Which implants are best to place - rating of dental implants by manufacturer

Moscow clinics offer implants from different manufacturers. There are more than a hundred companies in the world that manufacture implant systems, so it is difficult to say for sure which company’s implants are better. The choice is determined by the reliability of the products, the skills of doctors, the price segmentation of dentistry, and the popularity of the brand. The survival rate, price, warranty obligations of manufacturers and clinics are taken into account. The right choice is up to the doctor.

Producing countries - which are the best?

The price range is divided into 3 categories - premium, medium, economy. Categories are distributed by country and manufacturer. Prices for implants of different brands within the country are approximately the same, since manufacturers compete within the same state and try to be competitive in price and quality.

Manufacturing countries of implantation systems by price category:

  1. Premium - Switzerland, USA, Sweden, Germany.
  2. Middle - South Korea, Israel.
  3. Economy - Russia, Belarus.

The classification determines the quality and cost of implants in different countries, but it is rather arbitrary. For example, in Sweden and Germany both premium systems and mid-segment implants are produced.

Astra Tech: premium quality

Brand Astra Tech

– one of the three world leading manufacturers of dental implants. The company's production facilities are located in Sweden. The range of implants is varied and can be adapted to a non-standard clinical case.

The pins themselves are made of highly purified medical grade titanium alloy (grade 4). Microthreads are used on the neck of the implant, which helps distribute the load on the bone during chewing. The surface, enriched with fluoride ions, has an optimal roughness that stimulates fusion with the bone.

Rating of the best dental implants by brand

The rating is based on systems common in the Russian Federation. Compiled taking into account research, opinions of patients and implantologists. It is difficult to determine the best brand, since many are equal in quality characteristics and price.

Premium implants

World-famous manufacturers have long been known and are engaged in their own developments. They belong to the premium segment due to their quality, high survival rate, shortened osseointegration time, and the ability to be used in difficult clinical situations. The only negative that makes patients think is the high cost.

Nobel Biocare is an American brand that occupies 40% of the world market. The company was the first to develop a titanium root and perform dental implant surgery. The manufacturer has a research base, develops new technologies, provides proprietary software, scanning, production, and modeling systems. The line is represented by a wide range of models, with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.

Astra Tech is a Swedish brand that is as well known as the first one. The first to propose the use of a conical connection between the abutment and the implant to reduce bone resorption around the neck of the artificial root. They produce high quality implants with a lifetime guarantee.

Straumann is a Swiss brand with high quality and world renown. Patented technology with a porous structure close to natural bone increases the speed of engraftment. A lifetime warranty is provided. Among the company's developments are aesthetic implants made of zirconium dioxide.

Middle class

The systems belong to the middle segment; their characteristics are close to premium ones, but they are inferior in terms of survival rates and osseointegration periods.

Impro is a German brand of universal artificial roots that can withstand loads of up to 100 kg. Developed on the basis of Astra Tech. Suitable for all protocols in medium-density bone, take 3 months to survive.

Xive Ankylos is a German brand with a special thread and a patented porous surface of titanium roots. Engraftment is accelerated by 1.5-2 times, the implant is stable and does not cause injury. The set comes with surgical instruments.

Biohorizons is an American brand with decent quality. The manufacturer has a research center and its own developments. The technology used with microchannels on the neck of the implant and the special surface reduce the time of osseointegration. At the same time, the price is affordable.

Budget systems

Manufacturers produce fairly high-quality implants, but do not have extensive solutions for implantation in difficult cases. Budget implants are almost half the price of premium ones, which attracts patients.

Osstem is a South Korean brand. In the domestic market they position themselves as a premium class, competing with Israeli implants. In Russia, annual training and advanced training courses for implantologists are held. The line of implants is developed based on Straumann.

Alpha Bio is an Israeli brand popular in Russia. Astra Tech and Nobel technologies are used. Assortment for different clinical cases. Artificial roots with a proprietary micro-rough surface.

Dentium is a South Korean brand with root-shaped implants of budget and premium classes.
They are reliable and aesthetic, easily embedded into the bone, double thread reduces screw-in time. Developed based on Astra Tech. Artificial roots take root quickly, and the abutments do not show through the gums.

Budget systems

The third price category includes budget implantation systems. Their cost starts from 12 thousand rubles. Despite the low prices, dental structures are of high quality. This largely ensures their widespread and successful use in dental implantation. The best brands in the budget price category can be considered:

  • Israeli Alpha Bio
    . Implants of these brands are suitable for installation in most cases and have few contraindications. They are distinguished by a high survival rate; implant rejection is rare.
  • South Korean Dentium
    . These systems can be considered an affordable analogue of SuperLine implants. They are not inferior in quality; a suitable implant can be selected for almost any clinical case. At the same time, prosthetics will cost much less.

Review of Osstem and DIO implants
In conclusion, I would like to note that there are very cheap offers on the market - at a price of about 8 thousand rubles. Among them you can find good products from domestic manufacturers, but we still recommend not to risk your health. Implantation is always associated with intervention in bone tissue. If rejected, great harm can be done. Choosing the cheapest implants is always an unjustified risk.

If you have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment at our clinic.

Don't self-medicate! Even the smallest problem, if not treated correctly, can significantly complicate your life.

