Service life of dental implants, how many years they are placed for

Dental implantation is an expensive operation. The patient who decides to undergo the procedure wants it to go without complications, and for the implants and prostheses to last the rest of their lives. The service life of implants is determined by the quality of the material and the method of surface treatment. The doctor’s level of skill and the patient’s health status are important. The service life of a crown depends on the material from which it is made. Careful oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist and following all doctor’s recommendations are the key to comfortable and long-term use of implants.

What is the average lifespan of dental implants?

The approximate service life of implants is determined by the attending physician, assessing the timing, conditions of engraftment of the material, as well as many other factors. On average, implants will last about 25 years, but with good engraftment and proper hygiene, reinstallation will not be necessary for the rest of your life. The main thing is to choose the best dental implants.

We recommend Nobel Biocare implants to patients. Product advantages: lifetime warranty, protection against counterfeiting, survival rate 99.3%. TI-Unite's microporous surface conceals the titanium rod, preventing oxidation or metal rejection. The bioactive properties of the coating reduce the implant healing time to 2 weeks.

Recommendations from experts

Dentists recommend adhering to the following rules to extend the life of structures in the oral cavity:

  • In the postoperative period, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions;
  • Clean your teeth daily with a brush or paste;
  • To effectively clean the subgingival area and interdental spaces, use an irrigator;
  • Carry out timely treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and body;
  • Treat your “new” teeth with care;
  • In case of complications or pain, seek qualified help;
  • Carry out a preventive examination and professional cleaning at the dentist 2 times a year.

How long will crowns and dentures last?

A denture or crown is the upper part of the structure that is installed on the implant. The service life is determined by the quality of the material from which the artificial tooth is made:

  • Metal-plastic . They are installed for 3 years, no more, since the plastic lining peels off and chips even with moderate chewing loads. The porous surface absorbs dyes and microparticles of food, changes color, becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, and can cause allergies.
  • Metal ceramics . Will last on average 10-12 years. Compared to metal-plastic, it is stronger. Over time, cracks and chips form on the surface. Allergic reactions to metal are possible.
  • Zirconium dioxide . Durable, aesthetic, non-allergenic material, for which manufacturers provide a guarantee of up to 15 years. In practice, crowns cost as much as the implants themselves.

What determines the lifespan of artificial roots?

How many years a dental implant actually lasts is mainly influenced by two factors. The first is the quality of workmanship provided by the manufacturer. Companies with a proven reputation do not let their consumers down and actually produce designs that last at least 15-20 years. Responsible clinics work with such brands.

The second, no less important factor is the patient’s attitude towards his health. Namely:

  • Compliance with all medical prescriptions and recommendations immediately after implantation and in the subsequent period.
  • Quitting bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, regular professional cleaning procedures.
  • Preventative visits to the dentist every six months.

Unfortunately, Russian and European patients from developed countries have different attitudes towards their health. Our compatriots follow the dentist’s recommendations less scrupulously, they can self-medicate, overload the implants and forget that these are, after all, artificial and not living roots.

We install durable, safe metal-free crowns

Dr. Levin's Dental Center has its own dental laboratory, which produces individual dentures for the clinic's patients. We install durable, safe metal-free structures. Quality is achieved through materials and digital production technologies.

Levin Dmitry Valerievich
Chief physician, Ph.D.

You should choose a dental clinic based on the following criteria:

  • Long-term presence in the medical services market, good reputation, high professional level of doctors.
  • A wide range of services in the field of implantation – doctors’ knowledge of various treatment methods.
  • Availability of a license to perform dental implantation.
  • Equipping the clinic with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, its own dental laboratory.

Choose a doctor who has experience in implantation. In addition to the basic diploma of higher medical education, the doctor must have certificates confirming his qualifications and ability to work with products of specific brands. As a rule, the world's leading manufacturers of dental implants allow only doctors who have been trained by company specialists to work with their products.

Try to collect as much information as possible about the clinic’s activities and specialists. Look through reviews on official websites, thematic forums on the Internet, and entries in the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions.”

Consult with several doctors from different clinics and compare the opinions of specialists regarding your problem.

