Types of dental implants made in Israel - installation, warranty and service life

In Russia, Israeli implants have become widespread. However, not all doctors know how to work with them. The wide range of implant systems available is confusing. But the key to successful implantation is strict adherence to the protocol.

It is safer to undergo implantation with Israeli implants from a doctor from Israel. In Moscow, treatment can be done at the Akademstom clinic with Dr. Yakubov. Having an Israeli doctor’s diploma and extensive work experience allows us to help patients even in the most difficult cases:

  • with significant bone tissue atrophy;
  • in old age, with compensated hypertension and diabetes;
  • for gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Dental treatment will help restore the aesthetic and functional components of your smile.

Benefits of Israeli dental implants

  • A large assortment of titanium roots and suprastructures from brands such as CORTEX, Alpha Bio, Adin, MIS;
  • the country's research laboratories are continuously improving existing designs and developing new models;
  • survival statistics reach 99%.

Manufacturers produce implants that can solve any problem of missing teeth:

  • endosteal - installed in the jaw bone;
  • subperiosteal (subperiosteal) - installed between the jaw bone and the periosteum.

Manufacturers' warranty and service life

Manufacturers provide an official guarantee for titanium construction from 5 to 20 years. This means that the implant must retain its functionality for the specified period.

If the rod fails or is defective, the manufacturer will replace it free of charge.

The manufacturer's warranty has nothing to do with the warranty obligations of the clinic that installed the implant. The clinic is not responsible for technical failures; the guarantee only applies to the work performed by the implantologist. If the rod is rejected due to a violation of the implantation technology, the patient can count on compensation. Typically, the clinic’s obligations are specified in the contract for the provision of medical services.

Comparative characteristics of implants

To understand the table, bone biotypes are described below (click to expand)

  • D1 type of bone tissue is a dense layer of bone, mainly included in the anterior sections of the upper and lower jaw;
  • D2 bone type – medium density. The ratio of dense - cortical and spongy - layers in this type of bone tissue is 1:1, sometimes 1:2;
  • D3 type The ratio between the dense and spongy layer is 1:2, the cortical layer has an average thickness of 2-3 mm. Unlike type D2, the cancellous part of the bone contains a larger number of trabeculae (branches);
  • D4 type This type of bone tissue is characterized by low density and is problematic for implantation. Present in the area of ​​the lateral teeth, upper jaw and tubercles, rarely found in the anterior region. The ratio between the dense and spongy layers is 1:4, with an average thickness of the cortical layer of 1-2 mm. Trabeculae in the spongy layer are loose and thin.

Implant or system Optimal for bone biotype: Applicability on a scale from 1 to 10 Peculiarities
Top. jaw front Lower jaw front Top. jaw chewing Lower jaw chewing
Dentium Implantium D2 and D3 7 7 8 7 Budget cost, conical connection, versatility
Dentium Superline D2, D3, D4 8 8 10 9 Cost adequate for quality, aggressive thread - primary stabilization, conical connection, versatility
AstraTech D1, D2, D3 10 10 10 10 High cost, conical connection, large selection of orthopedic components (function and aesthetics), 50 years on the market - scientific basis and results base, renowned and serviceable throughout the world
IMPRO D2 and D3 8 8 9 8 The cost is adequate to the quality, conical connection, versatility, German manufacturing precision
Straumann D1, D2, D3 9 9 10 10 High cost, various types of implant material composition, connection options - internal, external, hexagonal, implants with a polished neck, are transported in calcium-containing liquid, more than 50 years on the market, large scientific base, fame and the ability to service in all over the world
Biohorizons D2, D3, D4 9 9 8 8 Average cost, good attachment to the mucosa (soft tissues) - laser lock, internal hexagon, fame, a lot of literature in Russian
AlphaBio D3 and D4 6 6 7 6 Budget cost, internal hexagon, popularity among budget systems, ease of use
Nobel Biocare D2, D3, D4 10 10 10 10 High cost, scientific base - more than 60 years, pioneers of dental implantation, specific connection - internal 3-leaf, presence in the Russian Federation of its own milling center for turning individual orthopedic components, fame and possibility of service all over the world
Zimmer D1, D2, D3 9 9 10 10 Specific cylinder shape and sponge surface, made of tantalum, selective to clinical cases, high cost
Osstem D2, D3, D4 9 9 10 10 Cost adequate for quality, aggressive threading - primary stabilization, conical connection, versatility, scientific basis, clinical stories
M.I.S. D2, D3, D4 6 6 7 7 Budget cost, internal hexagon, popularity among budget systems, ease of use
Bicon D2, D3, D4 2 2 7 7 High price. Specific barrel-shaped, short implants with aggressive threads, used in cases of insufficient bone tissue height, avoid bone grafting, connection of the implant to the abutment without a screw, complex operating algorithm for the doctor.
AnyRidge Megagen D2, D3, D4 7 7 10 10 Very high cost. Specific barrel-shaped, short implants with aggressive threads, used when the height and width of the bone tissue are insufficient for operations with splitting of the bone ridge, avoid bone grafting, connection of the implant with a cone, a complex operating algorithm for the doctor.

