I dreamed that a tooth broke off - interpretation options for dream books

Dreams in which teeth crumble, break or fall out usually alarm people. Intuitively, such dreams are perceived as a signal of danger, a warning about something not particularly good. Most collections of dream interpretations give such a plot a bad meaning. The generalized meaning of such a night dream is a harbinger of illness, loss, problems in the family or among loved ones, and all kinds of hardships.

However, dreaming that a tooth has broken off may not have a negative meaning. Understanding a dream depends on specific details. If in the plot of a dream a sick, rotten or cracked tooth is cracked, then the dream does not bode well. Those night visions in which they dream of damage to artificial jaws also have a good meaning.

What is written in Miller's interpretations?

This collection of interpretations examines the symbol not only in accordance with its immediate characteristics, but also depending on the situation that took place in the dream.

Why do you dream that a piece of a healthy, white tooth has broken off? Miller claims: to illness. The seriousness of the upcoming illness, its severity can be determined by the size of the piece that breaks off in a dream. However, a dream can warn not only about a deterioration in health, but also about any other kind of problems.

Why dream that a tooth chipped while visiting the dentist's office? According to Miller’s dream book, the dreamer contemplates this night vision as a sign of trouble in the family. If the sleeper spits out the remains of a tooth, then the dream is a good omen. She reports that it will be possible to quickly get rid of the upcoming difficulties. A similar plot in a dream can also foreshadow a break in the engagement of a daughter or son. That is, a vision can predict that a person unpleasant to the dreamer will not become a member of his family.

But dreaming that a front tooth broke off due to an impact indicates a bad turn of events. The dream promises the appearance in your inner circle or family of people who have evil intentions that will come true.

Practical guidelines for interpretation

Next, we will give some recommendations for interpreting a dream about a chipped tooth. Astrologers recommend taking into account not only the details of the dream itself, but also the position of the moon.

Assessment of the feasibility of a dream September 23, 2021

, according to the website Gadalkin House.
Today is Thursday, Waning 3rd quarter from September 21 2:54, the Night Sun entered the 2nd house. If you had a dream on another day, you can look at the recommendations in this table
. Now let's look at the main indicators of today that influence the interpretation, according to astrologers.

Probability that the dream will come true: no more than 60%
IndexGuidelines for interpretation
Day of week:
Try to remember everything that you dreamed about on the night from Wednesday to Thursday as accurately as possible - pay attention to small, at first glance, insignificant details. Most likely, the interpretation of today’s dream will be somehow connected with your personal life or some hidden desires.
Lunar day:
17 Lunar day. These lunar days are associated with feminine energy and fertility. If you had a vivid emotional dream this night, it means that an excess of unspent creative energy has accumulated in your body. Try to implement it in the coming days.
Moon in sign:
Aries (22°50'1″);
Aries is a fire sign and always symbolizes some bright event. If you had an emotional dream, then in reality you will definitely experience strong nervous tension. A bright struggle and the same victory await you. Leadership qualities will help you achieve your goal, the main thing is not to give up, show endurance and determination.
Waning 3rd quarter
Waning moon. Regardless of the nature of the interpretation of the dream, keep in mind that during this period you will experience a decline in physical and moral activity. Now it is better to finish current active affairs and lead a measured course of life.

What is written in Vanga’s interpretations?

This collection of interpretations connects the teeth that appear in dreams not only with the state of health of the dreamer, but also with his family and relatives.

A chipped tooth is a harbinger of a threat to the life or health of loved ones. A dream can also promise a serious illness or, conversely, getting rid of it. If a rotten, black tooth breaks off, the dream has a good meaning. But if the white, strong dream is damaged, it is a signal that difficult times and sad events lie ahead.

If a small piece of enamel breaks off, then the dream warns the dreamer about the need to visit a doctor. Such a dream foreshadows minor health problems that can be easily prevented.

Actual meaning of sleep

  • The main actual meanings of chipped teeth in a dream are serious illness, problems with the gastrointestinal tract; check the stomach, intestines, liver, bile ducts. For men, a prostate examination is advisable. A chipped tooth means significant damage to health.
  • In some cases, sleeping with damage to the maxillofacial section means the presence of real problems with teeth, gums, and the condition of the roots. Go to the dentist, get an x-ray just in case, and don’t agree to traumatic procedures like professional cleaning. Just in case, throw away your old toothbrush and buy a new one of the highest quality possible. Buy a good tooth elixir.
  • Of course, bad habits like opening bottles with your teeth and other demonstrations of the strength of your teeth should be abandoned. If you are involved in martial arts, do not enter the ring anytime soon without a mouthguard and decent protection.
  • The actual meaning of the dream is that you should take more care of yourself. This is a priority task, more important than all others. Find the means, time and opportunity to take care of yourself.

What is written in Tsvetkov’s interpretations?

Why do you dream that a tooth has broken off? Tsvetkov claims that this is news about a disease that has overtaken one of the relatives.

In understanding the meaning of a dream, its details play a decisive role. For example, if a person dreams that his wisdom tooth has crumbled or broken, the dream warns of the illness of older family members.