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How the TOP brands are formed by quality and prices

When compiling the rating, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • Price - one brand name can immediately add 15% to the cost. Elite brands cost more because they spend money on development and research to improve the quality of implantation systems.
  • Survival rate is the proportion of implants that have taken root according to the results of long-term data studies. For the top ones, the figure is close to 100%, while the budget ones score 90-98%. But to a greater extent, this indicator depends not on the brand, but on the doctor’s experience.
  • The period of osseointegration is the period of engraftment, fusion of the artificial root with the jaw bone. The average time is 3-6 months; for premium segment implants, osseointegration is reduced to 1.5-2 months.
  • Warranty obligations of the manufacturer's company - all manufacturing companies provide a guarantee for the implant, and not for its service life. The indicator for budget systems tends to be 20 years, for premium systems it is lifetime.

Above are the criteria by which patients make a choice in favor of one or another implantation system. But the rating is based not only on them - there are indicators that only an implantologist can evaluate:

  • material;
  • surface type;
  • shape, carving;
  • the lineup.

Straumann: restores health and self-confidence

The company from Switzerland produces high-quality implants, tested in its own scientific laboratory. The German Implantology Center selects proven Straumann implant models that have proven their clinical and practical effectiveness:

  • Universal pins with a sealed abutment-implant connection.
  • SLA coated options. The composition accelerates the installation of an artificial root and promotes rapid tissue restoration.

Preferring a well-known brand, you will receive dental implantation in the Center’s clinics relatively inexpensively and of high quality.

Comparison by survival rate, price and warranty period

BrandSurvival rateOsseointegrationGuaranteePrice
Nobel Biocare99,9%the bestlifelongpremium
Astra Tech99,6%the bestlifelongpremium
Straumann99,6%the bestlifelongpremium
Xive Ankylos99%acceleratedlifelongaverage
Alpha Bio97,2%regularlifelongeconomy
Dentium97%regularfrom 20 years to lifeeconomy

Premium implants have survival rates close to 100%, short periods of osseointegration, and are guaranteed for life. But the service life of implants is also influenced by the level of training of the doctor, the clinical situation, and the patient’s oral care literacy. A person must trust the doctor and follow the recommendations he gives.

Why we chose Nobel Biocare

  • The company has existed since 1965, during which time modern implantation methods and innovative technologies have been developed.
  • The implant survival rate is 99.9% . This is ensured by a porous surface that has a high ability to integrate into the bone.
  • The surface of TiUnite implants is a patented development of the company. Therefore, engraftment is quick and uncomplicated. Bone cells perceive the porous texture of the artificial root as a biological material, so the chance of rejection is small (only 0.7%).
  • Titanium roots are produced by vacuum casting, which makes the surface perfectly smooth. The implants are durable, lightweight, and do not unduly load the jaw.
  • The model range is represented by a wide range for various clinical situations. Artificial roots have a special conical shape, which simplifies penetration into the bone and eliminates the risk of injury.
  • Installation is carried out in 1 or 2 stages, possible with complete edentia or bone deficiency.
  • The implants also act as a support for a bridge with metal-free crowns using Procera technology. Crowns are made of zirconium dioxide, transparent like natural enamel, do not cause allergies and do not change color over time. They are even suitable for chewing posterior teeth. Prosthetics are possible immediately after installation, without waiting for healing.
  • The implants are given a lifetime guarantee, each product receives an individual number to avoid counterfeiting.
  • The price of implants depends on the model. Our Center provides a case pricing system - this is the turnkey cost of all implantation work from preparation to permanent prosthetics.

What do I think about new technologies?

Let's try to compare the practices that existed 10 years ago with those that my colleagues and I currently use. I don’t undertake to tell you that even a thousand years ago people used sea shells to restore their teeth. I can cover the last 40 years, when implantology has made huge leaps forward.

Let us immediately note that implants have become much more reliable. The thing is that previously they used prostheses, which were often poorly compatible with the metal from which the implant is made. Today, zirconium dioxide is mainly used, which harmonizes very well with titanium.

Implant placement requires precise planning and execution to avoid interference with critical anatomical structures. Technological advances can improve placement outcomes. Today we can use virtual planning to accurately place dental implants using CT scanning, rapid printing and prototyping. Visualization of anatomical structures can help prevent complications such as nerve injury and malformed sinus perforation. CBCT can also diagnose the presence of other dental or bone pathologies, whether cysts, diseased teeth, endodontic infections, periodontal disease, dental caries, malignant or benign tumors.

Further, the emergence of such technologies as zygomatic implantation and All-on-6/4 implant technology allowed patients to receive high-quality treatment even in the most difficult cases. How can this not make you happy?

Where is the best place to place dental implants?

Not only the brand of the implant plays a significant role in the success of implantation, but also the clinic where you go for the service. There must be the necessary equipment to ensure safe procedures. The doctor must be trained and certified. Not only the implantologist, but also the orthopedist must be able to apply the chosen implantation method, since the final result is important to the patient.

When choosing a system of artificial roots, it is better to trust your doctor; only he will take into account the characteristics of your jaw based on the results of examinations.

Implantation methods

The following implantation methods exist:

  1. Single stage (immediate load)

This technique includes All-On-3, All-On-4 and All-On-6, Basal Complex, zygomatic implantation)

  1. One-stage (immediately after tooth extraction)
  2. Two-stage (with delayed loading)
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