Which whitening tooth powder is best and how to use it?

A smile is the calling card of a successful person. Snow-white teeth are perceived by people as a sign of health.
But coffee, black tea, and red wine leave an unpleasant coating on tooth enamel that can ruin the most charming smile.

What to do? Should you give up the invigorating coffee in the morning forever? No! just need to keep your teeth white with daily oral care .

To do this, use pastes , trays, whitening strips or tooth powder . We will talk about whitening tooth powder.

Indications and contraindications

The main contraindication to lightening tooth enamel in this way is intolerance to the components of the product .
To decide whether you can use this whitening product, you need to know what you are allergic to.

If the substance contains allergens that are dangerous to you, then it is better to refrain from this procedure.

The indication for using this product is teeth whitening. But these are not all the positive effects of using the powder.

It is worth noting! Tooth powder reduces the risk of tartar formation, reduces the sensitivity of tooth enamel and increases resistance to caries.

What is the whitening effect based on?

The popularity of tooth powder is increasing, which is due to the whitening properties that the manufacturer claims.

However, consumers are often misled. Interpreting this statement not entirely correctly, they vainly expect from it an effect similar to the results of special dental procedures for lightening enamel.

This hygiene product really has a whitening effect. However, the enamel will never become lighter than its natural color when used. Bleaching in this case consists only of its high-quality cleansing.

In addition to the abrasive properties of chalk, additives also make the powder so effective:

  • all kinds of essential oils ;
  • dried clay;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • healing herbs;
  • minerals;
  • various kinds of flavorings .

Pros and cons of tooth lightening powder

We confidently attribute the following facts to the advantages

  • Reduced enamel sensitivity;
  • Elimination of bacterial plaque;
  • Prevention of tartar formation;
  • Saturation of dental tissues with minerals;
  • Reducing the likelihood of caries development;
  • Reduces the risk of developing periodontitis;
  • Relieves inflammation of the gums, if any.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages :

  • Long-term use of such a preparation for lightening leads to thinning of the enamel;
  • If the natural color of the enamel is yellow or has a gray tint, then bleaching will not work.
  • Considering the form of release of this substance and the lack of tightness of the packaging, there is a risk of microbes spreading in the powder, which will then get on the teeth and gums.

To avoid negative consequences when using such a substance for lightening, you must act strictly according to the instructions .


Keep in mind! The composition of tooth whitening powder includes the following components:

  • Chalk or clay is the basis of this preparation. Each manufacturer is trying to create an improved substance that will not harm your teeth. To do this, take into account the size of abrasive particles, which in clay is much smaller than in chalk. Therefore, clay carefully cleanses the enamel of pigment. Both of these substances have remineralizing properties; in addition, clay activates cellular renewal of the mucous membrane.
  • Extracts of plants . Extracts of thyme, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort and pine are often used, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties.
  • Baking soda. Improves the quality of teeth cleaning, since it also contains abrasive particles that help the powder base in removing pigment.
  • Lemon essential oil loosens hard plaque and breaks down pigment.
  • Peppermint essential oil prevents or helps treat gum inflammation.
  • Activated carbon. It has excellent adsorbing properties and accelerates the whitening effect of tooth powder.
  • Flavoring. Not used by all manufacturers. There is no teeth whitening benefit, but it does leave a pleasant taste in the mouth after using the flavored substance.

Know! This list of components is not required for each tooth powder; manufacturers have the right to deviate from the basic composition and add more mineral components or essential oils.


All statements in the media about the dangers of tooth powder are an absolute myth, while the positive effect of this hygiene product on dental health is a proven medical fact.

However, in addition to its advantages, it also has disadvantages, the most obvious of which include the following:

  • cleaning requires a little more time than using paste, and to achieve the desired effect, the powder must be periodically added to the bristles of the brush;
  • strictly not recommended to use if gums are too sensitive and teeth with thinned enamel ;
  • Possible harm to children's teeth;
  • does not freshen breath as much as pastes do;
  • due to the naturalness of the ingredients, it can act as an allergen , since it often contains essential oils.

However, most of the listed shortcomings can be easily tolerated, given the positive qualities of this product.

The video talks about safe and effective teeth whitening powders.

Instructions for use: how to use

brush your teeth as if using a standard toothpaste, morning and evening for 4-5 minutes.

Constant use of this product to lighten enamel can be harmful, so you should take breaks for 1-2 weeks .

During breaks, use your usual paste.

Before using this substance, you should consult with a dentist , who will help you choose the ideal composition of the product for your teeth and take into account all the individual characteristics of your oral cavity.

Note! Now you have finally purchased the right whitening product. Let's start using it.

  1. In a separate container , mix the substance with water in a ratio of 2:1 , so that you get a thick paste and apply it to a dry toothbrush. There is a lazy way to use such a preparation, when you apply the powder to a moistened toothbrush with a dispenser spoon or simply dip it in a container with dry powder.
  2. We begin process from the upper jaw . You need to move smoothly from the front teeth to the back teeth, without putting too much pressure on the toothbrush. The process should take 2-3 minutes.
  3. Let's move on to the lower jaw . You need to reapply the substance to the bristles and continue cleaning in the same way as on the upper jaw.
  4. We complete the procedure by thoroughly rinsing your mouth and washing your toothbrush.

