Advantages and disadvantages of sapphire bracket systems

If you need to make your smile beautiful and eliminate malocclusion, then the solution to the problem is treatment with braces. However, many patients are hesitant to have them installed. This is due to the unaesthetic nature of metal plates - the plates in the mouth look ugly and spoil the smile. Orthodontists have found a solution - to use sapphire braces. They are practically invisible to others, look aesthetically pleasing, and are reliable in use.

What you need to understand about braces

Most orthodontists in Moscow believe that serious oral anomalies in the form of malocclusion can be corrected mainly by installing a system made of metal. This is a reliable method, it is durable and has enough force to gradually move the teeth into the correct position. But it has a serious drawback - aesthetic unattractiveness .

You can see how sapphire braces are installed at CLINIK-PROFI:

Sapphire braces in CLINIK-PROFI

In contrast to this material, some dental clinics have begun to work with a special material - artificially grown sapphire crystals. They have a strength sufficient to fulfill their purpose, slightly worse than a diamond.

The sapphire treatment method allows:

  • prevent loss of jaw bone tissue;
  • get rid of the pathology of tooth abrasion;
  • eliminate nasal breathing problems;
  • avoid the formation of facial defects.

There are also ceramic braces. In terms of strength, ceramics are not inferior to transparent sapphire braces. Ceramic products are similar in properties, but they are less aesthetically pleasing and have a matte tint that stands out against the background of tooth enamel. For people with yellow teeth, ceramic veneers are usually recommended.

The sapphire bracket system includes a base material – monocrystalline aluminum oxide. Its artificial origin does not make it hazardous to health and has anti-allergenic properties.

Artificially grown sapphires

Sapphire crystals are grown at high temperatures - about 2050 degrees. After crystallization, they are cut and polished with rounding of each element. They become transparent and allow natural light to pass through well. This minimizes the sensation of foreign substances in the mouth. When worn, this design does not damage the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Sapphire braces become invisible and look more aesthetically pleasing when compared with their ceramic counterparts.

How to care for braces after installation?

A professional orthodontist must teach his patient how to properly clean the braces. Teeth under dirty metal structures can deteriorate very quickly, so it is necessary to pay attention to oral hygiene on a daily basis. Caring for braces after installation involves thoroughly removing plaque and (if possible) disinfecting metal elements. An electric toothbrush with special attachments will do the best job of cleaning orthodontic arches, rings and ligatures. Alternatively, you can purchase a regular brush with medium-hard artificial bristles.

First of all, you need to remove the removable rubber bands and thoroughly brush your teeth, then place the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the jaw. The bristles should completely cover the ligature. You need to spend at least ten seconds on each tooth. In order to clean the braces from the inside of the jaw, you will need a special V-shaped single-tuft brush. After all the metal elements are perfectly clean, you need to take a special wax and lubricate all the places where the braces come into contact with the mucous membranes (including the interdental space). For greater convenience, you can use a special thin brush.

Features of sapphire braces

Accuracy, brevity, talent and professionalism are the qualities of an orthodontist that have made Dr. Ustok one of the best in the field of bite correction and dental correction. You can view her profile at the following link: CLICK

In terms of strength characteristics, artificial sapphire grown in a laboratory is inferior to the only material – diamond. It looks like barely noticeable gemstones attached to the teeth. This is a type of vestibular brace system located on the outside of the dentition. In terms of transparency, the material is one of the most invisible. But from this point of view, it is second only to lingual braces, which are attached to the inside of the surface of the teeth.

Conventional sapphire bracket systems include 3 main components:

  • Miniature locks with wings and grooves that secure the arch.
  • The active component is an arch, which, after installation with alternate fastening in the grooves of the locks, connects the sapphire bracket system into one whole.
  • Fastenings are ligatures that hold the arches in the groove.

The treatment method in which such braces are used is to secure the teeth in both jaws with a slight change in their position in any direction. They can move towards adjacent teeth and rotate around a central axis with slight constant pressure over time.

What does a sapphire bracket system look like? These are translucent crystals, hardly noticeable against the background of the enamel; two types of arcs are provided for their connection: transparent or white. The original color of the products does not change over time.

To move the teeth or move them apart, the structure is supplemented with metal springs, which are not considered an essential element of the system. Most often they are installed on children whose molars have not yet erupted, and the existing milk teeth converge over the space created after the milk teeth have fallen out.

Indications and contraindications

  • Contraindications

    This orthodontic design straightens teeth comfortably, without compressing the teeth as much as a metal counterpart.

    Absolute contraindications:

    • Bruxism.
    • History of oncology.