Be sure to draw up an agreement with the clinic for the provision of medical services, which must indicate all the features of the guarantee obligations provided in the event of unsuccessful treatment.

After implantation, strictly follow all doctor’s instructions and do not neglect preventive examinations.

Dental implantation is a complex multi-stage procedure that involves many doctors and specialists; during its implementation, expensive materials and equipment are used, so it cannot be cheap. Very often, the cheap price offered by some clinics is just a publicity stunt that does not guarantee a solution to your problems.

In reputable clinics, when installing an implant, the medical history indicates the number of the registration certificate, which is available for each quality product.

What factors influence the duration of use

The service life of implants depends on:

  • selected implantation system;
  • correct installation, accuracy of selection of configuration, size;
  • patient's health status;
  • compliance with recommendations during preparation for surgery, quality of care after implantation.


Dental implants from the premium sector are recognized as the most durable. The survival rate exceeds 99%. Such indicators are achieved through:

  • surface treatment - the rod is protected by an additional layer of biocompatible material, has micropores into which bone tissue grows, coating with minerals accelerates regeneration;
  • functional form - in some cases, implants are installed even with a deficiency of bone tissue;
  • evidence base - manufacturers of premium products cooperate with dental centers, where they carefully study developments;
  • qualified specialists - leaders of the dental implantation market train implantologists from all countries to work with their products;
  • reasonable lifetime guarantee - based on the experience of using implants and the results of clinical studies.

Budget artificial roots are inferior in purity of the material. Impurities can make the final alloy strong, but they reduce survival rate due to toxicity to the body. A rod with an ill-conceived configuration or with microparticles on the surface will more often cause rejection. Cheap implants require replacement after 10 years.

Our center uses Nobel Biocare implantation systems, which belong to the premium segment and meet all parameters. This minimizes the risk of rejection.

Level of training of doctors

The service life of artificial teeth is affected by correct installation. The success of dental implantation depends on the experience, qualifications, and coordinated work of the implantologist and the orthopedic dentist. The implantologist will select an artificial root according to shape and size, and the orthopedist will select a prosthesis taking into account the loads.

When performing work, it is important to consider:

  • condition of the oral cavity, the presence of chronic foci of infection;
  • volume, density of bone tissue in the area of ​​planned implantation;
  • characteristics of implants;
  • features of the orthopedic design;
  • future load on artificial roots and teeth.

It is better to carry out implantation in specialized clinics with separate operating rooms. It is important that the institution cooperates with well-known manufacturers of instruments and materials, and that doctors and nurses strictly adhere to sterility rules. An informative indicator of the high level of a clinic is the price of services.

Types of implants

In dentistry, implants made of titanium material are used, since it is considered the most reliable and safe. All products are divided into several types according to design and shape. Depending on the indications, the most suitable installation option is selected. In addition to indications, the choice of implant model is also influenced by their cost. Modern designs tend to be more expensive, but more convenient and durable.

Based on the type of design, products are divided into two types: collapsible and non-collapsible. This characteristic affects the service life only due to the need to replace the crowns. Thus, fixed structures may require a complete replacement of the prosthesis after 5–16 years, while removable ones can last up to 12 years.

The duration of operation is affected by the shape of the artificial roots, since the reliability of the installation of the prosthesis depends on the type of implant.

  1. Lamellar - screwed into the bone tissue located under the palate;
  2. Root-shaped - installed in root canals;
  3. Combined - combine both previous types and are placed in the root canal.

Pins screwed into the root canal are considered the most durable, since with this type of installation it is possible to achieve excellent fixation.

Based on the material of manufacture, they are distinguished between ceramic-metal products with a guarantee of about 12 years, ceramic products - about 7 years, and metal-plastic products - no more than 3 years. There are also implants made of aluminum and zirconium, their service life is more than 15 years.

When to change the implant

The normal condition of the implants is indicated by the patient’s comfort during chewing and at rest, the absence of pain or other unpleasant sensations. You should be wary and immediately consult a doctor if:

  • the structure has become mobile, scrolls around its axis, or any element has fallen out;
  • there was pain;
  • the gums in the area of ​​intervention began to bleed, changed color, and pus is released from it;
  • there was an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • swelling appeared in the facial area.