If in the dream not only a fragment of enamel broke off, but also blood began to flow, the meaning of the dream will be different. Such a night plot warns a person about the imminent death of a close relative or his extremely serious illness.

Miller's Dream Book

A famous psychologist believed that the plot of a dream where a tooth crumbles carries negative information. It serves as a harbinger of the onset of illness in a relative, and speaks of the approaching troubles or death of a loved one.

If a hero watches himself getting into a fight with someone and during the fight his tooth breaks and crumbles, you need to be extremely careful. There is a possibility of a negative and unexpected situation.

It also has positive interpretations.

If in a dream a tooth is destroyed and then quickly restored, this is an indication of the end of the black streak.

A proposal for profitable cooperation is informed by a dream with someone who has fallen out and quickly appears in his place.

I dreamed that my teeth fell out - interpretation of the dream according to the Dream Book A dream in which the dreamer’s teeth fell out leaves an unpleasant impression, and even frightens some. However, interpretations of the Dream Book are ambiguous. To get it right...

What is written in Islamic interpretations?

Muslim dream books interpret such dreams completely differently. According to their content, dental damage in dreams that occurs spontaneously is a good omen.

Did a piece of your tooth break off? Why do you dream that a fragment was spat out? Such a dream signifies longevity, health and well-being in the family. If the tooth was not entirely healthy, then the meaning of the dream changes slightly. Such a dream promises deliverance from enemies and hidden ill-wishers.

Who dreamed that their teeth were crumbling?

To a woman

  • For a young girl, a new admirer will not be who he claims to be.
  • Married - such a dream can predict a child’s illness.
  • If you are unmarried, you should beware of gossip behind your back.
  • For a pregnant woman, the birth will not be as successful as the dreamer hopes.

To a man

  • A young guy should avoid envious people.
  • For a married person, family relationships will deteriorate.
  • Single - problems at work will close all opportunities for career growth.

What is written in Freud's interpretations?

Dr. Freud attached great importance to the content of dreams and deciphered their meaning in a rather original way. According to the interpretation of the author of the psychoanalytic technique, dreams do not predict future events at all, but are evidence of a person’s state of mind in a specific time period.

Such a dream is evidence of a person’s secret fear, fearing that he will not be able to satisfy his partner. And since obsessive fear will inevitably come true, we can say: what you dream about when a tooth chips off is failure in bed.

If the loss of a piece of tooth was accompanied by spitting out blood, then the dream indicates a person’s violent suppression of his own desires and fantasies due to the fear of being misunderstood and losing a partner.

What teeth crumble in your sleep?

  • Front - serious problems at work are possible.
  • The upper ones symbolize male relatives.
  • The lower ones are a symbol of women among close people and friends.
  • Inserted - you should be wary of actions on the part of a colleague.
  • Fangs - a problem will arise with which close relatives will refuse to help.
  • Wisdom teeth - you can count on the support of loved ones.
  • Healthy - the dreamer has a lot of problems that need to be sorted out urgently.
  • Rotten - you don’t have to worry about the reliability of your friends.
  • Sick people - this image portends improved health and life situations.
  • Indigenous - can mean career destruction.
  • Dairy is the beginning of a new stage in life.

What is written in the interpretations of Nostradamus?

This collection of dream meanings connects teeth with vital forces, with human energy. Such scenes in dreams indicate that the dreamer is tired and needs a break.

A tooth chipped off without bleeding - why dream of such a plot? Nostradamus believed that such a signal in a dream is an upcoming streak of failures caused by apathy, indifference and lack of interest in what is happening around a person. The dream informs you of the need to interrupt your activities and take a good rest. This will help avoid a string of failures.

In addition, the dream may be evidence that the dreamer is overcome by anxiety. Or it reports that a person will begin to experience this feeling in the near future. As a rule, the concern in such cases concerns the health of both one’s own and that of loved ones.

Under what circumstances?

If you dreamed that you were simply chewing at the moment when a tooth broke off, it means that you approach health problems in detail. They gnawed on hard candies and hard nuts - they were able to find a solution to a complex problem in a minute, while others would need months to do so.

The incident occurred when you were cleaning your mouth with a brush in a dream - you will be shown a huge favor, for which it is advisable to thank. Miller's dream book warns against carelessness and complacency in life - enormous efforts will be required to preserve the peace of the family.

In a dream, a tooth breaks off, then a second one, piece by piece you begin to lose them: this is interpreted in dream books as “loss of face.” In order not to aggravate the problem, talk less so as not to blurt out too much. In every incomprehensible situation, remain silent.

Miller's dream book, explaining the destruction of a large number, prophesies a heavy burden, because of which the dreamer will have to forget about pride. It is also a sign of physical weakness, loss of vitality.

If an artificial tooth breaks off, why do you dream about this?

Nowadays, many people have metal-ceramic and porcelain crowns or some other type of dentures. Of course, in dreams you also often encounter not real teeth, but their artificial analogues.

