Care and cleaning of removable dentures (acrylic, Acri-Free, nylon, clasp)

18.06.18 Author:

Korostelev Egor Dmitrievich
Clinic Doesn’t Hurt!
Not all patients who use removable dentures know how to properly care for and clean their dentures. As a result, the removable denture quickly ages, loses its appearance and begins to cause serious problems. Often such patients come to our clinic with typical complaints.

Why do problems occur if you don't clean your removable dentures correctly?

When you eat, food plaque is deposited on your denture, just like on your teeth. The worse a person cleans his dentures, the faster the denture loses its original appearance. Food plaque becomes a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms. The processes of decay and the development of a viral infection cause bad breath and the onset of inflammatory processes on the gums.

In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the formation of food plaque and tartar, the removable denture must be cleaned after every meal.

The best product for cleaning dentures

Most patients first of all want to know not how to clean dentures, but what is the best way to do it. Regular hygienic toothpaste is suitable for cleaning. It should not contain abrasive components that can scratch the surface of the structure. After scratches form on it, plaque will accumulate in them.

Tooth powder is not suitable for cleaning dentures. The best choice for this purpose is baby toothpaste. It is not recommended to use soda and dishwashing liquid, as these products can worsen the appearance of the prosthesis.

How to properly clean removable dentures?

To clean plaque from a denture, it must be removed from the mouth. The denture is cleaned with a toothbrush or other convenient brush. For good cleaning of dentures, ordinary soap is best suited.

Removable dentures must be cleaned according to certain rules. First, we clean the denture from the outside (from the side of the artificial teeth). After that, be sure to thoroughly clean the inner string (on the side that is adjacent to your gums). Cleaning the inside of the denture is often not given due importance.

Afterwards, the prosthesis is washed well with soap and water.

You should also rinse your mouth thoroughly. And only after this the prosthesis can be put on again.


My financial situation is quite tense; I can’t afford to buy pills every time. What else and how can you clean dentures at home? Maybe there are some safe folk methods?

Galina Semenovna (09.25.2019 at 19:00) Reply to comment

    Dear Galina Semyonovna! You should be extremely careful with traditional methods, because... they can cause harm: spoil the outer covering of the prosthesis, deform it, and contribute to the appearance of cracks and scratches. You cannot use soda, alcohol, and especially white. Avoid using potassium permanganate and salt. You can try dissolving a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of warm water and immerse the denture in it to clean it (but leave it for no more than 5 minutes) - this method can sometimes be used, but not on a permanent basis. In general, it is better to consult your doctor about the advisability of using such methods.

    Editorial staff of the portal (09.29.2019 at 09:14) Reply to comment

I have clasp dentures, I always used tablets for them, but then we went to a friend’s dacha and forgot to take them with us. She had chlorine tablets there and offered them. They say they disinfect and clean well, but I was afraid. Can they be used?

Olga Yuryevna (10/12/2019 at 15:44) Reply to comment

    Dear Olga Yurievna. For any prosthetics, the use of chlorine is unacceptable, because... Although chlorine cleanses, it acts very aggressively; in addition, it will negatively affect the oral mucosa, cause allergies and irritation, and it will be very difficult to thoroughly rinse the denture after it. As for clasp dentures containing metal elements, the use of chlorine is harmful for them, because the metal will darken under the influence of this substance.

    Editorial staff of the portal (10/22/2019 at 09:24) Reply to comment

Tell me, what is the best product to choose for cleaning my grandfather’s removable dentures? We've heard that there are special tablets for cleaning dentures, but I have no idea how effective they are!

Karina (10/14/2019 at 07:44 pm) Reply to comment

Tell me, can tablets for cleaning dentures cause an allergic reaction? After all, their particles can remain on the dentures themselves, causing irritation in the oral cavity or am I mistaken?

Luda (10/14/2019 at 07:47 pm) Reply to comment

Tablets for cleaning removable dentures are the best solution, because it is not very convenient to constantly clean them manually. How to properly use such tablets to clean dentures and how often?

Etella (10/14/2019 at 09:17 pm) Reply to comment

An elderly person has removable dentures, and sometimes there is a problem with cleaning them. I read about special tablets for cleaning dentures. How should they be used?

