Thai whitening toothpaste – Reviews|Which one to choose?

As a warm sunny resort, Thailand is very popular. Exotic nature, unusual national dishes and original local customs attract curious tourists. People go to a mysterious country and return with trophies: pills “for all diseases”, wonderful powders, creams and balms. Toothpaste from Thailand was no exception: whitening, strengthening, anti-inflammatory - it created significant competition with domestic analogues.

Thai toothpaste - what is the secret of popularity?



Firstly, Thai toothpastes are much healthier than ordinary European ones; they contain many herbal extracts, medicinal and natural oils, which not only efficiently clean plaque and food, refresh the mouth, but also kill microbes and prevent tooth decay.

Thai toothpastes are inexpensive, but the quality is much better than toothpastes from the premium and medicinal segments, which can be bought in dental offices and pharmacies.

Thai toothpastes are safe even for sensitive teeth, judging by myself. In Russia, I bought high-quality toothpastes at the pharmacy, but it ended badly in the doctor’s office. A particularly big problem was with the Splat whitening paste, after cleaning which my entire jaw hurt for about 2 weeks, and my dentist could only sympathize and prescribe a painkiller. The paste simply burned through the necks of my teeth and, instead of whitening, provided a nagging pain for a long time.

I have never encountered anything like this in Thailand, although even after years of experience with Splat paste, I am wary of whitening pastes.


Photo: Baan Somjeed toothpaste from Thailand

In Thailand, there are many medicinal plants that cannot be found here, which have a healing effect on human gum tissue. For example, guava, mangosteen peel, SE tree powder . The Thais have learned to use them in the production of their medicinal pastes, and today they successfully offer them on the market.

Such cleaning compositions for the oral cavity have a healing effect on sore gums, relieve inflammation, actively fight the growth of bacteria, stop bleeding, and nourish tissues with vitamins and strengthening substances.

Their components have a gentler effect on tooth enamel, so you should not expect a special whitening effect after their use. Among the large number of options, we will focus on those that our compatriots liked most:

  • Abhai herb . The paste has an unusual dark color due to the presence of plant components in it. The specific taste and smell of this paste more than pays for itself with its disinfecting properties. It copes well with many gum diseases and has a beneficial effect on their overall condition.
  • Baan Somjeed . This paste can be used not only for the prevention of diseases and treatment of gum diseases, but as a local anesthetic. The components included in its composition can relieve toothache. Of course, this is not a solution to the problem, and you will still have to treat your bad teeth, but it is quite possible to improve your condition for a while.
  • Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original . This paste has passed the necessary laboratory tests and received a quality certificate in our country. It is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease, bleeding gums, to combat bacterial plaque, as well as some viruses.
  • Borneol . This product contains components used in Thai medicine to treat many diseases. With its constant use, you can get rid of some types of ulcers and wounds in the mouth, and even heal a sore throat.

Round Thai whitening pastes - Which one to choose?


In Thailand, round toothpastes are sold everywhere. They all have a whitening effect and a huge amount of oils and herbs in the composition. It doesn’t matter what color or flavor you choose, the round Thai pastes are all good, and I’ve tried more than 20 different types and flavors of them over the years in Thailand. I came across only one frankly bad pasta in Thailand, and that was not Thai, but salty Colgate released for Thailand. For some reason, salty European toothpastes are often found in Thailand.

Are round Thai pastas really that good? Yes! But it is very important to use them correctly. A few years ago I didn’t know how to use round Thai paste, I ended up ruining it and didn’t immediately understand its charms.

Round Thai paste looks like a small plastic washer with a screw cap. The set includes a spatula, which is used to apply the paste to the toothbrush.

The most important rule for using Thai round paste is DO NOT wet it! That's why there is a spatula. You cannot get into round toothpaste with a wet toothbrush. Dry only.

You need to put a tiny drop on your brush or spatula, smaller than the nail on your little finger.

The round Thai paste foams perfectly, cleans out all the dirt, and using it I even stopped going to the dentist for tartar cleaning. There is no longer any need. At the same time, I drink liters of coffee and smoke. Everything is fine.

Pattaya 09/17/2014 20:24

Reviews of real people about Thai toothpastes) 1. Paste in a green box!

