Molars in children - symptoms of teething, complications, care

Every person changes their milk teeth to molars. At 6-7 years old, the first incisor falls out, and tooth replacement ends after 20, when “eights” appear. New teeth grow according to an individual schedule, so the parent’s task is to teach the child to properly care for the oral cavity and monitor how the children’s molars grow.

When does a child's molars come out?

Growing permanent teeth is a big job for the body, which we rarely notice. Changes begin at 3 years - the rudiments of molars are formed. At age 5, noticeable gaps appear between the baby teeth to make room for new “tenants.”

Which teeth come out first is determined by a lottery - genetics. In half of the cases, growth begins with “sixes”. Molars grow by the age of 7-8 years, at the same time the front incisors change.

Teeth grow slowly but painlessly. At 14, the main bite is already formed. “Late” wisdom teeth - third molars grow in a few years, at 18-21 in most adults.

First teeth

When to expect

The baby's milk teeth are formed at the 7th–8th week of intrauterine development, and the permanent ones at the end of the 4th month of pregnancy. In total, a child develops 20 baby teeth, while 32 permanent teeth. To provide the baby with a Hollywood smile, the expectant mother needs to eat properly throughout the nine months of pregnancy. There are no calcium preparations that are 100% absorbable, so it is very important to get “natural” calcium from food, especially cottage cheese. And, of course, the pregnant woman herself needs to have all her teeth treated - now there are very gentle technologies for this.

The eruption of the first milk teeth in most cases begins at 3–8 months of the baby’s life and ends closer to three years. But it also happens that children are born with one or two teeth, or teeth may erupt in the first weeks of life. Often the timing of teething depends on genetic characteristics, but much more strongly on other factors. Diseases of the baby also affect the teeth (for example, with rickets, frequent ARVI and dyspepsia, teeth erupt later). It’s worth paying attention to the nature of your diet, the quality of drinking water, even the climate! On average, northern residents start teething a little later than southerners. Sometimes teething is delayed, and the first tooth appears closer to a year. Usually there is nothing wrong with this. It is believed that it is not so much the timing that speaks about a child’s health, but rather the order in which teeth erupt. If it is broken, pay attention to this fact and show the baby to the pediatric dentist.

The process has started

The fact that the teething process has begun is indicated by profuse salivation. In addition, the baby begins to put into his mouth everything that comes to hand. This means that the gums are itchy, causing him discomfort. Trying to relieve the itching, the baby instinctively acts correctly - micromassage of the gums improves microcirculation in them, teeth erupt easier and faster. During this period, provide your child with teethers: hypoallergenic silicone toys filled with water. The teether should not be cooled in the freezer - only in the refrigerator: otherwise the baby will get hurt on a hard surface. If the gums are very swollen and the baby is crying in pain, use special dental gels that have a mild local anesthetic effect.

For most children, the teething process goes quite smoothly. There may be short periods of anxiety, disturbances in daily routine and nutrition. Sometimes even teething is accompanied by diarrhea, runny nose, cough and fever. And during the period when teeth appear, the baby is vulnerable to all kinds of infections. The baby’s immunity is weakening these days, and it is easier for him to “catch” the virus, so you should not attribute the deterioration of the condition only to the teeth. If a child has a fever when a tooth is being cut, you need to look for another inflammatory source in the body.

At 6 months

The baby usually boasts central lower incisors. This is a reason to start brushing your teeth. Why so early? Baby teeth are small and sharp, have an uneven wavy edge, stand close to each other and, as a rule, have a yellowish tint. These teeth have a low degree of mineralization. Their enamel and dentin are very thin. All this contributes to the rapid occurrence and spread of caries. In order to prevent it, you need to regularly brush your teeth: for this you can use various massage brushes, which not only accustom the child to hygiene, but also facilitate the teething process itself. We immediately teach you how to brush your teeth correctly - from the gums to the edges, with slightly “sweeping”, semicircular movements, and in no case horizontally. If possible, brush your teeth after every meal (and at least twice a day). Isn't there such a possibility? Give the baby something to drink - the water will wash away any remaining food.

At 8 months

The upper central incisors usually erupt.
At 9 months,
the upper lateral incisors appear.
At 11 months,
many children's lower lateral incisors are already in place!
By the age of one year, a baby normally already has eight teeth
But there may not be any - delayed teething occurs in 25% of cases with normal psychomotor development of the child. In extremely rare cases, the absence of teeth is associated with adentia - the absence of their rudiments. This can be checked by a pediatric dentist using radiovisiography. By 13–15 months,
the upper first molars appear first, followed by the lower ones.