That. For certain clinical situations, certain implants are better suited. Typically, the clinic has three or four implantation systems in its arsenal, which can successfully resolve 90% of cases.

Expected conclusion: Answer the question “which implants are better?” It’s definitely not possible, since every manufacturer fights for its reputation and ensures the high quality of its products. In addition, the service life of implants is influenced not only by their quality, but also by many factors: the level of professional training of the implant surgeon and orthopedic dentist, the specific clinical situation, the quality of auxiliary materials, and the patient’s discipline when caring for the oral cavity. Therefore, when choosing implants, patients should trust their doctor and follow his recommendations.

Popular brands of implants from Israel

Israeli manufacturers of dental systems:

  • Ards;
  • Mis;
  • Alpha Bio;
  • Adin;
  • Iterum;
  • ABDental Devices.

The company's catalogs also contain suprastructures, bone substitutes, surgical and orthopedic instruments.

How are Ards systems different?

  • Double thread provides high initial stabilization;
  • due to the special shape of the rod, the chewing load is distributed evenly;
  • some models of implants can be installed immediately after tooth extraction;
  • implantation is possible with any volume of the alveolar process;
  • During installation, a unique drilling technique is used, which can reduce bone loss by up to 40%.

Features of Mis implants

  • Manufactured from biocompatible grade 23 titanium alloy;
  • the surface is processed using SLA technology (sandblasting with acid etching);
  • large selection of abutments: standard, multi-component, spherical, temporary with cement and screw fixation;
  • conical shape repeats the structure of the natural root;
  • compliance with international standards.

Models from the Alpha Bio catalog

  • The surface is processed using patented NanoTec technology;
  • Large thread ensures reliable stability immediately after installation;
  • some models allow you to avoid bone grafting and sinus lifting;
  • minimal contraindications for installation;
  • a wide selection of designs allows you to install an artificial root in any part of the jawbone.

Advantages of Adin products

  • Made from pure medical titanium;
  • the intraosseous surface is processed using patented PTS technology;
  • two types of connection between the implant and the abutment: classic hexagonal, improved conical;
  • the ability to carry out prosthetics using the All-on-4 protocol with complete edentia.

Little-known manufacturers Iterum and ABDental Devices

Pros of Iterum:

  • are produced from high-quality titanium grade 5 (6Al-4V);
  • the design has 2 types of threads, which ensures minimal damage to the bone during installation;
  • the surface is treated using Clean&Porous technology (sandblasting with calcium phosphate, acid etching);
  • the implant and abutment have a new sealed connection called a Morse taper;
  • The rods undergo two stages of gamma ray sterilization.

Pros of ABDental Devices:

  • used for one-stage, two-stage implantation;
  • the company has developed short models with a diameter of 3 and 3.2 mm for installation in an atrophied upper jaw;
  • The sterility of structures is checked using the membrane filter method.


The manufacturer has been operating since 1995. It is its materials that Israeli patients prefer to AlfaBio products. The titanium alloy in MIS dental roots is the same in composition, but contains fewer impurities. That is, the dentures take root better. In 2021, the company presented the phosphorus-containing “B+” surface. With it, implants take root in the bone in a maximum of 3 months.

Models of artificial dental roots from MIS:

  • The V3 is the company's top of the line, with a triangular neck. Significantly reduces pressure on the bone. Provides aesthetics and reduces tissue atrophy.
  • Seven - suitable for immediate implantation and insertion of a full-fledged prosthesis with 4 roots. Self-tapping universal.
  • C1 - cone-shaped. Available with clearly visible carvings. Maintains stability in soft bone tissue.
  • M4 is a self-tapping Israeli implant in the shape of a cylinder. Reduces tension in bones.
  • Mini implants are implanted into a small bone.