After examining the patient, the doctor decides to replace the implant. The need for repositioning occurs due to jaw trauma (in which the rod becomes dislodged or becomes mobile), peri-implantitis, or failure of the artificial root.

How long does a dental implant usually last and how soon it may need to be replaced?

Dental prosthetics with implants is one of the most popular, but at the same time, expensive procedures in dentistry, and the patient’s desire to receive a guarantee for artificial teeth for many years is fully justified.

Judging by the advertising of many dental clinics, which guarantee the service life of implanted implants for at least 30 years and even for life, then it would seem that the patient should not worry about this. But in practice, not everything is as rosy as the advertising brochures promise.

How to extend the “shelf life”

You can prevent problems after dental implantation by taking time and attention to choosing a clinic and doctor. To do this you need:

  1. Choose an implantology center with a positive reputation.
  2. Get to know the doctor and reviews from the clinic’s clients.
  3. Find out about the center’s technological base and materials offered by employees.
  4. Study the cost of services.

After installing implants, you need to avoid facial injuries and monitor your health. It is important to follow the rules for caring for the oral cavity during the period of implantation and operation:

  1. Enhanced hygiene . Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, use interdental brushes or an irrigator, remove food debris from the interdental space after eating, rinse your mouth, and prevent gum inflammation.
  2. To give up smoking . A bad habit slows down metabolic processes in gum tissue and increases the risk of implant rejection.
  3. Moderate loads . For the first time after installing artificial roots, you should avoid rough food. After implantation, you should not load the implants (for example, cracking nuts or opening bottles with your teeth).
  4. Cleaning . You need to regularly visit the dentist to remove plaque and tartar, as well as to examine the condition of your oral cavity.


Implantation is carried out exclusively according to indications. The need to install artificial roots is determined by the dentist who examines the patient at the first appointment.

The need for implantation is confirmed in the following indications:

  • missing one tooth;
  • absence of 2 or more dental organs, with adjacent location;
  • absence of the last teeth without the possibility of restoration by other methods;
  • complete edentia (congenital pathology characterized by the absence of teeth);
  • the presence of reasons preventing the wearing of a removable denture (for example, a gag reflex);
  • pain caused by functional occlusion;
  • absence of alveolar processes in the upper jaw with concomitant complete absence of teeth;
  • anatomical defects that arise as a result of diseases, mechanical effects, as well as as a result of disturbances during intrauterine development or genetic predisposition.

In professional dentistry, the patient is additionally sent for diagnostics to determine contraindications:

  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • blood pathologies (especially poor clotting);
  • severe connective tissue diseases;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • liver/renal failure during exacerbation;
  • increased tone of the masticatory muscles in combination with bruxism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • immunodeficiency diseases;
  • allergic reaction to painkillers;
  • age up to 18 - 22 years (depending on indications);
  • addiction to drugs or alcohol.

If a patient undergoes implantation with contraindications, the shelf life of dental implants will be reduced to 1 - 2 months, or even several days. In case of contraindications, 90% of patients experience rejection of the structure with the development of associated complications.

Types of guarantees at the Center for Private Dentistry “Doctor Levin”

During implantation, the patient is faced with two types of guarantees that should not be confused with each other:

  1. Manufacturer's warranty . Due to the quality of the material and the durability of the design.
  2. Clinic guarantee . The guarantee for the operation itself usually does not exceed 2 years, since during this period the consequences of the doctor’s incorrect work become apparent. Late complications arise due to the fault of the patient himself (usually due to improper care).

The Center for Private Dentistry "Doctor Levin" provides guarantees:

  • lifetime for implantological treatment with a Nobel Biocare Lifetime implant passport, including surgery;
  • 2 years for other types of treatment at the clinic;
  • 1 year for prosthetics, subject to the doctor’s recommendations and scheduled free visits.

The Lifetime guarantee is only offered by Nobel Biocare. The guarantee offer is based on the company’s experience, the results of its own research, and the constant optimization of implant designs. The manufacturer is responsible for its products, and therefore provides consumers with optimal offers in implantology.

Why is there a risk of rejection?