From the age of one year, your baby can brush his teeth with children's toothpaste and a special children's brush. The service life of the brush is no more than 2 months, even if it looks like new. Many kids swallow the tasty pasta. There is no need to be afraid of this if it is for children and its quantity is no more than a pea. Of course, until 2–2.5 years of age, teeth brushing should be done with the help and then under the watchful supervision of the mother.

At 18 months

fangs erupt.
Typically, these teeth cause more problems than others; their eruption is more painful, and this process is often accompanied by discomfort. At 20 months,
the second molars erupt.
And sometimes already at this age the mother can notice the first problems. Doctors reassure: carious baby teeth are not a reason to worry that permanent teeth will also be bad. As practice shows, there is no pattern here. Of course, if parents do not neglect disease prevention and dental hygiene. At 2.5 years old, a child normally has a full set of baby teeth.
There are 20 of them - 10 on each jaw .

Baby teeth don’t last very long – soon they will begin to fall out and permanent ones will appear in their place. Usually the change of teeth begins at about 5–6 years and lasts until the age of 20, when wisdom teeth erupt.

Starting from 6 months, you must come for a preventive examination twice a year. When this becomes a habit, the baby will not be afraid of doctors, and by the age of 7–8 years (when a visit to the clinic can no longer be avoided) he will sit completely calmly in the dental chair

In order for your baby’s teeth to grow strong and healthy, you need to start taking care of them almost before conception. It’s also better to meet the dentist early

Timing of eruption and loss of baby teeth

Upper teeth
Tooth name Period of eruption Teething order Drop date
Central incisor 8 months – 1 year 2 6–7 years
Lateral incisor 9 months – 1 year 2 months 3 7–8 years
Fang 1 year 3 months – 1 year 10 months 7 10–12 years
First molar 1 year – 1 year 6 months 5 9–11 years
Second molar 2 years – 2 years 8 months 10 10–12 years
Lower teeth
Central incisor 6 months –10 months 1 6–7 years
Lateral incisor 10 months –1 year 4 months 4 7–8 years
Fang 1 year 4 months – 2 years 8 9–12 years
First molar 1 year 2 months – 1 year 7 months 6 9–11 years
Second molar 1 year 10 months – 2 years 8 months 9 10–12 years

Molars in children: symptoms of eruption

In almost all children, molars appear painlessly and unnoticeably. However, there are exceptions when the growth of permanent teeth is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. A common symptom when teething is increased temperature, up to 38 ºС. The child also complains of:

  • weakness and drowsiness due to decreased immunity;
  • runny nose, excessive salivation;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • itching, pain while eating.

Massaging your gums will help relieve discomfort in your mouth. To relieve inflammation, use dental gel. Important: Disinfect your hands or wear sterile gloves before applying.

Consult your dentist before purchasing medications. Severe inflammation is a signal that teeth are not growing properly. Without treatment, the child's bite may become deformed.

Complications during teething

  • bite defects. Molars are larger in size than baby teeth; there may not be enough space in a narrow jaw. The bite changes if the baby teeth do not fall out, but new ones begin to grow.
  • hyperdentia – teeth grow in a second row. This happens for various reasons, most often - the baby tooth holds tightly and the root one looks for other ways.
  • teeth don't grow. If the milk one falls out, but the permanent one is delayed for six months, you need to consult a doctor. Poor dental growth is one of the signs of problems with the immune system in children.
  • caries and pulpitis. The first sign of enamel destruction is the child’s complaints of a sore throat, sweet and hot foods “getting” into the tooth. If pulpitis affects the molars, children’s body temperature rises and severe pain appears. Then treatment of pulpitis is urgently needed without delay.

The order of eruption of baby teeth

There is a special order in the eruption of baby teeth: teeth of the same name erupt almost at the same time. That is, if the right incisor appears, then the left one will soon appear. Sometimes teeth are cut in several pairs at the same time, which is accompanied by painful sensations for the baby.

According to the baby teeth eruption schedule, the lower dentitions always appear first. The exception will be the lateral incisors - they are cut first on the upper jaw. The order of eruption of baby teeth is determined by nature and is based on their practical significance for the child, and therefore has the following order:

  • medal cutters
  • lateral incisors
  • first molars
  • fangs
  • second molars

In rare cases, the appearance of the first teeth may begin in the upper row. Previously, this was considered a prerequisite for a disease such as rickets, but now experts are confident that this is due to the individual characteristics of the body and is not a serious disorder.

Also, do not worry if teeth on one jaw have already erupted, but on the other there is not even a hint of their appearance. Contact your pediatrician with this question. If it does not reveal developmental pathologies, more calcium-containing foods should be added to the child’s diet. It is important to remember that the order and timing of the eruption of baby teeth, determined by researchers, allow for slight deviations from the norm.