Installation Methods

  • Classic two-stage implantation involves two surgical stages. At the first stage, a titanium root is inserted into the jaw bone, covered with a temporary plug, and the mucous membrane is tightly sutured. After 4-6 months, the plug is removed and a gum former is installed through repeated dissection of the mucosa. After 2 weeks, when the gum contour has formed, an abutment and an artificial crown are placed.
  • Single-stage with immediate loading involves one surgical intervention: the implant and temporary crown are installed in one stage. The method uses non-demountable structures. No sutures are required on the gum; the contour is formed during healing. Permanent prosthetics are carried out after 4-6 months.
  • One-stage involves the installation of a titanium root immediately after tooth extraction. The fastest way to restore teeth, which is called “express implantation”.
  • Implantation according to the “All-on-4” and “All-on-6” protocols is indicated for complete edentia. 4 or 6 rods are installed on the toothless jaw, which will serve as support for a complete fixed denture. The “All on 6” technology is more preferable, as it provides reliable fixation and uniform distribution of the chewing load.

How do they differ from manufacturers in other countries?

The better Swiss implants

In terms of technical characteristics, Israeli dental systems are slightly inferior to Swiss Nobel Biocare and Straumann. The service life of structures from Israel and Switzerland is almost the same, but premium systems are covered by an unlimited lifetime warranty, which is a big plus. Israeli designs do not have such a variety of superstructures for different prosthetic options that Swiss manufacturers offer. However, good value for money is a justifiable reason to use Israeli implant systems.

How to choose between Israel and Korea

Patients trust Israeli medicine more than Asian medicine. Although implants manufactured in Israel and Korea have approximately the same functionality. Among Russian clinicians there are fans of both manufacturers, each promoting its own system.

Advantages of the systems

The main advantage of Israeli orthopedic systems over European ones is cost. For many patients and dentists, this is a determining factor.

The downside is less versatility compared to Western products and a lack of clinical trials.

Patient and dentist preferences

Based on the combination of quality characteristics and affordable cost, AlfaBio and MIS are recognized as the best among Israeli systems. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about these systems.

Most dentists are of the opinion that the quality of installation is influenced not by the manufacturer of the system, but by the qualifications of the doctor.

Advantages of dental implantation in Israel

Many of our compatriots prefer to have their teeth restored in Israel, for a number of reasons:

  • high level of development of medicine;
  • modern equipment, professionalism of specialists;
  • Israeli clinics have all models of implants from local manufacturers, which are difficult to find in Russia;
  • reasonable prices for treatment, which are significantly lower than in European countries;
  • no language barrier;
  • no need to apply for a visa;
  • operation of consumer protection laws.


In Russia, the products of this manufacturer are little known. But in Israel there is a high demand for it. Dental implants from this Israeli brand are made from 100% titanium. Their rough surface is patented and based on SLA. It is characterized by high porosity and purity, obtained through a special treatment that is carried out after acid treatment. Iterum roots take root within 3 months and are not inferior in quality to premium ones. The brand's line includes cone-shaped implants and Implant Standart KIT, ultra-short Short Coniform Implant KIT and standard Coniform Implant KIT.

Application of advanced technologies

Innovative developments of Israeli companies:

  1. The medical company NOVA uses low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma to accelerate tissue regeneration and prevent postoperative complications. The bactericidal wound-healing properties of plasma were identified a long time ago, but use in medicine became possible after the development of generators that produce ionized gas at a temperature of 30-40 °C. Due to the newly introduced technology, the process of osseointegration of the structure with the bone proceeds twice as fast.
  2. The Israeli corporation Bonus Biogroup, in collaboration with the Technion research institute, has developed its own method for creating bone tissue from stem cells obtained from a patient’s adipose tissue. Israeli scientists have already conducted successful tests on animals. The technology will make it possible to produce dental implants from material grown from one’s own cells. They will have a molecular composition identical to other teeth, which will ensure rapid healing.
  3. Magdent Ltd has introduced a new technology for tissue repair using electromagnetic waves using the MED device . A miniature platform is built into the abutment, which creates electromagnetic fields in the bone socket around the implant. Such stimulation accelerates bone synthesis, eliminates the development of infection and peri-implantitis.

Osstem implants

Osstem Implant (South Korea) has been developing and manufacturing implants and dental equipment since 1992. In the global market, Osstem Implant products occupy the top levels of ratings due to the high quality of products and their constant improvement. In addition, Osstem implants are of premium quality, but the manufacturer has set an affordable price for its products, which allows patients with low incomes to receive quality treatment.

The Osstem TS line refers to implants developed on the basis of Straumann.

Advantages of Osstem implants (click to expand):

  • High-quality hydrophilic surface in three varieties: SA, CA and HA;
  • Availability of several series: TS, MS, US, SS. Each series includes implants with unique characteristics for use in various clinical situations;
  • Manufacturing material – pure titanium G4Ti;
  • High biocompatibility with body tissues;
  • Possibility of installation in soft bone;
  • Fast engraftment;
  • Low likelihood of rejection;
  • Easy to install;
  • Durability;
  • Affordable price for most patients;
  • Regular training courses for implantologists (in Russia - since 2006).
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