Felix (10/14/2019 at 09:19 pm) Reply to comment

In the near future I plan to put on dentures; at the consultation, the doctor said that the best cleansing agent is tablets for cleaning dentures, but I am terribly allergic. Please tell me, is this method of cleansing suitable for me? Perhaps there are some tablets for allergy sufferers, with a gentle composition, for example?

Elena (01.11.2019 at 13:32) Reply to comment

How to use tablets for cleaning dentures correctly, are the weight of the tablets suitable for this, where is the best place to order them? I heard that this method of cleaning dentures is more effective.

Tonia F (11/01/2019 at 10:08 pm) Reply to comment

How to properly use tablets to clean dentures, are all tablets suitable for this and where is the best place to order them? I heard that this method of cleaning dentures is more effective.

Tonia F (11/01/2019 at 10:10 pm) Reply to comment

I’m looking at tablets for cleaning LACALUT Dent dentures. Could these tablets not be suitable for allergy sufferers? And if so, what alternative options can I choose?

Anastasia (11.11.2019 at 17:12) Reply to comment

I had no idea that there were so many different types of denture cleansing tablets. My relative only uses tablets for cleansing, are there any other cleansing options needed for comprehensive cleansing or are tablets alone enough?

Veronica (11.11.2019 at 20:30) Reply to comment

I bought tablets to clean dentures and did everything according to the instructions. The tablet dissolved, but there was a small sediment left at the bottom. Does this mean that the quality of the tablets leaves much to be desired?

Natalya Valerievna (11.11.2019 at 20:32) Reply to comment

I have only recently been using a prosthesis. I was very afraid because I didn’t know about such easy ways to clean dentures and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to clean the denture myself. My daughter recommended the pills and together we figured out how to use them. Very good item, no smell or residue. The only question is: is it harmful for the prosthesis if you add more tablets than necessary?

Vasilisa Arkadyevna (11/27/2019 at 6:07 pm) Reply to comment

My grandmother has dentures. I don't even know how she cleans them. And, to be honest, I never thought about it. She needs to be advised to take tablets to clean her dentures. Of course, I heard advertising about Corega. Which of these do you think should I buy so that the price matches the quality!?

Maria (11/28/2019 at 08:36) Reply to comment

My grandmother has acrylic dentures. This is the second year with them. It was hard to get used to. My gums also hurt, and I couldn’t eat at all. But gradually I got used to it. For fixation, I now buy her Mostaden Twins Tech cream. Excellent fixation and long lasting. Prevents food particles from getting under it.

Natalya (01/19/2021 at 04:26 pm) Reply to comment

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Features of caring for removable dentures made of various materials

The rules for caring for removable dentures are the same for all types of removable dentures: acrylic plastic, Acre-Free material, clasp and nylon dentures.

Some additional care requirements apply only to nylon dentures.

Nylon removable dentures are more demanding on hygiene. It must be cleaned with special care. A prerequisite for caring for nylon removable dentures is the use of soluble tablets for cleaning removable dentures.

What's included

Depending on the manufacturer, cleansing tablets contain various combinations of chemicals combined with refreshing or whitening additives:

  • oxidizing agents loosen and help remove plaque;
  • Chelates break down organic compounds on the surface of the structure;
  • carbonates are used in effervescent tablets;
  • active oxygen is used as a disinfectant component;
  • dyes are usually blue;
  • sodium perborate whitens crowns.

Extracts, menthol or eucalyptus oils are usually used as refreshing additives.

Tablets for cleaning dentures

Pharmacies sell special soluble tablets that help remove food and other dyes from removable dentures.

It is known that a person has a lot of food products that can color a removable denture in an unnatural color. For example, coffee, strong tea, berries (blueberries, etc.), vegetables (beets, carrots, etc.), confectionery dyes, etc. If a person smokes, then plaque from smoking strongly eats into the denture and spoils it.

Food coloring deposits or smoking deposits are very difficult to remove with a brush and soap. Dissolvable tablets come to the rescue. The tablets help clean any type of dentures and, as already mentioned, are mandatory for nylon dentures.