The meaning of such dreams is fundamentally different from the meaning of dreams, the plot of which is devoted to natural units. A piece of prosthesis that breaks off in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream promises quick relief from material problems or the unexpected receipt of very tangible profits. In addition to material gain, a dream can portend getting rid of fictitious problems in life or hypocritical people.

Cutter location

It is also very important to remember which tooth was damaged. If the root is broken, problems will arise among older relatives. If the sleeping person saw a fragment of the front one, trouble could happen to a small child. If you see crooked teeth and they crumble badly, this portends favorable changes and relief from the disease.

But if an even row of teeth is crushed into small pieces, perhaps the sleeper will plunge headlong into a romantic adventure. If ceramic, metal or other artificial crowns are broken, such a vision may promise illness of a relative or a feeling of shame.

What is important to consider when interpreting

There are no identical dreams with identical meaning. Collections of dream interpretations present generalized interpretations of dreamed symbols. The key to a correct understanding of a specific plot dreamed at night is hidden in the details of the dream.

Small nuances, fragments - everything that is remembered by the dreamer is important. There are no unimportant moments in night scenes; they are simply not remembered. If the dreamer remembers any element of the dream, it must be deciphered.

Often, sleeping people see in their dreams a picture in which, for some reason, a tooth has rotted, fallen out, or broken off. Why do you dream about stones, caries, tooth decay, gum disease? To correctly understand the interpretation of such visions, you need to pay attention to the details.

In dreams, the plots of which are twisted around teeth, first of all you need to pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • size and condition;
  • tooth dislocation;
  • reasons for what happened;
  • painful sensations, presence of blood.

These details are key to understanding the meaning of the dream. It is they who determine what the consequences of such a dream in reality will be. The dreamer’s sensations experienced during night vision are also important for correct interpretation. If the dreamer feels relieved after losing a fragment of a tooth, then the dream promises something good.

Main characteristics

To interpret the dream, it is necessary to put together all the details of the night’s plot. Esotericists advise paying attention to the following factors:

  • A place that appeared in a dream (for example, dentistry, a house, a street).
  • The presence of other dream heroes.
  • Involvement of symbolic animals, such as snakes.
  • Presence or absence of blood.
  • The occurrence of pain.
  • The presence of an object that caused the tooth to break off.

The main meaning of a dream in which a tooth breaks is deprivation and loss in the near future. People have always believed that teeth symbolize changes in relatives and loved ones, as well as changes in well-being.

Losing part of a tooth means losing part of yourself (physically or spiritually). At the same time, all experts in dream interpretation believe that anything can be dreamed, but only what the dreamer himself believes in comes true.

What actions were taken in relation to the broken tooth?

  • Seeing means an accident;
  • Hold in hand - to a successful coincidence of circumstances;
  • Spitting out means longing for the old days;
  • Feeling with your tongue means the return of old diseases;
  • Pull out - to worries and stress;
  • Cleaning is a frivolous act, for which you will have to pay long and expensively;
  • Insert - to unsuccessful attempts to restore the past;
  • Knock out - to moral exhaustion;
  • Pulling out - to participate in a significant decision;
  • Swallowing a broken piece means shocking news.

Success or failure

As can be seen from the descriptions given above, a dream about crumbling teeth mostly predicts failure, the collapse of desires. But there are also interpretations where such a dream promises good luck and success - we are talking about when a new one grows in place of a damaged and fallen tooth. This speaks of future prosperity and success after a streak of failure, when it may seem that nothing can be changed. But remember, if a fang grows in place of a fallen fang, it is a mystical sign, indicating the acquisition of dangerous knowledge and skills. This is good for a strong personality, but it can turn a weakling into a neurasthenic and psychopath.

Dream subjects

Sick incisors often symbolize health problems. To give an accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details. The following nuances are possible:

  1. I saw a tooth that was cracked but not crumbled. This plot indicates that excessive workload can lead to illness. It is worth delegating some tasks to other employees. Otherwise, the sleeper will not be able to successfully complete the project. Sometimes a cracked incisor can dream of the onset of a disease.
  2. You may dream of a white, healthy, beautiful tooth in which the process of crumbling has begun. Such a vision foreshadows temporary difficulties. Problems will be resolved quickly, no effort will be required.
  3. The destruction of a rotten molar indicates a serious advanced disease that can become chronic. A story in which a tooth does not fall out may mean hope for recovery.
  4. If in a dream the entire jaw was destined to crumble after a trip to the dentist, it means that there is definitely an insidious and envious person surrounded by the sleeper. Most likely, this is the person who is least suspected.
  5. If the tooth happened to fall apart, and the main character himself removed it, this indicates that the sleeper will become the initiator of trouble. You should be more tactful towards the people around you.
  6. If a person observed rotten fangs crumbling in some animal, it means that the sleeping person has negative qualities. The dream encourages you to work on your character.

latest comments

  • 8-Oct-2020 Irina In a dream, a filled front tooth crumbled, then there was a new beautiful tooth.
  • 21-May-2020 Nina What does the dream mean? I spit out the crumbled wisdom tooth into the washbasin!
  • 20-Apr-2020
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