  • Psychical deviations.
  • Relative contraindications

    • Young age.
    • Period of exacerbation of dental or somatic diseases.
    • Doctors do not recommend using them for complex serious pathologies - the plates will not withstand excessive load.

    Pros and cons of sapphire braces

    Before starting bite correction, you need to find out more information about sapphire braces, their pros and cons. The disadvantages of this correction method are minor; they are similar in effect to other dental veneers.

    Sapphire braces are the most expensive type of treatment compared to other similar systems. The complex process of production and processing of each element takes its toll, and the use of complex equipment is not cheap. Therefore, the price of systems made from sapphire is not affordable for everyone.

    Sapphire braces on a plastic installation (typodont)

    Disadvantages, restrictions on their installation and use:

    • careful oral care is required throughout the entire period of wearing them;
    • They should not be installed during colds;
    • This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women in the 1st and 3rd trimesters;
    • not intended for the treatment of serious oral abnormalities;
    • may glare in the sun;

    Positive sides:

    • due to its high strength, the structure is securely fastened and held;
    • biocompatible with oral tissues, there are no allergic reactions to system components;
    • no long-term adaptation is needed, diction is not impaired;
    • unable to turn yellow or darken when worn;
    • no discomfort while eating;
    • invisible in natural light and do not spoil your smile.
    • There is no risk of caries formation when wearing them.

    Which systems are better and how do they differ?

    At the moment, most orthodontists agree that to correct significant malocclusions, the ideal option is to install a metal brace system.

    This is due to its reliability, maximum strength and the ability to use large forces to move teeth. However, it has one significant drawback - the metal on the outer surface of the teeth stands out and spoils the impression of a smile.

    As opposed to metal, special ceramics and artificially grown sapphire crystals began to be used in orthodontics. Both of these materials are less durable than metal, but are strong enough to perform their functions .

    The option of sapphire artificial crystals is most preferable for those for whom the aesthetic side of the issue is very important, since transparency and high light transmittance make them invisible.

    Ceramic braces have properties similar to sapphire ones, but have a matte tint , which will be noticeable on white enamel. The strength of ceramics is almost the same as that of a transparent crystal. In addition, both materials do not stain during wear and retain their ideal appearance throughout the entire treatment period.

    Types of sapphire braces

    Sapphire ligature braces

    To hold the arc, ligatures are used. This fastening is done with thin rings made of wire or elastic. Such materials wear out quickly, so you have to change them more often. Caring for sapphire braces with ligatures is simple. Periodically, the doctor should loosen the fastening slightly so that the arc slides freely. In the same way, you can strengthen the effect of the system.


    Unfortunately, at the moment there are no self-ligating sapphire braces, only ceramic ones . It is much easier to use self-ligating ones: there is no need to change the ligatures in case of yellowing, rupture, or deformation.

    The self-ligating option is less uncomfortable due to lower pressure on the installation site.


    The arches are made of a memory material that helps them return to their original position. They optimally affect the problem area with a gradual change in position - they perform a corrective action.

    The choice of archwire material depends on the specific indication and stage of treatment. To make the system more invisible, the arches of sapphire or ceramic brackets are painted with a special white dye.

    In appearance and properties, white arcs are similar to Teflon. In this design, these systems are practically invisible. But the obvious disadvantage of this option is the gradual erasing of the aesthetic coating. The reason is strong friction. Therefore, the white arches of sapphire braces need to be changed more often, as the metal base becomes noticeable.

    Replacement of arches when correcting a bite is performed approximately once every one and a half to two months. The number of replacements is determined by the doctor; it depends on individual indications or if the structure breaks down due to improper use or care.

    Samples of sapphire products

    What arcs are used?

    Unfortunately, there are no transparent arches that have the qualities necessary for braces. a classic metal arc is inserted into sapphire systems . It is a little noticeable during a conversation, but does not create the effect of “metal staples”.

    In such systems, to maximize their aesthetics, you can use metal arches that have a white coating of a material similar to Teflon.

    In this case, the braces become completely invisible. The only drawback of such arches is that the aesthetic coating can gradually wear off due to strong friction.


    Before starting treatment, you need to contact a dentist-therapist, get a consultation with a periodontist, explaining to him the reason for the visit and your desire. Doctors must make sure there are indications and diagnose the health of the patient’s teeth and gums.

    After eliminating the problems that prevent the use of sapphire braces on your teeth, you can make an appointment with an orthodontist to plan treatment measures.

    The following examinations will be required:

    • visual;
    • X-ray – an orthopantomogram, teleroentgenogram is prescribed;
    • They take photos of the face and teeth, and conduct other studies.

