4 facts about acrylic dentures that you may not have known before

May 3, 2019

When the question arises about how to restore a large number of teeth, many patients choose acrylic dentures. They can be completely removable (if completely edentulous) or partial (if only a couple of teeth are missing). What is the reason for their popularity? First of all, very attractive price. However, later many patients begin to complain that the structures cause too many problems. Some even admit that they still can’t get used to them. The editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal decided to help their readers avoid mistakes. We want you to be guided not only by the low cost of these structures, but also by useful information when choosing acrylic systems.

This is what acrylic dentures look like

Fact No. 1: acrylic often causes allergies and irritation of the mucous membranes

An acrylic denture is a removable device made of a synthetic polymer or cold-curing plastic, which contains quite a lot of residual monomers (on average 0.2%, but if the polymerization technique is violated, this figure increases to 8%). Monomers are toxic1, which is why those who wear acrylic devices are quite likely to develop allergies, allergic stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, and even intoxication of the body. It should also be noted that the acrylic material itself is quite hard, which is why the prosthesis can rub the mucous membrane and injure it not only at the adaptation stage, but many years after the adaptation has passed, causing irritation and the appearance of ulcers. This is why some particularly sensitive patients cannot come to terms with the need to wear acrylic dentures.

The likelihood of allergies is quite high

Read the article on the topic: TOP 5 best manufacturers of acrylic dentures. How not to make a mistake in choosing and give preference to safe brands?

Some scientists claim that acrylic, which contains a large number of micropores, can cause the development of tumors in the oral cavity. Micropores are formed during the stamping of plastic and during its shrinkage. It is in them that during operation microbes become clogged, which gradually multiply and become the cause of the development of the inflammatory process.

Clasp dentures

Partially removable clasp structures are made from different materials. The most commonly used materials are cermets and plastics. Depending on the type of material, it is determined what the optimal care for clasp dentures will be.

The peculiarity of caring for them is explained by the fact that their arches are made of metal. This requires a special approach to cleaning. When an arc is made of several separate parts, the joints should not be mechanically processed to avoid darkening and staining on them. When cleaning, only use a soft brush. Otherwise, care is similar to that of other removable models. Only once a week you need to treat them in a biological solution designed to remove stubborn stains and food debris.

If home care does not give the desired effect, then professional cleaning is recommended to remove hard deposits and plaque. This needs to be done once every six months.

It is not necessary to remove the clasp structures at night, especially during the first 2 weeks.

Fact No. 2: removable acrylic dentures stay on the upper jaw better than nylon dentures

This statement is especially relevant for removable acrylic dentures in the absence of teeth. They stay in the mouth due to the suction effect (in fact, like nylon ones). If they are made taking into account your anatomical features, then the devices solve “dental” problems well, fitting tightly to the soft tissues and staying on the mucous membrane. Compared to nylon structures, which lose their tightness due to their elasticity, acrylic ones hold better, which is especially important for the upper jaw, where the risk of being left “without teeth” at the most inopportune moment causes severe psychological discomfort to most patients.

Despite the fact that “acrylic teeth” stick better on the upper jaw, they cause no less problems. The acrylic covering structures are very massive; they completely cover the palate and most of the taste buds located on it. This is a significant drawback, because lack of access to palatal receptors and their constant irritation can cause a gag reflex, problems with diction, distortion of the taste of favorite dishes, and a long period of adaptation.

The prosthesis fits well on the upper jaw although it completely covers the palate

As for the lower jaw, experts don’t see much difference, but the advantage of acrylic systems is that they are again stronger and harder, resistant to loads and do not deform so quickly and uncontrollably under chewing load.

Are you wondering what is best to choose from the most budget-friendly prosthetics options? Be sure to read the article about the disadvantages of nylon prostheses - you can conduct a comparative analysis and draw useful conclusions.

How to care at home

The products used to clean your home can achieve good results. The most important thing is to regularly care for your dentures at home. But professional cleaning should be an equally significant addition to home care.

When cleaning them at home you need to use:

  • with a soft toothbrush (carefully treat areas of contact with the gums);
  • non-abrasive toothpaste (you can use gentle children's toothpaste);
  • tablets - indicators of bacterial plaque;
  • disinfectant solutions (antiseptics, rinses containing chlorhexidine, special tablets).

Treatments using vinegar or lemon are especially popular. Frequent cleaning with vinegar is not advisable, as it negatively affects the strength of the teeth. You can use this method sometimes by placing the structure in vinegar for 2 hours.

