Damon braces: types of system, advantages and disadvantages

Damon brand self-regulating bracket system

"DAMON Q" does not have ligatures, which are necessary for tight fixation of the arch in braces.
For this purpose, special caps are used to hold the arch, which makes it possible to reduce friction tenfold, as well as make the movement of teeth easier and with less force.

Many people are afraid to install braces because they believe that after this they will have to constantly go to see a doctor. This is absolutely not true. The DAMON Q installation reduces the number of visits to the dentist. It is enough to come for arch correction once every 2-3 months. In general, you will need to visit the orthodontist 7-10 times over the course of your stay.

Operating principle of ligature-free braces

As is known, in ligature systems (from the Latin Ligature - “connection, connection”) the connection between braces is carried out not only by an orthodontic arch, but also by ligatures, the role of which is played by rubber rings or metal wire. This element is very important for correcting the bite and for maintaining the entire structure.

However, non-ligature braces are also widely used in orthodontics. From the name it is clear that this design does not have ligatures: the braces are attached to the teeth using the same special glue, but are connected to each other only by an orthodontic arch. Such products are considered more modern than their ligature counterparts.

Insignia technology

Insignia technology is a CAD/CAM system for manufacturing arches and brackets using digital impressions of the patient’s teeth.

  1. The doctor scans the teeth with an intraoral scanner or using a plaster model scanner.
  2. Sends a digital impression and diagnostic data about the patient to the American laboratory Insignia.
  3. Receives braces from the USA with computer-calculated torque and arch values ​​with applied bends.

The program shows how to secure the braces and achieve the patient's dental alignment approved by the doctor after treatment is completed.

Advances in digital dentistry are speeding up diagnosis and increasing accuracy. The patient spends less time in the orthodontist's chair, and the duration of treatment is reduced by 37%.

How do ligature-free braces work?

The most important principles of non-ligating (also called self-ligating) constructions are to improve the aesthetics of the smile, as well as reduce the patient’s discomfort. Due to the absence of ligatures, there is no strong pressure on the teeth, which means that the person does not experience severe pain or significant discomfort during operation of the device.

The self-ligating system looks like this: braces with flaps (clasps) are attached to the teeth with special glue. These flaps hold the orthodontic arch, which is made of light metal and has a very small diameter, but at the same time holds the structure firmly and has an impact on the periodontal tissue.

Contraindications for wearing Damon

  • not sanitized oral cavity,
  • enamel cracks,
  • a large number of filled teeth and/or artificial crowns,
  • mental and neurotic diseases,
  • allergy to construction materials,
  • severe somatic diseases.

Important! The term "passive self-ligation" refers to the absence of active pressure from the slot gate on the orthodontic archwire during treatment. Whereas in active self-ligating braces, the locking mechanism of the cover presses the archwire against the bottom wall of the slot. Passive self-ligation allows you to significantly reduce the friction force in the system by reducing the physiological impact on the crowns.

The difference between Damon braces and other self-ligating systems

Damon vestibular structures have small dimensions, which distinguishes them from other devices in an aesthetic sense. In addition, the miniature size also affects the process of patient adaptation to the product: regardless of what material the braces are made of - ceramic or metal, they are much lighter than their non-ligated counterparts, which means they do not cause discomfort when worn. In addition, the locks provide slight mobility of the arch, which allows you to evenly distribute the load on the teeth.


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Expert of the article you are reading: Yulia Andreevna Feodoridi Orthodontist, leading specialist of the NovaDent network

9 years
Clinical experience


Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Podmoskovny Boulevard, 5


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Advantages of this bracket system

  • installation and activation time of the structure takes 15-20 minutes,
  • high aesthetic characteristics allow you to maintain an attractive smile,
  • a large model range that allows the design to be used in different clinical situations,
  • short adaptation period to the product,
  • the absence of ligatures reduces the risk of tartar formation and caries development, since food debris is well cleaned out,
  • ease of maintenance (compared to ligature systems),
  • the ability to combine braces with other orthodontic products,
  • no need to regularly visit a doctor to adjust the arc pressure,
  • can be used even in advanced cases.

Damon system lineup

The Ormco company, which produces Damon bracket systems, has made sure that their products can be widely used. Therefore, the company’s specialists have developed a model range of orthodontic systems, each of which is most effective in a given clinical situation. This allows dentists to successfully correct the bite of a large number of patients, regardless of age and severity of the pathology.

The following is an overview of the most popular orthodontic systems developed by Ormco.

Damon Clear

This brace system is ideal not only for returning the correct bite, but also for adding aesthetics to your smile. The self-ligating structure is hardly noticeable on the teeth: it has a smooth surface, which eliminates discomfort and injury to the mucous membrane, and gently carries out correction. In addition, the archwire and the braces themselves are made from lightweight but durable polycrystalline aluminum oxide (PCA). It does not oxidize, which means it does not change color or give a metallic taste throughout the treatment.

The first results of treatment with Damon Clear braces are noticeable after 8-10 weeks. In addition, this design is universal and can be combined with other orthodontic systems. Most often with braces of the same Damon system, which are installed on chewing teeth. This saves both money and patient time.

Damon Q

This bracket system began to be actively used in 2009 and immediately gained popularity due to its efficiency and reliability.

Damon Q braces are all metal (made from high quality 17-4 steel) and are therefore very durable and affordable. But their main advantage is the high effectiveness of treatment even with serious anomalies. This design, like its counterparts, works on the principle of self-ligation, but it has double grooves for auxiliary elements. This allows you to change treatment tactics or adjust it without removing the entire product.