No manufacturer or dentist can claim that an implant will not be rejected 100%, since sometimes a complication occurs simply due to the body’s individual reaction to a foreign body.

The guarantee provided by dentistry is to protect the patient from complications in the event of rejection:

  • due to a doctor’s error during installation (failure to comply with sanitary standards, incorrect installation, etc.);
  • due to inconsistency of product quality.

If the patient did not follow the recommendations, or the implant was rejected after 2 - 4 years or more, then we are not talking about a medical error or poor quality. Most likely, pathological processes are occurring in the patient’s body, which become the cause. In such cases, the clinic, of course, does not bear responsibility.

Note! According to statistics, implants are rejected in only 2% of patients.

Service life of implants from manufacturers

  • Alpha Bio – unlimited;
  • Nobel Biocare – lifetime;
  • Ankylos – unlimited;
  • Adin – 5 years;
  • Astra tech – unlimited term.

Dental implants – pros and cons

As for expert opinions, the majority of specialists are inclined to argue for dental implants, and those who are usually against are either very elderly doctors or dentists who do not have sufficient qualifications to carry out such procedures. If we consider the pros and cons of dental implants, then among the undeniable advantages we can note durability, the absence of the need to grind adjacent teeth, in contrast to the installation of bridges, as well as the preservation of all the functions of a natural tooth, such as: full participation in chewing and speech, prevention of tooth loss bone tissue and changes in facial features. As for the disadvantages, the price becomes a significant difficulty for most patients, however, as mentioned above, this is an adequate cost of solving the problem once for a lifetime. As for an alternative to dental implants, it does not exist as such, since traditional prosthetics is inferior to it in all respects.

Dental implants make it possible to improve the quality of life, restore the full functionality of the dentition, restore the attractiveness of the smile, and also protect yourself from the loss of bone tissue in the place of the missing tooth, and therefore from the possibility of losing neighboring teeth. But, in any case, only an implantologist can confirm the need for this operation; he will also help you draw up a treatment plan and choose designs that suit you personally.

Prices for dental implants in Moscow

As with any other area of ​​dentistry, the cost of dental implants varies widely. On average, the price for installing one dental implant in Moscow ranges from 15,000 in economy class dentistry to 80,000 rubles in a VIP clinic. Moreover, the budget required for the implantation procedure as a whole largely depends on the cost of the implant. In order to understand how much a dental implant costs and which price is acceptable, which is unreasonably high, and which is suspiciously low, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what it consists of.

How should you care for implanted teeth?

Caring for implanted teeth is a guarantee of their long service life. They need to be looked after daily and fully. It is important to understand that the main part of the implant is located under the gum, and therefore crowns and dentures must be cleaned with special care. You need to brush your teeth not only in the morning and before bed, but also several times a day. It is advisable to do this after every meal. In this case, it is necessary to use not only brushes, but also dental floss and irrigators.

The oral cavity should also be regularly rinsed with strengthening elixirs. If you have implants installed, you need to see your dentist regularly, even if you do not feel toothache. Eliminate very hard foods from your diet.

Is there a guarantee for installation?

Titanium implants are the best, including survival rates. They do not wear out or become unusable. Each item is individually packaged and has been tested in production to ensure compliance. This guarantees high quality products. Therefore, patients can be confident that they are receiving the best implant when restoring a tooth.

At the same time, doctors provide a guarantee for the procedure.

The Center for Dentistry and Basal Implantation has a 1-year warranty. If during this time the patient does not experience complications, then the titanium structure is successfully fixed in the bone. In the future, you don’t have to worry - no problems will arise, because osseointegration with the bone was successful.

There are two main types:

Classic, two-stage, in which at stage I the artificial root is introduced into the jaw, and at stage II, after the implant has fused with the bone, a prosthesis is installed.

A one-stage, basal method, when the implant is installed not in the loose surface parts of the jaw, as in the classic version, but in the deep dense layers, therefore chewing load on the implant is allowed immediately after installation, and the prosthesis is fixed without waiting for complete healing.

Previously, due to imperfect technology and model design, basal implants often failed after 2–3 years, unable to bear the load. Now basal implants, installed even with periodontitis and periodontal disease, with bone tissue deficiency, along with the classic options, successfully withstand use for many years.