Deeper cleaning from germs and plaque

Sometimes patients ask the orthopedic dentist how to clean their dentures to disinfect and remove pigmentation and stains. For this purpose, manufacturers of dental hygiene products offer special tablets that can be purchased at the pharmacy. To carry out deep disinfectant cleaning you need:

  • pour 100–200 ml of warm water into a glass;
  • throw one tablet into the liquid to clean dental structures;
  • Dip the denture into the solution.

This treatment can be done every day, leaving the removable jaw in a glass or container overnight. If you prefer not to remove the denture before going to bed, you can treat it with a special solution once or twice a week, but it is better to do this daily for 10–15 minutes. After cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse the structure under running water to completely wash away the remnants of a chemical harmful to the mucous membranes.

Are there any contraindications?

There are several diseases and conditions for which professional and home whitening using products containing carbamide peroxide is not recommended:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the procedure may cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. Age up to 18 years. Before this period, the procedure cannot be carried out according to the instructions.
  3. Cracks, chips. Damage and defects can cause the composition to penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and lead to a burn of the pulp.
  4. Caries and carious cavities. If this problem is not eliminated before manipulation, the application of a bleaching agent will lead to softening of the dentin and aggravation of the disease.

Review of the best ways to whiten and clean dentures – at home and in the dental clinic

Article navigation

  1. Why do you need care?
  2. What happens if there is no care
  3. Basic storage rules
  4. Cleaning methods
  5. Cleansing and whitening at home
  6. - Toothbrush
  7. – special pastes and gels
  8. - tablets and solutions
  9. - ultrasonic bath
  10. Professional cleansing in the clinic
  11. Is it worth using folk remedies?
  12. - citrus juices and citric acid
  13. - baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
  14. Side effects due to inappropriate medications
  15. How to maintain the aesthetics of your smile
  16. User Questions

Question to a specialist
Dentures are placed in order to restore the aesthetics and chewing function of the dental system. But active or improper use of orthopedic structures can lead to the appearance of stains and plaque on them. Can dentures be whitened? Cleaning artificial “jaws” – plastic, acrylic, etc. – to their original appearance is quite problematic, but possible. Next, we will tell you how to clean them from tartar, blackness and yellowness, pigmentation, and what is better to use - folk remedies at home or still turn to professionals in dentistry.

Types of teeth whitening

Whitening is a cosmetic procedure aimed at changing the color of dentin. It can be professional or home. Professional whitening (chemical/ultrasonic/laser/photo whitening) is performed by a dentist in an office or clinic. These methods are considered the safest and most effective.

For home whitening, traditional methods and special products are used. It is the latter that pharmacists and pharmacists deal with. In addition, these products may be recommended by dentists as the final stage of professional whitening, usually 2 weeks after the procedure. Special whitening products are given to the patient in the clinic, or he buys them at the pharmacy as prescribed by the doctor.

Carbamide peroxide-based products are widely used in both home and professional whitening. It consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea peroxide. When it hits the surface of a tooth, the substance disintegrates to form atomic oxygen. The latter penetrates the dentin and destroys the yellow pigment.

When carrying out the procedure in the clinic, high concentrations of carbamide peroxide of 10% and above are used. You need to be careful with them, as they can cause severe burns. To enhance the effect, the gel with the active substance is irradiated with special lamps. For home use, concentrations of the active substance range from 4 to 7.5%.

It is worth saying that this substance is approved by the American and Russian Dental Associations and recommended for use. Products that contain acids or abrasives should be used with extreme caution and it is best to consult a doctor before using them.

Basic rules for storing removable systems

Most modern removable dentures are stored directly in the mouth. For example, in principle, it is not necessary to remove clasp, Quattro Ti (“Quadrotti”), sandwich dentures at night and even every day - by the way, that’s why they are often called conditionally removable. Full or partial removable ones made of acrylic, nylon or Acry-free (“Acry-free”) can also be left in place at night. But any orthopedic structure needs to be cleaned at least 2 times a day! A well-cleaned product is dried with a paper or cloth towel and, if necessary, stored in a container. It is advisable to purchase a special one, which can also be used as a cleansing bath.

Read more about how to store dentures correctly so that they last as long as possible and maintain an attractive appearance.

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