In addition, the dimensions of the parts of this system are much smaller than those of ligature braces, which means that the product itself does not cause pain to the patient when eating or talking. Just like other designs of this brand, Damon Q braces have the SpinTec1 system, which provides passive ligation. The orthodontic arch moves freely in the grooves of the lid, which does not cause pain when correcting the bite, but at the same time evenly distributes the load over the entire jaw. And this, in turn, allows you to avoid various complications, for example, it reduces the risk of developing inflammation or even periodontal infection, the risk of caries, and facilitates hygienic care of the product.

Damon 3MX

These designs “work” due to the principle of passive self-ligation. Their structure includes a special cover into the groove of which an orthodontic arch is inserted. The system does not require the use of ligatures. The lock opens and closes easily, but still holds the arc securely.

Passive self-ligation provides gentle treatment, as it does not have a traumatic effect on the bone and periodontal tissue. Moreover, with such a system, the movement of teeth is influenced by the work of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue, which reduces the time of bite correction by about a quarter.

On a note! Damon 3MX braces have a vertical slot where you can install auxiliary hooks. However, this function is optional and does not complicate oral hygiene.

Facts from history

In English, the name of the system is written Diamond or Damon System. However, in the Russian translation it has several different spellings: Diamond, Damon, Damon, Daimon. Any of these options will be correct. American scientists took part in the development of the mechanism, but the author is considered to be a doctor named Damon.

According to people who were personally acquainted with the inventor of the system, he put a lot of effort into helping people with bite problems. While working with patients who wore metal braces, the doctor saw their irritation at the forced presence of such a mechanism in the oral cavity. That is why he tried to develop a system that would eliminate discomfort.

This is how Damon ligature-free braces appeared, which not only solved the bite problem, but also looked neater, and wearing them was not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In the 80s of the 20th century, the system spread throughout the United States. At the beginning of the 21st century, the products reached Russia and became extremely popular.

Today, according to statistics, every third patient with malocclusion wears braces of the Dimon Q system. High-quality assembly, aesthetic appearance and efficiency make them incredibly popular among people turning to orthodontists.

Which model is better to choose

Before choosing one or another brace system, it is important to conduct a complete sanitation of the oral cavity and diagnostics in order to detect hidden flaws in time. And only when the clinical picture is visible in all details, the doctor will choose several design options that will be most effective in achieving a favorable result.

In principle, the above designs are successfully used for various forms of malocclusion, so the patient’s choice should consist of taking into account several nuances.

Damon 3 and Damon 3MX braces differ from their colleagues in their smooth contours and optimal rigidity for metal structures. They are low-traumatic, hypoallergenic and have grooves for installing additional hooks.

With the Damon Clear ligature-free system, the coefficient of friction between the product and tooth enamel reaches minimal values, which allows you to get rid of traumatic side effects. In addition, the product has a base etched with a special compound, which ensures reliable adhesion to the surface of the crown. The braces have a diamond shape, as well as special marks that allow you to accurately install all the parts.

The Damon Q system is one of the most advanced today. Its comfort and efficiency are due to its innovative compactness: it is 2 times smaller than a classic orthodontic ligature product. This model allows you to treat even the most complex anomalies without injuring the periodontium or causing discomfort to the patient.

In addition, the choice of a particular model may be influenced by its price.

Correction algorithm

The process of correcting occlusion consists of several stages:

  • identification of indications and contraindications;
  • carrying out visual and hardware diagnostics (radiography and orthopantomography of the jaws);
  • sanitizing the patient's oral cavity;
  • installation of braces;
  • wearing a brace system with periodic visits to the attending orthodontist to replace the power arch;
  • removal of orthodontic apparatus;
  • wearing a retention device.

Important: the duration of therapy and retention is determined by the specialist individually in each specific case. Only a doctor can determine the condition of the dentofacial apparatus at one time or another. Failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations can negate all the efforts expended.

Disadvantages of Damon braces

  • due to the high price, they are not available to all categories of the population,
  • installation requires highly qualified orthodontist,
  • in rare cases may cause allergies,
  • visible on the teeth when smiling.

Attention! The period of wearing the product depends on the complexity of the bite pathology, but on average the system copes with the task in 12-18 months. Sometimes during the adjustment process additional obstacles arise, and the doctor has to adjust the arches. In this case, the treatment period may be increased.


Reviews of Damon Q from patients indicate effectiveness and affordable cost.

I have naturally crooked teeth, and only as an adult did I decide to correct them with braces. The orthodontist recommended the Diamond Q system made of metal without rubber bands. I went with them for about 2 years. The before and after photos of the teeth are impressive. I am very pleased with the result.

Kristina, Kazan

I heard only positive reviews about Daimon Ku braces from friends. At the age of 19 I decided to install it myself. In a year and a half I was able to straighten my teeth and get a beautiful smile. I wore the system comfortably and quickly got used to it. The cost is also quite reasonable.

Alina, Moscow

Structure care

In principle, the hygiene of non-ligature braces includes all the same points as the hygiene of ligature structures, but in execution it is much simpler. In order for the product to last the entire duration of treatment and not create additional health problems, the following requirements must be met:

  • brush your teeth (and teeth) after each meal using a brush, brushes and dental floss,
  • be sure to use rinse aids,
  • try not to eat too hot or cold food,
  • remove solid foods from the diet (nuts, seeds, apples, chips, crackers, etc.),
  • do not abuse products with artificial or natural colors (black tea, coffee, wine, beets, blueberries, etc.),
  • Visit the orthodontist regularly.

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