It is safer to mix a quarter of a lemon with toothpaste or powder and apply the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with running water. Some people try to use baking soda, but doctors say there are no results from such cleansing, despite the prevailing opinion about its effectiveness.

Fact No. 3: new generation acrylic structures are quite easy to use

Until recently, acrylic dentures were considered obsolete due to the shortcomings of the acrylic component. But reviews from patients and professional doctors suggest that acrylic has been improved and refined over recent years, thanks to which products made from it have an increased level of comfort and an optimal price-quality ratio.

For example, innovative clinics today create new-generation acrylic dentures in their own dental laboratories. Diamond chips are added to the material, due to which it acquires new positive properties: it becomes less porous, smoother and softer, comfortable and natural-looking. This material accumulates significantly less bacterial plaque (compared to classic porous acrylic); it retains its color, shine and original shade longer. When wearing such devices in a patient who carefully observes oral hygiene, the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane is minimized.

New generation designs are quite easy to use

Also today, orthopedic structures made from improved monomer-free acrylic plastics, for example, Acry Free, are also actively used for dental restoration. Products based on acrylic resins, compared to products made from pure acrylic, are more flexible and lightweight, up to 20 times stronger (not as fragile as acrylic), hypoallergenic (biologically inert), and non-toxic. Moreover, acrylic removable dentures "Acry Free", according to recent studies, reduce the time of adaptation to removable systems by 30-35 days, and slow down the process of jaw bone atrophy by 1.5 times2.

Read on the topic: the differences between the classic acrylic and the Acry Free prosthesis.

Nylon dentures

To preserve the properties of nylon structures for a long time, we must not forget about special care, otherwise the loss of their aesthetics and functionality and an unpleasant odor are guaranteed.

Caring for nylon dentures involves home and professional cleaning. When cleaning the house, nylon can be scratched if you use hard brushes. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire only soft models of brushes and pastes that do not contain abrasive substances. To protect against damage, they should be put on or taken off over a sink filled with water. You can fold a terry towel in several layers and carry out these manipulations over it.

Due to the fact that this material is capable of absorbing foreign odors and being stained by drinks and food, wearers of such prostheses need to disinfect them more often. For these purposes, dental nylon liquid, cleansing tablets such as Corega or ROCS are used.

To remove bacterial plaque from them that cannot be cleaned at home, an ultrasonic bath is used. The procedure is performed by a doctor in the clinic, where he also examines the gums under the structure. Thanks to the use of ultrasound, the surface gets rid of not only bacteria, but also coloring substances (nicotine) and tartar.

Fact No. 4: acrylic is used in prosthetics on implants

Acrylic dentures can be used as a temporary solution for restoring teeth using both classic protocols with delayed loading and one-stage implantation protocols with immediate loading of the denture. What are they? In the case of one-stage implantation protocols, these are non-removable structures with a metal beam, consisting of an acrylic base that imitates the gingival edge of the natural mucosa and plastic teeth soldered into it. This combination of materials allows the prosthesis to remain lightweight, but at the same time have sufficient rigidity and wear resistance so as not to interfere with the implants moving under the influence of chewing loads.

Acrylic models for implantation are convenient because they are inexpensive (and this is important, considering that the cost of treatment is quite high), and they can be easily adjusted and repositioned to suit the patient’s changing bite. However, after complete implantation in the jaw bone, they must be replaced with structures made of higher quality and more advanced materials (for example, ceramic composite, metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide).

Such designs are also used in prosthetics on implants.

With classical implantation, the patient is initially given removable dentures made of an acrylic base and plastic crowns. It will be possible to replace them with permanent and non-removable ones only after the implants have completely engrafted into the bone tissue of the jaw (this period usually takes 4-6 months).


Included in the price
  • Procedures directly related to the process of prosthetics.
Paid separately
  • X-ray.
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Professional hygiene.
  • Preparation and treatment of supporting teeth, including extraction and implantation.
Affect the cost
  • Selecting a material manufacturer.
  • Size.
  • Construction type.
  • Individual patient aesthetics.