    Manufacturers of sapphire braces

    The leading manufacturer of Ormco sapphire braces is the American company Inspire ICE. The result of their application can be seen in the photos posted on social networks before and after alignment. They are the most transparent of all, created and used in orthodontics, and are distinguished by high-quality polishing. A special coating is applied to all elements individually in advance. It consists of zirconium balls that are microscopic in size. High-quality adhesive allows you to create maximum adhesion. They are easy to remove.

    Ormco bracket

    Miso also produces sapphire bracket systems. These linings are distinguished by the fact that the arc can be easily fixed without blocking due to a special structure - it contains special sliding clamps that are similar to a gate valve. Caring for them is comparatively more convenient. This fastening method makes correction easier. Dental clients using this type of device do not need frequent visits to their doctor.

    The main feature of Radiance sapphire brackets is that they have a special base under the patented name Quad-Matte. Its attachment to the enamel along the perimeter is much weaker than in the central parts. This method allows for easy removal of the product without damaging the enamel. They are quickly installed and easy to remove. The doctor does not use special instruments when performing the procedure. They differ from Ormco systems in their slightly larger sizes and higher strength.

    Sapphire braces produced by OrthoTechnology Pure have a neat appearance, they are miniature, have strong fastenings, thanks to a special technology of applying zirconium dioxide powder to the base of each individual element. Installed on the upper and lower rows of teeth, they look like jewelry and transmit natural and neon rays of light. This characteristic of Ortho sapphire braces, according to patient reviews, has made them popular among active youth.

    Causes and consequences of incorrect bite changes

    In this case, doctors advise removing them, even if they are not affected by caries. But parents do not want to once again traumatize the child’s psyche by visiting the dental office. They hope that sooner or later the baby tooth will fall out on its own, without the help of a doctor. And when this happens too late, the permanent tooth, crawling out of the jaw, is forced to forcefully “push” the lingering “usurper” from its rightful place.

    It is not difficult to correct uneven teeth in children, since in childhood the entire jaw apparatus is in the stage of formation, which allows it to be very plastic. To do this, you just need to wear a special plastic plate in your mouth for some time (no more than a few months). But, since this causes a certain inconvenience to the child, he, sometimes accidentally, and sometimes deliberately, “forgets” to put it on.

    The appearance of a malocclusion is also possible in an absolutely adult person who previously had straight teeth at a mature age, and it is caused by untimely prosthetics when teeth are removed or injured. When this kind of “gap” forms in the mouth, it must be eliminated as soon as possible, without allowing too much time between the loss of your own tooth and the installation of an artificial one.

    Otherwise, the teeth located next to the void begin to gradually move from their place: not finding the necessary support, they move to the side, up or down. In this case, a displacement of the entire dentition inevitably occurs, causing a change in the anatomically correct bite.

    Because of this, the process of biting and chewing food becomes difficult, leading to indigestion, which can result in an imbalance in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to chronic pathologies in this area.

    Who should wear it

    Sapphire braces are indicated for people with not very complex dental disorders:

    • broken bite;
    • the presence of interdental spaces;
    • crooked teeth;
    • patients prone to allergies that manifest themselves to other materials.

    The age and gender characteristics of patients do not affect the ability to wear them. This option is suitable for those whose enamel has a white tint. Such products with sapphires are especially popular among women. The statement that regular sapphire braces turn yellow is incorrect. But if your teeth have a natural yellowish tint, they will be more noticeable.


    The price of sapphire braces in Moscow depends on various factors. On average, their cost varies from 25,000 rubles and above. If all braces are made of sapphire, then their cost increases significantly. If sapphires are installed only in visible areas, and ceramics or metal are used on distant teeth, this significantly reduces the cost of the structure. Before choosing sapphire braces, study information about them on the Internet, read people's reviews and compare the cost of products in Moscow.


    Reviews of sapphire braces indicate that they are easy to get used to. Only for a few days after installation of the system will there be some discomfort from the arc pressure.

    Pronunciation, as evidenced by user comments, is not impaired, and there is no pain. Thanks to their small size, rounded, smoothed shapes, wearing sapphire braces does not cause any difficulties, and soon patients simply forget about their presence.


    When deciding to install sapphire braces on your teeth, it is important to understand how long you need to wear them, how to care for them, and what recommendations to follow.

    • You need to start and end the day by brushing your teeth with braces; this procedure should always be done after eating.
    • Use a special monotuft brush, irrigator or brush to care for the interdental space for cleaning.
    • Cleaning must be done extremely carefully so that the elements do not come off.
    • Use special brushes and, if possible, an irrigator.
    • You need to refuse to eat very hard and hard foods, such as nuts, apples, carrots, crackers. Do not eat food that can get stuck in the orthodontic structure (vegetables with pulp, meat). Avoid coloring products.
    • Adhere to a schedule of visits to a specialist for the purpose of preventive examination and replacement of arches.