Doctors recommend that parents keep a baby teething calendar, so it will be easier for the dentist to find out the cause of the problem and help the baby.

Recommendations for caring for a child's molars

Children's molars require careful care. Young enamel is sensitive to the external environment and bacteria that cause caries. Therefore, it is important to use hygiene products.

The best prevention is to teach your child to maintain good oral hygiene before a permanent bite has formed. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • brush your teeth every day ☑️. Brush at least twice a day, use dental floss and mouthwash.
  • correct diet ☑️. Sweet plaque on teeth is the best food for bacteria. After meals with a lot of carbohydrates, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth. Avoid snacking when you can't take care of your teeth.
  • regular preventive examinations ☑️. You need to visit the dentist once every six months. Treat teeth immediately when problems are detected.
  • strengthen teeth ☑️. Eat a balanced diet, take vitamin and mineral complexes rich in calcium.
  • Visit the dentist regularly ☑️ and have your teeth professionally cleaned.

Taking care of your teeth doesn't take much time, but taking simple steps now will help you maintain beautiful, healthy teeth for life.

When and what teeth do children erupt?

In fact, the rudiments of baby teeth are formed in children even during the period of embryonic development, and at the moment when they begin to grow and erupt, the rudiments of permanent teeth are already being prepared in the child’s jaw to replace them.

If we talk about the “gold standard”, then the teething scheme looks like this:

  • 6-8 months – two central lower incisors.
  • At approximately 8 months, the upper central incisors also appear.
  • At 8-12 months, the upper lateral incisors appear.
  • Around the same time (10-12 months), the lower lateral incisors erupt.
  • At 14-20 months, the first chewing teeth appear on the lower and upper jaws (one on each side - 4 in total).
  • At 1.5-2 years, the first canines erupt in the upper and lower dentition.
  • At the age of 2-3 years, the following chewing teeth appear.

Despite the specified timing, each baby has his own individual teething order. So, some babies show their first teeth at 4.5 months, while others are “delayed” and, on the contrary, grow a little later than the established age. Such features depend on many factors, including gender (usually girls take the lead in teething).

Should I brush my newly erupted teeth?

Dentists strongly recommend starting to take care of oral hygiene from infancy. For newly emerging teeth, they offer special silicone brushes or wipes. A simpler option is a finger wrapped in gauze. You can simply moisten it with water or use toothpastes for children under 3 years of age (they are marked 0+ and can always be swallowed). The main thing when brushing your teeth is no violence! A little more cleanliness isn't worth the stress.

Author Fedor Katasonov Scientific editor Maria Gantman

What to do when teething: advice for young parents

Now that you know what is happening to your child, you can draw up a rough action plan aimed at making the process of the appearance of the first teeth as easy as possible for the baby.

Tips for moms and dads:

  • 1
    Stay calm. It’s not easy for a child anyway, and your anxiety and irritation will only negatively affect the baby’s well-being.
  • 2

    Surround your baby with love and tenderness. Remember that small children feel calm and safe only in the arms of loving parents.

  • 3

    Provide your baby with special gum toys that will help relieve itching and make teething easier.

  • 4

    Turn on the increased antibacterial protection mode (frequent ventilation, sterilization of toys, pacifiers, etc.), since during this period the child can easily catch an infection.

If your baby's gums are bothering you a lot, you can use a special teething gel. This product has a mild anesthetic effect, relieves itching and pain. Regarding the choice of gel, it is better to consult your pediatrician. He will tell you which drug is suitable for your baby’s age and has a safe composition.

What to do when the temperature rises? Doctors recommend avoiding the use of antipyretic drugs, as the body fights infections by raising the temperature. If hyperthermia is very high, you should consult a pediatrician, he will recommend what medications and in what dosage can be given to the baby. Under no circumstances use folk remedies or medications without first consulting a doctor!

Teething symptoms

There is an opinion that the appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by the development of a whole complex of pathological processes (fever, the appearance of a rash, abnormal stool, vomiting, convulsions, etc.). In fact, the formation of a temporary bite is a natural process that is not characterized by the symptoms described above. Pathologies detected during the teething period are most often manifestations of infectious diseases or a consequence of changes in diet.

In particular, factors that can lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms include:

  • introduction of artificial complementary foods;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • acute viral infections;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • runny nose;
  • otitis;
  • vaccination, etc.

The true symptoms of teething are:

  • hyperemia and gradual swelling of the gums;
  • the appearance of a small bluish hematoma on the gum tissue;
  • slight bleeding from the gums;
  • wet cough;
  • mild itching caused by mechanical irritation of sensitive nerve fibers in the gum tissue;
  • increased salivation;
  • various somnological disorders;
  • sharp deterioration in appetite;
  • tearfulness, capriciousness.
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