Which implant is better to place? Let's compare Dentium, MIS and Nobel implants

The main emphasis is on breast implants filled with cohesive silicone gel. Their benefits have been appreciated by hundreds of plastic surgeons and thousands of grateful patients. POLYTECH silicone breast implants have optimal physical properties and meet all the requirements of modern plastic surgery. The highest quality of products is achieved through strict control at each stage of implant manufacturing - the enterprise’s structural divisions engaged in research and development are located in the same city.

What do we offer?

A personal manager at Beauty Matrix will help you choose and buy POLYTECH breast implants from the extensive range presented at the company’s warehouse in Moscow.

Our catalog presents three types of breast implant surfaces:

  • Microtextured - MESMO®;
  • Microtextured - POLYtxt®;
  • Micropolyurethane - Microthane®.

POLYTECH breast implants are available in four forms:

  • Dome-shaped with a round base - Même;
  • Anatomical with a round base - Replicon;
  • Anatomical with a shortened base - Opticon;
  • Anatomical with an oblong base - Optimam.

German POLYTECH breast implants are available in different projections:

  • Low;
  • Average;
  • High;
  • Extra high.

Which implant is better to place? Let's compare Dentium, MIS and Nobel implants

The optimal solution for tooth loss is dental implantation. The cost of this procedure varies greatly, largely depending on the implant chosen. Artificial roots for future teeth can vary in cost several times.

Let's look at 3 common implantation systems from different price categories.


Dentium M.I.S.Nobel

Line of implants

Dentium SuperLineMIS M4, MIS SevenNobel Activ


Dentium Co, South KoreaMedical Implant System, IsraelNobel Biocare, Switzerland

Survival rate

StarSmile rating data is provided.

The survival rate of budget implants may be overestimated due to the fact that doctors prefer to place them only under good clinical conditions. And more technologically advanced and expensive systems are installed in patients with bone grafting, chronic diseases, etc.


Survival rate

Data provided by CosmoStom


Lifetime Warranty

Guarantee of free implant replacement in case of rejection.



Suitable for narrow interdental spaces, etc.


Atraumatic apex

Are there models with a flat top, which are installed when there is a high risk of injury to the mandibular nerve or maxillary sinus?



The connection to the hexagon-shaped abutment ensures high tightness.


Reviews from independent expert organizations

Research data from the independent non-profit international scientific organization POSEIDO (Switzerland, Geneva). In 2014, the organization examined 62 implant models.

“Dentium Superline (DentiumCo., Seoul, Korea) is a sandblasted/acid etched surface. Inorganic contamination of the surface with silicon was detected. The surface is moderately micro-rough, nano-smooth, homogeneous throughout the entire body of the implant.” “Implant surface sandblasted and acid-etched with ultra-pure 23 titanium alloy with extra low impurities. There were no signs of contamination or chemical modification of the surface." “TiUnite (Nobel Biocare, Gothenburg, Sweden) is an anodized surface with a thick layer of titanium dioxide TiO2 (>100 nm). The surface is chemically altered by integrating large amounts of phosphorus during anodization. Inorganic surface contamination with fluorides and sulfates was also detected. The surface is microporous (pores are formed during anodization), smooth at the nanolevel with extended cracks that appear during the anodization process.”

Other research and awards

No data In 2015 - the best results according to the criteria for processing and cleaning the surface of implants in a medical study. University of Cologne (Germany).

In 2021, the Congress of the Academy of Osseointegration (Los Angeles, USA) awarded MIS with the “CLEAN IMPLANT FOUNDATION” award - as a system with a perfectly clean implant surface

“The rough surface of TiUnite implants has been described in more than 275 publications based on the results of clinical studies involving more than 13,000 patients, using 42,000 implants and a follow-up period of up to 12 years,” the Nobel website reports and provides links to study data.

Patient information support

Availability of an official Russian-language website with useful information that can be understood without medical education. For patients, this is an opportunity to receive a qualified, reliable answer to their questions without repeated visits to the doctor.


In the world

Data on the prevalence of the implant in different countries of the world are indicated for 2021. Information taken from the official websites of manufacturers. Widespreadness indicates the recognition of the brand by doctors around the world. This factor is also important for those patients who are planning to move to another country.

Russia, China, Canada, Australia, etc. 10 countries + European Union. 72 countries of the worldThe most common brand of implants in the world.

Own developments

The company develops innovative technologies in the field of implantology, and not only uses existing ones.