The paste was in a cardboard box. For me, a person who has been using all sorts of Colgates and blends all my life, the shape of the jar is quite unusual, but I quickly got used to it))) By the way, it opens easily and simply. I’m the only one who uses this paste, so I feel free to scoop it up with my brush, so this jar is quite hygienic.

The paste has a dense texture, it is not liquid or hard, so it is used very economically, I think it will last for 3-4 months, it is similar to clay in consistency. I was captivated by the completely natural composition!!!

Ingredients: calcium, wild clove essential oil, soda, patchouli oil, menthol, amphora tree bark oil. The taste of this Thai paste is very peculiar and unusual, it is not sweet, but not bitter either))) Quite pleasant, you quickly get used to it, although conservatives and picky people will reject it. The paste foams normally, not very much, but it’s enough to make your mouth feel clean. By the way, I would like to note that my teeth are quite sensitive, but they accepted this paste. In general, I recommend this pasta with an unusual taste! Try it, you won’t regret it

2. Twin Lotus Herbal Original Toothpaste (Original) - review Brown toothpaste! I’m starting my small review section about products brought from Thailand! It was from there that my parents brought this unusual toothpaste!

Mom put it on the shelf in the bathroom and warned that if I suddenly didn’t like this one, then I could take another one... What’s wrong with it? I don't seem to be picky Smile But when I finally saw her, I was filled with very conflicting feelings! It's not white, not blue, not even with sparkles... It's brown toothpaste!

Sold in a box with 2 tubes of 180 g each, of course a little more expensive than usual.

It is made from Thai herbs, and there is no doubt about it! If you've ever seen a herbal decoction, you can easily imagine it) The consistency is thick, reminiscent of ground small herbs from the decoction. The taste is of an astringent herbal infusion and a refreshing mint-menthol freshness. It foams no worse than usual and gradually becomes lighter when cleaned.

The paste gently cleanses tooth enamel, vitaminizes gums, and eliminates bleeding. Also, herbs have an antiseptic and antiviral effect.

The pasta is very unusual, and definitely deserves attention! If you suddenly visit Thailand, buy yourself one)) Well, we don’t need to visit Thailand)) You can just look into the Idea))

3. Review of Rasyan herbal clove toothpaste Well, I finally decided to write this review Smile

It’s good that I didn’t write it after 2 uses of the paste, you definitely wouldn’t have liked the review and you wouldn’t have known about this MIRACLE_Remedy!

Actually, let's start with a photo of the teeth. Made under the same lighting, with flash. The difference is 3 weeks!

The effect is amazing! The plaque is removed “in one or two”!!! Teeth stay smooth all day long! For me, as an avid smoker and coffee/tea lover, this is simply a great find! In general, they say that you need to clean with this paste once a week, supposedly to protect the enamel. BUT! I clean it every day - NOTHING has happened to the enamel, believe me! Except that I feel disgusted more often than others!

The paste looks like tooth powder mixed with water. Color - cream.

And now the MOST IMPORTANT part! The paste has a disgusting taste of mint and cloves! Brrr... This is terrible, anyone who has tried the spice cloves will understand!

Another caveat: if you use too much paste at a time, you can burn the mucous membrane of your mouth. You just need to take a little bit of product, on the tip of a spoon (it foams perfectly).

The first time I brushed my teeth with this paste, my entire mouth and tongue froze because I used the same amount as regular blendameth. After which I wanted to write a negative review (as most girls do after using the product once, and even then not according to the rules).

But now I'm delighted!!!

A little advice for those who have super-duper sensitive gums! You can add drop by drop of the miracle product to your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth as always!

4. Well, yesterday we couldn’t resist and also bought ourselves another new Thai toothpaste))) I give it 5+ on a 5-point scale)) Review: Herbal Toothpaste from Prim Perfect: natural and safe, fresh and snow-white! Thai cosmetics and hygiene products are already so familiar and familiar to me that I can’t imagine how I used to live without all these very high quality products. I already have my favorite products, including Herbal Toothpaste from Prim Perfect.

What is so good about this toothpaste? Look at the composition of Russian toothpastes - at the three-story list of all the chemicals with scary names, the exact effects of which on our teeth and the body as a whole only God knows! And here our composition is extremely simple and understandable: calcium carbonate, menthol - these are the most “chemical” substances that are present here. Moreover, they are just harmless. But further along we have completely natural organic substances. Camphor is a natural antiseptic that stimulates blood circulation in tissues. Clove oil is also an antiseptic and prevents gum bleeding and further tooth loss. Borneol is another variety of camphor, obtained from the camphor tree, which grows in Borneo. Sage extract, another very useful antiseptic herb for teeth and gums, as well as an extract of a certain streblus tree, which in Southeast Asia, at a time when there were no traces of plastic toothbrushes, was successfully used by local residents as a natural toothbrush. It has a powerful antibacterial effect and effectively removes tartar.