    Cleaning sapphire braces with a brush

    If all the recommendations and advice of the dentist are followed, the patient is not at risk of pigmentation or caries.

    What toothbrushes should you buy to care for braces?

    For complete care, one v-shaped brush is not enough. In order to be sure that the teeth under the braces system are perfectly cleaned, you need to have several more types of brushes in your arsenal.


    This type is used to clean spaces between brackets as well as areas under metal arches. Interdental brushes are available in different sizes, so they can also be used for deep cleaning of interdental spaces.


    The mono-beam brush has a curved shape, thanks to which it can reach even the most difficult to reach places. This type of brush is intended for caring for braces, not teeth. Even the smallest clasps and ligatures will be perfectly clean with daily use of mono-tuft brushes.

    It is worth knowing that any type of brush will wear out several times faster. This is due to the fact that when cleaning a metal system, the bristles can be pulled out. Therefore, you will have to change all care accessories much more often than recommended on the package.

    Duration of use

    The duration of treatment is determined for each patient individually. No specialist will initially be able to say how many months you may need to walk with them. The treatment period is longer, how long they need to be worn, depends on the pathology, the age of the client, individual nuances of the structure of bone tissue, etc.

    If the disorders are not complex, the treatment period can be within 8-10 months. Otherwise, correction may need to be carried out over several years. For example, a wide interdental gap can be reduced in about 6 months. Protruding fangs are leveled in 6-8 months, the bite is corrected in 1-2 years.

    Orthodontic treatment with any type of braces requires patience and endurance. When used, average pressure is applied to the teeth, so they move no faster than one millimeter per month.

    Plastic, ceramic or artificial sapphire?

    The most affordable are plastic braces that blend with the teeth. Their clasps are made of dental plastic, selected to match the natural shade of the patient’s tooth enamel. They have a metal groove in which the orthodontic arch slides with minimal friction, due to which the teeth are aligned quite quickly.

    But such braces have several significant disadvantages. Due to the low strength of plastic, they quickly wear out and chip and easily change the chosen shade under the influence of artificial and natural dyes contained in drinks and foods.

    They were replaced by even less noticeable, but more expensive and therefore installed in installments ceramic braces. They are divided into two subgroups, look approximately the same, differing in appearance only in the degree of transparency, and in color they turn out to be completely identical to tooth enamel.

    • The first subgroup includes braces with clasps made of matte, partially opaque polycrystalline ceramics. Dentists call them ceramic braces.
    • The second category includes the best aesthetic braces made from transparent ceramic single crystals. These are the most invisible and most expensive systems that ideally mask the treatment process and thus fully justify the financial costs.

    Removing sapphire bracket systems

    After completion of treatment, it is necessary to remove the sapphire braces. For your own gallery, you can take photos before and after using them. This will allow you to see the real result of the impact of the design on changing the position of the teeth, improving the bite, as well as the appearance of the patient, if the violations were more serious.

    Removing and consolidating the result is performed sequentially. This procedure is painless and takes little time. Dental pliers are used to remove sapphire brackets. The doctor’s actions must be careful and precise; damage to the enamel must not be allowed.

    When using some cheap complexes, unforeseen situations are possible when removing them - the special fragility of the material can lead to their crumbling under the applied pressure. The remaining material will need to be cut down with a drill. This procedure is unpleasant and associated with additional material costs. Therefore, you should not save on the cost of structures.

    Sapphire braces without archwire

    After removing conventional sapphire braces, a retention period begins - to consolidate the treatment, the patient needs to wear a retainer for a certain time. This is a specially made arc-shaped wire. It is placed from the inside and allows you to consolidate the result. Only wears at night. After some time, the wires will be replaced with a removable retention plate.

    Special aligners and plates after braces are removed so that the teeth do not start moving apart again.


    The price of treatment usually includes:

    • cost of sapphire braces for each jaw
    • production according to individual parameters;
    • diagnostics (orthopantomogram);
    • work (installation, maintenance, removal);
    • prolation;
    • the cost of a permanent retainer (must be worn after the braces are removed).

    By the way, you can find out what prices are for braces in CLINIK-PROFI ( CLICK ).

    Whether to install sapphire braces is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The first thing that stops patients is the price of the pads. However, there is no need to skimp on your health. Choose a high-quality and aesthetic method of treatment. After its completion, your smile will become beautiful and your teeth will be healthy.

    Next entry All about metal braces. Actually everything!

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