No data++


Rough SLA surface – sandblasting using coarse abrasive + acid etching. Proven and most widely used technology. Rough SLA surface – sandblasting using coarse abrasive + acid etching. Proven and most widely used technology. MIS use well-known technology, but have brought its result to an ideally pure level. Unique patented oxidized TiUnite surface


Prosthetics on 4 implants with complete absence of teeth

++All-on-4 technology was developed by Nobel Biocare. Nobel implants are ideal for this type of treatment.

Start of data collection

Shows how long the company conducts research and observes the behavior of its implants after installation, long-term consequences and service life.



Dentium are inexpensive implants for most clinical cases.MIS are universal implants with the cleanest surface, used when there is a risk of rejection.Nobel - high-tech premium implants for complex clinical situations.


POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics GmbH is the only company in the world that offers the widest range of products to meet the needs of the most demanding professionals and their patients. Its catalog features more than 600 models of breast implants, handcrafted in accordance with the highest quality standards: products manufactured by POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics are approved by an Accredited Certification Body and carry a European Certificate of Conformity (CE Marking).

POLYTECH offers the best:

  • For implants coated with Microthane® micropolyurethane foam, LIFETIME replacement of implants after surgery is provided in the event of Baker grade III or IV capsular contracture, including cases of rotation;
  • Double-gel implants DiagonGel® 4Two®, filled with cohesive gel of two densities, allowing you to recreate the virgin shape of the breast;
  • Manufacturing of custom-made implants within the framework of the “Custom Made Implants” program;
  • High-quality implants for body contouring: gluteal, pectoral, testicular, calf implants;
  • Breast expanders and tissue expanders.


We welcome you to our website!

If you came to us, it means you have some problems with your teeth. We hope that you will choose our clinic. Here they will do everything possible to ensure that your teeth are healthy and beautiful. Welcome to us! We have everything you need to achieve your goals and objectives.

  • We work from 9:00-19:00 daily
  • Inspection and consultations from 9:00-9:30 and throughout the day.

Dental implants – Swedish NobelBioсare implant system with Ti-Unite coating for rapid implant healing. No. 1 implant system in the world. Extensive clinical experience, 98-99% engraftment.

Procera - Swedish innovative technology for automatic design of teeth - is a computer modeling of fully ceramic teeth based on Zirconium Dioxide - super precision accuracy, natural light refraction of the tooth and pink gums without a bluish edge, excellent aesthetics.

“All on 4” or in other words “All on four” - A new concept that allows you to get teeth in one day! You only need 4 implants per jaw and you get beautiful teeth with which you can eat and smile, no more toothless mouths and falling out dentures - Everything is supported by FOUR implants - strong, reliable and beautiful. Even if you have worn-out teeth that no longer belong in your mouth, this technology will allow you to remove them all and place 4 implants at once and give you a full row of teeth on them in one day. Start your life again with a new smile!

Bone and Gingival plastic surgery – Bone mass building, correction, autografting, restoration of the gingival contour, operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus - open and closed sinus lifting.

Neuromuscular concept of dentistry - all dental reconstructive interventions are carried out taking into account the most correct articular and musculoskeletal relationships under the strict control of diagnostic equipment.

Treatment of TMJ dysfunctions and occlusion disorders – Complete restoration of the functioning of the muscular-articular complex of the masticatory apparatus.

Endodontic microscope in dentistry Radix - All manipulations during dental treatment are carried out using Dental microscopes!

Orthodontics – Correction of bites using sapphire and metal braces - classic reliability and predictable results.

Invisalign (USA) – Correction of bites without braces using cap-aligners. Convenience and comfort, invisibility of the structure. Computer calculation of the result. Stable effect

Ceramic Veneers

– Made from particularly durable German glass ceramics IPS E-max. Veneers will transform your uneven yellow teeth into perfection, while they are so thin that the teeth undergo minimal processing of no more than 0.3-0.5 mm, but at the same time they have incredible strength and beauty.

Soft (nylon) prostheses - quick adaptation to the prosthesis, light in weight, aesthetic, no metal elements.

Photobleaching “ZOOM-4” in an hour! – The clinic uses the latest generation Zoom-4 device from the American company Discus Dental, known throughout the world as the best whitening system. Absolutely harmless and with excellent results for many years. Whitening has become even faster, safer and more effective

NANO - high-tech, light-curing filling materials from Kerr - are used for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Your fillings will last for decades.