Lightening of teeth color will be noticeable after 3-4 days of continuous use.

Why does enamel darken?

Typically, the enamel has a yellowish tint, close to milky white. But it should not be confused with the acquired yellowish color of teeth. Everyone's teeth darken - doctors call this discoloration, and it appears for various reasons. Darkenings are divided into two categories:

  • external - appear on the surface of the tooth;
  • internal - associated with the condition of dentin and pulp.

External darkening can become internal. This occurs when pigments penetrate the dentin through chips and cracks in the enamel.

External staining is caused by a hard pigment deposit that accumulates on the enamel. Most often it appears due to smoking, poor hygiene, consumption of products with natural or artificial colors (coffee, tea, red wine, sauces, etc.).

Internal staining occurs for the following reasons:

  • excess fluoride in the body;
  • hereditary diseases of hard dental tissues;
  • caries;
  • taking antibiotics and iron-containing drugs.

External darkening is removed with abrasive or enzymatic pastes, and internal darkening is removed with products containing peroxides.

Best Tooth Whitening Powders

Keep in mind! Among a large number of different manufacturers, the TOP 5 best tooth powders are distinguished:

  1. Biobeauty. The soft structure of the substance is combined with excellent whitening properties. The composition includes chalk enriched with zeolite. Does not damage enamel and increases its resistance to caries. The additives included in the composition have a healing effect on the tissues surrounding the teeth. Suitable for people with increased enamel sensitivity. The only drawback is the high cost (400-500 rubles).
  2. DentaEM white coal . Combines the beneficial properties of white coal, kumiss and menthol. Actively removes plaque from teeth, prevents the formation of tartar, regulates the acid-base balance of the oral cavity, strengthens enamel and has a bactericidal effect. In addition to everything, it has a preventive effect against gingivitis and caries.
  3. BlanxMed . The composition includes zinc citrate, plant antioxidants, arctic and centaria lichen extracts, sublimation of Irish moss and other plant antioxidants. These substances lighten sensitive enamel and create a protective film around the tooth, which prevents new plaque from settling. As a bonus, the product has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps the rapid healing of wounds in the oral cavity.
  4. LEMON whitening, Mi&ko. The product gently brightens teeth and disinfects the oral cavity. The composition includes white clay, zeolite, sea salt, baking soda, extracts of mint, St. John's wort, nettle, lemon, licorice, calamus, rosea radiola, hops, thyme and sage. Plant antioxidants have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. An additional plus is the affordable price.
  5. Family whitening, Avanta . Effectively removes pigment plaque on teeth and restores the natural whiteness of teeth. Suitable for all types of enamel, including children's. This product consists of calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), anise oil, mint oil, coriander oil. Price range 130-180 rubles.

Making at home

You can make your own dental cleaning products. Only in this case can you be sure that the drug consists entirely of natural ingredients.

Options for preparing dry toothpaste at home:

  • Basic: 1 part white clay is combined with 1/5 part fine salt and 1 part soda. All components are ground using a coffee grinder and used 2 times a week to lighten the enamel. When finished, the product is stored in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Fito. First, make a base powder, and then add ½ part of herbs (sage and mint) to it. The plants are pre-dried and ground to a powder form. Additionally, a few drops of citrus essential oil are added to the product to improve the taste characteristics.
  • Whitening tooth powder. Add crushed activated carbon (½ part) and essential oils (5-8 drops) to the base base.
  • Antibacterial. Add ½ tsp mustard powder to the base composition. and the same amount of ground cinnamon.


Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Katerina B.

I have been using tooth powders for many years, but for the purpose of quick whitening on the eve of upcoming celebrations. And I had heard before about the dangers of their frequent use. I was encouraged by the fact that such products can also be beneficial for the mouth. Apparently it's worth using them a little more often.

Egor K.

Today there are many different powders in the world, I use them. At the same time, I alternate the use of powder and paste and noticed positive changes in the shade of my teeth. This product actually whitens better than paste. And there are much more medicinal impurities in these drugs.

Is toothpaste better for whitening?

Nowadays you rarely see a person using tooth powder. Most people prefer advertised pasta. When deciding on crown whitening, many people think about this product and think about its effectiveness.

In terms of its whitening properties, the powder is slightly superior to pastes, since the amount of abrasive substances in it is much greater . They allow you to quickly loosen hard deposits and the colored layer of the crown.

Therefore, those who are interested in getting a white smile in a short period of time are recommended to use this particular hygiene product.

In addition, before deciding on the choice of whitening agent, you should consider that most toothpastes contain preservatives and sodium lauryl sulfate , which accumulates in our body.

When giving preference to one of these products, you must remember that tooth powder cannot be used constantly. This may damage the enamel layer. The most correct option would be their complex use.

Useful video

From this video you will learn about the beneficial properties of tooth powder:

If you want to quickly and safely whiten your smile, then pay attention to tooth powders. The advantage over toothpastes is obvious .

But before you start using tooth powder, consult your dentist, who will help you choose the best product for your enamel.

And remember that daily long-term use of dry products is harmful, so alternate with your usual neutral toothpastes. Take care of yourself and your teeth.

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