Patient reviews

“I got acrylic teeth because... I was seduced by the price of them, but now I regret it. It is very difficult to get used to them, almost impossible, everything constantly rubs and hurts. The doctor said that they have a short service life, about 5 years, but I couldn’t even stand two years…”

Anzhelika Mikhailovna, review from otzovik.com

“I have these, and I can say that they are not only budget-friendly, but also very comfortable. I've heard a lot of negative things about them, but I think it all depends on the specialist who made them. My orthopedist and technician are amazing people, with waiting lists for appointments six months in advance. From here I draw the conclusion that it’s not the material, but the quality of the design.”

Saburov D.V., review of the site 32top.ru

“I was embarrassed by the bad reviews about these prostheses, so in the end I settled on nylon ones, but they also turned out to be uncomfortable. Now I’m wondering whether it’s worth choosing removable dentures again or whether it’s time to save up for implantation.”

Olesya, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

“I encountered wearing acrylic only when a fixed prosthesis was made on implants. I didn’t notice any shortcomings, because, firstly, the prosthesis was installed 2 days after the installation of the implants. It completely covered my gums, which were in poor condition after periodontitis, and by the way, there was no need for plastic surgery. Secondly, it was nice that I started eating normal food almost immediately (after about three weeks). And yet, in my acrylic prosthesis there was some kind of metal beam, very strong, it did not allow, as the doctor said, only the installed implants to move. And what’s more, I wore the dentures not for six months, but for about a year and a half, and only then I went to change them. It's very profitable. In general, my experience was only successful.”

S.Mona, review from the dental forum gidpozubam.ru


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  1. Sokolovskaya V.M., Nidzelsky M.Ya., Dudchenko N.A. The effect of acrylic plastics on the oral mucosa. Journal “Dermatovenereology. Cosmetology. Sexopathology", 2015.
  2. Sadykov M.I., Nugumanov A.G. Comparative assessment of prosthetics for patients with complete removable acrylic dentures. Siberian Medical Journal (Irkutsk), 2012.

Expert “If the dental laboratory of the clinic you contact employs qualified and experienced technicians and also purchases high-quality material, then the likelihood of developing an allergy to acrylic is minimized. It often happens that when creating a prosthesis, technicians use the wrong ratio of materials and violate their processing technology, as a result of which the quality of the product suffers. I recommend choosing a clinic with a good reputation, where they will make you inexpensive but comfortable dentures from high-quality materials. Modern technologies make it possible to make even a material such as acrylic as safe as possible for use.” Orthopedic dentist Sambuev Bair Sergeevich

Consulting specialist

Sambuev Bair Sergeevich

Specialization: Orthopedic dentist Experience: 10 years

What is the price

The price depends on the amount of work and its complexity, but the RUTT clinic does everything to reduce the financial burden. The center offers the opportunity to pay for prosthetics in installments and take out a loan. You will be given documents for a tax deduction, and by subscribing to the newsletter, you will know about all promotions and discounts. Sign up on the website and get professional advice for free.

Installation of a temporary cosmetic plate (butterfly)from 11,000 rub.
Installation of a complete or partially removable lamellar denture (acrylic, 1 jaw)from 32,000 rub.
Conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis on spherical attachments Rhein-83 for 1 jawfrom 121,000 rub.

Consultation and diagnostics are free!

All prices Promotions


Several front teeth are missing, and I want to install an acrylic denture, how will it be attached and will it damage the remaining teeth?

Anton (05/22/2019 at 12:04 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Anton! For fixation in the oral cavity during partial tooth replacement, the acrylic prosthesis will have clasps (special hooks) that will cling to the supporting teeth. Such clasps can be made of acrylic or metal. Naturally, acrylic hooks will be more “inconspicuous” on the front teeth, although this material is still less beautiful and naturalistic than nylon. As for the supporting teeth, they will not need to be ground and prepared (as before fixing bridges), but it is important to understand that they will bear the main load from the prosthesis, so the “supports” can wear out and collapse faster than expected.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (05.25.2019 at 10:20) Reply to comment

For some reason, I thought that metal ceramics are now the most popular for making dentures. It turns out that acrylic dentures are no worse (if there are no allergies, of course)?

Nastya (07/15/2019 at 10:06 am) Reply to comment

What are acrylic dentures? How effective will they be for an elderly person, for example, who does not have a single natural tooth? The most important question, of course, is what is the cost of acrylic dentures today?

Vasily (07/16/2019 at 06:06) Reply to comment

Will it be possible to install acrylic dentures if all the wisdom teeth (on the upper and lower jaws) were previously removed, because normal support will no longer be possible? Addition: anesthesia or anesthesia is used in this case.