Herbal Toothpaste from Prim Perfect tastes completely different than any toothpaste we are used to in Russia, even herbal ones. There is practically no menthol in it, but the aroma of herbs, and especially clove oil, is felt immediately. After brushing your teeth with this paste, you feel an unprecedented freshness in your mouth, and it lasts much longer than after regular toothpaste, which works mainly due to menthol. Moreover, after Herbal Toothpaste from Prim Perfect, teeth seem to be polished, but not damaged - there is nothing to harm, there is no soda or other aggressive bleaches.

5. review of Thai toothpaste with mangosteen!!! I was in Thailand, and on the advice of many, I bought mangosteen paste. Due to the herbs included in the composition, it has a dark gray, brownish color. Quite hard and foams very well. The smell and taste are not familiar at first, but then you even start to like it; after it there is no nasty menthol taste left, like after regular pastes, but there remains a pleasant freshness.

The composition of the paste is completely natural)) The sensations that this paste evokes: a pleasant taste in the mouth, the teeth seem incredibly smooth, polished, an amazing whitening effect. Teeth do not become sensitive to hot and cold, wounds, accidentally bitten lips, etc., heal very quickly, I don’t even remember when I suffered from this. It lasts a long time. We've been using it together for 5 months and have only used half of it. We bought 5 pieces for home)))

6. review of toothpaste Thipniyom is such a strange name for a toothpaste from Thailand. The packaging is inconspicuous, it is sold on every corner in any supermarket and is quite affordable. Considering the economical use of this paste, I consider this purchase to be quite profitable. What attracted me to this toothpaste? It does not contain fluoride - this is exactly the toothpaste I was looking for. Well, plus it contains all sorts of useful Thai herbs.

To be more precise, among the active plant components of the Thipniyom Thai toothpaste are peppermint essential oil, as well as clove oil, borneol, chamomile oil, clary sage and myrrh - an aromatic resin. All together, this gives the effect of disinfecting the oral cavity, freshens breath, and for a very long time, perfectly polishes the teeth and protects the teeth from caries or prevents its rapid development.

In addition to natural vegetable oils, Thipniyom toothpaste also contains calcium carbonate, which additionally polishes the teeth.

All other ingredients of toothpaste from Thailand - glycerin, baking soda and sorbitol - are also organic substances. There are absolutely no artificial additives or preservatives or colors in the paste, which is very, very pleasing! In general, it is stated that the paste is produced according to an Ayurvedic recipe. In practice, I liked the properties of the paste, and I give Thipniyom a solid “five” on a five-point scale. My eternal problem of bleeding gums after Thipniyom, at least, does not spread. Lastly, I love the very mild herbal flavor of this paste. In fact, it’s not for everyone, but it’s exactly what I like.

The only drawback of the paste is that it does not foam as well as the usual Colgate-Blendameds. However, for me this is a mere trifle.

In conclusion, I can confidently recommend this toothpaste to all organic lovers, fans of natural products and herbal toothpastes from Thailand.

7. review of Thai toothpaste with coconut)) I am in love with Thai cosmetics and care products - for ridiculous money you get excellent quality cosmetics with completely natural ingredients. Today I’ll tell you about toothpaste with coconut extract from Prai Thai Herbs, which we brought from a trip to the island of Phuket. The toothpaste itself is in a plastic box with a screw-on lid + since the paste is thick (and so as not to dip the brush into it and not introduce bacteria) There is a spatula with which you need to apply the paste to the toothbrush. The consistency of the paste is quite thick and to clean your teeth you need much less of it than regular paste. It foams well, cleans your teeth amazingly (you can feel it right away) and gives you fresh breath. I use this paste about twice a week to super clean my teeth)) On other days I use a paste for sensitive teeth or any other, for example, a black paste.

The paste has a subtle coconut aroma and a strong menthol and mint aroma. Also, on the packaging it is written that this paste is especially suitable for those who smoke, it also helps against tartar, gingivitis and some forms of periodontal disease. And it also helps whiten teeth.