According to manufacturers, the service life of mini-implants is comparable to the main implant models and is on average 20-25 years. Mini-implants have recently begun to be used in practice, and many experts find more disadvantages than advantages in the method. Thus, due to the small size of the implant, the bone tissue of the jaw does not receive sufficient chewing load, so it gradually dissolves, atrophies and subsides. This necessitates frequent adjustments to the prosthesis.

Insufficient fixation of the mini-implant in the jaw causes its pathological mobility, leading to rejection 2-3 years after installation.

The positive properties of the method include low trauma, a simplified installation procedure and rapid healing.

Structure of a dental implant

A root-shaped implant, as mentioned above, is the most common and sought-after type of dental implant. What does a dental implant consist of? Root-shaped structures have three parts: root, abutment and crown. A titanium rod replaces the root of a lost tooth. The abutment externally is an artificial tooth ground for a crown. It serves as a link between the components of the implant - the rod and the prosthesis, and is also the basis for the latter. Root-like artificial roots are divided into cylindrical and helical. The latter are more in demand in implantology, as they have a thread applied to their surface, which contributes to a more durable fusion of the titanium rod with the jaw bone. Dental implants come in different sizes – they can be short or long, thick or thin. See the photo below for what a dental implant looks like.

Photo of a dental implant

History of the first patient

The first attempts to replace lost teeth with artificial ones were made by people in antiquity and even earlier. In the form in which we know dental implants now, they appeared in the second half of the 20th century. The first successful implantation was performed in 1965 on an ordinary carpenter, Gust Larsson, who lost all his lower teeth at the age of 34, had a cleft palate, a deformed upper jaw and chin, and experienced constant pain and significant difficulty eating and speaking. Larsson volunteered for a new study led by Professor Ingvar Brånemark at the University of Gothenburg, which Güsta had heard about by chance from his dentist. After the treatment, he was able to chew, eat and speak normally. The installed implants served Gust Larsson all his life. The experience of this brave man proved that installing dental implants is the most effective way to restore lost teeth.

How do dental implants take root?

What material are dental implants made of? The answer to this question will help us understand why they take root well. Almost all of the newest dental implants are made from titanium. This unique material is ideal for the manufacture of artificial tooth roots, since it is not perceived by the human body as something foreign and is not itself subject to the destructive effects of the surrounding biological environment. But the most important thing is that it can reliably fuse with the jawbone. These unique properties of titanium solved the problem of rejection and made implantation a reliable and durable technique. However, in very rare cases when a patient is allergic to titanium dental implants, zirconium dioxide is used as a base to make the prosthesis.

How long does it take for a dental implant to take root? Experts believe that the survival of dental implants is an individual process. The timing of osseointegration depends on the area of ​​the dentition in which the implantation was performed, as well as on the quality of the bone tissue. In general, the healing of dental implants lasts from three months on the lower jaw and up to six months on the upper jaw. If the implantation is successful, then removal of the prosthesis becomes almost impossible, which proves the reliability of the structure. What is the survival rate of dental implants that worries many patients? It varies among different manufacturers, but in general it does not exceed 5%. In addition, the success of the operation is also influenced by the skill of the implant surgeon, so the choice of dentistry should be approached with special care.

How long does an implant last?

Dental implantation began in Russia about 20 years ago, and the technique has become widespread only in recent years. There are no reliable statistics on the service life of prostheses on implants in our country yet.

The first attempts at dental implantation in Western Europe were made back in the 60s of the last century.

According to foreign sources, premium class implants have the highest service life: Astra Tech, Nobel, Straumann, XIVE, Ankylos, Bicon - more than 20 years. Middle-class products are slightly behind them in terms of service life: Implantium, BioHorizons, MIS - 10-15 years.

It is clear that statistics show average indicators. In practice, cheap implants can last a lifetime without any problems, but the most advanced and expensive designs are rejected without lasting even two years.

Each case is individual, and the actual service life depends on the patient’s health, his attitude towards new teeth, and the professionalism of the implantologist who performs the operation.

The type of implantation also influences the service life of the implant.

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