Ceramics on precious metals – Gold and Platinum – noble metals, no allergic reaction of the body.

Japanese ceramic mass from Shofu - Ideal color and light transmission, unlimited individual possibilities, high fracture strength, biocompatibility. Durability.

Florida Proub – Computer diagnostics of periodontal disease.

Treatment of gums with the “Vector” device – no more gum disease, loose teeth and unpleasant odor.

Clasp prosthetics with hidden locks (attachments) - if implants are contraindicated for you for some reason, our specialists will make you a comfortable and aesthetic prosthesis without hooks or other visible fastening elements, as compact as possible and comfortable to wear and chew.

Reinforced full and partial dentures – a denture base made of high-strength gum-imitating plastic reinforced with gold mesh to prevent denture fractures. Beautiful dental sets made in Japan by Yamahachi Dental

Make your smile beautiful!


Do you have any problems with your teeth? Hope, you will choose our clinic. We will do our best to make your teeth healthy and nice. You are welcome!

  • We are working from 9am to 7pm daily
  • Inspections and consultations are from 9:00am to 9:30am and throughout the day.

Dental implants - Swedish implant system NobelBioCare with Ti-Unite coating for quick implant placement. Implant system No. 1 in the world. A large clinical experience, 98-99% of engraftment.

Procera - Swedish innovative technology for automatic tooth design - is a computer simulation of fully ceramic teeth based on Zirconia Dioxide - super precision precision, natural tooth refraction and pink gums without bluish edges, great aesthetics.

“All on 4” or another “All for Four” — A new concept that allows you to get your teeth in one day! You only need 4 implants per jaw and you get beautiful teeth that you can eat and smile, there are no more toothless mouths and dropping prostheses. -Things are held on FOUR implants-firmly, reliably and beautifully. Even if you have worn teeth that are no longer in your mouth, this technology will remove them all and put 4 implants at once and make you a full dentition for them in one day. Start your life anew with a new smile!

Bone and gum plastic - Bone mass, correction, autologous transplantation, restoration of the gingival contour, operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus-open and closed sinus lifting.

Neuromuscular concept of dentistry — all dental reconstructive interventions are performed taking into account the most correct joint and skeletal-muscular relationships under the strict control of diagnostic equipment.

The endodontic microscope in the dentistry Radix -All manipulations of the teeth treatment are carried out using Dental microscopes !

Treatment of dysfunctions of the TMJ and occlusion disorders - Full restoration of the musculo-articular complex of the chewing apparatus.

Orthodontics — Correction of bites with the help of sapphire and metal braces — classic reliability and predictable result.

Invisiline (USA) — Correction of bite-free bites with cap-elainers. Comfort and comfort, invisibility of design. Computer calculation of the result. Stable effect

Ceramic veneers — Made from extra strong German glass ceramics IPS E-max. Veneers will turn your jagged yellow teeth into perfection, while they are so thin that the teeth undergo minimal processing no more than 0.3-0.5 mm, but they have incredible strength and beauty.

Soft (nylon) dentures - fast addiction to the prosthesis, light in weight, aesthetic, no metal elements.

Photo bleaching “ZOOM-4” in one hour! — The latest Zoom-4 device of the American company Discus Dental operates in the clinic. It is known throughout the world as the best bleaching system. Absolutely harmless and with an excellent result for many years. Whitening became even faster, safer and more efficient

NANO — Kerr's light-curing fillings are used for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Your seals will stand for tens of years.

Pottery on precious metals – Gold and Platinum – noble metals, lack of an allergic reaction of the body.

Japanese ceramic mass from Shofu - Ideal color and light transmission, unlimited individual capabilities, high fracture toughness, biocompatibility. Durability.

Florida Proub — Computer diagnostics of periodontal disease.

Treatment of gums with the apparatus “Vector” - there are no more gum disease, mobile teeth and unpleasant odor.

Clasp prosthesis on hidden locks (attachments) — if you are contraindicated for some reason implants, our specialists will make you a comfortable and aesthetic prosthesis without hooks and other visible fastening elements, as compact and comfortable as possible in toe and chewing.

Reinforced full and partial prostheses are the basis of prostheses from high-strength gum-simulating plastic reinforced with a gilded mesh to prevent fractures of the prosthesis. Beautiful sets of teeth produced by Japan Yamahachi Dental

Make your smile beautiful!

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