I'm not a fan of whitening toothpastes because I care a lot about my teeth's enamel, and whitening toothpastes can wear out the enamel. Therefore, just in case (as I already wrote above), I use this paste only a couple of times a week and the cleansing effect is amazing and the enamel is in order.

So I recommend this toothpaste, I personally am delighted with the effect.

What is included in the round Thai paste?

The bottom line is that round Thai paste is synonymous with quality, but there are many pastes in tubes in which the composition is the same as round pastes. So keep that in mind.

Round Thai toothpaste contains essential oils of cloves, camphor, and sulfates, but not all of them. Look for the SLS badge if it's important to you, but 100 percent of Russian toothpastes contain sulfates and you use them all your life.

The manufacturer promises gentle teeth whitening, fresh breath for 24 hours, an antibacterial effect and even healing of some wounds, cuts in the mouth, etc.

Coal, calcium carbonate - cleanse any plaque, odor and kill germs.

Darlie Products

Darlie products have two types of products:

  1. With activated charcoal.
  2. With double action.

The paste with activated charcoal contains a unique development of SWA - High-Speed ​​Whitening Agent. This new product whitens teeth twice as fast without causing harm. Coal itself strengthens the enamel and gums, and also protects against caries and tartar.

The main ingredients in the Double Action product are peppermint and Asian mint. This plant freshens breath all day long and protects teeth from plaque and sugar. So the product is suitable for the prevention of caries, periodontal disease, inflammation and tartar. If you have sensitive teeth, then Darlie with double effect is your product!

Thai round charcoal toothpaste


One of my favorites is bamboo and charcoal toothpaste.

I bought a round paste with bamboo and charcoal, complete with a black brush, on sale at Boots pharmacy in Central Festival. Cost me 140 baht (270 rubles).


A black bamboo toothbrush is needed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also contains bamboo charcoal extract, that is, it can be used independently for medicinal purposes with other toothpaste.

This black Thai toothpaste contains: cloves and clove oil, eucalyptus oil, sorbitol and sodium benzoate, as well as borneol - Bornean camphor (included in all balms, many cosmetics and has proven itself to be excellent), bamboo charcoal.

The clove oil in this toothpaste has a bright herbal taste. Clove oil has the purpose of toning, killing germs, and healing.

Round Thai paste with bamboo and charcoal is one of my favorites because I have sensitive gums, thin necks and I am a smoker. I like that I can use it 2 times a day without damaging my teeth and gums, on the contrary, it gets better, no smell after cigarettes, excellent breath in the morning, heals small wounds, in general, it does the job!

Black Thai paste is not the harshest in taste. It is rather adapted for export, because much more nuclear options await you ahead.

I would not recommend black paste for children, also in view of the fact that it is not recommended to use it daily. But again, everything is individual.

I also used and was satisfied with bamboo paste with charcoal from the Twin Lotus company.


A significant advantage of Thai round pastas is that they last forever. I haven’t used up a single one yet, because months go by, it doesn’t end, and I already want something new.


The bleaching composition contains not only abrasive substances, but also vegetable ones. Together they make the crown lightening process as fast as possible. Such products allow you to equally remove both soft and hard plaque.

The combination of active substances helps break down tartar and prevent new deposits . The intensity of exposure will depend on the components included in the product.

When using the most aggressive option, you can get the desired result after the first cleaning. These pastes differ in their color, taste and smell.

Also, many may be surprised by the dense consistency of the cleaning mass and the shape of the packaging in the form of a jar. Recently, gel-based products have begun to appear in traditional tubes, which are more familiar to consumers.

The following pasta varieties are the most popular in Russia:

  • Herbal Clove .
    It effectively removes dark spots caused by smoking and drinking coloring drinks. It is an excellent antiseptic that prevents the inflammatory process and actively fights the proliferation of pathogenic microbes for a long time. The manufacturer promises that with regular use of this product for two weeks, the teeth will acquire a shade as close as possible to their natural one. This option is very economical, since a volume not exceeding the head of a match is enough for cleaning.
  • Punchalee. The quality of this composition is confirmed by a Russian certificate. The main whitening components here are soda and calcium.
    In addition, the effect is enhanced by plant components. This paste is distinguished by the fact that it not only whitens, but also intensively strengthens tooth enamel.

