flowers and gifts. If you have chronic diseases, then take care of essential medications. If there is nothing to worry about. Wet wipes and paper wipes won't hurt.

Remember that the doctor will ask you questions, and you need to be prepared for this. First, he will ask about all your health problems. This is the way to understand how neglected your body is and what manipulations should be applied to it. For example, installation of a filling may be contraindicated for a pregnant woman or breastfeeding But asthmatics whose treatment includes hormonal medications will not always benefit from pain relief.

Also, don't be embarrassed by questions about your oral hygiene . It is important for the dentist to know what toothpaste and brush you are using. Since this is perhaps the only person who understands hundreds of types of dental cleaning products. Do not neglect the advice of dentists - it is important for them not to rid you of a tooth, but rather to preserve the tooth in any way possible.

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid.
To make a meeting with a dentist easy, it is enough to follow a few instructions and honestly answer the questions asked. Tweet

Read also

A new way to restore teeth - implantation without surgery

Modern dental implantation: methods and their features

Why do you need to prepare for implantation?

It allows you to divide patients into those who are indicated for implantation and those who are suitable for traditional methods of orthopedic care. Not only negligent attitude towards health is a contraindication. Excessive coffee consumption and smoking are social contraindications.

What if the implant doesn’t take root?

The likelihood of rejection is minimal. It does not exceed 1% out of 100. Sometimes rejection is a consequence of an incorrect approach to treatment, when the material and dimensions of the implant were chosen incorrectly. Sometimes the patient himself is to blame for such developments. Let’s say that during a dental implantation operation he did not maintain sufficient hygiene, as a result of which inflammation of the tissues of an infectious nature developed.

Preparation before dental implantation

will disappear if the patient’s chronic diseases worsen. Individual intolerance to individual components will also interfere with engraftment.

Here's Why Preparing for Dental Implants

. The presence of an experienced doctor nearby in combination with the patient’s compliance with all recommendations leads to successful implantation.

What to do before implantation?

  • Do not eat or drink 2 hours before implantation. But eliminating breakfast completely is not recommended. Strength will definitely come in handy, so a light snack will even do you good.
  • You are allowed to take sedatives an hour before surgery. The doctor chooses the drug individually when the patient experiences strong emotional anxiety before the manipulation. What you shouldn't do is use alcohol as a stress reliever. It is prohibited to use it.
  • Teeth brushing is required 30 minutes before implantation.
  • Good sleep and a positive attitude are almost half the success, because in this way you protect yourself from dark thoughts. Go to bed early the night before surgery, preferably the day before.

Speaking about preparation for implantation, a specialist should definitely pay attention to the oral mucosa. The following parameters are important:

  • Thickness;
  • Mobility.

The anatomical formations of the dental system and their location relative to each other are also important. In addition, the implantologist looks at the features of the bone tissue, its structure and size, and the anatomical features of the jaw.

Preparation for dental implantation. Video.

How to avoid pain?

Individual selection of painkillers is the prerogative of the attending physician. If dental implantation is planned, preparation for surgery

makes it possible to select anesthesia to eliminate pain. Patients today have access to high-quality painkillers. In combination with modern equipment, they allow dental implantation to be performed without pain.

Age restrictions

There are no strict restrictions. Even in elderly patients whose age exceeds 70 years, good results are observed. As for adolescents, the success of engraftment is determined by the characteristics of the bone tissue. For boys, it is recommended to have implants from 19 years of age, while for girls the procedure can be performed from 17 years of age.

Dental implant design and choice

It is defined:

  1. Condition of the dentition;
  2. Width of jaw bone tissue;
  3. Heights of the jaw bone tissue.

First of all, the outcome of implantation is influenced by two factors:

  1. Surgical technique;
  2. Proper preparation of the material.

The next step is the doctor’s recommendations and how the patient implements them.

How long will implants last?

There is no service life as such for dental implants. But this is fair to say in relation to those of them that were installed correctly. If the implant takes root well, the person will use it throughout his life. He will not have to worry about the service life of the implants.

How to achieve this:

  • Adhere to general hygiene rules;
  • Reduce jaw injuries to a minimum;
  • Avoid mechanical factors;
  • Professional cleaning combined with regular home cleaning.

All this will extend the life of the implants and guarantee oral health.

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