Elena (07/16/2019 at 06:45) Reply to comment

What are acrylic dentures? Also, can acrylic dentures be used by a person who has constant gum inflammation? Expert advice is required on this matter.

Ulina (07/22/2019 at 07:15 pm) Reply to comment

What are the benefits of acrylic dentures in general? Also, if a person needs dental prosthetics, what recommendations could you give him in this case? How long will acrylic dentures last?

Denis (08/14/2019 at 04:11 pm) Reply to comment

How acrylic dentures are installed, I would like to clarify this information. Also, can acrylic dentures be used by a person who often has severe stomatitis?

Vasya (08/14/2019 at 04:55 pm) Reply to comment

Tell me, how generally are acrylic dentures considered in quality? How do they feel about hot food, for example, if a person takes hot food? Will acrylic dentures turn yellow over time?

Igor (08/15/2019 at 00:56) Reply to comment

Why does the doctor recommend choosing acrylic dentures in case of dental prosthetics? Why exactly are these prostheses in demand? Would you like to know more information about them?

Kitter (08/15/2019 at 00:59) Reply to comment

Why are acrylic dentures better than ordinary ones? If, for example, you urgently need to insert several lower teeth, as well as 3 upper ones. Will these acrylic prostheses be relevant in this case?

Roman (08/20/2019 at 04:43 pm) Reply to comment

I know that acrylic dentures are in good demand. So I’m wondering how much they will cost if you need to put on the top row of teeth? Also, who is not recommended for acrylic dentures?

Dorothy (08/20/2019 at 04:47 pm) Reply to comment

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Manufacturing technologies

Comfort of wearing and reliability of fixation directly depend on the technology by which the prostheses were made: on a machine or using casting.

Temporary structures are most often produced on a machine. This method is the cheapest and most widespread. However, such dentures may have slight errors and lag behind the palate or gums in some places.

Products made using casting are of higher quality. In this case, the prosthesis repeats the “landscape” of the palate and gums down to the smallest detail, making its attachment stronger and more reliable. These acrylic plastic models are made individually.

Is it easy to get used to?

This aspect is one of the most exciting. Very often, in addition to installation, patients are also afraid of discomfort and changes in diction. No one wants to have many speech impediments that would immediately hint at the presence of removable dentures.

Nylon structures are much easier to get used to because of their softness and flexibility, but even they take some time to become part of the jaw and not cause any discomfort when chewing and speaking.

To quickly get used to it and regain normal abilities to chew and talk, you should train a little. It is better to start eating with small pieces and choose soft food. Large pieces should be cut into smaller ones and chewed very carefully. To restore speech, reading aloud is suitable. Pronounce the words carefully and over time normal diction will return. The main thing is not to worry and be prepared for some inconveniences. In just a little time, you will be able to use your new teeth calmly and comfortably, and those around you will not even realize that you have a prosthesis.

Possible defects during operation and their repair

Most damage to acrylic dentures can be repaired without the expense of producing new structures.

Repair is required in situations such as:

  • an artificial tooth is built in place of the removed supporting tooth;
  • if an artificial dental organ falls out or is chipped, it is replaced with a new one;
  • the lock that secures the prosthesis is attached to the supporting teeth has failed;
  • the prosthesis does not fit well to the gum, and the base needs to be adjusted;
  • the base is broken, it is repaired, or replaced if it is severely damaged.

Dentures have their own warranty period. Most often it is determined in one year.

What hygiene products can be used

Hygiene products for the care of removable dentures

ToothbrushYou will need a personal brush with soft bristles; too hard can lead to scratches in which bacteria will accumulate. We recommend the Curaprox brand – brushes with soft or ultra-soft bristles. They do not damage the plastic, but do an excellent job of removing plaque on the teeth, also cleaning it from under the gums.
ToothpasteLow-grade, for example, Parodontax, ROCS To clean the prosthesis itself, you can also use children's paste - it is more gentle.
IrrigatorThe device is necessary both for cleaning your own teeth, if they remain in the mouth, and for cleaning dentures - it effectively removes plaque and allows you to clean the interdental spaces very efficiently.
Citric acid and soda or tablets for cleaning and disinfectionUse for periodic cleaning and disinfection of structures - make solutions for rinsing the mouth or place dentures in them (applies to citric acid and soda). The tablets must be dissolved in water and the resulting solution must be used to soak the structure.
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