    A positive effect of the product on periodontal tissue was also noted. But this composition gives it a sharp, specific smell and taste;

  • Wangrom . She copes with whitening at the same level as others. Only unlike previous products, this paste has a pleasant taste and familiar smell.
  • Herbal Prime Perfect . Its base is thicker and drier, somewhat reminiscent of powder. It removes soft plaque and stone well, but is not recommended for people with hypersensitive enamel. This is due to the high content of abrasive particles.
  • Twin Lotus Fresh Cool . This product is suitable for whitening sensitive crowns. It comes in standard tubes, making it easy to use.

The use of whitening paste can only help if your teeth are naturally white. In a situation where the natural shade of the crowns is far from white, only a dentist can help.

We have collected reviews about laser teeth whitening. Find out how good this procedure is.

This article lists effective folk remedies for treating periodontal disease.

Don't know how to treat gum disease? Here: - recipes are given.

More Thai toothpastes – Reviews and photos


There are no dyes, preservatives, sweeteners or anything else harmful in such pastes. Only hardcore! Therefore, the taste of Thai herbal pastes is nuclear, of course, many will not like it or will then be haunted by an aftertaste in the mouth. (You haven’t tried salty Thai Colgate yet!)

Another popular Thai herbal paste from Twin Lotus, the color is not so scary, but also good - brown. It's all because of the herbs! There are many herbs that will take care of your teeth daily, groom, nurture and whiten.

This herbal paste contains skeletal bones of cuttlefish, Salvador Persianus and clinocanthus leaves. If you use cuttlefish to brush your teeth – Pfft, that’s nonsense! Then let's go! The pasta is good, I recommend it.


The biggest drawback of this product is that the contents do not correspond to what is indicated on the packaging. Manufacturers write only about those qualities of their products that can attract a gullible buyer. Often, pastes contain harmful components that negatively affect the condition of the enamel and soft structures of the oral cavity.

The price to pay for the desire to have a stellar smile can be the abrasion of enamel and damage to the structure of the teeth. Buyers should be aware that herbal formulations without preservatives have a limited shelf life. However, manufacturers conceal information about the use of these products in their products.

Pastes made from natural ingredients cannot foam. Foaming indicates the presence of active substances of a synthetic nature in the composition. Herbal components themselves do not have the high cleansing characteristics that manufacturers claim. This means that the composition of Thai pastes contains abrasive substances that are harmful to the enamel.

Thai herbal pastes contain sodium lauryl phosphate and preservatives.

Advertising of Thai products on the Internet is also based on information from manufacturers, that is, not verified. You can verify the effectiveness or harm of Thai products only from your own experience - by purchasing the toothpaste offered at your own risk.

Enamel whitening occurs mechanically, that is, by removing its top layer. Therefore, after some time, teeth become sensitive to hot/cold food. Achieving a white smile can simply destroy the covering layer of enamel and cause dental problems.

Summary about Thai toothpastes

If you are traveling to Thailand, I recommend buying you a few Thai toothpastes to choose from. Start with the small round ones to see if they suit you or not. They are all very similar in taste, even if it is mango, mangosteen or durian. The base – clove oil, borneol, eucalyptus – is present in all of them. These are the three pillars that make Thai toothpastes natural, safe and provide excellent whitening properties without excessive abrasiveness, helping to improve the quality and health of teeth.

Also pay attention to toothpastes in tubes. They often contain round Thai pastes, so it’s worth a try.

Round pastes and Thai pastes in general are not suitable for children, with the exception of children's pastes, which you can easily recognize by the appearance of the packaging.

If you are not going to Thailand, but you like Thai pastes or want to try them, I recommend buying them inexpensively here .

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In order not to risk your own health, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications in advance.

  1. Allergy to components in the paste. People prone to allergic reactions should use this product with caution. Especially if the composition contains a fruit or plant to which a reaction has already been identified.
  2. Increased sensitivity of teeth. Since the paste contains abrasive substances that are used for whitening, this product is not suitable for people with thin and sensitive enamel.
  3. The presence of ulcers, stomatitis and other open wounds in the oral cavity. Since the Thai product is highly concentrated, it can have not only a disinfecting, but also an aggressive effect on wounds.

Note! If you experience any discomfort while using whitening paste from Thailand, it is better to stop using it so as not to cause the risk of damage to the oral cavity.

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